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publishers of original thinking

intellect journals

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Intellect provides an environment that enables the editor and the publisher to think outside the box. The openness and willingness to discuss and develop new ideas has had a direct impact and enabled our academic community to flourish.
Lee Higgins, Editor, International Journal of Community Music

Welcome to Intellects 2013 journals catalogue. We now publish 92 journals, including seven new titles for 2013, and a further four that we acquired this past year. These include Asian Cinema, Explorations in Media Ecology and Public, as well as a new title, Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies. New for 2013, the Journal of Fandom Studies, the Journal of New Zealand & Pacific Studies, and the Journal of Popular Television expand our coverage of popular culture, while the Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies and Applied Theatre Research focus on regional cinemas, and performance in non-traditional contexts, respectively. As well as launching new journals, we are also introducing three new subject collections for libraries. In addition to discounted prices, these collections give your institution full back-issue access to all the journals included. Our Cultural & Media Studies titles will also be available in two smaller collections: Communication & Media, and Cultural Studies. In response to the popularity of Intellects Film Studies Collection, we have also launched the Film+ Collection. This comprises all of our Film Studies journals, plus seven additional titles with significant film or related content. Finally, we have changed the discount structure on our tailored collections, which are designed for libraries that subscribe to seven or more journals, so please check the Packages section on page 62. We hope you enjoy reading this catalogue!

Film Studies

AsiAn cinemA


2013, Volume 24 2 issues per year ISSN 1059-440X Online ISSN 2049-6710 Editors Gary Bettinson Lancaster University Tan See Kam University of Macau Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68

Official journal of the Asian Cinema Studies Society Features all types of Asian film, including full-length movies, documentaries, animation, and experimental film Includes research articles, interviews, symposia, book and film reviews, and bibliographies

Whether understood in terms of traditional (celluloid) or cross-media (digital) formats, Asian cinema has a wide geographical dispersion, and diverse practices and histories. Asian Cinema offers a platform for scholars, teachers and students who seek to form and promote communities of Asian cinema studies within Asia and beyond. Articles explore specific (well-known or neglected) films, individual directors, generic trends and cycles, debates in Asian film theory, historical trends and movements, and sociological analyses. Contributions also trace patterns of continuity and change across different Asian cinemas, and cross-reference styles, practices, and industrial undulations in distinct but related territories.

All journAls in this section Are included in our

film And film collections

journAl of itAliAn cinemA & mediA studies


2013, Volume 1 3 issues per year ISSN 2047-7368 Online ISSN 2047-7376 Principal Editor Flavia Laviosa Wellesley College Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68

Explores the artistic features, cultural themes, and history of Italian film and media, as well as the work of cinema and media professionals Revives a critical discussion on auteurs, and celebrates new directors Provides a multi-faceted definition of Italian cinema, including accented and trans-local cinema

The Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies is a new English-language forum for debate on Italian film and media production, reception and consumption. Articles explore specific art forms, such as experimental cinema, long/short features, documentary, animation, and film music (songs and scores), as well as the professional contributions of screenplay writers, art directors, cinematographers, costume designers and make-up artists. The impact of globalization on the Italian film industry, the encounters between cinema and other art forms, and the development of cross-media texts are also considered.

Flavia Laviosa

film, fAshion & consumption

journAl of scAndinAviAn cinemA

Explores the crossover of film and visual culture in its entirety Editorial board includes renowned scholars, curators and costume designers Essential reading for practitioners, academics and the more general reader

Devoted to all aspects of film culture in Scandinavia, including Finland and Iceland Explores not only narrative cinema, but also its relationship to other art and media forms (documentaries, television and literary screen adaptations)

2013, Volume 2 3 issues per year ISSN 2044-2823 Online ISSN 2044-2831 Principal Editor Pamela Church Gibson University of the Arts London
Courtesy of Boudicca

Still from Dome Karukoskis Napapiirin sankarit/Lapland Odyssey (2010), produced by Helsinki filmi. Director of Photography: Pini Hellstedt

Film, Fashion & Consumption goes beyond frocks and the feminine; it profiles research, methods and practice within and between the fields of film, fashion, design, history, art history and heritage. Topics explored include fashion photography and advertising, fashions in interior decor and taste, and fashion in contemporary/period film adaptations.

Scandinavian cinema has reached international viewers throughout the history of film: Asta Nielsen, Carl Theodor Dreyer, Greta Garbo, Ingmar Bergman, Aki Kaurismki and Lars von Trier are but a few must-know names within world cinema. The Journal of Scandinavian Cinema revitalizes our understanding of all aspects of film-making in this region.

2013, Volume 3 3 issues per year ISSN 2042-7891 Online ISSN 2042-7905 Primary Editor Anders Marklund Lund University Subscription rates Institutional: 150 / $210 Online only*: 117 / $160 Personal: 36 / $68

Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68


short film studies

film internAtionAl

film mAtters

journAl of AfricAn cinemAs

Each issue centres on two or three short films, explored from a variety of perspectives Includes a shot-by-shot breakdown of each film, with stills illustrating every shot An essential resource for anyone working with, or teaching, this art form
Cristina Plazas as Sara in Alumbramiento/Lightborne, directed by Eduardo Chapero-Jackson (Spain, 2007). Photo kindly provided by Prosopopeya Productions, Madrid

BEstsElliNg jourNal

Subscription price includes free viewing of the films featured

When short fiction films are at their best, they tell their stories with such astonishing economy that they can take our breath away. This remarkable art form has understandably become the subject of a growing number of books and websites, and yet surprisingly little ongoing research is devoted to the short film; Short Film Studies fills this void.

Read in over 30 countries Rejects the dichotomies of high and low cinema Features interviews, festival reports and reviews Includes contributions from freelance film-makers and artists Indexed with SCOPuS

The first peer-reviewed undergraduate film journal Focuses on film criticism, history, and theory Includes profiles of film studies departments and other resources for undergraduate scholars

Explores how the identities and perceptions of Africa are represented on screen Indexed with the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) Editorial board comprises prominent film scholars from Africa, as well as scholars from the rest of the world

2013, Volume 3 2 issues per year ISSN 2042-7824 Online ISSN 2042-7832 Editor Richard Raskin Aarhus University Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 11 6 issues per year ISSN 1651-6826 Online ISSN 2040-3801 Editor-in-Chief Daniel Lindvall Stockholm, Sweden Reviews Editor Liza Palmer University of North Carolina, Wilmington Subscription rates Institutional: 260 / $395 Online only*: 214 / $310 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 4 4 issues per year ISSN 2042-1869 Online ISSN 2042-1877 Editors Liza Palmer University of North Carolina, Wilmington Tim Palmer University of North Carolina, Wilmington Subscription rates Institutional: 110 / $154 Online only*: 75 / $105 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 5 2 issues per year ISSN 1754-9221 Online ISSN 1754-923X Editors Keyan G. Tomaselli University of KwaZulu-Natal Martin Mhando Murdoch University Subscription rates Institutional: 180 / $290 Online only*: 147 / $220 Personal: 36 / $68


journAl of chinese cinemAs

journAl of jApAnese & KoreAn cinemA

journAl of screenWriting

neW cinemAs: journAl of contemporAry film

northern lights: film & mediA studies yeArbooK

the soundtrAcK

NoW 3 issuEs pEr yEar

Indexed with the Arts & Humanities Citation Index and Current Contents/Arts & Humanities Only English-language, refereed academic journal devoted solely to the study of Chinese film Topics include new development and milestones in Chinese film theory, and the cross-cultural flows between Chinese cinemas and other world cinemas

