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12 theSun | TUESDAY DECEMBER 30 2008

news without borders mans as the traditional winter

flu season gets under way
Week Ending Dec 26
in the Northern Hemisphere,
health experts said. One man in
Cambodia reportedly became ill
No white after handling a dead chicken in
Christmas an area where the H5N1 strain
of the virus had been detected.
THE odds of a white Christmas Hongkong announced the first

Obama’s economic booster in countries that celebrate the

Christian holiday in the North-
ern Hemisphere have begun to
diminish within the last century
due to global warming,climate
experts said. Despite heavy
appearance of H5N1 in poultry
for more than five years. Indo-
nesia’s agriculture ministry says
it hopes to eradicate the virus in
that country by 2014.

may cost up to RM2.8 trillion snow across North America and

parts of Europe this month, hav-
ing a winter wonderland during
late December in London and
Paris could be only a freak oc-
currence by 2100, according to
Holiday cyclone
PARTS of the Western Aus-
tralia coast were under a cy-
clone warning as Christmas
approached due to heavy
WASHINGTON: US President-elect on short-term policies that generate American people,” he said. “We feel it’s
Friedrich-Wilhelm Gerstengar- rains and storm-force winds
Barack Obama’s economic stimulus consumer spending,” he said. important that middle-class people get
ber, climate researcher at the produced by Cyclone Billy.
plan may cost between US$675 billion “But that approach led to some of the some relief now.”
Potsdam Institute for Climate The storm was skirting the
(RM2.43 trillion) and US$775 billion challenges we face today – and it is that In terms of job creation, “we’re
Impact Research. coast from just southwest
(RM2.8 trillion) and will favour long-term approach that we must reject if we are talking about investing in alternative of Darwin to the Kimberly
infrastructure and job creation projects, going to strengthen our middle class and energy projects that will help us achieve
Climate change Coast for the second week,
top Obama aides said. our economy over the long run.” energy independence. We’re talking and was expected to inten-
With the United States facing gloomy Obama’s incoming administration and about rebuilding the nation’s classrooms now sify as it moved into the
forecasts of up to 10% unemployment and congressional leaders are “getting awful to bring them into the 21st century,
SCIENTISTS gathering in eastern Indian Ocean.
a deepening recession in 2009 – likely close” to a general agreement on the huge and labs and libraries so our kids can
San Francisco were told
“the bleakest economic outlook since economic stimulus package the Obama compete,” Axelrod added.
World War II” – Lawrence Summers said team hopes to implement soon after the Around 80% of the three million new that the United States could Earthquakes
suffer the effects of abrupt
creating three million new jobs was a Jan 20 inauguration, vice president-elect jobs Obama aims to create will be “in the A strong tremor centered in
climate change within
“key pillar” of Obama’s plan. Joseph Biden said last week. private sector, including emerging sectors northern Italy damaged build-
decades – far sooner than
Obama senior adviser David Axelrod “I don’t think Americans can wait,” such as environmental technology,” ings around Parma.
warnings issued just a year
told CBS television on Sunday that Axelrod said. Summers said, calling it a “bold goal.” Earth movements were also
ago. Using data not available
US$675 billion and US$775 billion were “People are suffering, our economy “Failure to create enough jobs in the felt in Kashmir, northeastern Ja-
to the Inter governmental
“not fixed” numbers. is sliding and we need to act. So our short term would put the prospect of pan, Trinidad and southern parts
Panel on Climate Change
“In this crisis, doing too little poses message to Congress is to work on it with recovery at risk,” Summers added. of San Francisco Bay Area.
(IPCC), researchers from
a greater threat than doing too much,” all deliberate speed.” “Failure to start undertaking necessary
the US Geological Survey,
Summers, tapped to head the White Axelrod said the economic downturn long-term investments would endanger Congo gorilla
Columbia University and
House National Economic Council, wrote adds urgency to repealing Bush’s tax cuts the foundation of our recovery and,
in an editorial in The Washington Post. for wealthier Americans and will not ultimately, our children’s prosperity.” other institutions factored update
in faster-than expected loss
“Any sound economic strategy in the prevent the future Obama administration The Obama stimulus plan was THE director of the Virunga
of sea ice, rising sea levels
current context must be directed at both from enacting its planned middle-class originally intended to safeguard 2.5 National Park in the Democratic
and a near-permanent
creating the jobs that Americans need tax cuts. million jobs in the next couple of years. Republic of the Congo says the
drought developing in the
and doing the work that our economy Bush’s tax cuts are “something that we But its scope was expanded to three park’s endangered mountain
American Southwest.
requires.” plainly can’t afford moving forward. And million jobs earlier this month as the US gorilla population appears to be
Summers, who served as Treasury whether it expires or whether we repeal economy sank deeper into recession. unscathed despite the conflict
secretary under former president Bill it a little bit early we’ll determine later, Biden reaffirmed that Obama wants Bird flu returns between rebel fighters and the
Clinton, signaled that Obama would but it’s going to go. It has to go.” he told the new Democratic-led Congress to THE re-emergence of a lethal government.
adopt a different approach than President NBC. make the economic package its top strain of avian influenza in “We are happy to report that
George W. Bush. He argued that eliminating the Bush priority when it convenes in early Hongkong, Cambodia, Taiwan, most of them seem to be doing
“Some argue that instead of attempting tax cuts did not mean Obama would January, calling it “the most urgent order Bangladesh, India and Egypt this well,” park director Emmanuel
to both create jobs and invest in our long- raise taxes. Obama’s economic stimulus of business for the new administration.” month highlights the potential de Merode said. – Universal
run growth, we should focus exclusively plan “will amount to a net tax cut for the – AFP threat the virus poses to hu- Press Syndicate

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