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My Little Pony: The Next Generation

A role-play Started By Raider~joseph and (at least by 6/4/2012) Added to by Bio_Plus, Zeldafan2, TopazRaven, Diamond Dragon, rocklobster, Derek_Is_Me, Brizee-Chan and SincerelyAnonymous Raider~joseph RPed the characters Forge, Beak, Twilight, Spike and major plot moving characters such as Villans. Bio_Plus RPed the characters Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash and Princess Celestia Zeldafan2 RPed the characters Cherry and Pinkie Pie TopazRaven RPed the characters Sweetie Belle, Fluttershy, Rarity, Peppermint and Chocolate Pretzel Diamond Dragon RPed the characters Applebloom, Applejack, Galaxy, SkyCall and WildGale Rocklobster RPed the characters Gumshoe and Punky Derek _Is_Me RPed the character Purifus Brizee-Chan RPed the character Latte Love (not included in this story) SincerelyAnonymous RPed the character Applebloom in the beginning but had to leave RP Most others characters were given freedom of control over by the mass meaning anyone who needed said character could control him/her as needed. COMPLETE CREDIT TO RAIDER AND THE WHOLE TEAM FOR THIS WHOLE THING I JUST LIKE IT ENOUGH TO CONVERT IT INTO SHORT STORY FORMAT BUT THEY CAME UP WITH ALL THE CONTENT I CLAIM NOTHING.

Chapter 4: The early Pony catches the Train That early morning at Forges place Forge woke up suddenly. It was still dark out. He had to be fast so he grabbed all his stuff and woke up Beak. "Beak! Wake up!" Beak yawned and looked at him."Your actually going through with this? Oh well...come on." He flew onto Forge's back. They galloped through town and Forge tripped on a trash can in the dark around that candy shop he visited the other day. He tried to put everything back and get going again. He then found himself on the apple farm. "Ok go find them Beak." Beak flew around until he saw the group. He flew down to Applebloom and started poking her side saying. "Hey! Time to get up. We will miss the train!" As she was dreaming, Cherry Blossom fell out of bed, she woke up, and looked at the clock. "EEEKEKKKKKKKK!!!!" She realized there wasn't much time. She took her bag of things, and rushed to the house where the others were sleeping. She saw Galaxy and Ash sleeping, and said, "Wake up! We are going to miss our train if you don't!" As she said this, she poke them repeatedly. Scootaloo was up in the trees gathering apples for everyone, she woke up early before everypony else, some habits were hard to break. She looked through the trees at the sudden disturbance in the quiet orchard and saw Forge standing around. Hey Forge! She shouted at him. Have you stolen breakfast yet, or do you want an apple? She asked and threw an apple towards him. Sweetie Belle yawned and glanced around blearily, what with all that commotion going on. "Is it time to leave already?" She asked, stretching out her legs before standing up. Chocolate Pretzel's alarm went off and he gasped loudly in alarm, falling out of his bed. He almost forgot why he was getting up so early. Then he saw his bags packed in the corner of his room and memories of last night came back to him. He quickly gathered them up and hurried down to the farm, hoping he wouldn't be late. He'd already talked to his sister about taking care of the candy store for him. Though she'd been rather shocked and a little more than worried that he seemed to be going off on some random adventure with a group of ponies he hardly even knew. Since when had he ever been so outgoing after all? "Ok, ok, I'm up..." mumbled Galaxy, slowly sitting up "Why do we have to wake up so early?" She asked, yawning. Applebloom woke up with a snort. "Quit with the poking Beak! I'm getting up! And if I find Forge stealing apples again, both of you will be in trouble." She said sleepily. Cherry Blossom continued to nudge Ash after Galaxy woke up. "He is a sound sleeper, isn't her?" She thought to herself as she continued to try and wake him up. Ash stretched out easily and got up with a yawn. The silent Ponyville had him sound asleep. Castle life in Canterlot was usually a little noisier, you learned to sleep through it. Oh, Good morning Miss. He said to Cherry as he start to realize where he was and what was happening. Cherry was somewhat taken aback by Ash's polite nature, but then replied, "And a good morning to you. It is very nice to meet you." It's a pleasure. Ash replied. My name is Ash, and you're Miss Cherry Blossom, who um... surprised us last night in Miss Applebloom's house. Ash said and then gave a burp, a scroll appeared. Excuse me Miss. Ash said and started to read the letter.

