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International Journal of Pest Management, October–December 2005; 51(4): 231 – 244

Impacts of transgenic Bt cotton and integrated pest management

education on smallholder cotton farmers

National Agro-Technical Extension and Service Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing, P. R. China, 2Plant Protection
Station of Xiantao City, Hubei Province, P. R. China, and 3Plant Protection Station of Hubei Province, Wuhan, Hubei
Province, P. R. China

Comparative field research on transgenic Bt cotton and conventional cotton under different conditions (fields without
pesticide inputs, fields managed by farmers with IPM education, fields managed by farmers lacking IPM education) were
carried out in Hubei province of China in 2002. The amount of pesticide used on Bt cotton by non-IPM farmers was found
to be around three times that used by IPM farmers. IPM farmers made significantly higher net profits from cultivating
transgenic Bt cotton in comparison with non-IPM farmers. Other pest management practices had more significant influences
on the population dynamics of predatory natural enemies and major insect pests than did the adoption of transgenic Bt cotton
in the cotton ecosystem. Our study showed that IPM education, by increasing farmer capacity to critically evaluate inputs and
their effects, monitor their fields and make informed decisions on pest management, enabled farmers to reduce pesticide use
significantly, so resulting in improved production and profit margin. IPM farmer education thus, contributed to maximising
the value of planting transgenic Bt cotton.

Keywords: Farmer education, farmer field school, integrated pest management, transgenic Bt cotton

of severe insect pest and disease problems, in

1. Introduction
particular, consecutive outbreaks of cotton bollworm
Transgenic Bt cotton containing a truncated form from 1992 to 1995. Under high pest pressures, and in
of the Bt genes cry IA(b) from the bacteria Bacillus addition to the increasing ineffectiveness of pesticides
thuringensis HD-1 and cry IA(c) from HD-73 was via the development of pesticide resistance, many
initially introduced into China in 1994 and first failures have been experienced in controlling cotton
commercialized in 1997. The success of Bt cotton in bollworm. Chinese small-producer cotton farmers
resistance to cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa aramigera) still rely highly on pesticides even in Bt cotton pest
led to explosive expansion of Bt cotton planting in management. For example Yang et al. (2005) showed
China (Piao et al. 2001; Pray et al. 2001). Farmer that Bt cotton growers still sprayed an average of 13
adoption of Bt cotton has increased to over 90% of the times/season on Bt cotton in Northern China.
cotton area in Northern China, and over 50% in Previous economic analysis based on comparisons
Eastern and Central China; the acreages of Bt cotton between Bt and non-Bt cotton and farmer studies
in China grew from 2000 ha in 1997 (Huang et al. have shown that Chinese farmers decrease the
2002), 1.07 million ha in 2000 (Wu et al. 2002), and applications of pesticides, save labour inputs and
up to over 2.4 million ha in 2002 (Huang et al. 2002). reduce farmers’ exposure to highly toxic pesticides by
Currently there is around 2.5 million ha of Bt cotton adopting Bt cotton (Xia et al. 1998; Pray et al. 2001,
are grown annually in China (Yang et al. 2005). 2002; Huang et al. 2002). However, the mainstream
Bt cotton farmers in China are typically small extension mechanism of new agricultural technology
producers with an average crop area of less than 1 ha as well as biotechnologies used in China is still an
per household, of which the cotton area is less than outdated top-down approach (Bernard and David
0.5 ha (Huang et al. 2002). There are estimated be 2001; Fan 2001; Yang et al. 2005). The issue of the
currently 6 million small-producer cotton farms in sustainability of Bt cotton is raised as the numbers of
China planting Bt cotton. Small-producer farmers are farmers adopting this transgenic crop expanded
usually resource-poor and risk aversive. They are less dramatically without appropriate ecological knowl-
tolerant to crop pest infestations, giving high priorities edge. Many ecological and economic repercussions
to the use of pest control measure (Pray et al. 2002). were experienced in past with the application of new
Chinese cotton farmers have endured several episodes technologies developed in the ‘green revolution’, due

Correspondence: Dr Puyun Yang, National Agro-Technical Extension and Service Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100026, P.R. China.
Tel: 8610 64194543. Fax: 8610 64194542. E-mail:
ISSN 0967-0874 print/ISSN 1366-5863 online Ó 2005 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/09670870500396672
232 P. Yang et al.

