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Day/Date Subject/Class Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard

TUESDAY / 6 MARCH 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI READING WORLD OF SELF,FAMILY AND FRIENDS I AM SPECIAL 2.1.1 Able to recognise and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single syllable within given context: b) // // // // / / (ar) (or) (ur) (ow) (oi) 2.1.2 Able to blend phonemes into recognizable words and read them aloud. 2.1.3 Able to segment words into phonemes to spell. 2.2.1 Able to read and apply word recognition and word attack skills by: a) matching words with spoken words.

Objective Teaching Aids Activities

At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: Articulate initial,medial and final sounds correctly, match words with graphics. Word cards, picture cards, worksheet, textbook page 35 1. 2. 3. 4. Pupils sing a song learned earlier in Day 1 (Yes,I can) Pupils read the word cards aloud. Match the picture cards with the word cards. Cut and paste the correct pictures in the workbook.

Assessment Reflection

Pupils can match the pictures with the correct word.


Day/Date Subject/Class Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard

WEDNESDAY / 7 MARCH 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI READING/WRITING WORLD OF SELF,FAMILY AND FRIENDS I AM SPECIAL 2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph of 5-8 simple sentences. 2.3.1 Able to read simple texts with guidance:

a) fiction 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print: a) words b) phrases 3.2.1 Able to complete with guidance: b) posters 3.2.4 Able to spell common sight words. Objective Teaching Aids Activities

At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: Read the simple text with guidance; write and spell the sentences neatly. Stories, LCD, Laptop 1. Pupils read and understand the story. 2.Teacher guides the pupils on how to answer the comprehension questions correctly. 3. Teacher introduces the parts of a poster.Pay attention to the date, time, venue and other features of a poster. 4. Written exercises. Pupils can complete the given poster correctly.

Assessment Reflection


Day/Date Subject/Class Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard


4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on: c) stories 4.3.2 Able to take part with guidance in a performance based on: c) stories


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should read the dialogue and act out the scene Little Red Riding Hood.
Teaching Aids Activities

Script Little Red Riding Hood , Mask 1) Teacher distributes the dialogue ofLittle Red Riding Hood 2) Pupils practice the dialogue. 3) Role play the story. Pupils are able to role play the story. (creativity)




Day/Date Subject/Class Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard

MONDAY / 19 MARCH 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI LISTENING AND SPEAKING WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE DELICIOUS FOOD 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance: g) oral blending and segmenting 1.2.1 Able to participate in daily conversations : b) make polite requests 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.

Objective Teaching Aids

At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to make polite requests on ordering food using the menu in the textbook. Picture cards,word cards,textbook


1.Teacher shows a menu chart. 2. Pupils discuss about the type of food. Talk about the food in the canteen. 3. Teacher shows on how to make a polite request in ordering the food in the menu. 4. The pupils practices (role play) 5. Read the example in the textbook on how to take order. 6. Role play the situation. Multiple Intelligences: Kinesthetic:Knowledge acquisition Focus Words: boil, coil. coin, join,oil,point,soil bow, crow, grow low,mow,sow, throw,tow

Educational Emphasis Reflection


Day/Date Subject/Class Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard

TUESDAY / 20 MARCH 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI READING WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE DELICIOUS FOOD 2.1.1 Able to recognise and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single syllable within given context: b) // // // // / / (ar) (or) (ur) (ow) (oi) 2.1.2 Able to blend phonemes into recognizable words and read them aloud. 2.1.3 Able to segment words into phonemes to spell.


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read and segment the words,match the correct words with pictures.

Teaching Aids Activities

Word cards,puzzles 1. Place pictures with the grapheme (ar) (or) (ur) (ow) (oi) in a big box. 2. Pick a picture and name it aloud stressing the // // // // / / 3. Pupils repeat the word individually / in groups. 4. Prepare onset and rime cards based on the word list. 5. Place the cards on the table. 6. Pick pupils at random to select the correct onset and rime cards based on the picture. 7. Pupils blend and read the word aloud. Multiple Intelligences: Kinesthetic:Knowledge acquisition Focus Words: boil, coil. coin, join,oil,point,soil bow, crow, grow low,mow,sow, throw

Educational Emphasis Reflection


Day/Date Subject/Class/Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard

WEDNESDAY/ 21 MARCH 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI / 11.40-12.40 WRITING WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE DELICIOUS FOOD 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print: a) words b) phrases c) simple sentences At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able use dictionaries to find names of things and complete the worksheet. Picture chart,worksheet 1. Teacher shows the objects that they can find in the kitchen.

