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Course Aims: Course Objectives: Present curriculum of the HND-IT programme Identified issues and drawbacks Rigid programme structure with no specialization options Bias in covering breadth rather than depth in specialized subject areas Un-balanced coverage of subject content and depth Lack of industry relevance Inability to cater for industry expectations Non up to date curriculum and content Lack of coverage in related domain areas Insufficient emphasis on project based and practical work Required improvements Changes to the programme structure Changes to the curriculum

1 6
6 6 7 9 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13


Assessment of the present status Review of parallel and alternate programmers Review of the industry expectations and the workforce demands Design of the new curriculum structure and expected outcomes Involvement of the stakeholders Collaboration with other development SLIATE staff participation and review

14 14 14 14 15 15 16


Programme duration and semester organization Provisions for specializations Stage 1: Broad Based Common Core (Semesters 1, 2 and Term A) Stage 2: Breadth Specialization Tracks (Semester 3 & Term B) Stage 3: In depth specialization (Semester 4 & Placement)

17 17 18 18 18

Curriculum outline Year 1 Semester I Year 1 Term A Year 1 Semester II Year 2 Semester III Year 2 Term B Year 2 Semester IV Lateral entry and exit points Programme learning outcomes Performance criteria and graduation requirements General Assessment Policy Module assessment and performance evaluation Credits Grading System Computation of Grade Point Average Unsatisfactory Standing and Academic Probation Graduation requirements Higher National Diploma Graduation requirements Lateral Exit Points 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 26 27 28 28 29

Teaching and Learning environment 30 Resource requirements 30 Teaching, referencing, laboratory and other required resources to teach the modules in the proposed curriculum have been identified for each module in the detailed syllabus. In general these resources will include the following. 30 Use of e-Learning Platforms 30

Semester I IT1001: Personal Computer Hardware and System Operations IT1002: Mathematics for computing IT1003: Introduction to programming IT1004: Data representation and organization IT1005: Introduction to Databases and Relation Database Management Systems ITA1006: Communications Skills I IT1007: Internet applications Term A Summary of course modules offered ITA001: Office productivity applications ITA002: Website development ITA003: Communications Skills II ITA004: PC maintenance

32 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 47 48 50 52 54

Semester II Summary of Course modules offered IT2001: Programming in JAYA IT2002: Graphics and Multimedia IT2003: Data structures and Algorithms IT2004: Data Communications and Computer Networks IT2005: System Analysis and Design IT2006: Communications Skills III Semester III Summary of course modules offered IT3001: Probability and Statistics IT3002: Computer Architecture IT3003: Business Management and Quantitative Techniques IT3004: Operating Systems and Computer Security IT3101: Rapid Application Development IT3102: Principles of Software Engineering IT3103: Object Oriented Analysis and Design IT3201: Advance Database Management Systems IT3201: Internetworking IT3203: Enterprise Information Security Systems IT3301: Introduction to Business Analysis IT3302: Management Information Systems IT3303: e-Commerce Term B Summary of course modules offered ITB001: Individual Project ITB002: Communications Skills IV ITB003: Individual Learning Contract Semester IV Summary of course modules offered IT4001: Project Management IT4002: Free and Open Source Software Solutions IT4003: IT and Society IT4004: Graduation Project IT4101: Multi-tiered Application Development IT4102: Software Configuration Management IT4103: Web Programming IT4104: Graphics and Animation Design IT4105: Digital Image Processing IT4106: Digital Video and Audio Processing IT4201: Server Installation and Management IT4202: Network & Data Centre Operations IT4203: Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Planning (DR&BCP) IT4204: Database Server Installation and Management 56 56 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 69 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 96 97 98 100 101 101 103 105 107 109 111 113 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130

IT4205: Database Programming Project IT4301: Software Testing IT4302: Technical Report Writing IT4303: Software Quality Management IT4304: Business Analysis Tools and Processes IT4305: System Analysis Case Study 132 133 135 137 139 142


IT 1001: Personal Computer Hardware and System Operations IT 1002: Mathematics for Computing IT 1003: Introduction to Programming IT 1004: Data Representation and Organization IT 1005: Introduction to Databases and Relation Database Management Systems IT 1007: Internet and Applications IT A001: Office Productivity Applications IT A002: Website Development IT A004: PC Maintenance IT 2001: Programming in JAVA IT 2002: Graphics and Multimedia IT 2003: Data Structures and Algorithms IT2004: Data Communications and computer networks IT 2005: System Analysis and Design IT 3001: Probability and Statistics IT 3002: Computer Architecture IT 3003: Business Management and Quantitative Techniques IT 3004: Operating Systems and Computer Security IT3101: Rapid Application Development IT 3102: Principals of Software Engineering

148 150 152 155 160 163 164 165 166 168 171 173 175 177 179 181 183 185 188 190

IT3103: Object Oriented Analysis and Design IT3201: Advance Database Management Systems IT3202: Internetworking IT 3203: Enterprise Information Security Systems IT3301: Introduction to Business Analysis IT3302: Management Information Systems IT 3303: E-Commerce IT 4001: Project Management IT 4002: Open Source Systems IT4003: IT and society IT4101: Distributed Software Development IT3102: Software Configuration Management IT4103: Web programming IT 4104: Graphic and animation design IT 4105: Image Processing IT 4106 Digital audio and Video Processing IT4102: Software installation and management IT4202: Network and data centre operations IT4203: Disaster recovery and business continuity planning IT4203: Database server installation and management IT4301: Software testing IT4303: Software quality management IT4304: Business analysis tools and processes Un structured teaching modules and units 192 193 195 197 198 199 201 203 205 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 215 217 219 221 223 224 226 227