to the lack of effort taken in the understanding of their of central China. Six treatments were designed in the
impacts on ecosystems and agricultural intervention study, namely: (1) Bt cotton with IPM (Bt-IPM);
practices in the long term. For instance, over-reliance (2) Bt cotton with farmer’s practice (Bt-FP);
of pesticides in many crops caused the dilemmas (3) Bt cotton with no pesticide spraying plots (Bt-NS);
of resistance, resurgence and residue problems (4) Conventional cotton with IPM (C-IPM);
(Matteson et al. 1993; Roling et al. 1998; John et al. (5) Conventional cotton with farmer’s practice (C-FP);
2000). In terms of the adoption of Bt cotton for the six (6) Conventional cotton with no pesticide spraying
million Chinese small-producer farmers, the key (C-NS) plots. Each treatment plot covered 0.25 ha
questions are: Will the benefits of Bt cotton continue? and was replicated 3 times. The experimental plots
If so, will they continue in the longer term? To answer were located in nine villages of Xiantao county.
these questions, it is necessary to understand small- Experiment plots were separated from each other at
producer farmers’ current practices on Bt cotton, so least 500 m to avoid interactions among them.
as to develop an ecologically sound integrated pest The IPM plots were managed by 18 small-
management system on Bt cotton. producer farmers who graduated from three typical
Recent farmer field school (FFS) training funded IPM farmer field schools (FFS) in 2001. The pest
by the European Union and FAO on integrated pest control practices in IPM plots were based on the
management in cotton involving adult, non-formal decisions made by the FFS farmers.
education by using a learning discovery approach, has The FP plots were managed by six individual
concentrated on filling gaps in farmers’ knowledge on small-producer farmers who had never participated
Bt cotton and correcting farmers’ misconceptions in any kind of IPM training. Only their cotton
about Bt cotton pest managements (EU, FAO Farmer varieties were recommended. There was no further
Field School Programme in Cotton IPM in Asia intervention with their cotton production. The pest
2000 – 2004). If the curriculum of FFS in Bt cotton is control practices for FP plots were based on the
carefully designed to address the needs of Bt cotton, decisions made by the six individual small-producer
FFS farmer graduates should be able to demonstrate farmers themselves.
the use of Bt cotton in a sustainable way. The NS plots were also managed by the 18 FFS
This study attempted to: (1) compare common farmers. On the NS plots, the use of pesticide was
small-producer cotton farmers’ and IPM-FFS farm- prohibited, but the other agronomic practices such as
ers’ practices in Bt cotton; (2) understand the impacts field preparation, sowing, fertilizing, harvesting, etc.,
of the common small-producer cotton farmers’ and were kept the same as those of the IPM plots.
the IPM-FFS farmers’ practices on ecology of Bt
cotton systems; (3) understand economic impacts of
2.3. Field data collection
the Bt cotton and farmers’ IPM training and their
interactions; (4) identify critical gaps between com- On all plots, project staff undertook systemic
mon farmers’ and IPM-FFS farmers’ practices in surveys on the populations of Bt cotton target pests,
planting Bt cotton. The intention is to use the non-target pests and predatory natural enemies, the
information from this study to promote feasible IPM systemic surveys were conducted in all the treatment
approaches to empower the small-producer cotton plots at 7-day intervals throughout the whole cotton
farmers to use biotechnology in sustainable ways. growth season (from early May to early September).
The tri-diagonal five-point sampling method was
used for field surveys on insect populations in the
2. Materials and methods plots. A sample of 10 plants per point with a total of
50 plants per plot was taken in the field surveys. For
2.1. Cotton varieties
each sampled plant, a thorough whole plant inspec-
Transgenic Bt cotton-SGK321, developed by the tion was conducted in which adults, nymphs or
Biotechnology Research Institute of Chinese Acad- larvae of cotton boll worm (Helicoverpa aramigera),
emy of Agricultural Sciences and the conventional aphids (Aphis gossypii Glover), ladybeetles (Coccinel-
cotton-Xiangzha No. 2 were used in this study. lidae spp.), spiders (Araneae spp.) and predatory bugs
SGK321 is a Bt cotton expressing proteins of Bt cry (Orius spp.) were counted. Red spider mites (Tetra-
IA and CPT I (cowpea trypsin inhibitor gene). nychus spp.) were counted by inspecting the whole
Xiangzha No. 2 is a conventional (non-Bt) cotton plant before the seven-true leaf stage (before mid
variety. Both varieties have been commercialised and June) , and the three leaves which are one of the fully
are the two most widely cultivated varieties in 2002 in expanded topical leaf, one middle leaf and one of
the study site, Xiantao county, Hubei province of the leaves in the first fruit branch at plant bottom
central China. after the seven-true leaf stage (after mid June).
Twelve cotton IPM specialists were recruited from
the county and township extension agencies and
2.2. Field experiments
trained to carry out the field surveys.
Field experiments were conducted from April to The agronomic activities in all the plots were
December 2002 in Xiantao county, Hubei Province recorded in detail on a daily basis by the individual
Transgenic Bt cotton and integrated pest management education 233

