Key Elements 2010 Campus Plan Agreement

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Key Elements of Proposed Revised Georgetown University Campus Plan

Over the past two months, there have been intensive meetings among Senior leadership of Georgetown University (GU) Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2E (ANC 2E) commissioners Citizens Association of Georgetown (CAG) leadership Burleith Citizens Association (BCA) leadership Foxhall neighborhood representatives from the Foxhall Community Civic Association (FCCA) and ANC 3D

to review all elements of the proposed GU Campus Plan and work toward achieving a plan acceptable to the University and the community As a result, the leadership of GU, CAG, BCA and FCCA have agreed to recommend to their organizations, and ANC 2E and ANC 3D will consider at public meetings, major revisions to the previously proposed Campus Plan Key elements of the revised plan A new collegial partnership of senior GU leadership and community representatives the Georgetown Community Partnership to work toward making the Campus Plan a success and to work together on planning for the future A Campus Plan for a seven-year term, beginning January 1, 2011 and ending December 31, 2017 450 more undergraduates housed on campus at the Leavey Center and other on campus locations by Fall 2015, including 65 moved from the Magis Row townhouses on 36th Street NW and housed on campus by Fall 2013 so that the Magis Row townhouses can transition to faculty and staff housing or daytime administrative offices Undergraduate enrollment to remain at a maximum of 6,675 and total enrollment at the main campus over the Campus Plan period to be a maximum of 14,106 students; and a new, more accurate method for measuring enrollment semester-by-semester New emphasis on a living and learning campus that centralizes student social life on campus

Clear standards for appropriate off-campus behavior and a results-based system for maintaining the peaceful, quiet atmosphere of our residential neighborhoods Significantly improved measures for relieving parking and traffic congestion from GU traffic A new commitment to explore providing University-sponsored graduate student housing outside the Georgetown, Burleith, and Foxhall communities. Acknowledgement of long-term goals of the community and GU (attached) for the future, including a new satellite campus of up to 100 acres located elsewhere; at least 90% of undergraduates living on campus by Fall 2025 (an additional 244 beds); cooperating in developing and implementing a 20 year campus plan following on the success of the 2011-2017 plan; and the mutual goal of a collegial and harmonious relationship between the University and the community to address future plans and common issues in an effective, creative and lasting way

Further details of the proposed Campus Plan are available on the ANC 2E website,

ANC 2E will hold a special public meeting to consider the proposed revised GU Campus Plan on Thursday, June 14, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. at Georgetown Visitation School, 35th Street NW at Volta Place NW.

ANE 2E summary June 7, 2012

Long Term Plan (beginning January 1, 2018)


Key goals for the University are: Develop Main Campus in a 20-year campus plan beginning January 1, 2018, as an integrated, student-centric living and learning campus, which competitively houses at least 90% of undergraduates on campus by Fall 2025 (an additional 244 beds) and which can successfully accommodate further modest enrollment growth; and Develop Georgetown Downtown to facilitate transitional expansion; and Redevelop modern, efficient medical facilities; and Identify and develop next 100 acres; and A collegial and harmonious relationship between the University and the community to address future plans and common issues in an effective, creative and lasting way.

Key goals for the community are:

A livable community for all residents, with a major, permanent reduction in the number of student group houses; and Effective and continuing measures to assure that off-campus student conduct does not disrupt the residential nature of the community; and Effective and continuing measures to provide relief from parking and transportation congestion from traffic generated by the University; and Responsible management of the Universitys enrollment numbers and movement toward satellite campuses as rapidly as possible; and Work productively with the University for a successful 7-year campus plan and, following on its success, for a 20-year campus plan beginning January 1, 2018; and A collegial and harmonious relationship between the University and the community to address future plans and common issues in an effective, creative and lasting way.

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