TheHigherNationalDiplomainInformationTechnology(HNDIT)programmeattheSri LankaInstituteofAdvanceTechnicalEducation(SLIATE)wasdevelopedandcommenced in the year 2000 with the objective of producing the middle level IT professional required for the new millennium. The initial curriculum designed for the course was revised two times, first in year 2005 followed by the second in year 2007. However, both these revisions were of minor nature and did not affect the status core of the programme. The course is aimed at school levers with GCE (A/L) qualifications in Mathematics, ScienceandAccountancystreams.Candidatesareselectedthroughtheorderofmerit intheirGCE(A/L)examinationandthroughanaptitude/IQtest. According to the existing curriculum documentation, the aims and objectives of the coursearestatedasfollows.

ProvideInformationTechnologypersonaltocatertothedemandsinthenext millennium. Provide a conceptual basis for more advanced studies in information technologyfield.

Attheendofthediplomathestudentshouldbeableto Functionasasoftwaredeveloper. TrainpersonalsinITskills. UseITskillsintheareaofautomation. MakeuseofITskillsindecisionmakinginanorganization. At present the course duration is of five semesters namely Semester I, Semester II, Semester IV and Semester V. covered over a period of two and half calendar years. Academic activities are held during the first four semesters and during the fifth semesterstudentsarerequiredcompleteafulltimeindustrialplacement.Theduration ofeachsemesteris15weeks. Theprogrammewasplannedtobeofferedthroughninedifferentinstitutesthroughout thecountryunderSLIATE.Theprogrammehadasignificantdemandduringtheinitial years but has started to face increased competition since the recent past from other parallelprogrammesofferedbythestateandprivatesectorinstitutionsaswellasfrom theexternalITrelateddegreeprogrammesofferedbystateuniversities.Inaresponse 6

this situation SLIATE decided to go ahead with a major revamp of the programme inclusiveofamajorcurriculumrevisionthroughfundingavailableundertheWorldBank supported Improving Relevance and Quality of Undergraduate Education (IRQUE) project. In a parallel effort to this a second initiate was also taken to start another Higher Diploma programme specializing in the area of Software Engineering through funding available from the Asian Development Bank supported Education for the Knowledge Society (EKSP) project. These two initiatives, even though supported by two different projects had the same common objectives of improving the relevance, quality and demand of the Higher National Diploma in Information Technology programmeofferedbytheSriLankaInstituteforAdvanceTechnologicalStudies.

Present curriculum of the HND-IT programme

Thepresentcurriculumwasfirstdevelopedandimplementedinyear2000andwaslater revised in 2005 and 2007. The curriculum has 24 subjectmodules, two projectbased modules and an industrial placement programme of 6 months duration. Subject modules are offered through four semesters of 15 weeks duration each and spanning overaperiodof2years.Anoutlineofthepresentcurriculumisillustratedbelow.
SemesterI(15weeks) ModuleCode IT11 IT12 IT13 IT14 IT15 IT16 IT17 Title ProgramDesignandProgrammingwith C++(2) SystemsAnalysisandDesign(SA&D)(1) FundamentalsofDigitalSystemsand ComputerHardware(1) PCApplicationandOperatingSystems(1) MathematicsforComputing(1) WebDesign(1) CommunicationSkills1(1) Total Allocatedtime Theory 60 45 30 30 45 30 30 270 Practical 60 15 30 30 30 165 Allocatedtime Theory 60 Practical 60 Total 120 Total 120 60 60 60 45 60 30 435

SemesterII(15weeks) ModuleCode IT21 Title DataStructuresandAlgorithms

IT22 IT23 IT24 IT25 IT26 IT27 SemesterIII(15weeks) ModuleCode IT31 IT32 IT33 IT34 IT35 IT36 SemesterIV(15weeks) ModuleCode IT41 IT42 IT43 IT44 IT45 IT46 Table1:Outlineoftehexistingcurriculum Title GraphicsandMultimediaProcessing ComputationalIntelligence ComputerSecurity ECommerce ITSpecializationProject CommunicationSkills4 Total Allocatedtime Theory 60 30 30 60 30 30 240 Practical 60 30 60 30 0 180 Total 120 60 30 120 60 30 420 Title RelationalDatabaseManagement Systems(1) ComputerNetworkandNetwork Programming(1) RapidApplicationDevelopmentwithDot netPlatform(2) EnterpriseSolutions(1) ManagementandQT(2) CommunicationSkils3 Total Allocatedtime Theory 30 45 60 45 60 30 270 Practical 30 30 60 120 Total 60 75 120 45 60 30 390 SoftwareEngineering DataCommunicationTechnology ComputerArchitecture ProjectManagement MiniProject CommunicationSkills2 Total 45 45 30 45 30 255 30 15 120 225 45 45 60 60 120 30 480