farmers, for example the date of preparing fields, 3. Results

seed treatments, sowing, fertilizing, transplanting,
3.1. Pest management practices
irrigation, spraying, weeding and harvest, the size of
plots, and the name of the varieties. The input costs 3.1.1. Socio-economic background of the farmers. So-
for the plots including pest control and labor inputs cio-economic background of the 18 FFS farmers and
were also recorded on a daily basis, for example the six common farmers is described in Table I. There
type, name and amount of pesticide sprayed, labors was no significant difference between the IPM and
used for weeding, transplanting, harvesting. Inter- common farmers in term of their socio-economic
views were carried out monthly (9 times) throughout backgrounds (t-test, df ¼ 22, r 4 0.05). Most farm-
the whole cotton season (from April to December) by ers were between 35 and 45 years old. All the farmers
the trained extension staff to clarify and compare had received some formal education, the FFS
farmers’ records if necessary. Information on local farmers had a mean of 7.8 years school education,
market prices of agro-chemicals (pesticides, fertilizers while the common farmers received 7.6 years on
and plant growth regulators) was also collected average. They were typical small holders, with farm
monthly by the trained extension staff to accurately sizes averaged around 0.47 ha/household. Cotton
assess the value of inputs. area per farm is small, roughly a quarter of ha on
The actual yields in the plots were recorded by average for both samples of farmers.
hand-picking during the harvest season. The total
amount of cotton harvested in the whole season in 3.1.2. Pest monitoring pattern. The pest monitoring
each plot was recorded and used as the basis for patterns were different between the six common
deducing economic revenues. Economic revenues in cotton farmers managing the FP plots and the 18
the plots are calculated according to the actual yields FFS graduates who managed IPM plots. During the
and based on local prices. cotton season, it was observed that the six common
cotton farmers entered cotton fields not for pest
monitoring but mainly for agronomic activities. Pest
2.4. Statistical analysis
problems were usually discovered by their awareness
Each plot was considered as an experiment unit. of pest damage symptoms on leaves (e.g., leaves
Biological analysis was based on the data of the curled by aphids, leaves ‘burnt’ by red spider mites,
samples in the plot for the insect population or leaf holes caused by leaf feeders) at cotton
dynamics, economic analysis was based on the data vegetative growth stages, and damage to both leaves
of the whole plot recorded in the whole season, each and squares or bolls (such as shedding of squares or
mean of its three replicates is considered as a bolls or holes in bolls) at squaring and boll formation
representative of the treatment. The data of field stages. However, they were very alert to the presence
survey and farmers’ records were encoded, entered of caterpillars. When caterpillars were found on
into Excel sheets and verified prior to analysis. SAS cotton plants, all of them decided to take actions.
(Version 8) was used in the statistical analysis. The The common farmers visiting the fields for pest
data homogeneity of variance and normality of errors monitoring was very causal. Normally, they scouted
have been tested, data were transformed into equalize the fields by checking a few cotton plants for
variance when necessary. Repeated measure ANO- caterpillars or larvae, or visiting in a circle around
VA was conducted in comparing the overall the field sides for checking pest occurrences during
differences of insect populations between treatments, cotton season.
and paired t-test was applied in comparing the insect The 18 FFS farmers had received a season long
populations at a specific time. For comparing training on cotton IPM-FFS in the previous year
economic parameters (pesticide applications, eco- (2001). The cotton IPM-FFSs had field-based
nomic returns, variable costs), Fisher’s protected training sessions that lasted for a full cotton season.
LSD test was used as a post-ANOVA test in The FFS farmers met once every week and partici-
comparing the means between treatments. pated in 18 sessions in total. Each session includes at

Table I. Socio-economic background of the FFS and FP farmers (Mean + SE).

