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Object oriented programming in matlab

Richard E. Turner ( November 29th, 2011

Our goals in life...

unit tests test the code write bug free quickly version control write small units reuse the code clearly written easy to add/modify

object oriented


object properties methods data-fields functions

Matlab simile: like a structure with pre-dened, xed elds


object properties methods data-fields functions

un-normalised Gaussian natural parameters compute moments

Matlab simile: like a structure with pre-dened, xed elds


class un-normalised Gaussian data-fields functions natural parameters compute moments

object properties methods

Matlab simile: like a structure with pre-dened, xed elds

Object oriented approach

Organises data and functions which belong together Abstracts so others can operate at the level of the objects (programming = creating abstractions) Data-forward thinking (rather than code forward) you think about the data rst. OO makes simpler programs more complicated, but complex ones more simple. Beware too much/forced abstraction. There is an overhead

How does it do this: Encapsulation and property access



dependent properties

get methods

How does it do this: Encapsulation and property access

un-normalised Gaussian


natural parameters



dependent properties

moment computation

get methods

How does it do this: Inheritance and dynamic dispatch

un-normalised Gaussian
natural parameters compute moments

un-normalised Gamma
natural parameters compute moments

un-normalised isotropic Gaussian

natural parameters compute moments

dynamic dispatch e.g. exact moment computation methods

How does it do this: Inheritance and dynamic dispatch

un-normalised exponential family

inherit e.g. pdf methods un-normalised Gaussian

natural parameters compute moments

un-normalised Gaussian un-normalised isotropic Gaussian

natural parameters compute moments

un-normalised Gamma
natural parameters compute moments

dynamic dispatch e.g. exact moment computation methods


Where to nd out more information

Lorens blog: When to use OO: when-to-create-classes-in-matlab/ Design considerations for OO: 03/08/common-design-considerations-for-object-properties/

Tutorial for matlab OO: html Software carpentry introduction:

Online video tutorial: ObjectOrientedProgramming.html

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