"Oh, that's right. You're the messenger for the Queen." Cherry Blossom said after she saw him with the scroll. " I would say, that is quite a big responsibility." Ash folded up the letter. I'm actually just a lowly records keeper Miss. I happened on this bit of adventure just by chance really, but thank you. I have some news for the Princess though that WildGale might be interested to hear. He nodded at Cherry and walked towards Applebloom. Excuse me Miss Applebloom, have you seen Miss WildGale? "Still, working for the queen is something anyone would want to do," She thought to herself as Ash left. She had also realized that the pony WildGale who was fighting Galaxy earlier was missing. She, however, was more interested in finding out where there train station was. So she walked over to Forge and said "Where exactly is the train station we will be traveling on?" "Why no, I thought she was still--" started Applebloom. She was interrupted when she saw WildGale in the sky, flying upwards as if she wanted to go out to orbit. "...Oh. There she is." Galaxy looked up at WildGale wondering what she was doing. Chocolate Pretzel was relieved to see he was apparently just in time, seemed like everyone was just arriving. Sweetie Belle watched as Forge approached and tried to stifle a snicker when Scootaloo tossed an apple at him. Forge caught the apple with his magic then started to eat. "I only steal from the Apples." He said. "Everything else is alchemized. Long long... LONG process." He trotted up to Scoot. "Sooooo... wanna tell me whats with all these other ponies...and dragons? Um... are they coming with us?" Scootaloo flew down to the basket and put it on her back. Oh, so I guess that makes you a snobby thief then? Scootaloo replied. Yes, they're all coming with us. It seems the fuss you caused in town attracted a crowd. Stealthy you are not. She started walking back to the others. Ash looked up at WildGale flying high above before he remembered why he was here. I received a letter from the Princess. Ash told Applebloom. It says that her Highness has, upon word, already sent out her guards to investigate the matter of Miss WildGales village. It also says that her Highness has been aware about Miss Galaxy's presence in Ponyville, but has had no reason to see her as a threat. On a personal note her Highness wishes you luck on your journey and will inform you at once of any findings. Ash looked a bit uncertain. Could you please tell Miss WildGale, Miss Applebloom? I do not think she'll willingly hear such news from me. Applebloom had agreed to Ash's request. Cherry Blossom saw that WildGale was up in the sky as well. She left from Forge's side and tried to get a closer look. "Maybe I should call her." She thought to herself. "WildGale! What are you doing up there?" She asked WildGale in a loud voice. "What commotion?" Said Forge. "I never said a word except to the guy who gave me the sugar and its not like he is coming with us!" "Um, well...actually," Chocolate Pretzel commented as he finally reached the farm and walked up beside Forge. "Y-you don't mind me coming do you? After you mentioned it...I just couldn't get it off my mind." Cherry Blossom could tell WildGale couldn't hear her. She then ran back towards Forge, and stopped short. She noticed Chocolate Pretzel saying something to him. "I guess I shouldn't interrupt them." She thought to herself. "I had no idea Forge had a crush." She then walked inside Applebloom's house, and used the internet to figure out the train station

they were using. "Oh, okay. Now I know where we are going." She decided to sit outside Applebloom's house, and wait till everyone was ready. "Oh... well it WAS your sugar." He said. "Ill admit its nice to have someone on the team who doesn't have incentive to hate me, but what about these guys?" He pointed at the new guys one by one. "I didn't tell them anything. Hey you... with the... the..." He looked at Cherry Blossom's weapon and his eyes got wide and his mouth looked like it was a scream. He took the blade out from her bag and examined it like it was about to explode... "OH THANK CELESTIA!" He said... "This weapon had a magical aura I thought it was... a vorpal sword... no eyeball... um... sorry." He handed the weapon to Cherry. "Im Forge and Im sorry about the freak out its just that... well... if this WAS a vorpal sword... it would um... never mind." He blushed and handed it out to her with his magic. "Its not. Vorpal swords are dangerous and have an eyeball on them. They um..." He blushed in embarrassment. Scootaloo rolled her eyes at Forge and Cherry. Hey Chocolate. She greeted. Always helps to have another sane pony with us. She walked over to Sweetie Belle and put down the basket filled with apples. Breakfast everypony! And don't