Focuses on authorship, genre, audiences, and reception (regionally and globally) Diverse range of contributors Themes include: remakes across national borders; Korean cinema under colonialism; and Manga adaptations across national borders

Bestselling title Includes writing for computer games and animation, as well as film and TV Focuses on history, theory and practice within a broad range of methodologies

Focuses on contemporary film (from 1985 to the present day) Provides a platform for the study of new cinematic practices, and fresh approaches to the canon and beyond Recent themes include Turkish-German exchanges and violence in Asian film

Themed yearbook exploring film, television and media Recent themes include media and crimefiction and journalism (2011) and newspapers and journalism in transition (2010) 2013 issue: Age, generation and the media

Explores the role of sound in film and other moving-image media Indexed with RILM (Abstracts of Music Literature) Includes articles from film-makers, filmmusic composers and other practitioners

to discover more, contribute or buy these journals, visit us at
2013, Volume 5 2 issues per year ISSN 1756-4905 Online ISSN 1756-4913 Editors David Desser University of Illinois Frances Gateward California State University, Northridge Subscription rates Institutional: 180 / $290 Online only*: 147 / $220 Personal: 36 / $68 2013, Volume 4 3 issues per year ISSN 1759-7137 Online ISSN 1759-7145 Principal Editor Jill Nelmes University of East London Subscription rates Institutional: 150 / $210 Online only*: 117 / $160 Personal: 36 / $68 2013, Volume 11 3 issues per year ISSN 1474-2756 Online ISSN 2040-0578 Editors Christopher Homewood University of Leeds Stuart Green University of Leeds Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68 2013, Volume 11 1 issue per year ISSN 1601-829X Online ISSN 2040-0586 Editor Stig Hjarvard University of Copenhagen Subscription rates Institutional: 215 / $330 Online only*: 177 / $265 Personal: 36 / $68 2013, Volume 6 2 issues per year ISSN 1751-4193 Online ISSN 1751-4207 Editors Estella Tincknell University of the West of England Michael Filimowicz Cinesonika Subscription rates Institutional: 215 / $330 Online only*: 177 / $265 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 7 3 issues per year ISSN 1750-8061 Online ISSN 1750-807X Editor Song Hwee Lim University of Exeter Associate Editor Julian Ward University of Edinburgh Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68


studies in AustrAlAsiAn cinemA

studies in documentAry film

studies in eAstern europeAn cinemA

studies in europeAn cinemA

studies in french cinemA

studies in russiAn & soviet cinemA

BEstsElliNg jourNal BEstsElliNg jourNal

Covers the cinemas of Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific region Primary topics: cinema and postcolonialism; national cinemas; and the representation of the region, and its peoples, in global cinema 2012 special issue: Imagining religion and spirituality

Read and distributed in over twenty countries Prestigious editorial board comprising scholars from six continents Includes articles, interviews, reviews and reports

Focuses on all aspects of film culture, including production, distribution and analysis Primary topics: discussions of ideology (pre-Communist, Communist and free-market); gender; minority representations; ethnicity; genre; and industry developments Includes translations of articles by prominent scholars from the region

Brings together a wide range of European cinemas Primary topics: the identities, languages, styles, forms and audiences of European cinema; and European cinema in the context of other cinemas A valuable resource for students of modern languages, film and media studies, and European cultural studies

Indexed with the Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Current Contents/Arts & Humanities and SCOPuS The only journal published in English devoted exclusively to French and francophone cinema Primary topics: gender; film history; genre and star studies; and technique

Focuses on the aesthetic, ideological and industrial development of prerevolutionary, Soviet and post-Soviet film Indexed with the American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies Affiliated with the Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies

to discover more, contribute or buy these journals, visit us at

2013, Volume 7 3 issues per year ISSN 1750-3175 Online ISSN 1750-3183 Editor Anthony Lambert Macquarie University Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68 2013, Volume 7 3 issues per year ISSN 1750-3280 Online ISSN 1750-3299 Editor Deane Williams Monash University Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68 2013, Volume 4 2 issues per year ISSN 2040-350X Online ISSN 2040-3518 Founding Editor John Cunningham Editors Ewa Mazierska University of Central Lancashire Micheal Goddard University of Salford Subscription rates Institutional: 150 / $210 Online only*: 117 / $160 Personal: 36 / $68 2013, Volume 10 3 issues per year ISSN 1741-1548 Online ISSN 2040-0594 Editors Owen Evans Edge Hill University Graeme Harper Oakland University Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68 2013, Volume 13 3 issues per year ISSN 1471-5880 Online ISSN 1758-9517 Founding Editor Susan Hayward Chief General Editor Phil Powrie University of Surrey Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68 2013, Volume 7 3 issues per year ISSN 1750-3132 Online ISSN 1750-3140

Editor Birgit Beumers University of Bristol Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68

Performing Arts


studies in spAnish & lAtin-AmericAn cinemAs

(Formerly studies in Hispanic Cinemas)

studies in south AsiAn film & mediA

trAnsnAtionAl cinemAs

Explores the cinemas of: Spain; Spanishspeaking South, Central and North America; the Caribbean; and Brazil A must-read for students, teachers and scholars of: Hispanic studies; media and film studies; and Latin American and postcolonial studies

Editorial board comprises scholars from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, as well as the rest of the world Primary topics: class; caste; gender; race; sexuality; and ideology Forthcoming issue: Indian theatre

Breaks down geographical divisions to explore the global nature of film-making and film cultures Explores modes of production, distribution and exhibition, as well as questions of authorship and stardom Includes articles, interviews, visual essays, and reports on film festivals and conferences

to discover more, contribute or buy these journals, visit us at
2013, Volume 10 2 issues per year ISSN 1478-0488 Online ISSN 2040-0608 Principal Editor Marvin DLugo Clark University Subscription rates Institutional: 215 / $330 Online only*: 177 / $265 Personal: 36 / $68 2013, Volume 5 2 issues per year ISSN 1756-4921 Online ISSN 1756-493X Editors Alka Kurian University of Washington, Bothell Jyotsna Kapur Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Aarti Wani Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce Subscription rates Institutional: 180 / $290 Online only*: 147 / $220 Personal: 36 / $68 2013, Volume 4 2 issues per year ISSN 2040-3526 Online ISSN 2040-3534 Editors Armida de la Garza Xian Jiaotong/Liverpool University Deborah Shaw University of Portsmouth Ruth Doughty University of Portsmouth Subscription rates Institutional: 150 / $210 Online only*: 117 / $160 Personal: 36 / $68

All journAls in this section Are included in our

performing Arts collection


Applied theAtre reseArch

Focuses on performance with specific audiences or participants, in streets, schools, war zones, refugee camps, prisons and hospitals Contributors include eminent and experienced workers and scholars in the field An essential resource for practitioners and scholars of drama, teachers, social workers and community leaders


Dedicated to the critical examination of space and scenic production Investigates the development of new technologies and modes of operating Explores architecture, theme parks and game design, as well as theatre and film

Applied Theatre Research profiles contemporary, innovative, unorthodox and radical practice of drama and theatre. Topics explored include theatre in political debate, social action and dissent; theatre for development; youth theatre; theatre in schools and educational settings; theatre in therapeutic settings; theatre in prisons; theatre in health education and awareness; theatre in human services, such as aged care and hospitals; and theatre in business, commerce and conferences. It has a global focus and representation, and features the best and most exciting work in all continents and countries.

