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Presuppositional Apologetic Method Analysis

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Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary

Presuppositional Apologetic Method Analysis

A Paper Submitted to Dr. Khaldoun Sweis In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Course Introduction to Apologetics APOL 500

By Michelle Meyer June 06, 2012

Presuppositional Apologetic Method Analysis

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Presuppositional Apologetic Method Analysis

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INTRODUCTION Presuppositional apologetics is one of five approaches to the school of apologetics. The presuppositional apologetics approach focuses on Christianity being rational and non believers being irrational and unable to understand. PRESUPPOSITIONAL APOLOGETICS A persons worldview is revealed within their preferential religion and philosophy. Presuppositions largely influence ones apologetic approach. There are five apologetic approaches: classical; historical; experiential; evidential; presupposition. These approaches are like different sets of lenses that filter information that is permitted through. A classical apologist argues that special revelation is reliable and accurate in its claim for God. Classical apologists believe that every person can be shown and/or convinced of this claim because of being made in His likeness. [1]. Evidential apologists believe that logic and reason overwhelms all claims of other religions and that its logic and reason will draw persons toward Jesus. [2]. Historical apologetics is a branch of classical apologetics using written and oral testimony and historical data to prove validity to their claim in favor of Christ. Experiential apologetics is geared toward supernatural experiences with mysticism and pietism. [3]. Presupposition apologetics is the primary focus of this paper. Presupposition apologetics has three major branches of presuppositions which are revelation, systematic and rational. Revelational presuppositonalists believe that truth is in the bible and that revelation of God will be shown. Cornelius Van Til is the most popular revelation apologist. [4].

Presuppositional Apologetic Method Analysis

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Apologetics is a school of defending Christianity in the context of an unbelieving and skeptical world. [5]. Presuppositional apologetics claims rationality and uses this claim to defend Christianity through exposing flaws of other world views; making Christianity the only consistent and logical sense of truth and reality. Presuppositional apologetics challenges both the promoter and opposer of Christianity to examine their own philosophy and their consistency/ inconsistency and rationalism/irrationalism. Presuppositional apologetics brings out the raw truth that non Christians are irrational and inconsistent. From the scriptures we see that the unbeliever cannot understand the things of God because of his sin brings a divide. This means that no matter how convincing the evidence or good the logic, an unbeliever cannot come to the faith because his fallen nature will distort how he perceives the truth. To this end, the presuppositionalist seeks to change a persons presuppositions by expressing that their understanding is darkened and bent toward refuting all truths presented on behalf of the validity of God. A persons presuppositions are extremely important when discussing God and the validity of Christianity because a persons presuppositions govern interpretation of the truths presented. After regeneration will bring illumination and understanding to what was once unknown and disbelieved. I believe therefore I understand. [6]. According to Van Til, an unbeliever has total irrationality then there is no amount of proof that will persuade a change in his world view. However, when realizing through inflection of their own worldview and what it entails, then it might be possible that he or she may see the blockage that has been erected to any truth presented. The Holy Spirit can break the defenses down however. Dr. Greg Bahnsen gives presuppositional direction and explains the presuppositional procedure in a general sense:

Presuppositional Apologetic Method Analysis The unbeliever says that he knows that miracles are impossible, that a personal almighty God does not exist, that ethical principles are not normative across cultural boundaries, etc. Or the unbeliever says that the believer cannot know that the bible is Gods word, or that Jehovah exists, or that Christ was His Son, etc. the Christian apologist must seek to uncover what this unbelievers personal convictions are regarding metaphysical and epistemological matters which are relevant: eg, what is the nature of things which are real, how does the world operate, where did it come from, what is mans place in the world, what is mans nature, are there moral or epistemological norms which are not chosen by individual, what re the criteria of truth, what are the proper methods of knowing, is certainty possible, etc.? Once the apologist has a fairly good grasp of the general kind of worldview assumed by the by the unbeliever, we can suggest that is should be compared to the worldview of the Christian. [7]. This is where and when a Christian can engage the unbeliever in his or her personal exploration and critique of their worldview with explanation how meaning,

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rationality, scientific reason, and intelligence within the bible. The issue is not what the unbeliever can do intellectually, but whether he can give an account of it epistemologically within the worldview he has advocated or espoused. [7]. CORNELIUS VAN TIL AND OTHER PRESUPPOSITIONAL APOLOGISTS. Cornelius Van Til was born May 3, 1895 and died April 17, 1987. He graduated from Calvin College and Princeton Theological Seminary. He was a pastor and Professor. He began Westminster Seminary. He was largely influencer of the beginning of presuppositional apologetics. [10]. John Frame studied under Van Til and was professor of apologetics for Westminster theological seminary and author. [12]. Greg Bahnsen was a scholar at the Southern California center for Christian studies. He was a minister and earned an M.Div and Th.M degrees under Van Til at Westminster Theological seminary. [11].

Presuppositional Apologetic Method Analysis CRITIQUE OF PRESUPPOSITION APOLOGETICS

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J. Oliver Buswell charged that Van Til's presuppositional apologetics was strongly characterized by anti-Biblical Hegelian dialectic terminology and concepts and also that Van Til compromised with idealist philosophy. [9]. If it is required that a nonbeliever acknowledges the possibility of God comes first, then the presuppositionalist must admit that the nonbeliever had an order of knowing. A person who refuses that God exists is not brain dead. Contrary, they can have ideas and contribute to logical ordering. One who refuses that God exists can attain knowledge and understanding. A Christian does not know everything therefore they too have limited knowledge. In addition, there are many inconsistencies in the argument of a one true God. It takes time and study in addition to experiential prayer to grow into a consistent Christian who can justify their personal belief. [8]

Presuppositional Apologetic Method Analysis SOURCES

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[1] Hindson, Ed & Caner, Ergun. The Popular Encyclopedia of Apologetics: Surveying the evidence for the truth of Christianity. Harvest House Publishers, (2008), 65. [2] Ibid., 65 [3] Ibid., 66 [4] Ibid., 66 [5] Ibid., 64 [6] Elwell, Walter, A. Evangelical dictionary of theology, 2nd edition. Baker Academic (2001), 84. [7] Greg Bahnsen. Presuppositional Procedure. PA210, Penpoint VII:8 (September, 1996) @ Covenant Media Foundation, 800/553-3938. [8] Howe, Richard, G., The legacy of Cornelius Van Til: Some brief critical thoughts on presuppostionalism. [9] McConnell, Timothy I.: Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, 48 no 3 S (2005), 559. [10] Virtual Hall of Real Christian Apologists.

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