Objective Teaching Aids Activities

2. Guide them on how to use the picture dictionaries find the names of the kitche utensils. 3. Put up a covered chart of colourful things on the board. (kitchen utensils) 4. Distribute a worksheet each. 5. Take out the cover of the chart. 6. Give pupils sufficient time to look at the chart. 7. Once again cover the chart. 8. Pupils complete the given worksheet. Educational Emphasis Reflection Multiple Intelligences: Kinesthetic:Knowledge acquisition Focus Words: boil, coil. coin, join,oil,point,soil bow, crow, grow low,mow,sow, throw,tow


Day/Date Subject/Class/Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard Objective Teaching Aids Activities

THURSDAY/ 22 MARCH 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI / 8.20-9.50 A.M LANGUAGE ART WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE DELICIOUS FOOD 4.1.2 Able to sing action songs and recite jazz chants with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to sing the song with actions. Song chart,textbook page 50 Pupils sing the action song with correct pronunciation and tempo. 1. Teacher sings action song with correct pronunciation and tempo

using phrase cards to show actions. 2. Pupils listen and sing with correct pronunciation. 3. Divide class into two groups. One group shows a phrase card and the other group does action while singing. Educational Emphasis Reflection Multiple Intelligences: Kinesthetic:Knowledge acquisition Focus Words: boil, coil. coin, join,oil,point,soil bow, crow, grow low,mow,sow, throw,tow


Day/Date Subject/Class Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard

MONDAY / 26 MARCH 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI LISTENING AND SPEAKING WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE DELICIOUS FOOD 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance: g) oral blending and segmenting 1.2.1 Able to participate in daily conversations : b) make polite requests 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.


At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to make polite requests

on ordering food using the menu in the textbook. Teaching Aids Activities Picture cards,word cards,textbook 1.Teacher shows a menu chart. 2. Pupils discuss about the type of food. Talk about the food in the canteen. 3. Teacher shows on how to make a polite request in ordering the food in the menu. 4. The pupils practices (role play) 5. Read the example in the textbook on how to take order. 6. Role play the situation. Multiple Intelligences: Kinesthetic:Knowledge acquisition Focus Words: boil, coil. coin, join,oil,point,soil bow, crow, grow low,mow,sow, throw,tow

Educational Emphasis Reflection


Day/Date Subject/Class Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard

TUESDAY / 27 MARCH 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI READING WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE DELICIOUS FOOD 2.1.1 Able to recognise and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single syllable within given context: b) // // // // / / (ar) (or) (ur) (ow) (oi) 2.1.2 Able to blend phonemes into recognizable words and read them aloud. 2.1.3 Able to segment words into phonemes to spell.

Objective Teaching Aids Activities

At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read and segment the words,match the correct words with pictures. Word cards,puzzles 1. Place pictures with the grapheme (ar) (or) (ur) (ow) (oi) in a big box. 2. Pick a picture and name it aloud stressing the // // // // / / 3. Pupils repeat the word individually / in groups. 4. Prepare onset and rime cards based on the word list. 5. Place the cards on the table. 6. Pick pupils at random to select the correct onset and rime cards based on the picture. 7. Pupils blend and read the word aloud. Multiple Intelligences: Kinesthetic:Knowledge acquisition Focus Words: boil, coil. coin, join,oil,point,soil bow, crow, grow low,mow,sow, throw

Educational Emphasis Reflection


Day/Date Subject/Class/Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard

WEDNESDAY/ 28 MARCH 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI / 11.40-12.40 WRITING WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE DELICIOUS FOOD 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print: a) words b) phrases c) simple sentences At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able use dictionaries to find names of things and complete the worksheet.


Teaching Aids Activities

Picture chart,worksheet 1. Teacher shows the objects that they can find in the kitchen. 2. Guide them on how to use the picture dictionaries find the names of the kitche utensils. 3. Put up a covered chart of colourful things on the board. (kitchen utensils) 4. Distribute a worksheet each. 5. Take out the cover of the chart. 6. Give pupils sufficient time to look at the chart. 7. Once again cover the chart. 8. Pupils complete the given worksheet. Multiple Intelligences: Kinesthetic:Knowledge acquisition Focus Words: boil, coil. coin, join,oil,point,soil bow, crow, grow low,mow,sow, throw,tow