forget to take some with you for the journey. Cherry was shocked Forge had just grabbed the weapon from her but what he said interested her. "No, its okay. I thought it was very interesting when I first saw it as well. It was a gift from my parents. They told me in a note to take it with me wherever I went. They said it had a special power that I needed to unlock. I just don't know what." She then asked him, "What was the vorpal blade you were mentioning when you were outbursting?" Sweetie Belle pulled an apple out of the basket gratefully and began to munch on it. They were going to need all the energy they could get after all. She just shook her head at Forge's outburst over the weapon. Chocolate nodded to Scootaloo. "Thanks. I'm glad to be with you all," he responded. He watched Forge freak out over Cherry's strange weapon with slight alarm, but calmed down when it all seemed to be a false alarm. Scootaloo sat down and looked over the party that had gathered together. Well, Sweetie Belle. She said with a sigh. Even if we were going on an ordinary pick nick, I think we'd still get into loads of trouble with all of them. I'd be amazed if we can make it out of Ponyville in one piece. "Yeah, you're probably right," Sweetie Belle agreed with Scootaloo. Forge replied "They are EVIL. Enough said. Okay everypony we have 10 minutes to get to train! Lets go!" Beak landed near Sweetie Belle."We still on for getting Forge out of Ponyville?" Sweetie Belle turned to Beak once the bird had landed next to her and gave him a somewhat annoyed look. "Yeah, yeah. Don't worry about that." Just a minute Mr Hasty. Scootaloo said towards Forge.Aren't you forgetting something? Your mapmaker hasn't showed up yet, unless you want us to travel across Equestria aimlessly, catching the train isn't going to do us much good. "You called?" Said the Hobo. "This is a map of the Obstocol forest! It has specific instructions on how to get there!" He handed it to Scoot. "Now about my payment." Scootaloo held out her hoof as if expecting the hobo turn up right at that moment and took the map from him. She flew over to Applebloom and gave the map to her. How's it look Applebloom? Applebloom examined the map. "It looks authentic." she said

Galaxy looked over the earth ponys shoulder. "Ah! I recognize this area!" she said, pointing to a range of mountains. "That's close to where my family lives!" then she turned back to the hobo. Your barrel of apples is under that tree, if it's too heavy for you I'm sure Big Mac will help carry it home for you. "No I can manage."He jumped into the barrel and started eating. "Ok... NOW is everypony ready?" Forge asked. WildGale, finishing her daily exercise, suddenly swooped down over everyone and landed to one side. "I am!" Cherry responded to Forge. "I am too," Chocolate added cheerfully. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be," Sweetie Belle replied before snagging one last apple and collecting her bags. Scootaloo threw her saddlebags, already filled with apples, on her back. I'm good. Ash rushed to fetch a few apples for himself, and then waited patiently to follow without a word. "Ok! Its on the other side of town!" He started galloping. "Hurry up!" He shouted out. Scootaloo had galloped all the way to the train station with her friends. She was standing next to Sweetie Belle and Applebloom, excitedly shifting around. It's been a while since I've been on the train. She said to her friends. Ash sat on the floor boards of the train station out of breath. His short legs didn't help much to keep up, but he didn't even think of complaining. The Princess was counting on him and he was determined to do his bit. He looked around and saw the ponies staring at the group with wide eyes, one in particular he met yesterday named Daisy was quickly shifting her way out of the station. After the long gallop she had taken to get there, Cherry was so excited as she entered the train. This was her first time on a train, and she would be going on a adventure. "I am going to find my parents no matter what!" She said as she entered the train, and sat down on a seat. Chocolate Pretzel stopped next to Ash and glanced down at him in concern. "Are you alright?" He asked, noticing he was out of breath. "My apologies sir, one of us probably should have offered to carry you. You're welcome to hitch a ride on me from now on if you want," he offered. Ash stood up. No apologies needed, I will be alright. But I will accept your offer Sir, thank you ever so much. Ash said and bowed to Chocolate. "Hey...who is that?" Said Forge pointing at the window. "Its a dragon." A purple and green scaled dragon ran into the door. "Hey...*gasp* Cutie mark crusaders... or whatever you call yourself. *gasp* Long time no see." Said a dragon of 14 gasping from running so hard. "You remember old Spike right?" He said. "Me too, I can't even remember the last time I was on a train," Sweetie Belle replied with a smile. Glancing up at the grand machine before they were about to board it. "Spike!" She called in delight once the familiar dragon came into site. She galloped over to him. "What are you doing here!?" Spike! Scootaloo said in surprise and followed Sweetie Belle. Where have you