Scene recognizes that the designers multi-faceted contribution to a production involves much more than providing a visual background. Scene interrogates, celebrates and refreshes the collaborative arts and crafts of scene making. Topics explored include cinema, television, commercials, opera, musicals, interior design, lighting design, costume design, scenography, visual special effects, virtual sets and environments, and modes of spectating.

Photograph by Sarah Woodland. Performer: Charleen Marsters

credit: Photograph by Sarah Woodland Performer: Charleen Marsters

2013, Volume 1 2 issues per year ISSN 2049-3010 Online ISSN 2049-3029 Editors Penny Bundy Griffith University John OToole Melbourne University Subscription rates Institutional: 110 / $154 Online only*: 75 / $105 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 1 3 issues per year ISSN 2044-3714 Online ISSN 2044-3722 Editors Christine White Derby University Alison Oddey Nottingham Trent University Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68


performing islAm

punK & post-punK

Focuses on the socio-cultural, historical and political contexts of artistic practices in the Muslim world Explores dance, ritual, theatre, performing arts, visual arts and cultures, and popular entertainment

The first journal of its kind uses punk as a lens to explore iconography, performance, political engagement, language, gender, class and race

Stereotypes of Muslims, and Islam, would have us believe that Muslims do not make, listen to, or enjoy music, performance, rituals or rites. Performing Islam encourages a broader understanding of how performance practices are utilized in these communities; it also explores how such practices enable Muslims to negotiate their collective identities, despite the imperatives of globalization, the pressures of Diaspora, the demands of modernity, and the pull of pan-Islamic radicalism.

Punk and post-punk music is ranked among the most significant popular culture phenomena of the last 40 years; its ethos and aesthetic continue to exert a long-lasting and powerful influence. Punk & Post-Punk explores the ways in which punks radical ideas are manifest in film and television, literature, journalism, theatre, dance, comedy, fashion, visual arts and new media.

Founding Editor Kamal Salhi University of Leeds Subscription rates Institutional: 110 / $154 Online only*: 75 / $105 Personal: 36 / $68

Wayang kulit performance Ki Dalang Suganda

2013, Volume 2 2 issues per year ISSN 2043-1015 Online ISSN 2043-1023

Top: Sarah Dryden. Left: Taken from 7-inch single London Girls (Live) by the Vibrators

2013 , Volume 2 3 issues per year ISSN 2044-1983 Online ISSN 2044-3706 Editors Phillip Kiszely University of Leeds Alex Ogg Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68


choreogrAphic prActices

comedy studies

internAtionAl journAl of community music

internAtionAl journAl of performAnce Arts & digitAl mediA

journAl of AdAptAtion in film & performAnce

journAl of Applied Arts & heAlth

NoW 2 issuEs pEr yEar

BEstsElliNg jourNal



utilizes a wide range of methodologies and critical perspectives Includes photo essays, movement scores, makers notebooks, blogs in print, and interviews with leading practitioners A must-read for students, teachers, academics and practitioners in dance (and related fields)

The only academic journal devoted to the study of comedy Topics explored include the role of comedy in therapy, and the relationship between comedy and food Includes interviews with practising comedians and writers

Primary topics: music in areas of conflict; music in prisons and probation services; and music in health settings Indexed with RILM (Abstracts of Music Literature), the Education Resources Information Centre (ERIC), and SCOPuS Contributions from freelance musicians, composers, arts and leisure workers, youth and social workers, and policymakers

Examines the use of new media and information technologies in theatre, dance, music, and live art Themes include: virtual and physical bodies; web-based performance and virtual performance spaces; and real-time music control 2013 issue: Digital approaches to the documentation, notation and archiving of contemporary dance practice Indexed with SCOPuS

Explores all aspects of adaptation, translation and intertextuality Encompasses opera, gaming, and graphic narratives as well as theatre, film and television Every issue includes a Practitioners Perspectives section, which explores their processes of adaptation and/or translation

Explores the effectiveness of arts in health, and arts for health Topics explored include theatre practices in social reform, and the use of fine art in occupational therapy Supported by the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association Indexed with Artbibliographies

2013, Volume 4 2 issues per year ISSN 2040-5669 Online ISSN 2040-5677 Editors Vida L. Midgelow University of Northampton Jane M. Bacon University of Chichester Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 4 2 issues per year ISSN 2040-610X Online ISSN 2040-6118 Principal Editor Chris Ritchie Southampton Solent University Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 6 3 issues per year ISSN 1752-6299 Online ISSN 1752-6302 Editor Lee Higgins Boston University School of Music Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $235 Online only*: 192 / $192 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 9 2 issues per year ISSN 1479-4713 Online ISSN 2040-0934 Editor-in-Chief Dave Collins University Centre, Doncaster Subscription rates Institutional: 215 / $330 Online only*: 177 / $265 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 6 3 issues per year ISSN 1753-6421 Online ISSN 1753-643X Editors Richard J. Hand University of Glamorgan Katja Krebs University of Bristol Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 4 3 issues per year ISSN 2040-2457 Online ISSN 2040-2465 Principal Editor Ross Prior University of Northampton Subscription rates Institutional: 150 / $210 Online only*: 117 / $160 Personal: 36 / $68


journAl of dAnce & somAtic prActices

journAl of music, technology & educAtion

performing ethos: internAtionAl journAl of ethics in theAtre & performAnce

studies in musicAl theAtre

studies in theAtre & performAnce

BEstsElliNg jourNal

Bestselling journal Focuses on the relationship between dance and holistic body-centred approaches, e.g. the Alexander Technique, Laban Movement Analysis etc. Includes visual essays, interviews with leading practitioners, book reviews, and conference/symposium reports

Only journal dedicated to the study of music, technology and education Indexed with RILM (Abstracts of Music Literature) Contributors include educators, researchers and practitioners

Encompasses a wide range of modern and contemporary performance practices, from the politically and aesthetically radical to the mainstream Themes include: the ethics of spectatorship; the ethics of representation; and ethics in applied and interventionist theatre 2013 special issue: Acting out: Trauma and the ethics of remembrance

Explores musical theatre in its widest sense, from the musicological to the post-dramatic and from the textual to the performative Indexed with RILM (Abstracts of Music Literature) 2013 issue: The musical revue in Europe and America before World War II

Indexed with the Arts & Humanities Citation Index and Current Contents/Arts & Humanities Explores the interplay between performance, audience and dramatic practice Emphasis on the processes of making theatre and performance The official journal of the Standing Conference of university Drama Departments (SCuDD)

to discover more, contribute or buy these journals, visit us at
2013, Volume 5 2 issues per year ISSN 1757-1871 Online ISSN 1757-188X Principal Editor Sarah Whatley Coventry University Subscription rates Institutional: 180 / $290 Online only*: 147 / $220 Personal: 36 / $68 2013, Volume 6 3 issues per year ISSN 1752-7066 Online ISSN 1752-7074 Editor Andrew King University of Hull Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 4 2 issues per year ISSN 1757-1979 Online ISSN 1757-1987 Principal Editor Carole-Anne Upton University of Ulster Subscription rates Institutional: 150 / $240 Online only*: 117 / $175 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 7 3 issues per year ISSN 1750-3159 Online ISSN 1750-3167 Editors Dominic Symonds University of Portsmouth George Burrows University of Portsmouth Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 33 3 issues per year ISSN 1468-2761 Online ISSN 2040-0616 Editors Peter Thomson University of Exeter Kate Dorney Victoria & Albert Museum Andrew Wyllie University of the West of England Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68