Educational Emphasis Reflection


Day/Date Subject/Class/Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard Objective Teaching Aids Activities

THURSDAY/ 29 MARCH 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI / 8.20-9.50 A.M LANGUAGE ART WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE DELICIOUS FOOD 4.1.2 Able to sing action songs and recite jazz chants with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to sing the song with actions. Song chart,textbook page 50

Pupils sing the action song with correct pronunciation and tempo. 1. Teacher sings action song with correct pronunciation and tempo using phrase cards to show actions. 2. Pupils listen and sing with correct pronunciation. 3. Divide class into two groups. One group shows a phrase card and the other group does action while singing. Educational Emphasis Reflection Multiple Intelligences: Kinesthetic:Knowledge acquisition Focus Words: boil, coil. coin, join,oil,point,soil bow, crow, grow low,mow,sow, throw,tow


Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard

MONDAY / 02 APRIL 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 10.10 11.40 A.M. LISTENING AND SPEAKING WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE DELICIOUS FOOD 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance: g) oral blending and segmenting 1.2.1 Able to participate in daily conversations : b) make polite requests 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.

Objective Teaching Aids Activities

At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to make polite requests on ordering food using the menu in the textbook. Picture cards,word cards,textbook 1.Teacher shows a menu chart. 2. Pupils discuss about the type of food. Talk about the food in the canteen. 3. Teacher shows on how to make a polite request in ordering the food in the menu. 4. The pupils practices (role play) 5. Read the example in the textbook on how to take order. 6. Role play the situation. Multiple Intelligences: Kinesthetic:Knowledge acquisition Focus Words: boil, coil. coin, join,oil,point,soil bow, crow, grow low,mow,sow, throw,tow

Educational Emphasis Reflection


Day/Date Subject/Class /Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard

TUESDAY / 03 APRIL 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI / 07.20 8.20 A.M READING WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE DELICIOUS FOOD 2.1.1 Able to recognise and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single syllable within given context: b) // // // // / / (ar) (or) (ur) (ow) (oi) 2.1.2 Able to blend phonemes into recognizable words and read them

aloud. 2.1.3 Able to segment words into phonemes to spell. Objective Teaching Aids Activities At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read and segment the words,match the correct words with pictures. Word cards,puzzles 1. Place pictures with the grapheme (ar) (or) (ur) (ow) (oi) in a big box. 2. Pick a picture and name it aloud stressing the // // // // / / 3. Pupils repeat the word individually / in groups. 4. Prepare onset and rime cards based on the word list. 5. Place the cards on the table. 6. Pick pupils at random to select the correct onset and rime cards based on the picture. 7. Pupils blend and read the word aloud. Multiple Intelligences: Kinesthetic:Knowledge acquisition Focus Words: boil, coil. coin, join,oil,point,soil bow, crow, grow low,mow,sow, throw

Educational Emphasis Reflection


Day/Date Subject/Class/Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard

WEDNESDAY/ 04 APRIL 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI / 11.40-12.40 WRITING WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE DELICIOUS FOOD 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print: a) words b) phrases

c) simple sentences Objective Teaching Aids Activities At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able use dictionaries to find names of things and complete the worksheet. Picture chart,worksheet 1. Teacher shows the objects that they can find in the kitchen. 2. Guide them on how to use the picture dictionaries find the names of the kitche utensils. 3. Put up a covered chart of colourful things on the board. (kitchen utensils) 4. Distribute a worksheet each. 5. Take out the cover of the chart. 6. Give pupils sufficient time to look at the chart. 7. Once again cover the chart. 8. Pupils complete the given worksheet. Multiple Intelligences: Kinesthetic:Knowledge acquisition Focus Words: boil, coil. coin, join,oil,point,soil bow, crow, grow low,mow,sow, throw,tow

Educational Emphasis Reflection


Day/Date Subject/Class/Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard

THURSDAY/ 05 APRIL 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI / 8.20-9.50 A.M LANGUAGE ART WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE DELICIOUS FOOD 4.1.2 Able to sing action songs and recite jazz chants with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.

Objective Teaching Aids Activities

At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to sing the song with actions. Song chart,textbook page 50 Pupils sing the action song with correct pronunciation and tempo. 1. Teacher sings action song with correct pronunciation and tempo using phrase cards to show actions. 2. Pupils listen and sing with correct pronunciation. 3. Divide class into two groups. One group shows a phrase card and the other group does action while singing.