been? She asked excited. Cherry noticed while she was sitting that another dragon had flown in the train. "Hey, isn't that Spike?" She thought to herself. "I was wondering where he had gone." She then walked over to him, and said, "It is good to see you again, Spike." "Tending to the library is not an easy job... in fact Ive been doing Fluttershy and Pinkie's jobs too. I came to see everypony off." He looked at Forge." Hey aren't you guy who dressed up as Robincolt and..." Forge interrupted. "I was young and it was stupid. Yes it was me... PLEASE do me a solid and not say anything else about that dreadful day." Beak perked up. "Oh I remember that! HA! It was hilarious!" "If you call a slight concussion and a broken leg funny." Forge muttered under his breath. Spike return to his friends. "Listen... even if... it turns out that you know... they died... find out how. Please don't fail. I don't think Im the right one to say this but your sisters would be proud. Rainbow would be proud to Scoot." "Oh my, t-there isn't any need for bowing," Chocolate replied in embarrassment. "You are most welcome though." He turned his head now to see the other's greeting another dragon. "Don't worry Spike, we are going to find out what happened. No matter what," Sweetie Belle assured him, trying to calm the sudden rush of emotions she could feel swirling around in her chest. Yeah Spike, don't worry. Scootaloo said. This is a rescue mission and we won't fail. Scootaloo rubbed Spike's head. You just keep doing your best, we'll be back before you now it. "I know they're not dead. They could very well be hurt yes, but not dead! We'll find them and bring them home whatever it takes!" said Applebloom firmly. I sure hope theyre not dead... for everyone's sake. thought Galaxy. WildGale pointedly ignored the new dragon, even though he sounded sincere. Cherry could almost feel the emotion that was in the train. It made her want to cry. But she went back to her seat and sat down. She was going to wait until they finally arrived at their destination. "ALL ABOARD!" said a voice. Spike got off and waved as the train started moving... they were on their way. "No going back." Said Forge looking at the group.

Applebloom leaned out the window and waved back to Spike. The feeling of the wind blowing through her mane filled herself with excitement. They were going to rescue AppleJack and the others! "We'd never turn our backs on this mission anyway," Sweetie Belle responded to Forge, looking around until she found an empty seat and then sat down. Cherry got up. She was already getting bored sitting on the train. She wanted to congratulate Chocolate on her new boyfriend, so she walked over to her and said, "Congratulations!" Ash, who had walked onto the train with Chocolate, looked at him when Cherry congratulated him and only shrugged his shoulders. "U-um...thank you?" Chocolate Pretzel responded, sounding confused. "What am I being congratulated for?" He asked in curiosity. Scootaloo was balancing on the backs of the seats, jumping from one to the other, looking out of the windows as the train departed. She jumped over Forge as she continued down the train. Remember Forge, the snacks on the train are free She said and jumped to the next seat. Sweetie Belle snickered. "That's right, no need to be a thief here. I know that might be a bit difficult for you." "Oh whatever shall I do? Now that Im not forced to steal for food I can't afford? I know ill go murder the conductor and turn him into cupcakes! Be right back!"He said in a sarcastic overly dramatic voice. He got up."Beak gave Scoot and Sweetie Belle a wings up." Nice. Keep it up." He said sincerely. Forge came back with no cupcakes but a bag of chips, some carrots, and a bag of gummi fish. He also brought some weird looking candy that looked like chocolate covered sticks. He started eating. Scootaloo jumped off the chairs and rolled her eyes. She walked up to Galaxy and jumped onto the chair next to her. So, what type of dragon are you anyway? She asked interested. Most of the dragons around Ponyville are huge, even Spike when he gets greedy can grow up to be ten times larger. But you seem kinda different. "I think my parents told me we were called Night Furies." said Galaxy thoughtfully. "But my parents are about twice my size... and so is Atran... so I guess I'm not