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8 theSun | TUESDAY DECEMBER 30 2008

news without borders

Over 2,000 retrenched

in three months
GEORGE TOWN: More than 2,000
factory workers in Penang have
fundamentals are strong but this is
not what the workers face in their
Unions: We need minimum
wage, not flexi hours
been retrenched in the past three day-to-day working life.
months and more are expected “The ministry only knows how
to lose their jobs in the coming to give figures of people being
months, said Malaysian Trades Union retrenched but they do not offer a
Congress Penang branch chairman solution to help them,” he said.
Abdul Razak Abdul Hamid. “We want the ministry to come
“We expect that more people will up with a clear plan to help workers
be laid off next year as the economic who have been laid off as we can
situation continue to slowdown,” he foresee that more workers will lose by Tan Yi Liang here,” said Congress of Unions of policy in introducing flexi working
told theSun. their jobs in the next few months.” Employees in the Public and Civil hours,” said Syed Shahir.
Abdul Razak said even those who He said the ministry gave the Services (Cuepacs) president Omar He said a minimum wage was
were not laid off are suffering as industries the go-ahead to cut down PETALING JAYA: The concept Osman. more important than flexi-time.
many companies are cutting down overtime and working hours which of flexible working hours He said unions should speak to “We do not have a minimum
overtime and working hours, impos- will only hurt the workers. introduced in Singapore will have employers to resolve issues in the wage in this country, which is
ing pay cuts and even shutting down “They should get the industries to to be discussed before it can be face of employment crisis. more important as we need a
operations for long periods of time look at cutting costs without affect- introduced in Malaysia, say civil “Every union should have guaranteed pay for our workers,”
and forcing workers to take unpaid ing the take-home pay of workers.” and private sector trade union discussions with employers on how he said.
leave. He said the ministry must set up a leaders. to settle employment issues during Syed Shahir called for an
He said the Human Resources special task force to help retrenched “Cuepacs has to discuss the such crisis,” said Omar. objective assessment of the
Ministry keeps saying the economic workers. implications of this, and we hope Malaysian Trades Union suitability of flexi-time in Malaysia,
things will remain as normal in Congress president Syed Shahir saying the country has its own way
Malaysia. We do not know the Syed Mohamud said clear of handling things.
economic situation in Singapore, guidelines have to be put in place “It has to be examined
but in Malaysia the condition for before flexible working policies can objectively, and whatever happens
civil servants is under control for be implemented in Malaysia. in Singapore might not be suitable
now, and we hope work dismissals “The government must come here; we need to be very clear,” he
in the private sector do not happen up with a very clear guide and said.

PHT: Monitor development

in heritage inner George Town
by Opalyn Mok minimal relocation of local communi- He said the trust has also initiated ties,” he told theSun. a project to identify endangered trades
He said even plans for economically in the city.
GEORGE TOWN: The state government viable activities should be for buildings “We will help them either by subsi-
should set up an organisation as soon that have been left vacant instead of dising their rental or move them to a
as possible to monitor and implement evicting local communities. more affordable place within the city,”
development within the heritage inner “This is one of the concerns we have he said.
city of George Town. because we need to ensure that there is The heritage NGO has also started
Penang Heritage Trust (PHT) president a balance of local communities and new an apprenticeship programme to ensure
Dr Choong Sim Poey said the organisa- tenants,” he said. the continuity of these trades.
tion, which could be a semi-government He said that the recognition given “We are very concerned with the is-
or fully private entity, will require ex- by the Unesco would result in an influx sue of takeover by big corporations and
pertise to plan the development of the of new businesses and trades to the turning the inner city into a high-end
heritage zone to ensure that the living heritage zone. commercial area,” he said.
culture and heritage of the city is not “However, this needs to be controlled Choong added that he has yet to
lost due to gentrification. or else there will be a total gentrification see any concrete steps taken by the
Choong was commenting on theSun of the area and this will destroy the Penang state government to set up an
report on tenants in at least five neigh- character of George Town,” he added. organisation or an authority to handle
bourhoods in the inner city who are He said tourists come for the living this issue and to ensure there is minimal
being evicted to make way for boutique heritage and culture, so if the com- disruption to local heritage trades and
hotels and restaurants. munities are relocated elsewhere and the local communities which make up
“Any development plans within the replaced with modern boutique hotels, the living culture and heritage of George
heritage zone of the city must ensure nobody would come. Town.

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