Visual Arts
Border Patrol Museum Lee Rodney


journAl of curAtoriAl studies

BEstsElliNg NEW jourNal

2013, Volume 2 3 issues per volume ISSN 2045-5836 Online ISSN 2045-5844 Editors Jim Drobnick Ontario College of Art & Design Jennifer Fisher York University Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68

Explores the increasing cultural relevance of curating, exhibitions and display practices Features critical analyses of exhibitions, curatorial case studies, interviews and reviews

Curating as a field of study often falls between the cracks of disciplinary boundaries. until recently, it has been left to curators themselves to theorize upon their practice and the function of exhibitions. the journal of Curatorial studies builds upon the pioneering contributions of curators to encourage in-depth investigations from an array of disciplines.
jim Drobnick & jennifer Fisher, Editors, journal of Curatorial studies

Curating has evolved considerably from the connoisseurship model of arranging objects; it now plays a catalytic role in redefining aesthetic experience, framing cultural propositions, and constructing knowledge. The Journal of Curatorial Studies is a lively forum for this exciting new area of study.

All journAls in this section Are included in our

visuAl Arts collection


AnimAtion prActice, process & production

Analyses and advances how animation is created and shown Covers Pixar to Parn, Aardman to X-Men, Motion Capture to Mobile Phone, GuI to Gallery Editorial board includes scholars, artists and animators

Art & the public sphere

Explores contemporary arts relationship to the public sphere Published in collaboration with ixia, the public art think-tank Contributors include academics, artists, curators, art historians and theorists



Following an extended historical period of dismissal and marginalization, animation is now finally achieving a major degree of recognition. Animation Practice, Process & Production explores the validity of this art form as a discipline for academic study, and as a commercially-successful application across a range of mass-mediated platforms. It includes illustrated contributions from a diverse range of practitioners and scholars.

Art & the Public Sphere explores arts relationship to the public, publicness, making public and publishing, as well as arts role within the history of western democracy and arts participation in opinion formation, free discussion and political action.

2013, Volume 3 2 issues per year ISSN 2042-7875 Online ISSN 2042-7883 Editor Paul Wells Loughborough University Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68
Handelingen, C Maarten Isak de Heer

2013, Volume 3 2 issues per year ISSN 2042-793X Online ISSN 2042-7948 Principal Editor Mel Jordan Loughborough University Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68

Mark Hutchinson


booK 2.0

design ecologies

Explores the latest developments in book creation and design Investigates innovations in distribution, marketing and sales, and book consumption

Explores architectural design in relation to its environment Encompasses a diverse range of disciplines, from architecture and the environment to performing arts and urbanism

Book 2.0 explores the most original and progressive practice in all aspects of book production, design, distribution and consumption. Topics explored include the future of traditional book-making crafts, e-books and electronic editions of classic texts, and the impact of new printing and production techniques on the art and profession of illustration.

In todays climate, there is an increased focus on ecology and sustainability in design and technology; however, the communication from architect to participant or environment is not always entirely straightforward. Design Ecologies encourages cross-disciplinary conversations and the sharing of new methodologies on this important topic.

2013, Volume 3 2 issues per year ISSN 2042-8022 Online ISSN 2042-8030 Principal Editor Anthony Harrild Anglia Ruskin University Co-editors Mick Gowar Anglia Ruskin University
Chris Draper

2013, Volume 3 2 issues per year ISSN 2043-068X Online ISSN 2043-0698 Editor Shaun Murray Eniatype Subscription rates Institutional: 110 / $154 Online only*: 75 / $105 Personal: 36 / $68

Samantha Rayner Anglia Ruskin University Subscription rates Institutional: 110 / $154 Online only*: 75 / $105 Personal: 36 / $68

Eniatype Model Shaun Murray


internAtionAl journAl of islAmic Architecture

Encompasses urban design, planning, architecture and landscape architecture Distinguished editorial team includes Hasan-uddin Khan, Director of Special Projects at the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, Geneva

the moving imAge revieW & Art journAl

Devoted to artists film and video Prestigious advisory board, including Laura Mulvey, Ian Christie, Thomas Elsaesser and Lisa Steele A must-read for academics, writers, practitioners, curators and the gallery-going public

North Africa to South-East Asia is one of the fastest growing and most dynamic regions in the world today. Yet the rapid pace of change, including the expansion of academic institutions and wholesale reconfiguration of the built environment, has not been subject to critical treatment. The International Journal of Islamic Architecture provides a global window on developments in this increasingly important part of the world. Its special focus is on both design and its reception, but it also explores how architecture relates to social and cultural history, geography, politics, aesthetics, technology, and conservation.
Doug Fishbone in collaboration with Revele Films, Elmina (2010), video. Photo Credit: Thierry Bal. Courtesy of the artist



MIRAJ explores all forms of artists moving image and media artworks: film; video installation; expanded cinema; video performance; experimental documentary; animation; and other screen-based works made by artists. Topics explored include the importance of delivery sites such as websites and mobile phones, and the role of the artist in the shifting terrain of contemporary culture.

2013, Volume 2 2 issues per year ISSN 2045-5895 Online ISSN 2045-5909 Director and Founding Editor Mohammad Gharipour Academic Editor Hasan-Uddin Khan Subscription rates Institutional: 110 / $154 Online only*: 75 / $105 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 2 2 issues per volume ISSN 2045-6298 Online ISSN 2045-6301 Founding Editor Catherine Elwes University of the Arts London Subscription rates Institutional: 110 / $154 Online only*: 75 / $105 Personal: 36 / $68



visuAl inquiry: leArning & teAching Art

A must-read for both experienced and novice artist-teachers Will inspire renewed excitement for teaching and learning in the arts

A forum for critical debate for more than twenty years Focuses on how theoretical and critical issues intersect with art and visual culture Contributions from scholars, curators, critics, and artists

Each issue of PUBLIC explores a contemporary theme, and brings together a unique assemblage of Canadian and international art projects. More rigorous than the average art magazine, and more aesthetically engaging than an academic publication, PUBLIC provides a unique and ever-changing perspective on the contemporary art world.

Whether it takes place in the classroom, studio, or beyond, learning and teaching art is a rich, exciting and multi-faceted process. Visual Inquiry: Learning & Teaching Art evaluates visual-art processes in contemporary culture, focusing on scholarship in art education and celebrating the rich traditions of art making and teaching.