Accordingtothepresentstructureofthecurriculumprogramconsistsofapproximately 1725studentcontacthoursofwhichapproximately60%(1025hours)areallocatedfor classroombasedteaching. Of this 35% of the classroom contact hours have practical sessions associatedwiththemwhile the balance 25% consist only of theory based class roomactivities.
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Labwork Theorybasedmodul es Classroomwork with associatedlabsessio ns Projectbasedwork

Distributionofstudent contact hours

Figure1:Distributionofstudentcontacthoursinthepresent curriculum

From the 40% of the contact hours allocated for practical work about 31% are associated with their respective classroom teaching activities while the balance 9% is allocatedforthetwoprojectbasedsubjectmodules(Figure1).Thestudentsacademic workloadpersemesterrangesfrom390to480hours,whichtranslatesintoabout26to 32 hours of contact time per week. The time between semesters (approximately 22 weekspercalendaryear)isconsumedbyexamination,panelmarkingforthestaffand the holiday periods. The four academic semesters are followed by a period of six monthsindustrialplacementwherestudentsworkandtrainatanexternalorganization onfulltimebasis.

Identified issues and drawbacks

Analysisofthepresentcurriculumshowedthatitisheavilybiasedtowardscoveringa wide range of basic fundamentals and theoretical aspects of different areas in the IT domain (Figure 2) rather than providing indepth knowledge. Almost half of the studentcontacttimehasbeenallocatedtocoverthebasicfundamentalsofinformation technology of which some areas include legacy technologies which are no longer practiced by the industry. There are also many overlapping content across different modules, especially with respect to fundamentals of digital systems, computer hardware, operating systems and on modules covering aspects of programming and programdesign.OntheotherhandsomeofrecentdevelopmentsintheITeducationat

school levels too have not been DistributionofCurriculumContent considered in the present 9% curriculum. Consequently many ITFundamentals 46% of the content that is included in SoftSkills 31% Management the General Information ITSpecilizedarea 7% Technology (GIT) subject at GCE Projectwork (O/L) and GCE (A/L) curriculum 7% are repeated as it is in the Higher National Diploma Figure2:Distributionofcurriculumcontentindifferent curriculum. subjectareas

A diploma programme that can produce highly employable graduate should include modulesthatcanprovidethestudentswithindepthknowledgeinspecializedareasthat aredemandedbytheindustry.HoweverintheHNDITcurriculumonly31%ofthetotal studentcontacttimeisallocatedtocoversuchspecializationsubjects.Evenwithinthis limited time the curriculum attempt to cover subjects from over 7 different specializations,leavingonlyasmallwindowforeachspecialization.Thisrelativelysmall allocationisinsufficienttocoverthesubjectareasatasatisfactorydepth. The curriculum has only little emphasis on the development of softskills and managementskillsamongthestudentswithonly14%ofthetimeisallocatedtocover both.TheseskillstodayareevenconsideredasmainstreamsubjectsinmostoftheIT related training programmes due to the demand from the industry for professionals who can work effectively in acompetitive business environment. Thecurriculumalso fallsshortincoveringimportantareassuchassocialaspectofIT,ethicsandITrelated lawetc. During the initial work done on the curriculum revision, the following issues and drawbackswereidentifiedassignificantlycontributingtothepresentstatusoftheHND ITprogramme.

The programme is based on a fixedrigid curriculum that does not provide the opportunity for students to select different options of specializations. Instead the curriculum attempt covers a wide range of subjects from different areas of specializations. This prevents the students from developing indepth skills and competencies in any of the different specialization areas that are demanded by the industry.


The curriculum attempt to cover a larger number of different areas related to informationtechnologyratherthanfocusingwithindepthonaselectedsetofkeyareas that are more relevant to current technologies and industry requirements. This has resulted most of the relevant subject areas not being covered at the required level. Moreovertheheavybiasonthetheoreticalaspectsinthemoduleshasalsoprevented studentsgettingthemuchrequiredexposuretotheirappliedandpracticalaspects.

Therearemanyinconsistenciesintheextentofmaterialcoveredinthedetailedsyllabus andthestudentcontacttimeallocatedforthesubject.Significantdifferencesexistin thenumberoftopicsandtheextentscoveredamongsubjectmoduleshavingthesame allocated teaching time. Some of the subject that requires practical work is allocated only with classroom teaching time. Soft skill development subjects such as communicationskillhasnotbeenallocatedwithanypracticalwork.

Thecurriculumdoesnotcovermostofthecurrenttechnologiesandstandardsusedby theITindustry.Ithasnorelevanceorparallelismtoanyofthecertificationprogrammes (e.g. Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) etc.) that are offered by industry standard technology providers. Absence of such relevanceaffectnegativelyonthestudentsintermsoftheiremployabilityaswellonthe opportunitiesforfurtherprofessionaleducation.

The2007ITworkforcesurveyhasidentifiedseveralkeyworkprofileswherethelocalIT industryisinneedofqualifiedITprofessionals.Eachoftheseprofilesrequiresindepth knowledgeofspecializedsubjectmatterandtechnologieswithfairamountofpractical exposure.Manyofthesekeyareasarenotincludedinthepresentcurriculum.Evenon the few areas included, are not covered to the required depth and the practical exposure on up to date technologies. As a result a student graduating with HNDIT wouldrequirefurthertrainingbytheemployerpriortoengagehimonanyproductive assignment.