Educational Emphasis Reflection

Multiple Intelligences: Kinesthetic:Knowledge acquisition Focus Words- boil, coil. coin, join,oil,point,soil bow, crow, grow low,mow,sow, throw,tow


Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard

MONDAY / 09 APRIL 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 11.10 - 12.10 P.M. LISTENING AND SPEAKING WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE HOBBIES 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance: g) oral blending and segmenting 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance. 1.2.1 Able to participate in daily conversations : d) talk about oneself 1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate, understanding of oral texts by :

a) answering simple Wh-Questions. Objective Teaching Aids Activities 1. Teacher reads the text on hobbies. 2. Discuss on the type of hobbies. 3. Teacher asks the pupils to tell their hobbies. 4. Teacher shows the picture cards and read the word cards. 5. Match the picture with the correct hobbies. 6. Discussing answers. Educational Emphasis Reflection Multiple Intelligences: Creativity & innovation ear air (clear,dear,ear,fear,gear,hear near, tear, ear) (air,airport,chair chair,fair,funfair hair,hairpin,pair stairs,lair ) At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to tell others about their hobbies. Picture cards,word cards,textbook

ENGLISH DAILY LESSON PLAN Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard WEDNESDAY / 11 APRIL 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 08.20-09.50 A.M. READING WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE HOBBIES 2.1.1 Able to recognise and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single syllable within given context: c) // /e/ // // (ear) (air) (ure) (er) 2.1.2 Able to blend phonemes into recognizable words and read them aloud. 2.1.3 Able to segment words into phonemes to spell. 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases in linear and non-linear


texts. 2.3.1 Able to read simple texts with guidance: b) non fiction 2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph of 5-8 simple sentences. 2.2.5 Able to apply basic dictionary skills using picture dictionaries. At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read and understand simple sentences and use dictionary to find the names of some hobbies.

Teaching Aids Activities

Picture cards,textbook,dictionary 1.Teacher shows picture cards and pupils name the correct hobbies. 2. Pupils discuss about the type of hobbies. Talk about their frien.ds hobbies. 3. Read aloud simple text in the textbook. 4. Stress on the given phoneme. 5. Use dictionary to find the meaning. Multiple Intelligences: Creativity & innovation ear air (clear,dear,ear,fear,gear,hear near, tear, ear) (air,airport,chair chair,fair,funfair hair,hairpin,pair stairs,lair

Educational Emphasis Reflection

ENGLISH DAILY LESSON PLAN Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard THURSDAY / 12 APRIL 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 08.20 09.50 A.M. WRITING WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE HOBBIES 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print: a) words b) phrases 3.2.2 Able to write simple sentences with guidance. 3.2.4 Able to spell common sight words. At the end of the leson,pupils should be able to copy writing simple


paragraph using the correct punctuation. Teaching Aids Activities Textbook 1. Reading text aloud. 2. Discuss about the text. 3. Copy writing the text correctly. 4. Answer the comprehension questions correctly. 5. Discussing answers. Multiple Intelligences: Creativity & innovation ear air (clear,dear,ear,fear,gear,hear near, tear, ear) (air,airport,chair chair,fair,funfair hair,hairpin,pair stairs,lair

Educational Emphasis Reflection

ENGLISH DAILY LESSON PLAN Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard FRIDAY / 13 APRIL 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 08.50 09.50 A.M. LANGUAGE ART WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE HOBBIES 4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on: b) jazz chants At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to produce the


scrapbook based on hobbies (group work) Teaching Aids Activities Pictures,newspapers,scissors,colours,glue 1. Teacher guide the pupils to make the scrapbook. 2. Pupils cut and paste the picture into the scrapbook. 3. Decorate the scrapbook. Multiple Intelligences: Creativity & innovation ear air (clear,dear,ear,fear,gear,hear near, tear, ear) (air,airport,chair chair,fair,funfair hair,hairpin,pair stairs,lair

Educational Emphasis Reflection


Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard MONDAY / 16 APRIL 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 11.10 - 12.10 P.M. LISTENING AND SPEAKING WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE HOBBIES 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance: g) oral blending and segmenting 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance. 1.2.1 Able to participate in daily conversations : d) talk about oneself