quite finished growing." Applebloom kept her head out of the train window even as Ponyville sank out of sight. She watched the scenery go by wistfully. WildGale, not used to riding in such a contraption, was content to just sit in a chair a bit nervously. Never heard of a Night Fury before. Scootaloo said. But your probably strong for your size then? You did leave your family right? Won't you have a problem facing them if we happened to run into them? I mean they're bad, if you're going to have second thoughts maybe you should try and keep away from them. "I was told that our strength is our fire. My family can all blow a kind of fire that can explode on impact. I've never been able to do that though." replied Galaxy. "Hopefully we won't run into them though, especially not Atran." Taking out an uncut emerald, she started idly carving it with her claws. Cherry was confused. "She's just being modest." She thought to herself. "You know, the fact that you and Forge are dating now." She said to Chocolate aloud. Ash eyes went wide and he choked on his own dragon breath. Excuse me. He said. Just need some water. Ash said and hastily made himself scarce. He walked up next to Applebloom and Sweetie Belle's seats, taking in deep breaths to clear his throat.

"................................................................................................... ...............I ................................... Im not gay." Said Forge. "Plus he is WAY older than me. "Beak spoke up."He couldn't even get a date." Explodes on impact? Scootaloo said tapping her chin with her hoof. Sounds scary. Better leave it to the Princess then. Scootaloo looked up at the sudden disturbance. Now what's going on, can't Forge go one minute without causing a ruckus? "OH MY GOSH! I THOUGHT CHOCOLATE WAS A GIRL, I am SO sorry!" Cherry than rushed out of the hall and into the restroom. Chocolate's eyes widened in alarm. Wait, what was Cherry talking about!? He opened his mouth, about to explain she was mistaken, but Forge spoke up before he even got a chance to say anything. His ears dropped slightly and he lowered his head a bit as Cherry ran off in embarrassment. "I...I look like a girl?" He muttered to himself as he walked over to take an empty seat. Scootaloo stood up. Maybe it's the pegasus wings. She offered Chocolate as a comfort. Umm, Sweetie Belle maybe you could talk to her. Scootaloo nodded towards the restroom, as she headed there herself. As she passed Forge she muttered under her breath. At least we know why you've never had a girl Mister insensitive. Ash stood awkwardly to the side when he saw Galaxy working on a jewel. Curiously he approached her. Excuse me Miss Galaxy, but what are you doing with that jewel? Galaxy looked up from her work. "I'm cutting it so that it can be made into jewelry. It's sort of a hobby of mine." Jewelry? How marvelous, I don't think I've ever heard of a dragon that makes jewelry. Hoarding jewelry, yes, it's a constant problem in Equestria but making it, how interesting. Ash scribbled it down in his notebook. "That's one of the reasons why my family thinks I'm a weirdo." said Galaxy wistfully. The emerald was starting to take the shape of a clover as she continued to work on it. You're family thinks you're a weirdo? Ash asked surprised. I find that very unreasonable. I've never had a dragon family, the ponies from the palace has always been my family, but I'm glad to be able to do something I love. It must have been hard for you? "Yeah, it has been rather hard..." replied Galaxy. "I was teased often. But somehow I knew, somewhere, someplace, somebody would appreciate what I do. That's why I love Ponyville. I can give others something beautiful to brighten their day." I'm glad you found a place to love Miss Galaxy. And I'm sure the ponies wouldn't mind you around. Ash started writing in his notebook again. "You really think so?" Asked Galaxy. She finished the clover, then took out a small citrine and started to cut it so she could use it in the center. Sure, I don't see why not. Ash said closing his notebook. If you'll excuse me Miss Galaxy, all this talk about gems has given me an appetite. I think I'll go visit the snacks. Ash smiled and with a nod he went on his way. Cherry cried, and cried while she was in the restroom. "How could I be so foolish?" She thought to herself." I accidentally accused Forge of being gay, and I rushed to conclusions from something I saw." Then, she realized something else she said, and cried