Thecurriculumincludesseveralsubjectsarerelativelyobsoleteinthepresentcontextof theITindustry.Majorityofthestudentcontacttimeisconsumedbysubjectsthatareof lessrelevanttothepresenttechnologies.Moreovertherigidnatureoftheprogramme


structure and the curriculum also make it difficult to adapt with the fast changing technologytrendsintheindustry.

ThenatureandthecompetitivenessofthecurrentITindustryrequireitsworkforceto haveseveralcompetenciesthatareoutsidethemaintechnologyrelatedareas.These include the soft skill based competencies like in interpersonal and group communications, presentation skills, report and technical writing skills etc. as well as knowledge from other business related domains such as accountancy, management, ethicsandlaw.Thepresentcurriculumlacksthefocusonamajorityoftheseskillsand competencies.Withinthe14%ofthestudentcontacttimeallocatedforthesesubject areasonlyfewtopicsinmanagement,quantitativetechniquesandcommunicationskills arecovered.

Thecurriculumandthedetailedcourseoutlineslacktherequiredemphasisonpractical aspects and the laboratory based work. Majority of the lab sessions appear to be unstructured and thereby fail to develop the required levels competencies among the students.Furthermoreentireprogrammeconsistofonlytwoprojectbasedmodules, which too are not conducted with proper guidance and monitoring. Not having sufficient amount of project based work severely hinder the development of self confidence among the student which vital for them to survive and progress in the challengingworkenvironmentofthemodernITindustry.

Required improvements
Duringtheinitialworkcarriedoutitbecameclearthatthecurrentcurriculummandate amajoroverhaultoitscontentsaswellastheoverallprogrammestructure.However, thesechangesmustalsobemadebyconsideringanumberofotherrelatedfactorssuch as the expectations of the IT industry, current and expected demands in the IT workforce, capacity and resources at SLIATE and the related technological developmentsandtrendsintheglobalITindustry.Additionallytheserequirementsand constraints had to be matched with the curriculum standards adopted by similar programmes in the region and the professional certification programmes offered by globaltechnologyproviders.Finallyinordermakethedeliveryprogrammeasuccess the practicability capacity and resource requirements, both the existing levels and planned expansions too need to be accounted. Considering the above, the following majorchangeswereproposed.


a. Extendthepresentacademiccontactdurationoffoursemestersbyintroducing twoshortTermshaving7weeksofdurationeach.However,thetwoterms willnotextendthetotaldurationoftheprogrammeoftwocalendaryearsand willbeplacedinbetweentheexistingframeworkof15weeksemesters. b. Introduced a course unit system with modular credit based assessment and graduationrequirements c. Introducelateralentry/exitprovisions.Astudentaftercompletingaprescribed number of modular credits should be able to exit the programme with appropriatecertificationsratherthandroppingfromthecourse.

a. Restructurethecurriculumtobeoutcomebased. b. Introduce specialization stream through optional subjects. The curriculum will offerprescribedbasketsofoptionalsubjectswithindepthcoveragethatleadto specializationindifferentareasofinformationtechnology. c. Adapttheindustrynormsinthedistributionofcurriculumcontentintheareas of fundamental knowledge/core competencies, associated domain knowledge andspecializedsubjectknowledge. d. Place the curriculum in parallel with professional certification programmes availablefromtheleadingtechnologyproviders. e. Improve the relevance of the curriculum by introducing applied technology based modules with flexibility to adopt with trends and development of the relevanttechnologies. f. Increasetheemphasisonpracticallaboratoryworkandprojectbasedwork. g. Increase the extent of allocation or softskills and other related domain based competencydevelopment. h. Improvetheassessmentcriteriaonallmodulesincludedinthecurriculum. Theabovechangesrecommendedfortheprogrammestructureandcurriculumcontent isdescribedindetaillaterinthisdocumentundertheproposedcurriculum.



Thefollowingmethodologywasusedastheprimarymethodologyinthedevelopment of proposed curriculum and the new programme structure. On all possible instances theactivitieswerecarriedwithassistanceandcollaborationwiththestaffoftheSLIATE institutionsthataredirectlyinvolvedinteachingactivitiesoftheHNDItprogramme.

a. Review of the present curriculum and its relevance to the programme and expectations. b. ReviewofthestaffandotherrelatedresourcecapacitiesoftheSLIATEinstitutes inrelationtotheHNDITprogramme c. Review of similar programmes offer by other private and public sector institutionsintheregion d. Compare the review the present course structure in relation to the National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) developed by the Sri Lanka Vocational Training AuthorityandtheSriLankaQualificationsFramework(SLQF)developedbythe MinistryofHigherEducation. e. Collection of information on curriculum standards adopted by Diploma and Higher Diploma programmes offered other institutions in the region as well as the Western / European regions. This also included foreign institution based diplomaprogrammesofferedthroughtheirlocalagentsinthecountry.

Review of the curriculum used in professional and industry certification programmes such as Microsoft Certification, Cisco certification, RedHat certification, Oracle certification etc. This was carried in order to position the proposedcurriculumwithrespecttotherequirementsofthesecertifications.