Variables FFS farmers (n ¼ 18) FP farmers (n ¼ 6) T Value (t-test) (df ¼ 22)

Age 42.1 + 4.6 42.7 + 5.7 0.18 (P ¼ 0.8619)

Years of formal education 7.8 + 3.2 7.6 + 4.1 0.22 (P ¼ 0.8270)
Family size (People/family) 4.1 + 1.3 4.2 + 1.4 0.09 (P ¼ 0.9299)
Land holdings in 2002 0.46 + 0.32 0.49 + 0.26 0.43 (P ¼ 0.6727)
Years of growing cotton 21.5 + 6.46 22.1 + 7.81 0.21 (P ¼ 0.8349)
Cotton acreage in 2002 0.27 + 0.09 0.29 + 0.06 0.74 (P ¼ 0.4652)

No significant differences in term of economic and social variables between FFS and FP farmers were found out by t-test (P 4 0.05).
234 P. Yang et al.

least three activities: the cotton ecosystem analysis, a (from mid-June to September) when the infestation
special topic and a group dynamic activity. A season- of pests occurred. The fourth was on the advice of
long comparative study on the IPM plots with farmer relatives, local extension agents or pesticide retailers
practice plots (FP) was also conducted by the FFS in the local market. The fifth was influenced by
participants. The details of the FFS activities were commercial advertisements in the media (TV or
described by John et al. (2000). radio, posters in villages). The fourth and fifth types
All the 18 FFS farmers made weekly field of the decision-making were occasionally observed
observations on the IPM plots which take into from some of the six common farmers during the
account plant health and its compensation abilities, whole cotton season. The frequency of pesticide
population fluctuations of pest and natural enemies, sprayings by the six common farmers were significant
soil conditions, and climatic factors. The 18 FFS different between the Bt cotton and conventional
farmers worked in five groups (three groups of four cotton (Table II) (P 5 0.05), but all of the decisions
members, two groups of three members) to observe made on pesticide spraying were not based on regular
both the Bt cotton and the conventional IPM plots. pest monitoring and their modes were not signifi-
Each group sampled five plants, walking across the cantly different between Bt cotton and conventional
plot diagonally and choosing a plant at every 10 m, cotton.
and a total of 25 plants per plot were sampled by the For the 18 FFS farmers, decision-making on the
five groups. They took notes and collected specimens use of pesticides was based on cotton ecosystem
of pests and natural enemies. Each group summar- analysis. The FFS farmers made weekly field
ized and analysed field surveys through ecosystem observations on plant health and its compensation
drawings. After considering all the elements in the abilities, population fluctuations of pest and natural
crop system, field management decisions were made, enemies, variety and climatic factors. The FFS
based on the group’s consensus. farmers analysed current situations by taking into
considerations of the relationship of all above-
3.1.3. Decision-making modes in pest management. mentioned factors to make decisions. The analysis
Different modes of decision-making in cotton pest enabled them to make informed decisions on pest
managements were demonstrated between the 18 management. The frequency of spraying pesticides
FFS farmers and the six common farmers. For the six was significantly less in the Bt cotton compared with
common farmers, decision-making on the use of the conventional cotton (Table II) (P 5 0.05).
pesticides varied according to the influences of The average frequency of pesticide spraying was
different factors in different situations. The first type highest in C-FP plots, roughly twice of those in
of decision on spraying pesticides was based on Bt–FP plots and 5 times of those in Bt-IPM plots
prophylaxis either from their own experience or (Table II) (P 5 0.05). The average total amount
following their neighbours, or calendar sprayings of pesticide used in the plots was also highest in the
without field surveys. This type of decision-making C-FP plots (Table II) (P 5 0.05). Insecticide applica-
usually occurred in early season when the pests did tions were accounting for most of the total pesticide
not appear up. The second was based on their applications in both the Bt cotton and the conven-
awareness of the incidence of insects, usually tional cotton of FP and IPM plots and showed
caterpillars or aphids they found in plant leaves. the same trends as the total pesticide applications
The third was their reaction to the evidence of pest (Table II).
damage such as leaf curling (by aphids), discolora- The kinds of pesticide used by the 18 FFS farmers
tion or defoliation (by red spider mites), and square in IPM plots were very different from those by the
or boll shedding (by boll worms or physiological six common farmers in FP plots. Only four
reactions). Both the second and the third types of kinds (Chlorpyrifos, Imidacloprid, Abamectin and
decision-making usually took place in mid-season Carbendazol) were used in the IPM plots, while as

Table II. Pesticide applications in the study plots (Mean + SE).

