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Part No / Latest Change Level

Reference Rev Status / Date

28/05/2012 EH 1


CPF/903040 31/05/2012


Key Contact / Phone Head QLE - 0422 4235160 Quality Engineering Approval / Date Other Approval / Date (if Reqd) Supplier --Code Special Product / Process Machine / Tool / Characteristics CharSpecification Equipment Fixture No. No. Product Process Class Tolerance No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Length Length Length Height Thickness Height Width Length Diameter 23.3 0.2 mm 26.0 0.2 mm 3.8 0.1 mm 14.0 +0.2 / -0.0 mm 2.0 0.1 mm 31.9 +0.0/ -0.3 mm 12.0 0.2 mm 6.0 0.1 mm 5.0 +0.1 / 0.0 mm 4.2 +0.1 / -0.0 mm M4x0.7mm

Date (Origin) Core Team

Part Description
Supplier/ Plant

Raw Material Part No:

Evaluation / Measurement Technique Gauge check Gauge check Gauge check Dial caliper (0.02) mm Dial caliper (0.02) mm Dial caliper (0.02) mm Gauge check Gauge check Gauge check Gauge check
* * * * * * * * * *

Parts Per Unit

Control Method Reaction Plan

Part / Process No.

Process Name / Operations Description BRIDGE


Sample Freq Each lot Each lot Each lot Each lot Each lot Each lot Each lot Each lot Each lot Each lot Each lot


SAP - QA32

Initiate QPR to MTL

10 Diameter 11 Thread Checking

12 Chamfer & Radius 13 Hardness

As per drawing 100 - 115 Hv

M4 Thread plug * gauge (GO & NO GO gauge) Visual inspection *

Each lot

14 Color & Brightness 15 Corrosion Resistance Test * SamplingPlan WI/QLE/07

Zinc yellow passivation As per RES010

Micro Hardness 05 Nos Each lot Tester & Hardness Test Block Visual inspection * Each lot Salt spray chamber
02 Nos Once in 15


M.Sathyamoorthy / 31.05.12
Prepared by / Date MR / 336

P.Gurumurthy / 31.05.12
Verified by / Date

M.Sathyamoorthy / 31.05.12
Issued by / Date

Sheet 1 of 2


Part No / Latest Change Level

Reference Rev Status / Date

28/05/2012 EH 1


CPF/903040 31/05/2012


Key Contact / Phone Head QLE - 0422 4235160 Quality Engineering Approval / Date Other Approval / Date (if Reqd) Supplier --Code Special Product / Process Machine / Tool / Characteristics CharSpecification Equipment Fixture No. No. Product Process Class Tolerance No.
16 Test certificate 17 General requirements 18 General requirements As per drawing & RMS

Date (Origin) Core Team

Part Description
Supplier/ Plant

Raw Material Part No:

Evaluation / Measurement Technique Sample Freq Each lot Each lot

Parts Per Unit

Control Method Reaction Plan

Part / Process No.

Process Name / Operations Description BRIDGE



To be submitted -by supplier Presence of Knurling & As per drawing / * lettering Visual inspection (Ref sample) Should be free from burr Visual inspection * & sharp edges

Each lot

Note: 1. Characteristics measured by Gauge , under supplier control 2.Characteristics from 1-10 parameters to be measured in lab / variable instrument for initital 05 months period by QA incoming for each lot 3.After 05 months period results will be reviewed and control plan will be revised if required

* SamplingPlan WI/QLE/07

M.Sathyamoorthy / 31.05.12
Prepared by / Date MR / 336

P.Gurumurthy / 31.05.12
Verified by / Date

M.Sathyamoorthy / 31.05.12
Issued by / Date

Sheet 2 of 2

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