1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate, understanding of oral texts by : a) answering simple Wh-Questions. Objective Teaching Aids Activities At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to tell others about their hobbies. Picture cards,word cards,textbook 1. Questions and answers on hobbies. 2. Role play- daily conversation about hobbies. 3. Reading text and underline the type of hobbies in the text. 4. Teacher shows the picture cards and read the word cards. 5. Match the picture with the correct hobbies. 6. Discussing answers. Multiple Intelligences: Creativity & innovation ear air (clear,dear,ear,fear,gear,hear near, tear, ear) (air,airport,chair chair,fair,funfair hair,hairpin,pair stairs,lair )

Educational Emphasis Reflection

ENGLISH DAILY LESSON PLAN Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard WEDNESDAY / 18 APRIL 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 08.20-09.50 A.M. READING WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE HOBBIES 2.1.1 Able to recognise and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single syllable within given context: c) // /e/ // // (ear) (air) (ure) (er) 2.1.2 Able to blend phonemes into recognizable words and read them aloud. 2.1.3 Able to segment words into phonemes to spell. 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases in linear and non-linear


texts. 2.3.1 Able to read simple texts with guidance: b) non fiction 2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph of 5-8 simple sentences. 2.2.5 Able to apply basic dictionary skills using picture dictionaries. At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read and understand simple sentences and use dictionary to find the names of some hobbies.

Teaching Aids Activities

Picture cards,textbook page 54,dictionary 1. Teacher shows the word cards and pupils read correctly. 2. Playing pair and read. Divide pupils into two groups. Teacher gives each pupil a sound card. Articulate the phonemes and the pupils will form the word. Then ask the pupils to blend the phonemes and read the word. 4. Stress on the given phoneme. 5. Use dictionary to find the meaning. Multiple Intelligences: Creativity & innovation ear air (clear,dear,ear,fear,gear,hear near, tear, ear) (air,airport,chair chair,fair,funfair hair,hairpin,pair stairs,lair

Educational Emphasis Reflection

ENGLISH DAILY LESSON PLAN Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard THURSDAY / 19 APRIL 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 08.20 09.50 A.M. WRITING WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE HOBBIES 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print: a) words b) phrases 3.2.2 Able to write simple sentences with guidance. 3.2.4 Able to spell common sight words.

Objective Teaching Aids Activities

At the end of the leson,pupils should be able to copy writing simple paragraph using the correct punctuation. Textbook 1. Reading text aloud. 2. Discuss about the text. 3. Copy writing the text correctly. 4. Answer the comprehension questions correctly. 5. Discussing answers. Multiple Intelligences: Creativity & innovation ear air (clear,dear,ear,fear,gear,hear near, tear, ear) (air,airport,chair chair,fair,funfair hair,hairpin,pair stairs,lair

Educational Emphasis Reflection

ENGLISH DAILY LESSON PLAN Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard FRIDAY / 20 APRIL 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 08.50 09.50 A.M. LANGUAGE ART WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE HOBBIES 4.1.2 Able to sing action songs and recite jazz chants with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.

4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on: b) jazz chants Objective Teaching Aids Activities At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to read the poem and recite jazz chants with correct peonunciation,rhythm and intonation. Chart 1. Teacher guide the pupils to read the poem My Hobby correctly. 2. Pupils writ and decorate the poem in their execise book. 3. Recite the jazz chants together. Multiple Intelligences: Creativity & innovation ear air (clear,dear,ear,fear,gear,hear near, tear, ear) (air,airport,chair chair,fair,funfair hair,hairpin,pair stairs,lair

Educational Emphasis Reflection


Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard MONDAY / 23 APRIL 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 11.10 - 12.10 P.M. LISTENING AND SPEAKING WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE GROWING PLANTS 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance: g) oral blending and segmenting 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance. 1.2.2 Able to listen to and follow: a) simple instructions in the classroom. At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and say the name of objects in the garden, listen to the instructions on how to plant the flowers.


Teaching Aids Activities

Picture cards,word cards,textbook 1. Questions and answers about the picture.(textbook pg.59) 2. Draw and name the tools used in the garden. 3. Teacher shows the picture cards and read the word cards. 4. Match pictures with the correct words. 5. Listen to the instructions on how to plant flowers. 6. Rearrange the pictures correctly on how to to plant the flowers. 7. Discuss about the needs of plant.

Educational Emphasis Reflection

Multiple Intelligences:ICT Word list: cure, pure, sure, berth, fern, herd,jerk,mermaid,perch,perk,perm,term

ENGLISH DAILY LESSON PLAN Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard WEDNESDAY / 25 APRIL 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 08.20-09.50 A.M. READING WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE GROWING PLANTS 2.2.1 Able to read and apply word recognition and word attack skills by: b) reading and grouping words according to word families. 2.2.3 Able to read and understand sentences (3-5 words) in linear and non-linear texts with guidance. 2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph of 5-8 simple sentences.