Managing Editor Aleksandra Kaminska York University, Toronto Subscription rates Institutional: 110 / $154 Online only*: 75 / $105
Geoff Ng

How and Nosm, You Are What You Eat, 2011

2013, Volume 24 2 issues per year ISSN 0845-4450 Online ISSN 2048-6928

2013, Volume 2 3 issues per year ISSN 2045-5879 Online ISSN 2045-5887 Principal Editor G. James Daichendt Azusa Pacific University Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68

Personal subscriptions are available from Publics website:


Art, design & communicAtion in higher educAtion

crAft reseArch

criticAl studies in fAshion & beAuty

internAtionAl journAl of educAtion through Art

journAl of Arts & communities

journAl of visuAl Art prActice

BEstsElliNg jourNal

NoW 2 issuEs pEr yEar

Explores new and creative teaching methods in all areas of higher education Indexed with the British Education Index and Education Research Abstracts (ERA) Distributed in over twenty countries

Dedicated to reporting on advanced and emerging craft research Explores materials, processes, methods, concepts, aesthetics and philosophy Indexed with the Design & Applied Art Index

uses fashion and beauty as a lens through which to examine power and consumption in society Prestigious editorial board includes Susie Orbach, author of Fat is a Feminist Issue Recent themes include fashion and ethics, and trans/national clothing

Peer-reviewed English language journal that promotes relationships between art and education Read in over 60 countries Official journal of the International Society of Education through Art

Explores creative collaboration between artists and people in a range of communities Encompasses performance, visual arts and media, writing, multimedia, and collaboration involving digital technology and associated forms Two recent special issues in partnership with Amnesty International

Interrogates a multitude of artistic forms and practices Explores the changing terrain of art in recent years Indexed with ArtBibliographies

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2013, Volume 12 2 issues per year ISSN 1474-273X Online ISSN 2040-0896 Editor Linda Drew The Glasgow School of Art Associate Editor Alison Shreeve Buckinghamshire New University Subscription rates Institutional: 215 / $330 Online only*: 177 / $265 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 4 2 issues per year ISSN 2040-4689 Online ISSN 2040-4697 Editors Kristina Niedderer University of Wolverhampton Katherine Townsend Nottingham Trent University Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 4 2 issues per year ISSN 2040-4417 Online ISSN 2040-4425 Editors Efrat Tselon University of Leeds Diane Crane University of Pennsylvania Susan Kaiser University of California Davis Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 9 3 issues per year ISSN 1743-5234 Online ISSN 2040-090X Principal Editor Glen Coutts University of Lapland Editors Stuart W. Macdonald Robert Gordon University Timo Jokela University of Lapland Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 5 3 issues per year ISSN 1757-1936 Online ISSN 1757-1944 Principal Editor Hamish Fyfe University of Glamorgan Subscription rates Institutional: 180 / $290 Online only*: 147 / $220 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 12 3 issues per year ISSN 1470-2029 Online ISSN 1758-9185 Editor Chris Smith London Metropolitan University Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68


journAl of Writing in creAtive prActice

metAverse creAtivity

philosophy of photogrAphy

studies in comics

the poster

technoetic Arts: A journAl of speculAtive reseArch

Developed from Writing PAD (the Writing Purposefully in Art and Design) network of over 100 art and design institutions worldwide Primary topics: writing as/for/in art, designing, performance, craft, ethics and practice Indexed with the Center for Optimal Adult Development (COAD)

Focuses on the role of creativity in user-defined online virtual worlds, such as Second Life Encompasses fashion and furniture design, landscaping and virtual architecture Explores the underlying socio-economic, psychological, legal and technological frameworks underpinning the virtual world

Includes articles, reviews, conference reports, symposia on key topics, and critical analyses of technical developments Every issue includes a Photoworks section, which focuses on the output of particular photographers Generously illustrated with original work

Analyses the comics page/text using a variety of interdisciplinary methodologies Includes interviews with critics and creators, and reviews of new comics, criticism, exhibitions and conferences Comics section features cutting-edge new work Indexed with ArtBibliographies

Examines the role of the poster as a social, graphical, aesthetic, philosophic and historic device Analyses how the platform, and its placement, affects the message A must-read for media theorists, scholars of cultural studies, social psychologists, architects, designers, philosophers, anthropologists, ethnographers, and political campaigners

Explores the juncture of art practice, technology and the human mind Primary topics include: artificial life; the ecology of mixed-reality environments; and the effects of a post-biological culture on human values and identity Indexed with ArtBibliographies

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2013, Volume 11 3 issues per year ISSN 1477-965X Online ISSN 1758-9533 Editor Roy Ascott The Planetary Collegium Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 6 3 issues per year ISSN 1753-5190 Online ISSN 1753-5204 Editors Julia Lockheart Goldsmiths, University of London John Wood Goldsmiths, University of London Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 3 2 issues per year ISSN 2040-3550 Online ISSN 2040-3569 Editors Elif Ayiter Sabanci University Yacov Sharir University of Texas at Austin Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 4 2 issues per year ISSN 2040-3682 Online ISSN 2040-3690 Editors Daniel Rubinstein London South Bank University Andrew Fisher Goldsmiths, University of London Subscription rates Institutional: 150 / $210 Online only*: 117/ $160 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 4 2 issues per year ISSN 2040-3232 Online ISSN 2040-3240 Editors Julia Round Bournemouth University Chris Murray University of Dundee Subscription rates Institutional: 150 / $210 Online only*: 117 / $160 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 4 2 issues per year ISSN 2040-3704 Online ISSN 2040-3712 Editor Simon Downs Loughborough University Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68

Cultural Studies


journAl of fAndom studies



2013, Volume 1 2 issues per year ISSN 2046-6692 Online ISSN 2046-6706 Principal Editor Katherine Larsen The George Washington University Associate Editor Lynn Zubernis West Chester University Subscription rates Institutional: 110 / $154 Online only*: 75 / $105 Personal: 36 / $68

Explores the fields of fan and audience studies across a variety of media, sports and gaming Includes analyses of specific fandoms, for example Buffy and World of Warcraft Focuses on the production, consumption and participatory culture surrounding a broad range of cultural texts Prestigious editorial and advisory boards, including renowned fan scholar, Henry Jenkins

The Journal of Fandom Studies explores the issues surrounding the production and consumption of popular media (including film, music, television, sports and gaming) within a wide range of disciplines and fan cultures. Articles explore the ethics of, and historical perspectives on, fan studies, as well as factors such as gender, and specifics such as archival work (using collections like the AMPAS collection of fan letters, fanzine collections, or online archives). Competing histories of fan practices and fan studies are also considered.

Christian De Grandmaison

culturAl studies, And culturAl & mediA studies collections

All journAls in this section Are included in our


journAl of neW ZeAlAnd & pAcific studies


AustrAlAsiAn journAl of populAr culture

Sponsored by the New Zealand Studies Association Replacing the key publication, NZSA Bulletin of New Zealand Studies Recommended for those with an interest in: colonialism; postcolonialism; island studies; voyaging and migration; and commonwealth studies

A global perspective of popular culture, filtered through an Australasian lens Key areas include comics and graphic novels, fashion, food, television, and popular fiction Official journal of the Popular Culture Association of Australia and New Zealand (Popcaanz)

The Journal of New Zealand & Pacific Studies explores the humanities and the social sciences, and subjects such as cultural studies, history, literature, film, anthropology, politics, and sociology. Each issue balances papers on New Zealand with papers on the South Pacific, and includes a reports and a book reviews section.

The Australasian Journal of Popular Culture is devoted to the scholarly understanding of everyday cultures: as a product of consumption; as an intellectual object of inquiry; and as an integral component of the dynamic forces that shape societies. It includes articles, essays, notes, and reviews.

2013, Volume 1 2 issues per year ISSN 2050-4039 Online ISSN 2050-4047 Editor Ian Conrich University of Essex Subscription rates Institutional: 110 / $154 Online only*: 75 / $105 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 2 3 issues per year ISSN 2045-5852 Online ISSN 2045-5860 Editors Toni Johnson-Woods University of Queensland Vicki Karaminas University of Technology, Sydney Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68


cAnAdiAn journAl of populAr culture

Official journal of the Popular Culture Association of Canada Examines both Canadian and global popular culture, past and present

citiZenship teAching & leArning

Focuses on citizenship teaching and learning in all contexts, for all ages, within and beyond schools Explores a wide range of issues including identity, equality and social justice

The Canadian Journal of Popular Culture explores the communicative texts and practices of everyday life, including mass-mediated forms of popular culture (popular music, popular fiction, print media, Internet culture, video games), nonmediated forms (food and drink, rituals, carnivals, circuses, sport, tourism and leisure activities, tattoos and piercings), and those forms that fall somewhere between the two; for example, personal (non-mass), but mediated cultural practices, such as texting.

