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English 8B Jeanne Richterich

Domestic Violence Towards Children in the U.S.

Jeanne Richterich English 8B

Domestic Violence towards Children in the U.S.

Domestic Violence towards children is a horrible subject that affects everyone. Its a crime that gets committed in secret. Many people notice the bruises but are unsure how to react to such a situation. Children are suffering from a hidden epidemic of child abuse and neglect. Every year 3.3 million reports of child abuse are made in the United States involving 6 million children; thats because reports can include multiple children. The United States has the worst record in the industrialized nation losing five children every day due to abuse-related deaths (Child Help). This heartbreaking issue is being ignored and children keep suffering horrific punishments from their parents for little things like being home late. Child abuse happens all over the world. In completely normal neighborhoods in the U. S. It doesnt only occur in families with obvious money or health problems, but also in completely normal average American families. When parents hurt their children, they are often not aware of how strongly their abuse affects the childs mental stableness, social life and their future. A home should be a safe place for every child. Therefore, constantly worrying if they will get a beating that day is unhealthy and can lead to mental unstableness. In addition, their self-esteem suffers a great amount too. For the most part, parents are supposed to support and love their children. Lucy Thorpe, policy adviser for the NSPCC (the national society for the prevention of cruelty to children) "What we are talking about here is children having the same protection as adults under the law on assault...the discussion is often based on 'what harm does a light smack do?' It may do no physical harm, but there are several things sends a clear message to children that might is right...we would not accept for a wife or husband to give their partner a smack and it should be the same for children." (What are rights? 39) Families that are violent usually get isolated and the members keep to themselves (healthy living). In some cases, the offenders even lock the children away to prevent them from getting help. The isolation adds to the childs loneliness, making it even harder for him/her to lead a normal social life. Some dont even make it past the age of four. Studies clearly show that approximately 80% of the children that die from child abuse are under the age of four (childabusecenter). In other words, young kids are an easier target for parents to release their anger because the children are home a lot therefore the crime gets committed in secret behind shut doors. Older victims are usually told that they are worthless and that they deserve

the beatings that they receive. Abuse and loneliness cause depression and make the victims get an even lower self-esteem. They truly start to believe that they are the cause of violence (healthy living). As a result, children feel bad about themselves for reasons that were made up by their frustrated parents. Confidence is the key to a fulfilled social life. By ruining that, children have a harder time fitting in and making friends. Children growing up with violence live in a paradoxical world (healthy living). From time to time they seem unfocused and dreamy. The quietness could easily be confusing for most normal children and might be a reason to not become friends with them. Since abused children never got the love and appreciation they shouldve been getting from their parents, it can be hard for them to trust others and build relationships. Additionally, children have been proven to reflect the lessons that have been taught in their family of origin through their behavior (preventing violence in relationships). Given that one of the only things children were actually taught, were punishments and beating. They are more likely to harm other students if violence occurs at home (domestic violence). It is hard for a lot of these children to understand that what they are doing is wrong and hurts people. The ones that recognize and understand that the beating is incorrect usually lead a normal social life. They are continuously being beaten at home, but keep it a secret because of shame, embarrassment and many other factors. There are two ways an affected childs social life could be like, they are either lonely, aggressive and keep to themselves or live a normal life at school. Every adults personality was shaped during their childhood. Their future depends on many factors of their childhood. The lack of love given to them as children can strongly influence their future relationships with others (healthy living). They can have attachment problems and difficulties regulating their emotion because of chaotic and inconsistent environments they were raised in. Abuse experiences can lead to self-medication and teen pregnancies because of the lack of information they were taught about these topics. Alcohol and drugs can be tempting ways of forgetting what had happened. Everybody who went through a tough event wants to forget. That can be very hard and swallowing a pill or consuming alcohol can be very inviting. Besides that, about 30% of all the children that were abused will abuse their own children too (childabusecenter). "My mother was abused as a child and it was then ok for her to do it to me." (Anonymous). Its circle that is almost impossible to stop. No matter how hard we try, abuse changes people, and makes them do things that they wouldve never done otherwise. As a result, all of the facts listed above, clearly show that the circle of abuse is difficult to stop. To conclude, children that are being abused go through hell. Their daily life consists of beatings, secrets or an unsatisfying social life. Their decisions can lead to an unpromising future. Many parents dont have to pay for ruining another persons life; they just get away with it. Even though they are crimes being

committed in secret, the parents are real criminals that deserve to be punished. More people should take action and help a child lead a better life, filled with lots of love, trust and a satisfying future.


website) Editors of Salem Press (2008). Domestic violence. Domestic violence. Salem Press. Retrieved from

(book) Healthy Living - Volume 3 By Caroline M. Levchuck, Michele Drohan, Jane Kelly Kosek, Allison McNeill (editor) Publisher: UXL An imprint of the Gale Club Wolfe, A, David.. "Preventing Violence in Relationships: Psychological Science Addressing Complex Social Issues." Canadian Psychology 1(2006):44. eLibrary. Web. 02 May. 2012. (website) "Child abuse is a public health issue." Virginian Pilot (Norfolk). 01 Apr. 2012: CU13. eLibrary. Web. 15 May. 2012 (website) Edelman, Wright, Marian. "Home visiting programs help children, families." Chicago Defender. 26 May. 2010: 11. eLibrary. Web. 15 May. 2012. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Administration on Children Youth & Families. Child Maltreatment 2007 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2009). Retrieved April 3 2009

Interview Question For the Author of "Adult Survivor of Child Abuse", true2ourselves (2008)

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