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Name : Fenderick Lee Siong Xuan Class : S1 Teacher : Ms Adeline Topic : A comparison of the use of dairy proteins and

synthetic polymers as emulsifying agents in the production of the pharmaceutical system. Introduction: Dairy proteins are often known as milk proteins. An instance of a milk protein is Whey Protein Isolate. Whey Protein Isolate is also known as filter milk protein where it is a by-product of the cheese creation process. Whey Proteins are obtainable in three discrete major form: concentrate, isolate and hydrolysate. Whey Proteins Isolates are highly available and are very quickly engrossed by the body. It also has a high concentration branched chain amino acid which are highly concentrated in muscle tissue. Whey Protein Isolates harvest a higher percentage of pure protein and can be filtered enough to be almost lactose free, carbohydrate free, fat free, and cholesterol free. Whey Proteins Isolates have had their base component, which is water, removed and are generally considered almost lactose and cholesterol free. They are approximately 90 percent protein by weight. Synthetic polymers are generally known as plastic. An example of a synthetic polymer is Metyhl Cellulose. Methyl Cellulose( or methylcellulose) is a chemical compound resulting from cellulose. It is a hydeophilic white powder in pure form and dissolve only in cold water, enabling it to form clear viscous solution or gel. It serves as an emulsifier and a thickener in various food and cosmetic products. Having the similiarity as cellulose, it is undisgestable, not toxic and not allergenic. Methyl Cellulose had known to have various usage in pharmaceutidal products, food products and industrial products. My aim for doing this research is to compare between Dairy Proteins and Synthetic Polymer as emulsifiers in the production of pharmaceutidal products. Chemical Concept: Whey Protein Isolates. These spherical proteins are more water soluble than caseins and are subject to heat denaturation. Ingigenous whey proteins have good gelling and whipping properties. Denaturation increases the water accomodation capacity. Whey Protein Isolates have a pH-value of approximately 5.8. Therefore they are stable at acid pH, thus making them a good emulsifier in acid environment.

Name : Fenderick Lee Siong Xuan Class : S1 Teacher : Ms Adeline Topic : A comparison of the use of dairy proteins and synthetic polymers as emulsifying agents in the production of the pharmaceutical system. The Chemical Structure of Whey Proteins. Whey Proteins have a functionality that allws them to denature, aggregate, and gel. However, the viscosity of whey protein is dependent on the concentration, shape, size, molecular weight, flexibility, intermolecular interactions, degree of hydration and charge of proteins.

Dissimilar kinds of methyl cellulose can be prepared contingent on the number of hydroxyl groups substituted. Cellulose is a polymer comprising of numerous linked glucose molecules, each of which exposes three hydroxyl groups, Methyl cellulose has a lower critical solution temperature ( LCST ) between 30 C and it will become stable at 40 C and 55 C. At temperatures below the LCST, it would be promptly soluble in water. Whereas when at temperatures above the LCST, it would not be soluble, which has a inconsistent effect that heating a saturated solution of methyl cellulose will turn it to solid. It is because methyl cellulose will precipitate out. Methyl cellulose also does not react well with cold water. As the powder comes in contact with water, a gluey layer will form around it, while the inside will remain dry. Methyl cellulose are widely used as emulifying agent to produce their characteristic thich consistency. Methyl cellilose emulsifier also are capable of drastically reducing the amounf of oil. Methyl cellulose is very stable, therefore it is able to mix with other emulsifying agent due to the non hydronium structure but easily salt out. The solution viscosity of cellulose ethers are independent on the temperature. As the solution temperature increases, the viscosity decreases, Once the gelling temperature has been dereased, once the viscosity sharply rises until the flocculatoin temperature is reached.

Name : Fenderick Lee Siong Xuan Class : S1 Teacher : Ms Adeline Topic : A comparison of the use of dairy proteins and synthetic polymers as emulsifying agents in the production of the pharmaceutical system. The Chemical Structure of Methyl Cellulose. Methyl ether of cellulose; Cellulose Methyl ether 9004-67-5 [C6H702(OH)x(OCH3)y]n where x = 1.00 to 1.55 y = 2.00 to 1.45x+y = 3.00(y = degree of subtitution) Swelling in water, producing a clear to opalescent, viscous, colloidal solution; insoluble in ethanol, ether and chloroform; soluble in glacial acetic acid. pH value 5.0 8.0 (1 in 100 soln) Point of view: Whey Protein Isolates and Methyl Cellulose are good emulsifires in the production on pharmaceutical system. However, there are advantages and disadvantages of having them as emulsifiers in the production on pharmaceutical system. Not all proteins are effective emulsifiers, or near the isoelectric points, which are usually at a pH of less than 7, and are typically approximately 4.5. Given that many pharmaceutical products are alkali, this places proteins at a disadvantage as emulsifiers because it would partially neutralize the alkali in the pharmaceudital product. Other disadvantages of using proteins as emulsifiers include the non-compatibility of preteins with charged polysaccharis such as xanthan and with synthetic colouring agents of azo type. However, it would also be an advantage if proteins is being used as emulsifiers for stronger alkali, thus, allowing the alkali is be weaker. Whey Proteins Isolate is also good at gelling due to its functionality to gel, denature, and aggregate. It will be able to form pharmaceutical cream. Not all synthetic polymer are also effective emulsifiers. Synthetic polymers such as methyl cellulose requires specific amount of heat energy to be soluble in water. The gluey nature would also be a nuisane to the production of the pharmaceutical system. On the contrary, there are many advantages for this emulsifier as it requires minimum heat energy to be viscos. It would also greatly reduce the oil content in the pharmaceutical system. Conclusion Dairy proteins and synthetic polymers has both its advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, synthetic polymer is better than dairy proteins as emulsifiers in the production of pharmaceutical system. Since this research is about comparing which is the better emulsifier. Synthetic polymer has many benefits. Hence allowing more advantages than dairy proteins. The cost for fairy proteins are also increasing due to the popular demand for body builders.

Name : Fenderick Lee Siong Xuan Class : S1 Teacher : Ms Adeline Topic : A comparison of the use of dairy proteins and synthetic polymers as emulsifying agents in the production of the pharmaceutical system. Synthetic polymers are also able to reduce the oil content whereas dairy protein would not be able to do so. Whey Protein will also degrade with time as it is dissociated by nature resources. Hence, Synthetic polymer is a better emulsifier in the product of pharmaceutical system compared to dairy protein Word Count : 1000 Reference List: 1. Bourtroom,T.,2009, Edible protein films : properties enchancement, online, Retrieved : March 16, 2011, from 2. Dairy Subtitute. Online, Retrieved : March 16, 2011, from 3. Hideki Ichikawa and Yoshinobu fukumori. 1999. Negatively Thermosensitve Release of Drug from microcapsules with Hydroxypropyl Cellulose Membranes Prepared by the Wurster Process. Online, Retrieved : March 16, 2011, from 4. Food Science. 1995 Dairy Chemistry and Physics. Online, Retrieved : March 16, 2011, from

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