Theinputoftheindustryexpectationswasobtainedthroughmeetingswiththe relevant stake holders and using the available survey data on the workforce demandsandemploymentmarket.

a. Review of the institutional capacity and resource availability. The institutional capacity and resource availability of SLIATE institutions was assessed using available statistical data and through interviews / meeting with the relevant staff. This information was then be used in the design of the detailed course outlinesandthedeliverymethodsforindividualsubjectmodules. 14

7. Designofnewcoursemodules,detailedcourseoutlinesanddeliverymethod.

Involvement of the stakeholders

Asignificantamountofdatacollectedrecentlyontheindustrystakeholdersviewsof theexistingHNDITprogrammeoftheSLIATEwasreadilyavailableatthebeginningof this exercise. This information had been collected by a parallel consultancy project aimed at developing a new higher diploma programme specializing in Software EngineeringfortheSLIATE.Theinformationcollectedthroughthisexerciseincludedthe industry view and expectations on existing HNDIT curriculum, identified gaps in the existingcurriculumandindustryrequirements,andtheirobservationsonthequalityof the SLIATE HNDIT diplomats. The dataset also included industry suggestions on the curriculumimprovementstoexistingoutlineandsomefeedbackcollectedthroughtheir workshops with the SLIATE teaching staff and students. Moreover the data had been collected within a period of 3 month from the commencement of this curriculum review. Thus, after a comprehensive review of the available data and the strict time limitationsassociatedwiththecurriculumreviewitwasdecidedtousethisdatasetas theprimarysourceforinitialinformationgatheringonthestakeholderinput. In addition to the above several other sources were also used to collect relevant informationanddata.TheseincludedthereportsoftheITWorkforceSurveyscarried by the Information and Communication Agency of Sri Lanka and several other publicationsmadebydifferentinstitutions.Severalinformaldiscussionswerealsoheld with industry representatives to obtain in depth feedback on the existing curriculum, quality of the SLIATE diplomats and the proposed changes to the curriculum and the programmestructure.Itisimportanttonotethatonallaboveinstancestheindustry extended their fullest support and cooperation to the changes and enhancements suggestedfortheSLIATEHNDITprogramme.

Collaboration with other development

In parallel with the consultancy for the review of existing curriculum of the HNDIT programme, SLIATE has taken another initiative to develop a new Higher National DiplomaprogrammespecializinginthefieldofSoftwareEngineering.Thisassignment hadbeenawardedtoadifferentteamofconsultantswhichincludedoneInternational ConsultantandoneNationalConsultant. During the initial work it became clearly evident that there is a significant overlap betweenthesetwoinitiativesalmostoneveryaspectoftheprogrammestructureand


thecurriculumdevelopment.Thereforethetwoteamsworkinclosecollaborationand asresultitwaspossibletodefineauniformcoursestructureforthebothprogrammes. Infactthatitwasdecidedthattheimplementationofthenewprogrammetomadein parallel with one of the specializations suggested for the existing HNDIT programme. This arrangement opened the possibility of sharing teaching and learning resources, especially the staff resources between the two programmes, thereby improving the qualityandproductivityofbothprogrammesbyasignificantextent.

SLIATE staff participation and review

A workshop was carried with the SLIATE teaching staff at early stages of the review processinordertocollecttheirobservationsandfeedbackontheproposedchangesto the curriculum. During this workshop the proposed programme structure and the curriculum outlines were presented to them and their feedback was obtained. The staffs were presented with the expected learning outcomes of the programme on a semester basis and were requested to suggest suitable subject modules for different semesters. Asecondworkshopandatrainingsessionwasconductedtowardthelatterpartofthe reviewprocessinordertoassessstaffcapacityintheimplementationoftheproposed curriculumandtotrainthemonthenewaspectsoftheproposedcurriculum.Thenew syllabusoutlineswereexplainedtothestaffandthereafterwereaskedtoparticipatein the development of weekly learning outcomes for each of the modules. This process allowedidentifyingstrengthandweaknessesintheimplementationofthenewcourse structureandthecurriculum.



Programme duration and semester organization
The proposed curriculum for the Higher National Diploma in Information Technology programme will consist of four academic Semesters, two Terms and an industrial placement programme (Figure 3). Each semester will be of 14 weeks duration while eachoftheTermswillberestrictedto7weeks.Attheendoftheacademicactivities students will be placed on a fulltime industrial training for period of 24 weeks (i.e. approx6months). Twoadditionaltermswillbeoffered, Activity Duration one per year in between the 1 SemesterI 14weeks semesters. EachTermwillconsist of 7weeksandwillfocusonknowledge 2 TermA 7weeks areasnotdirectlyrelatedtothecore 3 SemesterII 14weeks knowledge of ICT. This will include 4 SemesterIII 14weeks softskills related modules and industry / vendor specific technology 5 TermB 7weeks areas. Teaching and learning during 6 SemesterIV 14weeks thetermswillbebasedonselfstudy, computer assisted learning and 7 IndustrialPlacement 24weeks project based work, industry seminars etc., in order to minimize Figure3:ProposedSemester/Termstructure the additional workload on the regularacademicstaff.Thefactthat theacademicstaffwouldneedtoengageinmarkingandotherpreparatoryworkduring theperiodinbetweensemesterswasalsoconsideredindesigningthetermworkloads. Thus during the Terms regular academic staff will play a coordinating and supervisory rolesforthemodulesofferedwithassistancefromexternalresources.
Year3 Year2 Year1

Provisions for specializations

The new curriculum is designed to provide specialized indepth knowledge in six differentspecializationareasidentifiedbasedontheindustryrequirements.However, inordertomaintaintheflexibilityspecializationsaredesignedtobeofferedinstages, startingfromabroadbasedcorecurriculumattheinitialphasesoftheprogrammeand movingtowardsindepthspecializationatthefinalstages.Thefollowingdescribesthe curriculumstructurethatgraduallyleadstospecializations.


