Seasonal Abundance of The Mirids Lygus Lucorum and Adelphocoris SPP (Hemiptera Miridae) On BT Cotton in Northern China

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Crop Protection 21 (2002) 997–1002

Seasonal abundance of the mirids, Lygus lucorum and Adelphocoris

spp. (Hemiptera: Miridae) on Bt cotton in northern China
K. Wu*, W. Li, H. Feng, Y. Guo
Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, West Yuanmingyuan Road, Beijing 100094, China
Received 4 April 2002; accepted 14 May 2002


Lygus lucorum Meyer-Dur, . Adelphocoris fasciaticollis Reuter and Adelphocoris lineolatus (Goeze) (Hemiptera: Miridae) are
important secondary insect pests in cotton fields in northern China. The seasonal dynamics of their mixed populations on a
transgenic variety expressing the insecticidal Bt protein Cry1A, and a cotton line expressing proteins of Cry1A and CpTI (cowpea
trypsin inhibitor gene) were compared to seasonal dynamics on similar but non-transgenic varieties from 1998 to 2001. No
significant differences were detected between population densities of these bugs on unsprayed normal cotton and unsprayed
transgenic cotton. However, mirid damage on unsprayed transgenic cotton was significantly higher due to a reduced number of
insecticide sprays against Helicoverpa armigera compared with the number of sprays in the normal cotton. This suggests that
the mirids have become key insect pests in transgenic cotton fields, and that their damage to cotton could increase further with
the expansion of the area planted to transgenic cotton if no additional control measures are adopted. r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd.
All rights reserved.

Keywords: Transgenic Bt cotton; Population dynamics; Lygus lucorum; Adelphocoris spp.; China

1. Introduction pests on transgenic Bt plants in order to develop a

satisfactory IPM plan for Bt cotton (Wilson et al., 1992;
Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) is a key pest of cotton, Riggin-Bucci and Gould, 1997; Pilcher et al., 1997).
Gossypium hirsutum L. in China (Guo, 1997), and While the Bt protein is only directly toxic to a narrow
growers routinely use chemical insecticides for its spectrum of lepidopteran species, the dynamics of other
control. Since 1990, resistance to chemical insecticides species may be indirectly affected. Effects on non-target
has been a serious problem, and is a major threat to species may be positive, due to the removal of disruptive
cotton production in China (Wu et al., 1997). Trans- pesticides, or negative due to the effective removal of a
genic cotton, engineered to continuously express a d- lepidopterous host insect in the case of parasitoids or
endotoxin from Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt), prey in the case of predators (Fitt, 1994). The wide-
holds great promise in controlling this insect pest. Bt spread adoption of Bt cotton has drastically reduced the
cotton began to be commercially planted in 1997 (ca. need for insecticides for many key pest lepidopterans.
10,000 ha.) and expanded rapidly to 1.067 million ha. in However, these insecticides previously afforded excellent
2000 in northern China (ca. 90% cotton planting area in control of phytophagous plant bugs, and this reduction
the region) (Wang et al., 1997; Wu and Guo, 2000; Qu in insecticide use has resulted in increased population
et al., 2001). densities of plant bugs (Greene et al., 1999).
There are numerous arthropods in cotton fields. The important non-lepidopterous pests in cotton
Because a comprehensive insect control strategy in fields in northern China include various mirids, cotton
cotton also involves non-lepidopterous pests, it is aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover and carmine spider mite,
important to investigate the field abundance of all insect Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduval) (Ting, 1963b;
Wu, 1989; Wu and Liu, 1992). Eighteen species of
*Corresponding author. Fax: +86-10-62894786. mirids were recorded as cotton insect pests in China,
E-mail address: (K. Wu). among which Lygus lucorum Meyer-Dur, . Adelphocoris

