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Top 100 Telecomm KPIs

100 KPIs for Telecom Operators (Mobile Network Operators) Subscribers (Subs)
1. 2. 3. 4. Total Subs Subs Segmentation: Prepaid (95%), Post Paid (5%) Churn per month (3%) Subscriber per Employee (13,000)

Minutes of Usage (MOU) 1. MOU Segmentation: Prepaid (400) , Postpaid (1000), Aggregate (420) 2. MOU Segmentation: Incoming (220), Outgoing (200), Aggregate (420) 2. Number of Outgoing SMS Per Sub Per Month (30) 3. Minutes Carried Per Month (MON) (50 billion) 4. % Airtime Capacity Utilization 5. Minutes Per Site 6. Number of Calls 7. Number of Calls per Subscriber 8. Average Call Duration 9. Roaming Minutes 10. International Roaming Minutes 11. International Roaming Minutes Segmentation: Incoming (64%), Outgoing (36%) 1.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ARPU ( Average Revenue Per User) 1. ARPU Segmentation: Voice ($4), Data ($8), Aggregate ($4) 2. ARPU Segmentation: Prepaid ($3), Postpaid ($11), Blended ( $4) ARPM (Average Revenue Per Minute) 1. ARPM Segmentation: Prepaid ($0.15), Postpaid ($0.022), Blended ($0.02 ) Average Revenue Per Call Average Revenue Per Cell Site Average Revenue Per Employee Revenue Breakup (%) 1. Access: Connection, Subscription (15%) 2. Wireless Voice (55%) 3. Data (5%) 4. Internet (5%) 5. Interconnect (10%) 6. Roaming (10%), International Roaming Revenue (1%) International Roaming Revenue Segmentation: Postpaid (99%)


Coverage and Spread

1. Towns Covered 2. Population Covered 3. Area Covered

4. 5. 6. 7.

Globalization: Number of Countries Operating Entity % Traffic Within Own Mobile (55%) Top 50% Users Revenue % Top 50% Sites Revenue %

Market Share
1. Subs Share 2. Revenue Market Share 3. Minutes Market Share

Incremental Performance
Share of Net Adds Subs Share of Incremental Revenue Quarterly Sites Added MRPU ( Marginal Revenue Per User) Growth 1. Subs Growth 2. Revenue Growth 3. Services Revenue Growth 4. Services Revenue Acceleration 5. ARPU Growth 6. ARPM Growth 6. Subs Added / Retail Point of Presence (POP) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Operational Efficiency
Average Margin Per User (AMPU) 1. AMPU Segmentation: Prepaid (More),Postpaid (Less), Blended() 2. Employee Cost / Town Covered ($2500) 3. Number of BTS Sites 4. Number of MSC Sites 5. Number of Employees 6. MSC/ Subs 7. MSC/ BTS 8. BTS/ Subs (1000) 9. BTS/ Km2 10. Capex 1. Capex (% Revenue) (25%) 2. Capex per Sub ($140) 3. Capex per Minute ($0.07) 4. Capex per Site ($100K ) 11. Opex 1. Opex per Sub ( $3) 2. Opex per Minute ($0.02) 3. Opex per site ($3000) 12. Gross Capex ( Gross Fixed Assets + Incremental Capex) 13. Opex as % Revenue (60%) 14. Spectrum Charges as % Revenue (2%) 15. License Fee as % Revenue (6%) 16. InterConnect Cost as % Revenue (16%) 1.

17. Business Operations Cost 1. Service Opex (Customer Care & Billing, Service Creation & Administration) as % Revenue (15%) 18. Network Operating Cost as % Revenue (16%) 1. Rental as % Network Opex (15%) 2. Power & Fuel as % Network Opex (25%) 3. Repair & Maintenance as %Network Opex (20%) 4. Transmission as % Network Opex (15%) 5. Core Network as % Network Opex (10%) 6. Hardware and Software as % Network Opex (10%) 19. Labor Cost (% Revenue) (5%) 20. OSS/ BSS Ratio

Subscriber Acquisition Cost (SAC ) : Dealer Commission, Terminal Subsidy, Sales, Marketing, Distribution 1. SAC as % Revenue (10%) 2. SAC / net Addition (12$) 3. SAC / Minute (0.001$) 2. Sales Outlet 1. Company Owned Sales Outlet 2. Number of Retail Outlets or Point of Presence (POP) 1.

1. Service Performance 1. RTT Delay (Ms) (800) 2. Application Through Put ( kbps) (25 Kbps) 3. Call Setup Time Network Congestion 1. Point of Interconnection (POI) Congestion (<0.5%) Connection Establishment (Accessibility) 1. Call Setup Success Rate (CSSR) (>95%) 2. Standalone Dedicated Control Channel (SDCCH) Congestion (<1%) 3. TDH Congestion (<2%) Connection Maintenance (Retainability) 1. Call Drop Rate (CDR) (< 2%) 2. Worst Affected Cells for Call Drop Rate (<5%) 3. Connection with Good voice quality (>95%) Service Quality 1. Prepaid Prepaid Service Success Rate 2. Number Portability Drop Rate 3. Handover Success Rate Network Availability 1. BTSs Accumulated downtime (<2%) 2. Worst Affected BTSs due to downtime (<2%)

2. 3.




Green and Sustainability

1. Energy Consumption/ Sub (10 Kwh) 2. Co2 Emission/ Sub (6.8 Kg )

Financial & Valuation

1. Gearing ( net Debt/ EBIDTA) (2.0) 2. EBIDTA % Revenue (30%) 3. PAT % Revenue (10%) 4. ROIC (EBIDTA/ Gross Capex) (20%) 5. FCF (EBIDTA Capex Tax) % Revenue (5%) 6. Capital Productivity (Revenue / Gross Capex) (67%) 7. EV / EBIDTA (8.0) 8. EV/ Sales (3.0) 9. EV/ Subscribers ($200) 10. EV / GCI (1.0) 11. P/E

Country Telecom Sector KPI

1. Penetration 2. Penetration ( >5Years Population) 3. Penetration per House Hold 4. Top 2 Players Share 5. Top 2 Players Share Change 6. HHI Index 7. Pricing Long Distance/ Local Price Ratio (1.5) 8. Average F2M Interconnect Rate ($0.005 / Min) 9. Average M2M Interconnect Rate 10. Sim/ User ( Number of Subscribers/ Number of handset Sales) (1.5) 11. ARPU (PPP Adjusted) 12. ARPU % of disposable income 13. Mobile Revenue/ GDP (2%) 14. Regional Roaming Usage (Roaming Travelers / Intra Regional Travelers)

Telecom Tower
1. Tenancy Ratio (2.0) 2. Average Rental per Tenant Per Month ($600)

Spectrum Efficiency
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Busy Hour mErlangs carried per sq km per M Hz (4000) Busy Hour mErlangs per subscriber (40) Subs/Km2/MHz (100) Subs/Km2 (Urban) (2000) Spectrum per Operator (MHz) (5)

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