During the first stage a common curriculum covering the fundamental knowledge in core areas of ICT is offered to all the students. Outcomes expectedfromthecommoncorecurriculumincludethefollowing. Catertothediversityintheentryrequirements(i.e.studentsfromnon science streams of GCE (A/L) and those who have followed basic coursesinICTsuchastheGeneralInformationTechnology(GIT)atGCE (O/L) and GCE (A/L) examinations etc.) and to provide the bridging amongdifferententryskilllevels. Toprovidebroadbasedfundamentalknowledgeinthecoreareassuch as algorithms & programming, Databases, Communications & Networking,BusinessSystems&processes,QualityAssurance&control andmultimediafundamentals. To provide handson skills equivalent to the skills referred by InternationalComputerDrivingLicense(ICDL)skilllevels

Duringthesecondstageoftheprogramme,studentswillbedividedintothree broadspecializationareasidentifiedastheDeveloperTrack,Administrator Track and the Analyst Track by means of selecting course modules from prescribedsetsofbaskets.Eachofthesetracksisdesignedtocoverabroader spectrum of knowledge but with a bias into the specified field. A student following a track in general would cover approximately 50% of the workload fromhisselectedspecializationtrackandthebalancefromacommonbasket andselectedmodulesfromtheotherspecializationtracks.

The final stage of the program consisting of Semester 4 and the industrial placement is aimed at providing in depth knowledge in further specialized areas.Studentswillbeabletoselecttheirspecializationoptionsbymeansof selecting optional subjects from specified baskets. Based on the current and projectedindustrydemandsixdifferentspecializationsoptionswillofferedfor thethreebroadertracksasfollows. As similar to stage two, the student workload will be shared with options selected from other specializationswithin andoutside therespective track in additiontothecoresubjectstakenfromtheselectedspecialization 18

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Software Developer

Developer Track
Multimedia Developer

Database Administrator

Common Core

Administrator Track
Network / System Administrator

System / Business Analyst

Analyst Track

Quality Assuarnce / Control Specialist


The course structure proposed for specialization options is graphically illustrated in Figure4.Thisapproachallowsstudentstograduallymigrateintotheirspecializedareas while having a sufficient breadth of knowledge in other related areas. It also offers flexibility to the SLIATE in delivering the curriculum and also in managing with the constrainedresources.

Curriculum outline Year1SemesterI

Module Code IT 1001 IT 1002 IT 1003 IT 1004 IT 1005 IT 1006 IT 1007 Module Title Personal Computer Hardware and System Operations Mathematics for Computing Introduction to Programming Data Representation and Organization Introduction to Databases and Relation Database Management Systems Communication Skills I Internet and Applications TOTAL Module Type Common Core Common Core Common Core Common Core Common Core Common Core Common Core Credits 04 03 04 02 03 01 03 20 Status GPA GPA GPA GPA GPA GPA GPA


Module Code IT A001 IT A002 IT A003 IT A004 Module Title Office Productivity Applications Website Development Communication Skills II PC Maintenance TOTAL Module Type Common Core Common Core Common Core Common Core Credits 02 03 01 02 08 Status NGPA NGPA NGPA NGPA

Module Code IT 2001 IT 2002 IT 2003 IT 2004 IT 2005 IT 2006 Module Title Programming in JAVA Graphics and Multimedia Data Structures and Algorithms Introduction to Communications and Computer Networks System Analysis and Design Communication Skills III TOTAL Module Type Common Core Common Core Common Core Common Core Common Core Common Core Credits 04 04 03 03 04 02 20 Status GPA GPA GPA GPA GPA GPA

Module Code Core IT 3001 IT 3002 IT 3003 IT 3004 Total Developer Track Option IT 3101 Rapid Application Development IT 3102 Principals of Software Engineering IT 3103 Object Oriented Analysis and Design Total Administrator Track Option IT 3201 Advance Database Management Systems IT 3202 Internetworking IT 3203 Enterprise Information Security Systems Total Analyst Track Option Module Title Probability and Statistics Computer Architecture Business Management and Quantitative Techniques Operating Systems and Computer Security Module Type Common Core Common Core Common Core Common Core Credits 02 2.5 2.5 03 10 Status GPA GPA GPA GPA

Track Elective Track Elective Track Elective

04 02 04 10


Track Elective Track Elective Track Elective

04 03 03 10



IT 3301 IT 3302 IT 3303 Total Introduction to Business Analysis Management Information Systems E-Commerce Track Elective Track Elective Track Elective 02 04 04 10


Module Code IT B001 IT B002 IT B003 Module Title Individual Project Communication Skills IV Individual Learning Content TOTAL Module Type Common Core Common Core Common Core Credits 04 02 02 08 Status NGPA NGPA NGPA

Module Code Core IT 4001 IT 4002 IT 4003 IT 4004 Total Module Title Project Management Open Source Systems IT and Society Graduation Project Module Type Common Core Common Core Common Core Common Core Credits 02 04 02 03 11 Status GPA GPA GPA GPA