even more. "And I accused Chocolate of being a girl, how could I do such a thing?" As she cried, she noticed Scootaloo open the door. She was going to answer, but kept crying even though there were so many things she wanted to say. "M-my wings?" Chocolate asked a bit self-consciously now, spreading them out a bit to give them a once over. Sweetie Belle just nodded and then left her seat, following Scootaloo into the bathroom. She noticed Cherry crying and walked over to her. "Cherry Blossom..." She started gently, wondering how she should handle this situation. Applebloom followed Scoot, and looked at poor Cherry. "It's ok Cherry. It was an honest mistake. I'm sure Chocolate and Forge will understand." Scootaloo was awkwardly standing at the door. She sometimes needed to be comforted by her friends when she cried, but was clumsy when she had to comfort someone else, she was glad Sweetie Belle and Applebloom was here. Maybe she could throw Forge with an apple, that would make her feel better. Nah, if she threw him with an apple every time he made her mad, she'd have nothing to eat later. Cherry's eyes widened. They were being so nice to her, after all she had done? "How can you forgive me? I have been terrible the whole time. I barged in Applebloom's house uninvited, I was rude to you guys, and then this. How could you, or Chocolate, or Forge ever forgive me?" She then started crying again. "Because we should treat others how we would like to be treated. I know I'd want someone to forgive me when I've done something wrong. So that's what I should do to others." replied Applebloom, putting a foreleg comfortingly around Cherry. Cherry stopped crying. She realized they truly had forgiven her for what she had done. "Thank you so much, I am so sorry. I am so thankful that you forgave me." She stood up, and looked around. "I'm going to apologize to Forge and Chocolate. I promise I will do better next time." She walked out of the restroom. Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement with Applebloom. "That's right, we all make mistakes. I'm sure they'll understand." She watched as Cherry Blossom left the bathroom and headed over to Forge. He better be nice to her... With a smile Scootaloo gave a nod to her friends in admiration. "Mr. insensitive. Thats about right. I didn't yell or anything. COOOOLT. WHY DO I DO THIS?" Beak said to him. "Its Ponyville man. You need to get out." Forge ignored him and told Chocolate. "I thought you were a boy. If it makes you feel better." Cherry walked up to Forge. "I'm really sorry about what happened earlier. I won't do it again. Will you, forgive me?" Scootaloo had followed Cherry and waited, looking over Cherry's shoulder towards Forge, for his response. "Its fine. Don't worry about it. I didn't mean to scare you." Said Forge with genuine smile. "You have been crying? Here, Eat this."He handed her a chocolate covered stick."Its called pocky. Its the greatest food in creation." Cherry smiled. She was glad Forge forgave her. She gladly took the food, and took a bite of it. "This is the most delicious food I have ever tasted! Thank you Forge!" She then walked over to Chocolate. " Chocolate, I am SO sorry for what I said. I didn't mean to insult you in such a way. I am just so sorry for the way I have been acting to you recently. Will

you forgive me?" Wow, Forge. Scootaloo said when Cherry walked away. So you are able to not be a jerk. She said sincerely. She turned around and started to walk away. "She acts so surprised." He said to himself. "So Galaxy you lived around the area we are going to. Is it true there are basilisks?" Scootaloo paused and shivered. Basilisks? She really hoped there wasn't, she didn't like Basilisks. I hope Sweetie Belle has a way to deal with them. She thought. Chocolate turned to Cherry and gave her a soft smile. "Certainly miss, it was just an accident after all. I don't have any hard feelings," he responded, though his selfconfidence probably wouldn't recover until the next day. "Great, thanks for forgiving me." She smiled at Chocolate, and walked over to Galaxy, Forge, and some of the other ponies, "What are you guys talking about?" She asked them. Scootaloo started walking again and past by Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. I'm going out for a bit. She said and walked out of the cabin. A moment later she was sitting on top of the train, the wind blowing through her hair. She had Rainbow Dash's old weather goggles in her hoofs and looking at it deep in thought. Applebloom approached WildGale, who was still sitting alone. "Hey WildGale, Princess Celestia is looking into what happened to your tribe." She said. WildGale hardly heard her. "I still don't see why we have to bring THEM along. Nothing good ever comes from their kind." She said, referring to Galaxy and Ash. Applebloom thought for a moment before answering. "Well... since you came into Ponyville, you've seen how different we are to you, and how you live, right?" "...Yeah." replied WildGale, wondering what Applebloom was getting