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GROWTH GROUP? Growth group is like other groups such as cell groups, D groups, life groups etc. and the focus is holistic and it pertains not only to our spiritual growth but to our personal lives as well. WHAT GROWTH GROUP IS NOT? 1. Its not a Fraternity or Sorority. 2. Its not a secret society of religious fanaticism. =) malalim 3. It does not require any financial help. Tulong tulong lang! 4. It is not focused mainly on meetings, but it is for fellowship and bonding. Primarily the aim of the group is GROWTH in all matters of life. G.R.O.W.T.H stands for:

G-OD: Its all about God, the reason why the group existed is about Him, so that we may know him and make Him known. R-ELATIONSHIPS: Its also about us, being one in the Lord, being accountable to one another, like barkadas and samahan. Being one in brotherhood and fellowship. O-BEDIENCE to the W-ORD of God. We value the Word of God, The Bible as the final authority for faith and practice, to which we get inspiration and we get insights and advices from. T-RUTHFULNESS- we value ACCOUNTABILITY this group is not just a group that we need to share our problems with, but it is also an opportunity for us to grow in our struggles and challenges in life. And there is also accountability to time, we must be commited to meet once a week or more so that we can encourage one another. H-UMILITY- we accept Corrections and advices from one another. So that in turn we grow from our mistakes and Glow more for Jesus!

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