0261-2194/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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998 K. Wu et al. / Crop Protection 21 (2002) 997–1002

fasciaticollis Reuter and Adelphocoris lineolatus (Goeze) nong-18’’ knapsack sprayer with a tank capacity of 16 l
are considered as the most important pests in cotton and a spray lance length of 0.8 m (Handan Sprayers
production in northern China (Chu and Meng, 1958; Ltd., Handan, China) was used to apply 600 l/ha before
Ting, 1963a; Li et al., 1994a). They prefer to feed on 10th July and 900 l/ha after 15th July (Table 1).
flower buds causing them to abscise from the plant, and Sampling was undertaken once every 3–4 d from mid-
therefore may reduce cotton yields (Ting, 1964, 1965; Li June to early-September. Five sites were randomly
et al., 1994a ,b). In this paper, we report on the results of chosen from every plot on each occasion with a total
investigations into the dynamics of mirids on transgenic number of 100 cotton plants per plot. For each sampled
cotton varieties in northern China. plant, a thorough whole-plant survey was conducted in
which adults and nymphs of the mirids were counted in
the field.
2. Materials and methods
2.3. Statistical analysis
2.1. Cotton lines
A paired t-test was used to compare the means of
Two transgenic cotton varieties, GK12 and SGK321, mirid population densities between the plots of GK12
developed by the Biotechnology Research Institute, and Shimian3 in 1998. All data on population densities
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and their of the mirids from different treatments in 1999, 2000 and
parental lines (Shimian3 and Shiyuan321), were used in 2001 were analyzed using analysis of variance and
this study (Guo, 1995). GK12 is a Bt cotton variety means were separated using the protected least sig-
expressing Cry1A toxic protein, and SGK321 is a cotton nificant difference (LSD) test (SAS Institute 1988).
variety expressing proteins of Cry1A and CpTI (cowpea
trypsin inhibitor gene). Both transgenic varieties have
been commercially planted in northern China. All 3. Results
cotton lines were supplied by the Biotechnology
Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural There were no significant differences in mirid density
Sciences. on GK12 (Bt cotton) and its parental line (Shimian3) in
1998 from the middle of June to early September
2.2. Field experiments (p > 0:05) (Fig. 1). In comparison to 53 individuals per
hundred cotton plants on Shimian3 on August 13th, the
Experiments were conducted from 1998 to 2001 at highest density on GK12 was 70 on August 23rd.
Langfang Experimental Station of Chinese Academy of In 1999, mirid densities in all treatments were low
Agricultural Sciences, located in Hebei Province of before early August, but they increased rapidly, and
northern China. The test cotton lines were GK12 and reached their peaks in mid-August. Due to insecticide
Shimian3 from 1998 to 2000, however, SGK321 and use for control of H. armigera, mirid densities in
Shiyuan321 were used in 2001 due to the rapid increase insecticide treatment of conventional cotton on August
in the planting area of SGK321 in 2000. The field 13th, 17th, 21st and 25th were significantly lower than
experimental designs were a randomized complete those in the plots of GK12 and Shimian3 which had no
block, replicated three times. A 3 m space was set up insecticide applications (po0:05) (Fig. 2). As in 1998,
between plots to decrease possibility of mirids dispersion there were no significant differences in mirid densities
among treatments. Each plot was about 0.033 ha and between GK12 and its parental variety (Shimian3)
was seeded at a rate expected to produce 45,000 plants (p > 0:05).
per planted hectare. Cotton was planted between May In 2000, mirid density in all treatments was again very
1st and 5th every year, and maintained using the low before August, but rapidly increased and remained
standard agronomic practices in northern China. high up till late September, reaching 323 per hundred
In 1998, the trial consisted of two treatments, GK12 plants on August 21st on GK12 and 370 per hundred
plots and Shimian3 plots, in which no insecticides were plants on August 25th on Shimian2 cotton without
used in the whole season. After 1998, the experiment insecticide use. Mirid density was not significantly
was designed with three treatments, namely, a transgenic different (p > 0:05) on the unsprayed plots, but where
cotton treatment and its control variety (normal insecticide had been applied on non-Bt cotton, mirid
parental line), with no insecticide treatment and an density was lower than those on GK12 and Shimian3
insecticide (mainly pyrethroid) treatment of non-Bt (without insecticide use) (Fig. 3).
cotton (Shimian3). In the chemical treatment, sprays Due to a higher density of H. armigera in July 2001
were applied against cotton bollworm, according to the non-Bt cotton fields were sprayed with a pyrethroid
control threshold described by Guo et al. (1985), with a insecticide, b-cypermethrin 16 times (Table 1). After the
nozzle held 0.3–0.5 m above cotton plants. A ‘‘Gong- first spray on June 18th, mirid densities in the insecticide
K. Wu et al. / Crop Protection 21 (2002) 997–1002 999