at. "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe dragons can be different from what you know too?" Applebloom continued. WildGale blinked. She never thought about that... Realizing they had finished their conversation, Cherry sat down on a seat, and decided to spark conversation with Chocolate. "So, is there any particular reason you decided to go on this adventure?" She asked him. "Well...I wasn't going to come at first," Chocolate replied in response to Cherry's question. "However, then I just kept thinking about it...I knew I'd just worry about you all once you'd gone so I decided to tag along after all. Besides, this whole red clouds business, I'd really like to know what caused that storm." "I'm sorry to hear that," he replied sympathetically. "And yes, they were. Let's just hope that we'll find them all and can bring them home." He didn't even want to think of the other possibilities of what might have happened to those ponies. "I do to. I never met them before, but I have heard a lot about them. I just hope everyone is found, and none of them are dead." She replied. She considered something to herself, and said, "Applebloom sounds a lot like Applejack, are they related or something?" She asked Chocolate. "I think so, her sister. They both live on the Apple family farm after all." "I see. She must really want to find her. I just wish this whole thing never happened." Cherry sighed again. She hoped she wasn't repeating herself. She then suddenly had another question. "Do you know much about Forge? I have barley met him."

Applebloom had left WildGale to her own thoughts and was now munching an apple she had packed in her bag. "So how long will it take for us to get where we're going?" she asked everyone. Scootaloo sighed and put away the goggles. She stood up and gently spread her wings so the air could rush through her feathers. Ash came back carrying sweets and fruit. He made his way over to Forge and jumped into the chair next to him. So you're Forge? He asked casually, while biting into a pear. "Yes. I never got your name. I hear you work for The Princess... did a colt named Kunai Step ever talk to you before you left. Around 20,23 years, Gray mane brown hair? He wears a lot of black?" My name's Ash and no, I only spoke to the Princess. My task in Ponyville at first was mostly routine, nothing very grandeur. But I do know that the Princess thinks very dearly of Miss Applebloom and her friends. So I have taken it upon myself to inform her Highness of your thievery, I'm sure you understand. Ash said putting aside his snacks and taking out his notebook. But what I really would like to ask you is about your parents. How is it they died without anybody knowing about it? And who is this Kunai Step? "If you told Celestia about me we will meet Kunai soon enough. Lets just say he works for Celestia... and he is good at intercepting letters. My parents were and archeologist and Doctorates in world history respectfully. They were both avid travelers and settled down when I came into the picture... listen... do NOT mention Kunai to ANYPONY. Take it to your grave." He looked deep in thought. Beak suddenly flew up to the roof. "Sorry to interrupt but I have some NEWS that might concern you later... it involves a secret Forge is keeping. Can't tell you now, but later..." He flew down to the cockpit. "Excuse me." He went to the food compartment. "So... Kunai is gonna square his debt huh? Even I gotta admit what he did to you aint right. Maybe we should leave. Face him head on?" Forge packed his bags full. "Shut up." When Scootaloo finished straightening out her thoughts she headed back in, the air had perked her up. She got into a chair in front of Sweetie Belle. Hey, Sweetie Belle. How are you holding up? It's been real crazy since yesterday. Scootaloo asked Sweetie Belle who looked deep in thought. Sweetie Belle glanced up at Scootaloo, looking somewhat surprised. She'd been so stuck in her own thoughts that she hadn't even heard her friend come back in and sit down. "Oh, I'm fine Scoot. Thanks for asking, how about you?" She asked. I was just thinking about Forge. Scootaloo whispered to Sweetie Belle so no one else could hear. I am glad we finally got a clue on how to find everyone, but why did Forge tell us? He doesn't even like us. Is he planning on getting himself killed and thought it would be a good chance to take us with him? I just don't like all this secrets. Scootaloo sighed. Scootaloo saw Applebloom alone now, she pulled her near and whispered the same thing to Applebloom she did to Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle leaned in closer to Scootaloo, better to be unheard after all. "I don't really know, we'll just have to make sure we watch him. Maybe he figured nopony else would be crazy enough to go."