No. of total pesticide Amount of total No. of insecticide sprays Amount of insecticide
Treatment sprays (numbers/season) pesticides (L/ha) (numbers/season) (L/ha)

Bt-IPM 4.67 + 1.13 c 2.93 + 1.36 c 4.33 + 0.86 c 2.57 + 1.17 c

Bt-FP 10.33 + 1.04 b 9.14 + 2.70 b 9.67 + 0.79 b 8.19 + 1.75 b
C-IPM 12.33 + 0.96 b 10.05 + 3.86 b 10.33 + 0.88 b 9.15 + 2.83 b
C-FP 21.33 + 1.40 a 13.38 + 4.55 a 18.33 + 4.45 a 11.72 + 4.29 a
F Value (Anova, df ¼ 3) 61.8 (P 5 0.0001) 62.72 (P 5 0.0001) 30.0 (P 5 0.0001) 48.83 (P 5 0.0001)

Amounts of pesticide or insecticide used were counted in the volumes (L) of formulations. Different letters denote significant differences
among treatments with the overall ANOVA (SAS, V 8.0) at the 5% level (P 5 0.05) (Fisher’s protected LSD), same letter denote no
significant differences.
Transgenic Bt cotton and integrated pest management education 235

many as nine kinds of pesticides (Monocrotophos, conventional cotton (F1,12 ¼ 2.44, P ¼ 0.1287),
Chlorpyrifos, Phoxin, Abamectin, Carbendazol, which implied that the natural enemies are efficient
Methamidophos, Mancozeb, Fenvalerate, Metho- enough to reduce cotton aphids in check if no
myl) were used by the six common farmers in the pesticides applied.
FP plots. In the IPM and FP plots, the applications of
pesticides led to increases of cotton aphids in the Bt
cotton in late season. The populations of cotton
3.2. Population dynamics of major cotton pests
aphids increased dramatically from middle July and
3.2.1. Cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera). Five reached their peaks at late August in Bt cotton in FP
generations of cotton bollworm occurred annually in plots, but no resurgences of aphids were observed in
this cotton zone. The first and second generations the same period in the conventional cotton of the FP
infested spring crops such as winter wheat, maize, and IPM plots (Figure 3), which implied that Bt
and vegetables. The third, fourth and fifth genera- cotton were much more susceptible to the infestation
tions of cotton bollworm occurred in cotton. of cotton aphids (F1,12 ¼ 24.15, P ¼ 0.0004).
The egg numbers of the third generation of cotton
bollworm occurred in mid-July were very low in all 3.2.3. Red spider mites (Tetranychus spp.). The
the plots. Significant peaks of egg numbers of the populations of red spider mites were extremely higher
fourth and fifth generations of cotton bollworm in Bt cotton compared with the conventional cotton in
occurred in mid-August and early September in all NS plots before late July (F1,12 ¼ 85.45, P 5 0.0001),
the plots, but the egg numbers of the fifth generation and the severe infestations of red spider mites led to
declined rapidly due to unfavorable food and weather widespread defoliation of cotton plants in June and
conditions for the adult (Figure 1). No significant July, which demonstrated that the variety into which
differences in the egg numbers of cotton bollworm the Bt gene was transferred was highly favorable and
between the Bt cotton (SGK321) and the conven- susceptible to red spider mites. The populations of
tional cotton (Xiangzha No. 2) in NS plots from late red spider mites were very low both in the Bt cotton
July to early September (F1,12 ¼ 3.94, P ¼ 0.0706). and conventional cotton of the FP and IPM plots
Egg numbers of the fourth and fifth generations of thorough the whole cotton season (Figure 4).
cotton bollworm were not significantly different in
the conventional cotton than in the Bt cotton of IPM
3.3. Population dynamics of major predatory
plots (F1,12 ¼ 0.53, P ¼ 0.5999) and FP plots as well
natural enemies
(F1,12 ¼ 0.91, P ¼ 0.4286).
There were significant differences in larval num- 3.3.1. Ladybeetles (Coccinellidae spp.). No signifi-
bers of the third and fourth generations of cotton cant differences of ladybeetle populations between
bollworm between the Bt cotton and the conven- the Bt cotton and the conventional cotton in the IPM
tional cotton in the NS, IPM and FP plots plots were observed from June to early September
(F1,12 ¼ 144.22, P 5 0.0001). The results indicate (F1,14 ¼ 1.65, P ¼ 0.2229). In the NS plots, there
that the Bt cotton was highly resistant to the third and were also no significant differences of ladybeetle
fourth generations of cotton bollworm, reducing the populations between the Bt cotton and the conven-
larval populations of cotton bollworm in Bt cotton tional cotton observed from late June to early
over 70% in comparison to the conventional cotton September (Figure 5) (F1,14 ¼ 0.14, P ¼ 0.8749).
under the same numbers of eggs from mid-July to However, there were significant differences of lady
early September (Figures 1 and 2) (F1,8 ¼ 34.76, beetle populations between the IPM, FP and NS
P 5 0.0001). There were significant differences in plots (F2,14 ¼ 8.62, P ¼ 0.0048).
larvae populations of the fifth generation of cotton
bollworm between the Bt cotton and the conven- 3.3.2. Spiders (Araneae spp.). The spider popula-
tional cotton in IPM and NS plots after middle tions were distinctively higher in NS plots in
September (Figure 2) (F1,2 ¼ 6.73, P ¼ 0.0109). comparison with those of FP plots from June to
Larval numbers of the third and fourth generations early August and IPM plots from middle June to
of cotton bollworm in the conventional cotton were early September in both Bt cotton and the conven-
very high in NS plots, reached above 40/100 plants tional cotton (F2,12 ¼ 47.87, P 5 0.0001). No
for the third generation and 60/100 plants for the significant differences of spider populations between
fourth generation, also high in the conventional the Bt cotton and the conventional cotton were
cotton in FP plots, but were at low levels in the observed either in IPM, or FP or NS plots (Figure 6)
IPM plots, particular in Bt cotton (Figure 2). (F1,12 ¼ 3.4, P ¼ 0.0677).

