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Okay here is your next lesson.

As I'm creating these for you I will also be posting them a few days later on the magick board on the forums. Feel special as you are getting them first.

So circle casting is a common practice in the world of magick. It isn't a requirement for doing spells or using magick though. It is more for rituals and ceremony. It is commonly practiced by Wiccans but not all witches. So what is the difference from a ritual and a spell? Spells are just magickal workings that are normally more simple. This could be burning a piece of paper with herbs to gain a wish written on the paper or even drawing a protective symbol on your home. Spells are short and go straight into the magickal workings. Rituals are more formal and proper. They can be done for magickal workings, ceremonies to honor deities or rites of passage. A rite of passage is a special ritual used to mark a transition from one phase of life to the next - like a wedding or coming of age. Most covens or groups will do spell work in a ritual format. This isn't because it is required, but because it helps everyone stay focused and centered. So why cast a circle if it isn't required? Well, some witches prefer it because it makes them feel like they are putting more energy into their spells, which creates a more powerful spell. Other say it helps them to get into the mindset to preform magick and focus is very important in the magickal arts. Last but not least, many witches use circles for protection. However, if you aren't playing with black magick then the protection of a circle isn't necessary. When casting a circle there is a certain format that is normally used. This isn't set in stone though and can be changed up to your own liking. 1. 2. 3. 4. Cleansing the area Drawing the circle Calling the Elements Calling your Deities

So now we will go into these in more detail - one at a time.

1. 2. 3.

Cleansing the area - Most witches like to start off with cleasning the area to get rid of any negative energies lingering around. It can be as simple as walking around the area with a lit incense or more complicated like making your own blessed salt water mix to sprinkle around as you walk the area. My favorite is using a sage bundle to cleanse the are with the smoke but before that I just used plain salt sprinkled in a circle while saying, "I banished all negative from this space." Drawing the circle - This is the part where you actually create the boarder of your circle. It can be done by walking the circle in a clockwise position. Normally when done you use a wand or an athame (ritual dagger) to mark out the visualized line as you walk. Most witches start in the North direction for this, but East is also a common starting postion because of its connections with the rising sun. If you are wanting to do this in a more simple manner you can just stand in the middle and simply visualize a glowing circle around your area. This is the easiest method for if you are doing a solo circle casting. Calling the Elements - There are four elements in magick: Earth, Air, Fire and Water. When calling on them you are not really calling on the element, but the spirit of the element. These are sometimes refered to as Watchtowers. Each element is associated with a certain location on the compass. North-Earth East-Air South-Fire West-Water. Face the direction where you are starting which is the same direction that you started drawing the circle, so North or East. Say something like "Spirit of the (direction) who rules over (element), I ask you here to aid in my workings today. Welcome to my circle." Do this for each direction/element. Don't worry about the exact wording. However, you want to call this is fine - just don't demand their presence. It is an honor to have them aid you, not something thing they have to do. Calling your deities - This is the part where you stand in the middle of your circle and call on your own deities or whoever you worship. So me being a Wiccan, I call on the Goddess and the God. No names. I do this by simply saying something like "I call on the God and Goddess to be with me as I work my rite (or spell). Welcome to my circle and blessed be." Then I light two candles on my altar that represent them.


Once you have you cast a circle and finished your spell work that you had decided to do in your circle, now what? Do you just walk away from the area? Nope. You have to close the circle by doing the steps to you cast the circle backwards.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Thank your deities. Thank the elements. Close the circle Clean up

This time everything is a little more simple.

1. 2.

Thank your deities - Simply thank your deites for being there for your spell or ritual. Tell them they are free to leave if they must or can stay if they wish. I like to say something like "Thank you God and Goddess for hearing (or aiding) me today and being present for my work. You may stay if you wish or go if you must. Thank you and farewell." I then put out the candles on my altar that I had lit representing them. Thank the elements - Go in a counterclock wise motion around the circle. So if you started your casting in the North-Earth you will now start with the West-Water to thank the elements and do North last. I like to say something like "Thank you spirit of (direction) who rules over (element) for being here today and aiding in my work. Stay if you wish or go if you must. Thank you and farewell."

3. 4.

Closing the circle - You can simply visualize the circle boarder disappearing as you say "The circle is open, but never broken". If you drew the circle out with a wand or athame you can walk the circle in the opposite direction that you created it while saying it. Clean up - Pick up anything you used and don't leave any trash. Put away your altar if you had one set up and anything else you had out. Your done.

So that is the basics to casting a circle. Some witches go very elaborate with lighting special candles around the circle as they call on the elements or placing crystals around the circle at special points. I've done both, but I know it isn't something that must be done. Casting a circle should be about what you should feel you should do as the more elaborate the casting, the more time it takes. The older I get the less fancy I get with my circle casting. Play with the different possiblities until you find one that suits you. Same goes for the wording for casting a circle. I like to wing mine saying whatever comes to my mind at the time.

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