Citizenship and civics education are diverse and contested fields encompassing social and moral considerations, community involvement and political literacy. Citizenship, Teaching & Learning brings together the work of researchers, policymakers, administrators and practising professionals in this important area.

2013, Volume 1 3 issues per year ISSN 2045-581X Online ISSN 2045-5828 Editor Nick Baxter-Moore Brock University Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 8 3 issues per year ISSN 1751-1917 Online ISSN 1751-1925 Principal Editor Ian Davies University of York Associate Editors Alan Sears UNB Fredericton Marta Flp Etvs Lornd University Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68


hospitAlity & society

short fiction in theory & prActice

Explores short fiction from a practice-based perspective Includes pieces by short-story writers Covers flash fiction, the novella, cycles, sequences, hypertext, the prose poem and other hybrid genres Advisory board includes internationally renown critics and prizewinning authors, including A.S Byatt, Robert Shearman, Tessa Hadley

Addresses all aspects of hospitality and its connections with wider social processes and structures Published with the support of the Council for Hospitality Management Education Includes empirical and conceptual research, letters to the editor, book reviews, and conference reports

Hospitality & Society explores the relationships between, and roles associated with, hosts and guests in domestic and commercial settings, at personal, collective and cultural levels. The journal is multidisciplinary, drawing from an array of social science, and other disciplines, such as anthropology, cultural and media studies, French studies, geography, hospitality management and hospitality studies, leisure, philosophy, social history, sociology and tourism.

Short Fiction in Theory & Practice celebrates the current resurgence in short-story writing and research. It is concerned with the ongoing process and philosophy of writing rather than post-event dissection of literary texts. It also discusses cultural and political contexts, especially the short storys role as an outlet for marginalized or dissident voices.

2013, Volume 3 3 issues per year ISSN 2042-7913 Online ISSN 2042-7921 Co-editors Paul Lynch University of Strathclyde

Claire Massey performing A Book Tale (Flax Books and Lancaster, Literature Festival 2011) Tim Power

2013, Volume 3 2 issues per year ISSN 2043-0701 Online ISSN 2043-071X Principal Editor Ailsa Cox Edge Hill University Subscription rates Institutional: 110 / $154 Online only*: 75 / $105 Personal: 36 / $68

Alison McIntosh University of Waikato Jennie Germann Molz College of the Holy Cross Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68


creAtive industries journAl

crossings: journAl of migrAtion & culture

europeAn journAl of AmericAn culture

horror studies

internAtionAl journAl of contemporAry irAqi studies

internAtionAl journAl of frAncophone studies

BEstsElliNg jourNal



Advances the social, economic, cultural, and political understanding of creative industries Indexed with the Design & Applied Art Index (DAAI) Explores private-sector activity as well as publicly-funded activity

Explores migration and culture from the latter half of the twentieth century to the present-day Themes include: Diaspora identities; the transmission of identity across generations; and the material and oral histories of migration Includes reviews, interviews, and oral histories of migrant cultural experiences

Explores the evolution of America and its culture (modern and historical) Encompasses visual arts, politics, literature, history and media Draws on a variety of approaches and methodologies

Explores horror in expressive culture Encompasses film, literature, history, musicology, theatre and dance Includes reviews of books, DVDs, and new media

Explores the many facets of contemporary Iraq and its peoples Encompasses culture, society, politics, economics, history, music and art Diverse range of contributors from the humanities, arts and social sciences

Studies France outside France Indexed with International Political Science Abstracts and ABC-CLIO Themes include: post-colonialism; migration; slavery; resistance; representation; race; gender; and language policy

to discover more, contribute or buy these journals, visit us at

2013, Volume 6 2 issues per year ISSN 1751-0694 Online ISSN 1751-0708 Editor Graeme Harper Oakland University Subscription rates Institutional: 215 / $330 Online only*: 177 / $265 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 4 2 issues per year ISSN 2040-4344 Online ISSN 2040-4352
Principal Editor Parvati Nair Queen Mary, University of London

2013, Volume 32 3 issues per year ISSN 1466-0407 Online ISSN 1758-9118 Editor John Wills University of Kent Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 4 2 issues per year ISSN 2040-3275 Online ISSN 2040-3283 Managing Editor Steven Bruhm University of Western Ontario Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 7 3 issues per year ISSN 1751-2867 Online ISSN 1751-2875 Editors William Haddad University of California at Fullerton whaddad@exchange. Ibrahim Aoude University of Hawaii at Manoa Subscription rates Institutional: 250 / $395 Online only*: 207 / $310 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 16 4 issues per year ISSN 1368-2679 Online ISSN 1758-9142 Editor Kamal Salhi University of Leeds Subscription rates Institutional: 325 / $498 Online only*: 270 / $412 Personal: 36 / $68

Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68


internAtionAl journAl of iberiAn studies

internAtionAl journAl of technology mAnAgement & sustAinAble development

journAl of europeAn populAr culture

journAl of orgAniZAtionAl trAnsformAtion & sociAl chAnge

journAl of WAr & culture studies

portuguese journAl of sociAl science

NoW 3 issuEs pEr yEar

Analyses contemporary Spain and Portugal from a variety of disciplinary perspectives Published in collaboration with the Association of Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS) Themes include: government and politics; social and welfare policies; spatial, urban and regional developments; and contemporary history

Explores policy issues arising from the relationship between technology and development Indexed with ABI Inform Global and ABI Inform Complete Promotes discusssion of topics in the context of globalization trends, environmental sustainability and world poverty

Explores the creative cultures of Europe, past and present Official journal of the European Popular Culture Association (EuPOP) Encompasses new media, film, music, architecture, fine art, literature and more

Explores the big challenges facing social systems (today, and in the future) Encompasses societal change, as well as change within more traditional organizations A must-read for policy-makers (and their advisors), managers, and academics working in the areas of management, social psychology and organizational anthropology

Explores the relationship between war and culture in the twentieth and twentyfirst centuries Recent themes include national memory and war (2011), and masculinities at war (2012) Includes contributions from established scholars and specialists, as well as postgraduate students

Proudly presents the best Portuguese social-science scholarship Supported by Fundao para a Cincia e a Tecnologia Primary themes include anthropology, economics, social psychology, and social geography

to discover more, contribute or buy these journals, visit us at
2013, Volume 6 3 issues per year ISSN 1752-6272 Online ISSN 1752-6280 Editors Debra Kelly University of Westminster Martin Hurcombe University of Bristol Nicola Cooper University of Swansea Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68 2013, Volume 12 3 issues per year ISSN 1476-413X Online ISSN 1758-9509 Editor Lusa Oliveira ISCTE-IUL Editorial Consultant Stewart Lloyd-Jones ISCTE-IUL Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 26 3 issues per year ISSN 1364-971X Online ISSN 1758-9150 Editors Georgina Blakeley Open University Fernando Len Sols University of the West of Scotland Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 12 3 issues per year ISSN 1474-2748 Online ISSN 2040-0551 Editors Mohammed Saad University of the West of England Girma Zawdie University of Strathclyde Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 4 2 issues per year ISSN 2040-6134 Online ISSN 2040-6142 Editors Graeme Harper Oakland University Owen Evans Edge Hill University Cristina Johnston University of Stirling Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 10 3 issues per year ISSN 1477-9633 Online ISSN 2040-056X Editors Maurice Yolles Liverpool John Moores University Paul Iles University of Salford Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68