Developer Track Option Software Developer Specialization IT 4101 Multi-tiered Application Development IT 4102 Software Configuration Management IT 4103 Web Programming Total Multimedia Developer Specialization IT 4104 Computer Graphics and Animation Design IT 4105 Image Processing IT 4106 Digital Video and Audio Total

Field Elective Field Elective Field Elective

04 02 03 09


Field Elective Field Elective Field Elective

04 03 02 09


Administrator Track Option Network / System Administrator Specialization IT 4201 Server Installation and Management IT 4202 Network and Data Centre Operations IT 4203 Disaster Recovery & Business Cont. Planning Total

Field Elective Field Elective Field Elective

03 03 03 09



Database Administrator Specialization IT 4203 Disaster Recovery & Business Cont. Planning IT 4204 DB Server Installation and Management IT 4205 Database Programming Project Total Analyst Track Option QA / QC Specialization IT 4301 Software Testing IT 4302 Technical Report Writing IT 4303 Software Quality Management Total System / Business Analyst Specialization IT 4302 Technical Report Writing IT 4304 Business Analysis - Tools & Processes IT 4305 System Analysis Case Study Total

Field Elective Field Elective Field Elective

03 03 03 09


Field Elective Field Elective Field Elective

03 03 03 09


Field Elective Field Elective Field Elective

03 03 03 09


Lateral entry and exit points

Therearetwolateralexit/entrypointsthataredefinedintheproposedcurriculumas follows. A student having completed the prescribed course modules in Semester 1 and TermAandhavingearnedtheprescribedminimumnumberofmodularcredits will be eligible to claim the exit qualification Certificate in Information TechnologyfromSLIATE. A student having completed the prescribed course modules in Semester I, SemesterII,SemesterIII,TermAandTermBandhavingearnedtheprescribed minimum number of modular credits will be eligible to claim the exit qualificationNationalDiplomainInformationTechnologyfromSLIATE.

However, it must be noted that these lateral exit options will be offered only on exceptionalcircumstanceswhereastudentisunableprogressintothenextleveldueto reasons not related to his or her academic performance. Students must be always encouragedtoprogresstowardsthefinalawardoftheHigherNationalDiploma.Lateral exits must not be offered to students who fail to complete the requirements of the HigherNationalDiplomaduetopooracademicperformance.Lateralentrypointsmay


alsobeallowedforstudentswhohaveobtainedpriorqualificationsthataresimilarto theexitpointsandacceptabletotheSLIATE.
Higher Diploma

Placement / Training

Second Year


First Year


Figure 5: Students academic progression and lateral entry / exitpoints

Programme learning outcomes

Programme learning outcomes and the skills and competencies expected at different levelsoftheproposedcurriculumareasfollows.
Level Certificatein Information Technology Skill/CompetencyLevels ExpectedLearningOutcomes Enriched with fundamental Ability to install and maintain theoreticalknowledgeandpractical (including basic hardware exposure required in using in ICT maintenance) personal inaofficeenvironment computers and networking devices in general office environment Ability to configure basic messaging and networking servicesonclientcomputers Determine requirements and specifications of devices and softwareforgeneralofficeuse Develop small software


application and websites for generalofficework. Ability to analyze problems and issuesinthespecializeddomain Ability to determine solutions and requirements for identified problems in the specialized domain. Abilitytoconfigure,manageand maintain ICT solutions in the specializedapplicationdomain Ability to provide necessary information to the senior management for making decisions in the areas related to thespecializeddomain. Carryout indepth analysis on problems and requirements in theareaofspecialization. Develop solutions for complex problems that require in depth analysis in the area of specialization. Take managerial desiccation of the implementation, configuration and maintenance of solutions in the area of specialization

NationalDiploma inInformation Technology

Developed with competencies, skills and knowledge in a broader spectrum of specialized areas in InformationTechnology.

HigherNational Diplomain Information Technology

Developed with indepth knowledge and competencies in theselectedspecializedareaofICT

Performance criteria and graduation requirements

The following guidelines are recommended in evaluating student performance throughouttheprogressionofthecourseanddetermininggraduationrequirementsfor thefinalawardaswellasawardsatlateralexitpoints.

Ingeneralastudentlearningthroughacoursemoduleisexpectedtobeevaluatedusing a formativeassessmentat the endof the semester / termas well as using a series of summative assessments conducted during the semester. Formative assessment tools wouldincludesemesterexaminationswithstructuredquestionpapers,multiplechoice questions,finalreports,presentationsandoralexaminations.Toolsrecommendedfor summative assessments will include quizzes, participation in discussions, tutorials, assignments,laboratoryreportsandinclasspresentations.


