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Dated as ofDecember31, 20ll

Afe cted Tar Jur i sdi cti ons: County of Monrce Tou,nof lrondequoit East bondequoit Cenbal School Disttict

8.Ll Cot thencemenlNo laterthan sixty (60) daysfollowing the Entitlement Date(definedbelow), Company the demolitionofthe necessary portionsof the shall commence Existing Facility and/or constructionto facilitate the construction and development the of Project. 8.1.2 Milestone Dates. The Company covenants achieve followinglevels to the of development resrytto rhePrc;Jecl with ('Milestones'),which levelsof development shall be measurd totalingthosesums by paid or hcuned in fi{therance ofthe Project, includingwithout limitationcostsof land acquisition, marketing fees,legalfees,hardcostsand"soft costs",from \ oneor mo.e souces(hereinafter colleotivelyreferred as"Investmenf') arrd, here indicated to (definedbelow)constructed comection below,AdditionalIrnprovements in with theProject: (a) (such on or before December 2013, 31, date, "FiNt Milettone the Ddte"), the Company will furnish the Agency and the Affeoted Taxiry Judsdictions evidenc with which is reasonably acceptable the Agencyandthe to SchoolDistrict tllat there has beenin the aggregate Inveshnent at least ar of in the Project(tl\e" Firft Milestotte")a $90,000,000 (b) on or before December 31, 2014 (such date, the "Second MilesloneDdle'), the Company fimish the AgencyandtheAffectedTaxing will Jurisdictions evidence with which is reasonably acceptable the Agencyandthe to SchoolDistrict that there has beenin the aggregate Investrnent at least an of in $165,000,000 the Project(includingthe Investme.tamount forth in Secrion set (the 8.1.2(a) above) "Second Milestone");Nd (c) (such December 31,2015 on or before date, "Thitrl Milestone the Datd'), the Company will fumish the Agency and the Affected Taxing which is reasonably Judsdictions with evidenoe acceptable the Agencyandthe to an SchoolDistrict that (i) therehasbeenin the aggregate lnvestnentof at least in $260,000,000 the Project (including the Investnent amount set forth in above) (ii) at least and Seotions 8.1.2(a) 8.1.2(b) and 350,000 squarc offloor feet areaof Additional Imprcvements have beensubstantially constlucted the for Improvements least300,000 Project,of which Additiolal at square of floor feet arcamust be for non-parkingfacility improvements at least 100,000 and must whether consist ofnewly-constructed buildingimprovements crcaled newfreeby (hodzontally vertically)to existing standing construotiolor by anyexpansions or (the implovemerts "?ritd Milesto e'), PILOTPayfiehL As a prepayment fees 8.1.3 Consftuction Comntehcemenl of to applicable the ProjectaJdpayable the Tol}n andits agencies departrnents to and andexpenses. Pe shallpayto the Town uponissuance for the ConstuotionandStabilization od,the Company ofa buildilg permitby the To$n for the Projector anypartthereofthe non-refuldable of sum (a) the fees and charges be imposedby the Town in to $250,000to be applied towards with the issuance any requiredpermits,approvals, of consents, certifications connction and otherauthorizations the Facility, or any portionthereof,andthe development execution for and and with thereview of this Agreement (b) third party costsincutredby the Town in conoection 22

of plans and the inspectionand monitoringof demolitionand construction activity for the Facilityor anypoftio! tereof (the*Const;c oo Co. rtiOi-ioy^eht,). To the fees,charges "rii"oi and./or cost$exceed arnount tf," Conrt u"doi'iornrnencement the of :Il.llt]"h PILOTPa)menE ComparyshalJ suche*c"sswittrn mirty the pay its liOj-aaysfoit^owing .eceipt, from time to rime,of the Town'sinvoicesfor the same. l" tfi.'""l,rt if,Jtfl" resaidfees, chalges and expenses less than the amountof the Constluction are "t pnOt Commencement Payment, Town shall nevertheless entitled to ."tuin *, ,".anlrig -;ance the be and the companyshall not be entitledto a refirnd of any portionof the Conl*"tiJ, cornrn"n""rn"n PILOTPayment. 8.1,4 Constructirn Implct ?ILOT payhent. On the Entitlement Date the Company shallalsomakea non-refimdible paym"ntto tf,, fo\r" io ,t u*o*iof SSOO,OOO 1tt," "cottsttuctionImpactprLor payrrrehr) irllitt u'no*t rt utt u" uuuil*t. " uii"lo'"o n""o"a o, appropriate the To.,r' to address by impacts rcsultingfiom the construcrion development anJ of theProiect. Section 8.2 JobCreatior;Local Labor TheCompany maintain (2) Full_Time will hvo (as defined) (co ectivety, .Bqretine Job;),'e\d th" .;;;*;, through the {ob9 !3reaft9r Project,will achieve following levels ofjobs creation*a,,0, ,"t"ntion-u'tii" th the Baseline

As of December 2014:0 jobsj 31, As ofDecember3l, 2015: 150jobs, ofwhich50aieFull-Time Jobs; As of Decemberl, 20I 6: 300jobs,of which100areFull_Time 3 Jobs; As of December1,201 600jobs,of which200areFull-Time 3 7: Jobs; As of December 201 900jobs,of which300areFull_Time 31, 8: Jobs: Asof December 201 1.000 of which areFull_l Jobs; jobs, I 1. 9: jme 400 As ofDecember 31,2020:l,100jobs, ofwhich500areFull_Time Jobs; As of December 2021; 1,200 jobs,of which500areFull-Time 31, Jobs. and. agrees rhar,at.a[ rimeswhile this Agremert remains effect,jr in Il; compty wr 9lltlt,::y,""ltstheAgency's wtlr provisions withJespect theutilization to of,,local labor,, such (as in lhe Agency's Application Assisrance. for including. wirhouiit_irarion, rtre lT ]:,9:-fi::9 appendlces uereto)rn connection with the constnrclion. expansion ancvor renovarion the of Project anyportionthercof or Sectio!8.3 Definitions. As usedherein,the,,frtitkment Dote" means EffectiveDateor, iflitigation the challenging-any the ptocesses determinations of or tmderthe New york State : ":T._""":d Act all Vua ry Kevrew (including regulations thereunder, "SEQRA"). zoning and/ur oner ztny or for 9:u."r--n"ntgldetermination process or with respectto this project,inclu&ng, without limilation. this prohibits-rhe commencerienr *ort on rte oi*e 1Cr.::..1a q9 suchlirigation jt rtojecl or lI suchttugatton. successful wholeor jn pan. wouldjnvalidale zoning in any or othergovemrnental determination this project,twelveil2) rnonths for fiom the EftbctiveDate. As usedhercin,the tenn ,,AdditionalIntptuvemen means (a)newly constructed rJ', any buildins 23

IN{tfllllBSIl WSBREOB prdcr tsvc rrca(frd Ag$emlot of thc dry 0od tho 83 6ir ydtht" frrt l,G$^ rbovG , OOUIITTOT MO|{IO[ INDTNTRIAL DTYEU'IIIIU{I AGTI{CY

Nrmr: tttlcr


Naoe: ScodR Congel Title: Member




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