Table 1
Insecticide sprays for control of H. armigera on conventional cotton plants from 1999 to 2001 to control H. armigera

Year Insecticide Dose (l/ha (product)) Spray date

1999 2.5% Cyhalothrin (ICI Ltd., Britain) 0.60 June 24th

2.5% Cyhalothrin (ICI Ltd., Britain) 0.60 June 29th
20% Fenvalerate (Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd.) 0.90 July 2nd
20% Fenvalerate (Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd.) 0.90 July 7th
10% Imidacloprid (Shijiazhuang Chemical Co.)a 0.45 July 23rd

2000 4.5% b-cypermethrin (Tianjin Pesticide Co.) 0.60 June 20th

0.60 June 23rd
0.60 June 29th
0.90 July 3rd
0.90 July 15th
0.90 July 19th
0.90 July 23rd
0.90 July 27th

2001 4.5% b-cypermethrin (Tianjin Pesticide Co.) 0.60 June 18th

0.60 June 20th
0.60 June 22nd
0.60 June 24th
0.60 June 26th
0.60 June 28th
0.60 June 30th
0.90 July 2nd
0.90 July 4th
0.90 July 15th
0.90 July 17th
0.90 July 20th
0.90 July 22nd
0.90 July 26th
0.90 July 28th
0.90 July 30th
This spray was directed at A. gossypii.

Population density (individuals per hundred


cotton plants)




15-Jun 27-Jun 9-Jul 21-Jul 2-Aug 14-Aug 26-Aug

Fig. 1. Mirid population dynamics in GK12 and Shimian3 fields, 1998, Hebei Province. Values shown are means71 standard error. Paired t-test
indicates no significant difference between GK12 and Shimian3 (p > 0:05).

treatment of non-transgenic cotton was lower than those 4. Discussion

on SGK321 and its parental line Shiyuan321 (without
insecticide use) until September 24th. There were also In our experiments, in cotton/soybean systems, the
significant differences among different treatments on major mirid species were identified as L. lucorum, A.
August 4th and 16th (df=2,4; F ¼ 9:23; p ¼ 0:0317; and fasciaticollis and A. lineolatus although their proportion
df=2,4; F ¼ 16:84; p ¼ 0:0113) (Fig. 4). varied among years. A. fasiaticollis overwinters in its
1000 K. Wu et al. / Crop Protection 21 (2002) 997–1002


Population density (individuals per hundred

50 Shimian3

40 Shimian3(chemical control)

30 a

10 ab
b b
b b
6-Jul 16-Jul 26-Jul 5-Aug 15-Aug 25-Aug 4-Sep
Fig. 2. Mirid population dynamics in GK12 and Shimian3 fields, 1999, Hebei Province. Means from the same evaluation date followed by the same
letter were not statistically different (po0:05; LSD test). Evaluation dates with means not followed by letters were not significantly different among

Population density (individuals per hundred

Shimian3 a a
300 Shimian3(chemical control) a a
cotton plants)

250 a ab

150 b
100 b
50 b

19-Jun 29-Jun 9-Jul 19-Jul 29-Jul 8-Aug 18-Aug 28-Aug

Fig. 3. Mirid population dynamics in GK12 and Shimian3 fields, 2000, Hebei Province. Means from the same evaluation date followed by the same
letter were not statistically different (po0:05; LSD test). Evaluation date with means not followed by letters were not significantly different among
Population density (individuals per hundred cotton