Objective Teaching Aids Activities

At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read and understand simple instructions on how to grow plants. Textbook page 60,soil,seed,pot,water 1. Teacher bring in some soil and seeds for the pupils to plant their own flowers. 2. Pupils read the instructions carefully. 4. Carry out the activities - grow the plants. 5. Retell the steps to grow plants. Multiple Intelligences:ICT Word list: cure, pure, sure, berth, fern, herd,jerk,mermaid,perch,perk,perm,term

Educational Emphasis Reflection

ENGLISH DAILY LESSON PLAN Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard THURSDAY / 26 APRIL 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 08.20 09.50 A.M. WRITING WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE GROWING PLANTS 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print: a) words c) simple sentences 3.2.2 Able to write simple sentences with guidance. 3.2.4 Able to spell common sight words. At the end of the leson,pupils should be able to copy writing simple paragraph using the correct punctuation.


Teaching Aids Activities

Textbook 1. Reading text aloud. 2. Discuss about the text. 3. Copy writing the text correctly. 4. Answer the comprehension questions correctly. 5. Discussing answers. Multiple Intelligences:ICT Word list: cure, pure, sure, berth, fern, herd,jerk,mermaid,perch,perk,perm,term

Educational Emphasis Reflection

ENGLISH DAILY LESSON PLAN Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard Objective FRIDAY / 27 APRIL 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 08.50 09.50 A.M. LANGUAGE ART WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE GROWING PLANTS 4.1.2 Able to sing action songs and recite jazz chants with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to read the poem and recite jazz chants with correct pronunciation,rhythm and intonation.

Teaching Aids Activities

Chart 1. Teacher guide the pupils to sing the song Sweet Sunflower correctly. 2. Pupils write and decorate the song in their execise book. 3. Sing the song together. Multiple Intelligences:ICT Word list: cure, pure, sure, berth, fern, herd,jerk,mermaid,perch,perk,perm,term

Educational Emphasis Reflection


Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard MONDAY / 30 APRIL 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 11.10 - 12.10 P.M. LISTENING AND SPEAKING WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE GROWING PLANTS 1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance: g) oral blending and segmenting 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance. 1.2.2 Able to listen to and follow: a) simple instructions in the classroom. At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and say the name of objects in the garden, listen to the instructions on how to plant the flowers.


Teaching Aids Activities

Picture cards,word cards,textbook 1. Questions and answers about the picture.(textbook pg.59) 2. Draw and name the tools used in the garden. 3. Teacher shows the picture cards and read the word cards. 4. Match pictures with the correct words. 5. Listen to the instructions on how to plant flowers. 6. Rearrange the pictures correctly on how to to plant the flowers. 7. Discuss about the needs of plant.

Educational Emphasis Reflection

Multiple Intelligences:ICT Word list: cure, pure, sure, berth, fern, herd,jerk,mermaid,perch,perk,perm,term

ENGLISH DAILY LESSON PLAN Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard WEDNESDAY / 2 MAY 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 08.20-09.50 A.M. READING WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE GROWING PLANTS 2.2.1 Able to read and apply word recognition and word attack skills by: b) reading and grouping words according to word families. 2.2.3 Able to read and understand sentences (3-5 words) in linear and non-linear texts with guidance. 2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph of 5-8 simple sentences.

Objective Teaching Aids Activities

At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read and understand simple instructions on how to grow plants. Textbook page 60,soil,seed,pot,water 1. Teacher bring in some soil and seeds for the pupils to plant their own flowers. 2. Pupils read the instructions carefully. 4. Carry out the activities - grow the plants. 5. Retell the steps to grow plants. Multiple Intelligences:ICT Word list: cure, pure, sure, berth, fern, herd,jerk,mermaid,perch,perk,perm,term

Educational Emphasis Reflection

ENGLISH DAILY LESSON PLAN Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard THURSDAY / 3 MAY 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 08.20 09.50 A.M. WRITING WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE GROWING PLANTS 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print: a) words c) simple sentences 3.2.2 Able to write simple sentences with guidance. 3.2.4 Able to spell common sight words. At the end of the leson,pupils should be able to copy writing simple paragraph using the correct punctuation.