"That's been worrying me too. I agree with Sweetie Belle: We need to keep a close eye on him." Applebloom whispered back. Her mind went over different possibilities: Forge was actually the one behind the red cloud thing and was leading them all into a trap; Forge was tricking them into going somewhere different than they all thought they were going, things like that. Stop it Applebloom. You're probably jumping to conclusions! she thought to herself. Forge was eager to have us along, but not eager for our help. We should definitely keep an eye on him. Scootaloo said. "So, it's agreed then. We gotta keep a close eye on him," Sweetie Belle whispered. Agreed Scootaloo said. By the way Applebloom, how's WildGale doing? It doesn't seem she likes to talk about herself. Back to Chocolate and Cherry "Forge? Well, technically speaking I only met him yesterday when he came into my shop looking for sugar cubes. I'm afraid I don't know very much about him, but he seems like a nice young colt," Chocolate replied. "I see, all I heard was that he was homeless. He does seem like a nice guy like you said. He forgave me for what happened earlier, and gave me a chocolate thing. I think it was called a pocky." She sighed and looked at the clouds. Six of the ponies who went missing were the wielders of the elements of harmony. What are we going to do without them?" She thought to herself. She then turned back towards Chocolate. "What do you do for a living around here?" "Oh, I actually run a candy store. I asked my sister to look after it while I'm gone. I don't think she was very happy with me for it though. I can't really say I blame her," Chocolate admitted. "This must seem like a terribly foolish idea from the viewpoint of someone who doesn't know the full story." "No, no, it doesn't. I don't think its a foolish idea." She replied to Chocolate. Sometimes he seemed too hard on himself, even though that might have been her fault. "Did you know any of the wielders?" "No, not really. The storm happened pretty soon after I got here. I met miss Pinkie Pie once, but we never got a chance to talk again after that," he responded sadly. He'd always wondered what they were all like. "I see, I wanted to meet them as well. But, at least we have everyone here. They are great friends as well. I mean, being able to stand me means they must have great patience." She then chuckled aloud. "Oh give yourself some credit miss. I don't think you're hard to stand at all," Chocolate replied. "Really?" Cherry blushed for a second. "He really thought that? After what I did to him?" She thought to herself. "Gee, thanks for the compliment." She said with a smile on her face. "Not at a problem at all, you're most welcome," Chocolate replied with a smile of his own. Cherry was glad he was no longer mad at her. She than noticed the others staring at WildGale. She seemed to be holding something. "Do you know what WildGale is doing?" She asked Chocolate.

Swapping back to the CMC "She's still stewing over having Galaxy and Ash coming." answered Applebloom, looking back at WildGales back. Suddenly she noticed something flash a gold-silver color. Applebloom blinked, wondering what it was. What's wrong Applebloom? Scootaloo asked seeing Applebloom's expression. "I think WildGales holding something. But I don't know what it is." said Applebloom. WildGale held up the platinum medallion in one fore hoof. She gently stroked the diamond carving with the other, thinking about her father. In her mind's eye she could see him: his pure white coat and mane, his deep purple eyes, the strong wings was possessed, and his air of strong, yet loving authority. She sighed deeply and hugged the medallion close to her. "I wonder what it is?" Sweetie Belle murmured, standing up on her seat a little so she could see better. "Hm?" Chocolate asked and then glanced over at WildGale, catching sight of something shiny. "It looks like a medallion of some sort." "Interesting," She was about to get up, and ask her about it, but then sat down. "I remember what happened when I got in other ponies' business." She chuckled as she sat down in her seat in front of Chocolate. She then took the mysterious weapon out of her bag, and noticed something about it. It was glowing. "That's weird." She then realized it was glowing red. "Chocolate, something's wrong. I think my weapon is giving off some kind of warning sign. Tell the others about this please." The train suddenly stared to slow down. "This is your Conductor speaking...we are approaching the train rest stop in Quick draw town. After that its a 3 hour wait to refuel and head back to Tribal Town." The train stopped at a western type town.

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