3.2.2. Cotton aphid (Aphid gossypium). The popu- 3.3.3. Predatory bug (Orius minutus). The popula-
lation of cotton aphid in the NS plots were very low tions of predatory bugs were especially low in both
throughout the whole cotton season (from early June the Bt cotton and the conventional cotton of the FP
to early September) and no significant differences plots throughout the whole cotton season, but more
were observed between the Bt cotton and the abundant in the NS plots in comparison with those of
236 P. Yang et al.

Figure 1. Population densities of Helicoverpa armigera eggs in the study plots (2002, Xiantao). Value shown is mean + SE. Asterisks indicate
significant differences in population densities between the Bt cotton-SGK321 and the conventional cotton-Xianzha No. 2 (paired t-test,
*P 5 0.05).

FP plots both in the Bt cotton from middle July cotton both in the IPM and FP plots (Table III)
to early September and in the conventional cot- (P 4 0.05). Only the conventional cotton in the NS
ton from late July to early September (Figure 7) plots got significant lowest yields (Table III)
(F2,12 ¼ 287.19, P 5 0.0001). (P 5 0.05). The average incomes of cotton demon-
strated the same trends as the average yields in all
study plots (Table III). The average gross margin was
3.4. Economics
highest in the Bt cotton of IPM plots and the
There was no significant difference of average conventional cotton of IPM plots, and the gross
cotton yields between Bt cotton and the conventional margin of the Bt cotton of IPM plots was significant
Transgenic Bt cotton and integrated pest management education 237

Figure 2. Population densities of Heliothis armigera larvae in the study plots (2002, Xiantao). Value shown is mean + SE. Asterisks indicate
significant differences in population densities between the Bt cotton-SGK321 and the conventional cotton-Xianzha No. 2 (paired t-test,
*P 5 0.05).

higher than that of the Bt cotton of FP plots 7% of the total costs in Bt-FP plots but 17% in C-FP
(Table III) (P 5 0.05). However, the average gross plots (Table IV).
margin in the conventional cotton of IPM plots was The average pesticide cost was highest in C-FP
not significant higher than that of the conventional plots, roughly 2 times of those in Bt–FP plots and
cotton of FP plots (Table III) (P 4 0.05). 6 times of Bt-IPM plots (Table IV) (P 5 0.05).
Analysis on variable costs is given in Table IV, as Pesticide costs were significant higher in the
indicated the compositions of seed versus pesticide conventional cotton comparing with those in the
costs were distinctively different between Bt cotton Bt cotton of IPM and FP plots (Table IV)
and the conventional cotton, for example the average (P 5 0.05). The average fertilizer costs were similar
seed costs was 8% of the total costs in Bt-FP plots in all the categories of study plots (Table IV)
but only 1% in C-FP plots, while pesticide costs were (P 4 0.05). The average labour costs were highest
238 P. Yang et al.