Communication & Media


journAl of Applied journAlism & mediA studies


2013, Volume 2 3 issues per year ISSN 2001-0818 Online ISSN 2049-9531 Editors Leon Barkho Jnkping University Ibrahim Saleh Cape Town University Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 14 / $24

Applies media and communication theories to real-world media practices Explores management and editorial issues, ethical codes, coverage and handling of user-generated material First journal to publish material by media actors alongside academic papers Editorial board includes an ex-BBC executive director, a former director of the Israeli Government Press Office, and the current director of the Al-Jazeera Center For Studies

The Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies bridges the gap between media and communication research and actors with a say in media production, e.g. broadcasters, newspapers, radios, Internet-based media outlets, etc. It is devoted to research in which a clear link is made between the prevalent theories and paradigms that media and communication scholars work with, and the real world where media and communication activities take place. It also tackles issues and practices related to the output and organization of media outlets in our digitized age.

All journAls in this section Are included in our

communicAtion & mediA, And culturAl & mediA studies collections


journAl of populAr television


2013, Volume 1 2 issues per year ISSN 2046-9861 Online ISSN 2046-987X Principal Editor James Leggott Northumbria University Associate Editors Julie Anne Taddeo University of Maryland Tobias Hochscherf University of Applied Sciences, Kiel Subscription rates Institutional: 110 / $154 Online only*: 75 / $105 Personal: 36 / $68

Explores all aspects of popular television, both fictional and factual Includes analyses of individual programmes, audiences, broadcast policies and format trading Contributions from established and leading names, as well as newer researchers

Firmly based in the belief that popular television continues to play a major cultural, political and social role, the Journal of Popular Television explores all aspects of popular television, whether fictional or factual, contemporary or historical, and includes genres such as drama, comedy, reality television, sports and cultural programming. It also includes responses to specific programmes, national-television cultures and production developments, as well as articles that analyse texts, formats and exports across national boundaries.




explorAtions in mediA ecology

Official journal of the Media Ecology Association Explores the relationships between media, consciousness and culture Editorial board includes N. Katherine Hayles, Paul Heyer and Joshua Meyrowitz

ubiquity: the journAl of pervAsive mediA

Explores our ability, via mobile phones and other networked digital devices, to be everywhere at the same time Creates new dialogues between disciplines

EME emphasizes a humanistic approach to understanding media and communication, and explores the ways we are influenced by technologies, which act as invisible environments affecting how we think, act, and organize ourselves.

Ubiquity explores the consequences of everyone and everything being connected, and offers a context for visual artists, designers, scientists and writers to consider how ubiquity is transforming our relationship with the world.

2013, Volume 12 4 issues per year ISSN 1539-7785 Online ISSN 2048-0717 Editor Paul Grosswiler University of Maine Pedagogy Editor Catherine Adams University of Alberta Subscription rates Institutional: 132 / $185 Online only*: 99 / $140 Personal: 48 / $90

2013, Volume 2 2 issues per year ISSN 2045-6271 Online ISSN 2045-628X Editors Mike Phillips University of Plymouth Chris Speed Edinburgh College of Art Subscription rates Institutional: 110 / $154 Online only*: 75 / $105 Personal: 36 / $68

Ubiquity Archive


cAtAlAn journAl of communicAtion & culturAl studies

empedocles: europeAn journAl for the philosophy of communicAtion

interActions: studies in communicAtion & culture

internAtionAl journAl of digitAl television

internAtionAl journAl of mediA & culturAl politics

journAl of AfricAn mediA studies



Includes one miscellaneous issue, and one themed issue on the field Indexed with the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS) Contributors include Tom Horlick-Jones, David Altheide, Graham Murdock, Ortwin Renn, Peter Lynch and Nigel Morgan

Explores the interface of philosophy and communication Published in co-operation with the Section for the Philosophy of Communication, ECREA Diverse range of contributors

Explores the connections between communication, culture and society in the twenty-first century Forthcoming special issue: Eco-cinema and its audiences Primary topics include: political economy; promotional culture; migration; and new media

Explores the transition to digital TV and wider trends in TV Indexed with ProQuest Technology Journals database Contributors include international academics, policy-makers and practitioners

Combines academic analysis with the practicalities of real-world communications, culture and politics Themes include: the death of the intellectual; getting past post-feminism; the media and the end of history A must-read for students of sociology, politics, cultural studies, and media studies

Explores the historical and contemporary aspects of media and communication in Africa Indexed with the Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index and SCOPuS Encompasses a range of media, from television and print, to jokes, music and mobile telephony

to discover more, contribute or buy these journals, visit us at
2013, Volume 5 2 issues per year ISSN 1757-1898 Online ISSN 1757-1901 Principal Editor Enric Castell Rovira i Virgili University Subscription rates Institutional: 180 / $290 Online only*: 147 / $220 Personal: 36 / $68 2013, Volume 5 2 issues per year ISSN 1757-1952 Online ISSN 1757-1960 Principal Editor Johan Siebers University of Central Lancashire Subscription rates Institutional: 180 / $290 Online only*: 147 / $220 Personal: 36 / $68 2013, Volume 5 3 issues per year ISSN 1757-2681 Online ISSN 1757-269X Managing Editor Sarah Cunningham Intellect Subscription rates Institutional: 180 / $290 Online only*: 147 / $220 Personal: 36 / $68 2013, Volume 4 3 issues per year ISSN 2040-4182 Online ISSN 2040-4190 Principal Editor Michael Starks University of Oxford Subscription rates Institutional: 150 / $120 Online only*: 117 / $160 Personal: 36 / $68 2013, Volume 9 3 issues per year ISSN 1740-8296 Online ISSN 2040-0918 Editors Katharine Sarikakis University of Vienna Neil Blain University of Stirling Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68 2013, Volume 5 3 issues per year ISSN 2040-199X Online ISSN 1751-7974 Principal Editor Winston Mano University of Westminster Subscription rates Institutional: 215 / $330 Online only*: 177 / $265 Personal: 36 / $68


journAl of ArAb & muslim mediA reseArch

to discover more, contribute or buy these journals, visit us at

journAl of gAming & virtuAl Worlds

journAl of mediA prActice

the rAdio journAl: internAtionAl studies in broAdcAst & Audio mediA

BEstsElliNg jourNal

Explores how Al-Jazeera, and other Arab broadcasters, have affected the way the Arab world narrates its identity Themes include: the medias coverage of wars and conflicts in the region; Arab/ Muslim youth, identity and the media; and the media and female empowerment Contributions from academics, researchers, students, journalists, and policy-makers

Explores the cultural effects of gaming and virtual worlds, across platforms and genres Indexed with ProQuest High Technology and Aerospace, and ProQuest Technology Journals Now including Machinima reviews

Explores changes in media practices, technologies and audiences Contributions from media academics and practitioners, historians, anthropologists, sociologists, architects, journalists, artists, festival directors, and film critics

Explores the production, reception and texts of radio and audio media Published in association with the Radio Studies Network Includes analyses of audio books and sound art