Teaching Aids Activities

Textbook 6. Reading text aloud. 7. Discuss about the text. 8. Copy writing the text correctly. 9. Answer the comprehension questions correctly. 10. Discussing answers. Multiple Intelligences:ICT Word list: cure, pure, sure, berth, fern, herd,jerk,mermaid,perch,perk,perm,term

Educational Emphasis Reflection

ENGLISH DAILY LESSON PLAN Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard Objective FRIDAY / 4 MAY 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 08.50 09.50 A.M. LANGUAGE ART WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE GROWING PLANTS 4.1.2 Able to sing action songs and recite jazz chants with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to read the poem and recite jazz chants with correct pronunciation,rhythm and intonation.

Teaching Aids Activities

Chart 4. Teacher guide the pupils to sing the song Sweet Sunflower correctly. 5. Pupils write and decorate the song in their execise book. 6. Sing the song together. Multiple Intelligences:ICT Word list: cure, pure, sure, berth, fern, herd,jerk,mermaid,perch,perk,perm,term

Educational Emphasis Reflection


Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard MONDAY / 07 MAY 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 11.10 - 12.10 P.M. LISTENING AND SPEAKING WORLD OF SELF,FAMILY AND FRIENDS WHEN I GROW UP

1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance: g) oral blending and segmenting 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance. 1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate, understanding of oral texts by : a) answering simple Wh-Questions. At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and say the name of someoccupations,talk about their ambition and give reasons of


their choices.
Teaching Aids Activities

Textbook,charts 1.Listen to the teacher and guess the correct occupations mentioned(textbook pg.67) 2. Read the charts and discuss about their ambitions. 3. Teacher shows the picture cards and read the word cards. 4. Match pictures with the correct words. 5. Pupils discuss with their friends about their ambitions and give reasons of their choices. 6. Role lay the interview (Textbook page 69) Creativity & Innovation Word list: ay ou bay, clay, day,hay, lay,pay,play.ray, say,stay.tray,way,
cloud, couch, loud, mouth,out,pouch, pound,proud, shout,sound,south

Educational Emphasis Reflection

ENGLISH DAILY LESSON PLAN Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard WEDNESDAY /8 MAY 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 08.20-09.50 A.M. READING WORLD OF SELF,FAMILY AND FRIENDS WHEN I GROW UP 2.1.1 Able to recognise and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single syllable within given context: d) /e/ /a/ /a / /i/ (ay) (ou) (ie) (ea) 2.1.2 Able to blend phonemes into recognizable words and read them aloud. 2.1.3 Able to segment words into phonemes to spell. 2.2.3 Able to read and understand sentences (3-5 words) in linear and non-linear texts with guidance.

Objective Teaching Aids Activities

At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read and understand sentences in linear and non linear texts with guidance. Textbook page 71 1. Teacher reads the text aloud and pupils repeat correctly. 2. Pupils read the text aloud,stress on the /ay/ and /ou/ sound. 3. Guessing games- pairwork. 4. Group the words according to the correct sounds. Creativity & Innovation
Word list: ay

Educational Emphasis Reflection

ou bay, clay, day,hay, lay,pay,play.ray, say,stay.tray,way, cloud, couch, loud, mouth,out,pouch, pound,proud, shout,sound,south

ENGLISH DAILY LESSON PLAN Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard THURSDAY / 9 MAY 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 08.20 09.50 A.M. WRITING WORLD OF SELF,FAMILY AND FRIENDS WHEN I GROW UP 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print: a) words b) phrases c) simple sentences 3.2.2 Able to write simple sentences with guidance. 3.2.3 Able to punctuate correctly: b) full stop At the end of the leson,pupils should be able to copy writing simple


paragraph using the correct punctuation. Teaching Aids Activities Textbook 1. Reading text aloud. 2. Discuss about the text. 3. Copy writing the text correctly. 4. Answer the comprehension questions correctly. 5. Discussing answers. Creativity & Innovation
Word list: ay

Educational Emphasis Reflection

ou bay, clay, day,hay, lay,pay,play.ray, say,stay.tray,way, cloud, couch, loud, mouth,out,pouch, pound,proud, shout,sound,south

ENGLISH DAILY LESSON PLAN Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard FRIDAY / 11 MAY 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 08.50 09.50 A.M. LANGUAGE ART WORLD OF SELF,FAMILY AND FRIENDS WHEN I GROW UP 4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on: a) action songs 4.3.2 Able to take part with guidance in a performance based on: a) action songs