Figure 3. Population dynamics of Aphis gossypii Glover in the study plots (2002, Xiantao). Value shown is mean + SE. Asterisks indicate
significant differences in population densities between the Bt cotton-SGK321 and the conventional cotton-Xianzha No. 2 (paired t-test,
*P 5 0.05).

in the conventional cotton of FP plots and the Bt verified the same trends in NS plots (Figure 1). The
cotton of FP plots (P 5 0.05), and the average differences of egg populations of the fifth generation
labour costs of IPM plots were less than that in FP of cotton bollworm between the Bt cotton and the
plots in both Bt cotton and the conventional cotton conventional cotton in FP plots might be due to
(P 5 0.05). intensive use of pesticides, which lead to the
resurgences of cotton bollworm in late season by
destroying its natural enemies in FP plots.
4. Discussion
The Bt cotton SGK321 plants demonstrated a
Previous field studies indicated that cotton boll- high efficacy in the resistance to cotton bollworm
worm did not show any oviposition preferences larvae, but the level of resistance declined in late
between Bt cotton and conventional cotton (Cui season. This was consistent with earlier laboratory,
and Xia 1999; Xia et al. 2001), and our study also field and cage studies (Xia et al. 1995, 1998, 2001;
Transgenic Bt cotton and integrated pest management education 239

Figure 4. Population dynamics of red spider mites (Tetranychus spp.) in the study plots (2002, Xiantao). Value shown is mean + SE.
Asterisks indicate significant differences in population densities between the Bt cotton-SGK321 and the conventional cotton-Xianzha No. 2
(paired t-test, *P5 0.05).

Rui et al. 2001). The variation in insect resistance in twice frequently, clearly demonstrating that farmers
Bt cotton was mainly attributed to the variation in Bt without IPM education would still overuse pesticides
gene expression or bio-availability of the toxin within in Bt cotton.
plant ages and organs (Xia et al. 2001). However our Sucking pests, red spider mites (T. cinnabarius)
study has also demonstrated that pest management were significantly more abundant on the Bt cotton
practices play a key role in the efficiency of using its SGK321 than on the conventional cotton Xiangzha
insect resistance of Bt cotton. The quantity of No. 2 (Figures 3 and 4) in NS plots. Cotton aphid
pesticide applied in the Bt cotton of FP plots was (Aphid gossypium) more abundant in Bt cotton
around three times as in the IPM plots, and sprayed than in the conventional cotton in FP and IPM
240 P. Yang et al.

Figure 5. Population dynamics of ladybirds (Coccinellidae spp.) in the study plots (2002, Xiantao). Value shown is mean + SE. Asterisks
indicate significant differences in population densities between the Bt cotton-SGK321 and the conventional cotton-Xianzha No. 2 (paired
t-test, *P 5 0.05).

plots. The resurgence of red spider mites and cotton minutus and Coccinella septempunctata, in Bt cotton in
aphids would devalue the gains from the expression comparison with its parental cultivar (Xia et al. 1998,
of the Bt gene because of the additional sprays 2002; Rui et al. 2001). In this study, only general
needed for controlling them in Bt cotton. However, predators in the broad categories of spiders, ladybirds
the susceptibility of the parent variety of the Bt cotton and predatory bugs were counted. Results indicated
SGK 321 also requires investigation. that there were significant differences of predator
Earlier studies revealed increases in abundance of populations among different pest management inter-
some predators such as Exochomus graminicolum, Orius ventions of IPM, FP and NS plots, but not between the
Transgenic Bt cotton and integrated pest management education 241

Figure 6. Population dynamics of spiders (Araneae spp.) in the study plots (2002, Xiantao). Value shown is mean + SE. Asterisks indicate
significant differences in population densities between the Bt cotton-SGK321 and the conventional cotton-Xianzha No. 2 (paired t-test,
*P 5 0.05).

Bt cotton and the conventional in the same category of neonates were feed on a diet containing cry IA(c)
pest management practice (Figures 5 – 7). This implies proteins for 17 – 22 generations (Cui and Xia 1999;
that pest management practices were the dominant Fan et al. 2000; Lu et al. 2000; Rui et al. 2001).
factor influencing on the populations of predatory Although the effects of IPM education for farmers in
natural enemies in cotton ecosystem. using Bt cotton were convincing in this study in
Of great concern in the application of Bt cotton is terms of economic and ecological benefits, more data
the development of insect resistance to Bt protein on larval survival under different pest management
(Xia et al. 1998; Zadoks et al. 2000; Shoemaker practices (IPM, FP and NS) are required to assess
2001). Laboratory selection showed that resistance the ecological conditions under which resistance may
ratios of H. armigera increased 7 – 11 times when develop. Further revision of the curriculum of IPM
242 P. Yang et al.