2013, Volume 6 3 issues per year ISSN 1751-9411 Online ISSN 1751-942X Editor Noureddine Miladi University of Northampton Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 5 3 issues per year ISSN 1757-191X Online ISSN 1757-1928 Editors Astrid Ensslin Bangor University Eben Muse Bangor University Subscription rates Institutional: 215 / $330 Online only*: 177 / $265 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 14 3 issues per year ISSN 1468-2753 Online ISSN 2040-0926 Editor Gareth Palmer University of Salford Subscription rates Institutional: 235 / $368 Online only*: 192 / $290 Personal: 36 / $68

2013, Volume 11 2 issues per year ISSN 1476-4504 Online ISSN 2040-1388 Editor Tim Wall Birmingham City University Subscription rates Institutional: 215 / $330 Online only*: 177 / $265 Personal: 36 / $68


full journAls collection

journAl collections
Intellects journal collections enable you to subscribe to all the journals in your subject area at a considerable discount. In addition, you will receive online access to all back issues for each journal in the collection for as long as the current subscription year is maintained. Alternatively, you can design your own tailored collection.
All the journals in the Film Collection plus seven extra journals with significant filmrelated content. These journals are: Animation Practice, Process & Production; Horror Studies; International Journal of Digital Television; Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance; Journal of Fandom Studies; Journal of Popular Television; and MIRAJ

full collection



print & online online only*



us & Canada roW


8,095 8,509 $12,110 (usD) uK & roW us & Canada 6,393 $9,335 (usD)

film collection

mix & mAtch

A tailored collection allows you the flexibility and freedom to design your own package from our range of 92 titles. To discuss a tailored journal collection or to request a quote, please contact Nicola Reisner at Intellect. E-mail: Tel: + 44 (0) 117 958 9910 Tailored collections can be ordered directly through our distributors or via your usual subscriptions agent. To ensure your tailored collection is processed correctly, please ask your agent to ensure the following: If renewing a tailored collection, please check that the discount has been correctly applied to your invoice Orders must be sent through to our distributors, Turpin, manually and not via magtape Please quote the relevant collection order code, for example COLLECTION 713 In order to qualify for the discount, please ensure that all titles in the collection are ordered at the same time All titles must be ordered on the same customer number Please provide your institutions IP address ranges and a contact e-mail

film collection film+



print & online online only*



us & Canada roW

$4,596 (usD) us & Canada $3,570 (usD) 3,223

3,030 3,175 uK & roW 2,428

film+ collection


30 15 21 19 14


print & online online only*



us & Canada roW

$5,184 (usD) us & Canada $3,994 (usD) 3,684

3,450 3,625 uK & roW 2,731

performing Arts collection

performing Arts



print & online online only*



us & Canada roW


1,964 2,065 $2,869 (usD) uK & roW us & Canada 1,548 $2,207 (usD)

visuAl Arts collection

visuAl Arts



print & online online only*



us & Canada roW

$3,333 (usD) us & Canada $2,527 (usD) 2,445

2,269 2,401 uK & roW 1,745

culturAl studies collection print & online online only*



us & Canada roW

$3,891 (usD) us & Canada $3,017 (usD) 2,762

culturAl studies

communicAtion & mediA


2,591 2,719 uK & roW 2,043

communicAtion & mediA collection print & online online only*



us & Canada roW


The discount structure for tailored collections is as follows**. Please note, some discounts have changed. 713 journals 10 % discount. 1421 journals 20 % discount. 2229 journals 25 % discount. 3039 journals 30 % discount. 4049 journals 35 % discount. 5092 journals 40 % discount. Order code: COLLECTION 713 Order code: COLLECTION 1421 Order code: COLLECTION 2229 Order code: COLLECTION 3039 Order code: COLLECTION 4049 Order code: COLLECTION 5092
A great collection that combines both the Cultural Studies and Communication & Media Collections

culturAl & mediA studies


1,912 2,006 $2,909 (usD) uK & roW us & Canada 1,526 $2,246 (usD)

culturAl & mediA studies collection




print & online online only*



us & Canada roW


3,902 4,095 $5,894 (usD) uK & roW us & Canada 3,093 $4,561 (usD)

All Intellect journals 50 % discount (see page 63).

* Online-only prices are subject to VAT where applicable ** Please note discounts cannot be added retrospectively to orders not previously processed as a collection

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The process of developing an idea for a new journal is invigorating and very thorough. The team brings a wide ranging knowledge to the entire process, wonderful energy in terms of their creative thinking and suggestions for format, design and editorial processes. Above all I have felt very supported throughout the whole process of proposing and getting a new journal off the ground! Sarah Whatley, Editor, Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices

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Animation Practice, Process & Production 28 Applied Theatre Research Art & the Public Sphere Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education Asian Cinema Australasian Journal of Popular Culture Book 2.0 Canadian Journal of Popular Culture Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies Choreographic Practices Citizenship Teaching & Learning Comedy Studies Craft Research Creative Industries Journal Critical Studies in Fashion & Beauty Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture Design Ecologies Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication European Journal of American Culture Explorations in Media Ecology Film, Fashion & Consumption Film International Film Matters 18 29 36 5 43 30 44 58 22 45 22 36 48 36 48 31 58 48 56 8 11 11 49 46 58 International Journal of Iberian Studies International Journal of Islamic Architecture International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics International Journal of Performance Arts & Digital Media 50 32 59 23 Metaverse Creativity Moving Image Review & Art Journal New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film Northern Lights: Film & Media Studies Yearbook 38 33 13 13

International Journal of Technology Management & Sustainable Development 50 Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance Journal of African Cinemas Journal of African Media Studies Journal of Applied Arts & Health Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research Journal of Arts & Communities Journal of Chinese Cinemas Journal of Curatorial Studies Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices Journal of European Popular Culture Journal of Fandom Studies Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies Journal of Japanese & Korean Cinema Journal of Media Practice Journal of Music, Technology & Education Journal of New Zealand & Pacific Studies Journal of Organizational Transformation & Social Change Journal of Popular Television Journal of Scandinavian Cinema Journal of Screenwriting Journal of Visual Art Practice 23 11 59 23 53 60 37 12 27 24 50 41 61 7 12 61 24 42 51 54 9 12 37 51 38

Performing Ethos: International Journal of Ethics in Theatre & Performance 25 Performing Islam Philosophy of Photography Portuguese Journal of Social Science Poster, The Public Punk & Post Punk Radio Journal, The Scene Short Fiction in Theory & Practice Short Film Studies Soundtrack, The Studies in Australasian Cinema Studies in Comics Studies in Documentary Film Studies in Eastern European Cinema Studies in European Cinema Studies in French Cinema Studies in Hispanic Cinemas Studies in Musical Theatre Studies in Russian & Soviet Cinema Studies in South Asian Film & Media Studies in Spanish & Latin-American Cinemas* Studies in Theatre & Performance Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research Transnational Cinemas Ubiquity Visual Inquiry: Learning & Teaching Art

20 38 51 39 34 21 61 19 47 10 13 14 39 14 14 15 15 16 25 15 16 16 25 39 16 57 35

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Horror Studies Hospitality & Society Interactions : Studies in Communication & Culture

International Journal of Community Music 22 International Journal of Contemporary Iraqi Studies International Journal of Digital Television International Journal of Education Through Art International Journal of Francophone Studies 49 59 37 49

Journal of War & Culture Studies Journal of Writing in Creative Practice

*Please note, Studies in Hispanic Cinemas is now called Studies in Spanish & Latin-American Cinemas

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