Objective Teaching Aids Activities

At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to read the dialogue and role play the story. Chart 1. Teacher guide the pupils to role play the dialogue . 2. Role play the activity. Creativity & Innovation Word list: ay ou bay, clay, day,hay, lay,pay,play.ray, say,stay.tray,way,
cloud, couch, loud, mouth,out,pouch, pound,proud, shout,sound,south

Educational Emphasis Reflection


Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard MONDAY / 14 MAY 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 11.40-12.40 p.m. LISTENING AND SPEAKING WORLD OF SELF,FAMILY AND FRIENDS WHEN I GROW UP

1.1.1 Able to listen and respond to stimulus given with guidance: g) oral blending and segmenting 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance. 1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate, understanding of oral texts by : a) answering simple Wh-Questions. At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and say the name of someoccupations,talk about their ambition and give reasons of


their choices.
Teaching Aids Activities

Textbook,charts 1.Listen to the teacher and guess the correct occupations mentioned(textbook pg.67) 2. Read the charts and discuss about their ambitions. 3. Teacher shows the picture cards and read the word cards. 4. Match pictures with the correct words. 5. Pupils discuss with their friends about their ambitions and give reasons of their choices. 6. Role lay the interview (Textbook page 69) Creativity & Innovation Word list: ay ou bay, clay, day,hay, lay,pay,play.ray, say,stay.tray,way,
cloud, couch, loud, mouth,out,pouch, pound,proud, shout,sound,south

Educational Emphasis Reflection

ENGLISH DAILY LESSON PLAN Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard WEDNESDAY /15 MAY 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 10.10-11.40 a.m. READING WORLD OF SELF,FAMILY AND FRIENDS WHEN I GROW UP 2.1.1 Able to recognise and articulate initial, medial and the final sounds in single syllable within given context: d) /e/ /a/ /a / /i/ (ay) (ou) (ie) (ea) 2.1.2 Able to blend phonemes into recognizable words and read them aloud. 2.1.3 Able to segment words into phonemes to spell. 2.2.3 Able to read and understand sentences (3-5 words) in linear and non-linear texts with guidance.

Objective Teaching Aids Activities

At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read and understand sentences in linear and non linear texts with guidance. Textbook page 71 1. Teacher reads the text aloud and pupils repeat correctly. 2. Pupils read the text aloud,stress on the /ay/ and /ou/ sound. 3. Guessing games- pairwork. 4. Group the words according to the correct sounds. Creativity & Innovation
Word list: ay

Educational Emphasis Reflection

ou bay, clay, day,hay, lay,pay,play.ray, say,stay.tray,way, cloud, couch, loud, mouth,out,pouch, pound,proud, shout,sound,south

ENGLISH DAILY LESSON PLAN Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard THURSDAY / 16 MAY 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 08.50 09.50 A.M. WRITING WORLD OF SELF,FAMILY AND FRIENDS WHEN I GROW UP 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print: a) words b) phrases c) simple sentences 3.2.2 Able to write simple sentences with guidance. 3.2.3 Able to punctuate correctly: b) full stop At the end of the leson,pupils should be able to copy writing simple


paragraph using the correct punctuation. Teaching Aids Activities Textbook 6. Reading text aloud. 7. Discuss about the text. 8. Copy writing the text correctly. 9. Answer the comprehension questions correctly. 10. Discussing answers. Creativity & Innovation
Word list: ay

Educational Emphasis Reflection

ou bay, clay, day,hay, lay,pay,play.ray, say,stay.tray,way, cloud, couch, loud, mouth,out,pouch, pound,proud, shout,sound,south

ENGLISH DAILY LESSON PLAN Day/Date Subject/Class / Time Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard FRIDAY / 1 8MAY 2012 YEAR 2 AL FARABI/ 08.20 09.50 A.M. LANGUAGE ART WORLD OF SELF,FAMILY AND FRIENDS WHEN I GROW UP 4.3.1 Able to produce simple creative works with guidance based on: a) action songs 4.3.2 Able to take part with guidance in a performance based on: a) action songs

Objective Teaching Aids Activities

At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to read the dialogue and role play the story. Chart 3. Teacher guide the pupils to role play the dialogue . 4. Role play the activity. Creativity & Innovation Word list: ay ou bay, clay, day,hay, lay,pay,play.ray, say,stay.tray,way,
cloud, couch, loud, mouth,out,pouch, pound,proud, shout,sound,south

Educational Emphasis Reflection

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