Figure 7. Population dynamics of predatory Orius bugs (Orius minutus) in the study plots (2002, Xiantao). Value shown is mean + SE.
Asterisks indicate significant differences in population densities between the Bt cotton-SGK321 and the conventional cotton-Xianzha No. 2
(paired t-test, *P 5 0.05).

education will be necessary if such ecological and the infestation levels of the target pests, and are
conditions can be clarified. regionally dependent (Shoemaker 2001). Analysis on
Previous field studies confirmed the economic and the net incomes (gross margins) in this study indicate
ecological benefits of Bt cotton by comparing Bt that pest management practices make important
cotton and conventional cotton (Xia et al. 1998; Pray contributions to the profits of Bt cotton as well,
et al. 2001, 2002; Huang et al. 2002), but there have and suggest that IPM education is a important
been no reports on the economic impacts of using Bt contribution to the economic sustainability of Bt
cotton under different pest management practices. cotton production in future.
Earlier studies revealed that economic returns from Farmer surveys in China revealed that farmers’
planting Bt cotton were affected by the ecosystem knowledge on Bt cotton is drawn mainly from their
Transgenic Bt cotton and integrated pest management education 243

Table III. Economic returns from the study plots (Mean + SE).

Yields of seed cotton

Treatments (Kg/Hectare) Incomes of cotton (US$/hectare) Gross margins (US$/Hectare)

Bt-IPM 4785.4 + 1251.3 a 1861.4 + 487.0 a 1231.4 + 467.7 a

Bt-FP 4150.7 + 848.7 ab 1614.4 + 330.2 a 802.6 + 323.3 b
Bt-NS 3601.3 + 700.6 ab 1400.7 + 272.6 a 764.9 + 308.3 b
C-IPM 4485.9 + 420.1 ab 1744.7 + 163.4 a 947.3 + 199.8 ab
C-FP 3890.3 + 855.2 ab 1513.2 + 332.7 a 678.3 + 311.0 b
C-NS 3571.1 + 910.7 b 1388.7 + 353.6 b 473.9 + 329.2 b
F Value (Anova, df ¼ 5) 1.37 (P 5 0.3016) 0.91 (P 5 0.5038) 2.03 (P 5 0.1469)

Gross margin ¼ Incomes of cotton – land rent – total variable inputs (including seeds, pesticides, fertilizers and labors, etc.). Different letters
denote significant differences among treatments with the overall ANOVA (SAS, V 8.0) at the 5% level (P 5 0.05) (Fisher’s protected LSD),
same letter denote no significant differences.

Table IV. Variable costs in the study plots (Mean + SE).

Treatments Seeds (US$/hectare) Pesticides (US$/hectare) Fertilizers (US$/hectare) Labours (US$/hectare)

Bt-IPM 82.1 + 0 a 29.8 + 3.9 c 221.8 + 50.1 a 282.3 + 104.9 c

Bt-FP 82.1 + 0 a 73.0 + 6.4 b 207.6 + 13.9 a 449.1 + 24.3 a
Bt-NS 82.1 + 0 a 0+0 d 244.3 + 16.0 a 258.0 + 44.7 c
C-IPM 14.6 + 0 b 61.2 + 29.6 b 216.3 + 7.9 a 356.6 + 42.2 b
C-FP 14.6 + 0 b 189.1 + 43.3 a 201.7 + 16.1 a 467.8 + 86.5 a
C-NS 14.6 + 0 b 0+0 d 222.0 + 22.3 a 260.4 + 48.0 c
F value (Anova, df ¼ 5) Infinite (P 5 0.0001) 33.98 (P 5 0.0001) 1.06 (P 5 0.4270) 16.91 (P 5 0.0001)

Cost of labors ¼ workdays 6 estimated labor price (estimated labor prices were determined in local labor markets, varied from 1.01 to 1.91
US$/workday according to different season). Different letters denote significant differences among treatments with the overall ANOVA
(SAS, V 8.0) at the 5% level (P 5 0.05) (Fisher’s protected LSD), same letter denote no significant differences.

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