SGK321 Shiyuan321 Shiyuan321(chemical control)




a aa


5 b
16-Jun 26-Jun 6-Jul 16-Jul 26-Jul 5-Aug 15-Aug 25-Aug

Fig. 4. Mirid population dynamics in SGK321 and Shiyuan321 fields, 2001, Hebei Province. Means from the same evaluation date followed by the
same letter were not statistically different (po0:05; LSD test). Evaluation dates with means not followed by letters were not significantly different
among treatments.
K. Wu et al. / Crop Protection 21 (2002) 997–1002 1001

egg-stage in scars of tree trunks. Hatching begins in cotton and unsprayed Bt cotton. However, perhaps due
early May, and the nymphs leave the tree and move to to the decrease in insecticidal applications against cotton
weeds in adjacent areas or directly to the cotton field. A. bollworm, the damage of the mirids on Bt cotton was
lineolatus and L. lucorum lay eggs in the tissues of alfalfa more serious than that in sprayed conventional cotton
and other weeds. They hatch in early April and fields, suggesting that the mirids have become key insect
subsequent generations attack cotton plants for a long pests in Bt cotton fields. Therefore their damage to
period, from late May to the end of cotton growing cotton would further increase with the enlargement of
season. Overlapping generations frequently occur since Bt cotton area, if no additional control measures were
the adult stage of the mirids may last more than one adopted. If the published thresholds for mirid control
month (Chu and Meng, 1958; Li et al., 1994a). Plant had been followed, (5 bugs per hundred plants in the
bugs prefer shady and moist environments and it is seedling stage and 10 bugs per hundred plants in the
reported that the level of rainfall and quality of host mid-period of cotton growth) (Zhang et al., 1986), plant
plants are key factors which regulate the seasonal bugs in Bt cotton fields would have required control
population dynamics of mirids (Ting, 1963a, 1964). based on our studies from 1998 to 2001.
The growth form of the mixed populations of cotton Li et al. (1994a) indicated that there are significant
mirids may be influenced by the amounts and temporal differences in developmental duration, survival and
distribution of rain-fall from June to August. Consistent average body weight of nymphs, and in the fecundity
with periods of rainfall, the peaks of population density and longevity of adult A. lineolatus which develop on
may present four types in the seasonal dynamics of the alfalfa, cotton, kidney bean and sesame; and that an
mirids, i.e., pre-peak, post-peak, mid-peak and bi-peak alfalfa/cotton system can result in major outbreaks of
(Ting, 1964). A similar conclusion may be drawn from the pest in cotton fields. It is important to avoid Bt
our present experimental results. High rainfall in mid- cotton planting in fields adjacent to alfalfa and other
season in 1998 and 2001 coincided with serious host plants mirids prefer.
populations of the mirids at the flowering stage. High
rainfall late in the 1999 and 2000 seasons resulted in a
rapid increase of the mirid population during the boll
stage of cotton growth. Acknowledgements
It is reported that there are no adverse effects of Bt
cotton on several beneficial insects including (Coccinella We thank Dr. Derek Russell (NRI, UK), Dr. Fred
septempunctata (Linnaeus), Leis axyridis (Pallas) and Gould (North Carolina State University, USA) and
Propylaea japonica (Thunberg)), lacewing (Chrysopa Dr. Fengming Yan (Peking University, China) for
sinica (Tjeder), Chrysopa septempunctata (Wesmael), critical review and discussion of the manuscript. This
Chrysopa shansiensis (Kawa) and Chrysopa formosa research was supported by Projects Grant No. 863
(Brauer)), spiders (Erigonidium graminicolum (Sunde- (2001AA212271) and Projects Grant No. 973
vall) and Misumenopos tricuspidata (Fabricius)) and (G2000016208) of the Ministry of Science and Technol-
Orius similis (Zheng) (Wu, 2001). Population densities of ogy of China.
sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) on Bt
cotton are higher than on the control cultivars as a
consequence of reduced leaf feeding damage by lepi-
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