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Romeo and Juliet Essay

Angus Cadman & Angela Gao 8.10

In William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet, there are a string of conceivable answers related to the question: Who or what is to blame for the tragic deaths of Romeo and Juliet? All of the characters have their own personal weaknesses, which leads to the tragic outcome of the play. There are a number of characters who could be blamed for the catastrophic consequences of Shakespeares play. Friar Lawrence, Tybalt, the Montague and Capulet families, or even Romeo and Juliet themselves could be blamed.

Shakespeares character Friar Lawrence is partly at fault because he concocts the risky plan which results in the three deaths of Romeo, Juliet, and Paris. He gives Juliet a sleeping potion that fools her family and physicians into thinking she is dead. She is laid at rest in the Capulet family tomb. The Friar sends news of his plan to Romeo via a messenger. This is his fatal mistake. In the time when Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet is set, the Black Death is running rampant throughout Italy. Friar Lawrence sends a messenger to give the plan to Romeo, but the message cannot be delivered as the messenger is not allowed through infected areas. This means Romeo remains in the dark on the subject of Juliets death. In a way, this inconvenience causes the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. However, it could be said that this event only occurred because Romeo is banished from Verona.

Although he is only a minor character, Tybalt plays a major part in the sequence of events that leads to the calamitous ending to Shakespeares play. If Tybalt had not fought with and killed Romeos best friend, Mercutio, then Romeo would have never had to suffer through so much pain and misery. It is the Prince of Cats that provokes Romeo into fighting with him. Romeo attempts to avoid the fight with Tybalt, but as this quote proves, Tybalt aggravates Romeo until he gives in: Therefore, turn and draw. (III, i, 45) Romeo responds: I do protest, I never injured thee (III, I, 46). This causes him to act upon his emotions and kill Tybalt in vengeance. This, in turn, gives the Prince no option but to banish Romeo from Verona. The event relates to the theme The dangers of letting your emotions control you. So if Romeo was not banished, he would have received the message detailing the fatal plan. If Tybalt had never killed Mercutio, Shakespeares two star-crossed lovers would not have perished at such a tragically young age.

On the other hand, the deaths of Shakespeares two famous lovers can simply be blamed on Romeo and Juliets parents: Lady Capulet, Capulet, Lady Montague and Montague. The families are always feuding, always at war. Unfortunately, this grudge has a disastrous effect on their children. If Romeo and Juliet did not have to meet in secret, they could have married with their parents knowledge and approval of the marriage. If they had known, the Capulets might not have arranged for Juliet to marry

Paris. However, this is not likely. Knowing Lady Capulets selfish and callous personality, she probably would have just ordered or forced Juliet to wed Paris. But if their parents had accepted their love and if Juliet was not asked to marry Paris, she could have been happily married to Romeo without making use of Friar Lawrences risky plan.

The terrible disaster of Shakespeares tragic play could even be blamed on Romeo and Juliet themselves. Their irrationality could be said to cause their downfall. They swear an oath of wedlock to each other within twenty-four hours of first seeing each other. If they had just restrained themselves and postponed the proposal of marriage, they could have thoroughly thought the matter through and decided upon the best course of action.

So, in conclusion, it was a number of tragic events and traits of various characters that led to the terrible end to Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. However, it was essentially the decision of Romeo and Juliet themselves. They did not have to commit suicide and no other character forced them to do this, to act in such an irrational manner. Despite all the tragic events and bad traits that led to such a desperate situation, it was the choice of both Romeo and Juliet to kill themselves: Shakespeares play could have ended on a happy note if it had not been for their foolish actions.

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