For and Against Essays

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For and Against Essays For and against essays A "for and against" essay is a formal piece of writing

in which a topic is considered from opposing points of view. You should present both sides in a fair way by discussing them objectively and in equal detail. A good essay of this type should consist of: a) an introductory paragraph in which you clearly state the topic to be discussed, without giving your opinion; b) a main body in which the points for and against along with your justifications, examples or reasons are presented in separate paragraphs; and c) a closing paragraph in which you state your opinion or give a balanced consideration of the topic. Note: Opinion words (I think, I believe, In my opinion, etc.) can only be used in the closing paragraph where you give your opinion on the topic. Points to consider Before you start writing your essay you should make a list of the points for and against. Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence which summarizes the topic of the paragraph. e.g. In addition, many people feel reading is a relaxing and worthwhile activity. Do not use informal style (e.g. short forms, colloquial language, etc.) or strong language to express your opinion (e.g. I know, etc.). Express your opinion in a nonemotional way (e.g. It seems that, I therefore feel, etc.). Well-known quotations relevant to the topic you are writing about will make your composition more interesting. For example, if you are writing an essay on education, a quotation you may include is: "Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance." (Will Durant) Note: Although these are "balanced" arguments, if you feel that either the for or against side is stronger and should be supported, this side should be presented in paragraphs 4 & 5, thus leading the reader to your conclusion. Introduction Paragraph 1 state topic (summary of the topic without giving your opinion) Main Body Paragraphs 2 & 3 arguments for & justifications, examples, and/ or reasons Paragraphs 4 & 5 arguments against & justification, examples, and/or reasons Conclusion Final Paragraph balanced consideration/ your opinion directly or indirectly

Go to Practical Exercises From this essay depends my further grade from english - so please help me ! :) For and against essay of having a pet Pets have accompanied mankind since the dawn of history. Allegedly, the domestication of animals begun along with the Neolithic Revolution (approximately between 10-12 thousand years ago). Some people either hate or love this accompaniment. For sure, there are various disadvantages and advantages of having a pet, which I will try to point out in my essay. In my opinion, one major advantage of having a pet is that they can replace people and become one of our nearest and dearest. For instance, if someone lives alone he would find it very enjoyable of having a pet. Furthermore, presence of an animal at home may provide greater feeling of security (especially when this pet is a dog). In addition to this, pets often play the main role in both, the handicapped and disabled peoples lives. Nevertheless, keeping a pet involves lots of responsibilities. Firstly, there are some extra costs which appear along with animals. The pet-holder always needs to calculate constant expenses into budget, because his favourite requires food, equipment (cages, collars, aquarium, etc.) and probably veterinary treatment. Apart from this, if you decide to buy a pet you will certainly tied yourself up with this animal, because from this moment you will always have to, before going anywhere from town, take into consideration your pet's needs. Taking everything into account, I realise that my stance in this matter is rather balanced. There are both good and bad sides of keeping a pet at home. In my opinion, everything depends on an individual character of the pet-owner, his particular relishes. I suppose that the relations between the animals and humans are as much diverse and complicated as they are between people themselves.

Overall, your ideas are good and are well-expressed, and your essay has a good basic structure. Nevertheless, I have suggested many corrections. Please compare your original and my revisions carefully. Here are some points I noticed particularly: (1) don't change person unnecessarily, (2) avoid personal comments ('I think', 'I suppose', etc), and (3) avoid parentheses.

Pets have accompanied mankind since the dawn of history. The domestication of animals began in the Neolithic Revolution 10-12 thousand years ago. People either love or hate this companionship. There are advantages and disadvantages to having a pet, which are discussed below. One major advantage of having pets is that they can substitute for people and become one of their nearest and dearest companions. For instance, if someone lives alone he will find a pet very enjoyable. Furthermore, the presence of an animal in the home may provide a greater feeling of security, especially when this pet is a dog. In addition to this, pets often play a major role in disabled peoples lives. Nevertheless, keeping a pet involves many responsibilities. First, there are extra costs involved. The pet owner needs to budget for his pet's food, equipment (cages, collars, aquarium, etc.) and veterinary care. Apart from this, if a person decides to buy a pet, he will certainly tie himself up with this animal: from that moment he will always have to take into consideration his pet's needs before going anywhere. Taking everything into account, the pros and cons are rather balanced. There are both good and bad sides to keeping a pet. Everything depends on the character of the individual pet owner, what he particularly relishes. The relations between animals and humans are as diverse and complicated as they are between people themselves.

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