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Office 2010 myitlab:grader Instructions

Exploring Series Vol. 1 (Capstone)

European Excursions Agent Sales

Project Description:

In this project you will create a workbook that tracks sales and commissions for a student travel agency. You will create functions that lookup commission rates and determine bonuses and a pie chart to compare the percentage of each agent's sales to the total sales.
Instructions: For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks:
Step Instructions Points Possible 0

Start Excel. Open the downloaded Excel file named Exploring_eV1_Grader_CAP.

On Sheet1, in cell G5, enter a formula that increases the base cost of the trip (in F5) by 20%. Copy the formula down through G19. In cell H5, use the PMT function to calculate the payments for students who want to pay for their trips in three monthly installments. Use an interest rate of 0.07/12, a loan term of 3 months, and refer to the trip cost in G5. The result will be a negative number. Copy the function down through H19. In cell I5, create a VLOOKUP function that returns the Agent Commission that corresponds with the Base Cost of Trip entered in cell F5. The function will refer to the Lookup Table in the range $D$27:$E$31 and return the commission rate from Column 2. Copy the function down through I19.

Format cells F5:G19 with the Currency format and two decimal places.

Format cells I5:I19 with the Percent Style with one decimal place.

In cell G22, enter a function to sum the range G5:G19. In cell G23, enter a function to average the cells in the same range.

In cell G24, enter a function to display the lowest value in the range G5:G19. In cell G25, enter a function to display the highest value in the same range.

In cell G26, enter a function that will return the value of today's date.

Updated on: 10/8/2010


Office 2010 myitlab:grader Instructions

Exploring Series Vol. 1 (Capstone)


Instructions Subtotal the data in the range B4:I19 so that at each change in Agent Last Name, a subtotal is added to the Base Cost of Trip column. Accept all other defaults in the Subtotal dialog box. Click the Level 2 outline symbol in the Outline bar to display only the totals for each agent and the Grand Total.

Points Possible



With the agents' totals displayed, select cells B4:B25 and F4:F25. With the non-adjacent ranges selected, insert a 2-D pie chart. Change the chart type to an Pie in 3-D.


Move the chart to a new sheet named Sales by Agent.


Add data labels to the chart that display percentages and leader lines in the center of each wedge of the pie chart.


Insert a Left Arrow shape (under Block Arrows) by clicking immediately to the right of the percent sign on the wedge labeled 21%. Change the width of the shape to 2 inches and the height to 0.5 inches.


Add the text Avery Exceeds 20% to the arrow shape.


On the Sheet1 tab, click the Level 3 outline symbol in the Outline bar to display all of the details for all of the agents. Format the cells B4:I26 as a table with headers using the Table Style Medium 9. Filter the Trip Description column so that only the trips Check Out the Czech Republic! and Croatian Wonders are displayed. Type the current value in cell F26 (Grand Total for these two trips only) into cell G35. Format the cell as Currency with two decimal places. Clear the filter from the Trip Description column. In cell G34, enter an IF function that will calculate a bonus for the agents. If the value in cell F26 (Grand Total for all trips) is greater than 25000, then multiply F26 by .02. Otherwise, the function will display a value of 0 (e.g. no bonus).




Freeze the worksheet at row 4 so that the table headers remain visible when scrolling.


In cell B3, insert the downloaded image file DBV_Rooftops.jpg.

Updated on: 10/8/2010


Office 2010 myitlab:grader Instructions

Exploring Series Vol. 1 (Capstone)



Points Possible 2


Change the width of the picture to 1.05 inches and the height to .7 inches.


Set the orientation of the worksheet to Landscape. Set the scaling so that the worksheet will fit to 1 page wide by 1 page tall. Center the data on the page horizontally.


On Sheet2, in cell H3, insert a column sparkline for the total sales by agent Avery (B3:G3). Copy the sparklines down through H8.


Format the sparklines by applying the style Sparkline Style Colorful #2.


Ensure that the worksheets are correctly named and placed in the following order in the workbook: Sales by Agent; Sheet1; Sheet2. Save the workbook. Close the workbook and then exit Excel. Submit the workbook as directed. Total Points


Updated on: 10/8/2010


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