Finalmarkandthegradeawardedforthemodulemustbecomputedasaweightedsum of the formative and summative assessments. The weight assigned to each type of assignmentshouldbedecidedconsideringnumberoffactorsthatincludethenatureof thesubjectareacovered,teachingandlearningmethodologyusedforthedeliveryand nature of the expected learning outcomes. The following is recommended as broad guidelineforthispurpose.
Decisioncriteria Summativeassessment Tools Theoretical subjects where Quizzes the understanding of the Tutorials subject fundamentals is Discussions considered as the primary objective Theory oriented subjects where learners ability to applytheacquiredknowledge in problem solving is significant Assignments Tutorials Presentations Quizzes Weight 30% Formativeassessment Tools Structured questionpaper Weight 70%


Structured questionpapers MCQpapers


Subjects where handson Assignments exposure to practicals is a Labreports major part of learning the Tutorials associatedtheoreticalcontent


Structured questionpapers


70% Practical oriented subjects Assignments where concepts are learned Labworksheets through the exposure to Participation practicalwork Group work and discussions Self directed learning and Reports, projectbasedlearning Assignments Labreports 60%

MCQpapers Structured questionpapers


Finalreports Presentations Oralexaminations


Itmustbenotedthattheaboveweightsareprovidedasbroadguidelineandcouldvary from one module to another depending of factors associated with the nature and deliveryofthemodule.Howeveritisrecommendedthatsuchvariationstobelimited toabandof+/10%ofthespecifiedvalues.



Assessmentofcandidatesperformanceineachmodulewillbecarriedoutbasedonthe followingguidelines. a. Acandidatewillbecomeeligiblefortheformativeassessmentcomponentofthe moduleonlyifhe/shehasobtainedaminimumof35%ofthemarksallocated for the summative component and has completed the minimum attendance / participationrequirements(ifany)forthatmodule. b. Acandidatewillconsideredaspassedthemoduleandcreditbeawardedonly ifhe/shehasobtainedleast35%ofthemarksseparatelyforboththeformative andsummativecomponentsoftheevaluation. c. If only one of the components is passed (i.e. obtained more than 35%), the studenthastocompleteonlytheremainingcomponentasarepeatcandidatein thenextattempttocompletethemodule.Themarksobtainedforthe"passed" component will be kept on records and taken to determine the grade at the repeatattempt.InsucheventthecandidatewillbeawardedanIncomplete(I) gradeforthemoduleinthefirstattempt. d. A candidate failing to achieve the minimum 35% for both components will be awarded a Fail (F) grade and should redo both components in order to upgradetheresult. e. ThehighestgradeobtainableatarepeatorsubsequentattemptisthegradeC exceptwhenanAcademicConcessionhasbeengranted.

Eachmoduleisassignedacreditvaluethatrepresentsthestudentsworkloadsubjected tothefollowingguidelines. a. For direct learning tools such as lectures and other similar classroom based activities one credit is allocated for a work load of 1 hour per week through a semesteror2hoursperweekthroughaterm. b. Forindirectlearningtoolssuchastakehomeassignments,tutorials,laboratory work and project based activities one credit is allocated for a work load of 2 hoursperweekthroughasemesteror4hoursperweekthroughaterm c. Nocreditswillbeawardedformoduleswherethecandidatereceiveseitheran Incomplete(I)orFail(F)grade.

The following guidelines will be used in grading the students performance at each moduletaken.


a. Letter grades based on the Grade Point system and corresponding description, asillustratedbelow,willbeusedtoexpresstheperformanceateachmodule. moderated mark 85 and above 75 to 84 70 to 74 65 to 69 60 to 64 55 to 59 50 to 54 45 to 49 40 to 44 35 to 39 34 and below module Grade A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD I F b. The grades F, I, D or C can be improved up to a C grade and considered for calculatingSemesterGradePointAverage(SGPA). c. Moderated percentages illustrated above are given for the guidance of the examiner and may be changed upwards or downwards by the moderator in consultationoftheexaminationboardandtherelevantguidelines. Grade Point 4.2 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.0 0.0 Pass Weak Pass Conditional Pass Incomplete Fail Good Excellent Description

SemesterGradePointAverage(SGPA)willbebasedonthesummationofGradePoints earnedforallmodulesregisteredinasemesterweightedaccordingtonumberofcredits usingtheformulaillustratedbelow,roundedtothesecondnearestdecimalpoint.

n g n
i i

Where ni is the number of credits for the ith module in a given semester and gi is the gradepointsearnedforthatmodule.


CurrentGradePointAverage(CGPA)describesastudent'scurrentstandingintermsof all modulesregistered for credits up to given point of time weightedaccording tothe gradesassignedtoeachmodule.Forthispurpose,weightsgivenforeachsemesterwill beuniform. OverallGradePointAverage(GPA)isthefinalstandingofthestudentcalculatedonthe basisofCGPAofalltheregisteredmodules.

a. IfthestudentsSGPAfallsbetween1.99and1.50thestudentwillbeplacedon AcademicWarning. b. AnystudentwithaSGPAlessthan1.50willbeplaceonAcademicProbation. c. Academic Probation and/or Academic Warning may be withdrawn when the relevantSGPAisupgradedto2.00ormore. d. Astudentwhofallsintooneofthefollowingcategoriesduetofailuretoupgrade the SGPA will not be permitted to register for a new module until the SGPA improvesasrequired. a. AcademicProbationinanytwosemesters b. Academic Probation in any semester and Academic Warning in one semester c. AcademicWarninginanythreesemesters.

The following are the requirements for a candidate to be awarded with the Higher NationalDiplomainInformationTechnology. MinimumResidenceRequirement A student enrolled for the Higher National Diploma in Information Technology has to followacourseofstudyasafulltimestudentforaperiodextendingoveraminimum period of four academic semesters and two terms. Students entering into the programme through lateral entry points must complete a total residency requirement thatiscompatibletotheregularfulltimestudentsfortheperiodthereareunderthe HigherNationalDiplomaprogramme. Industrialplacementrequirement A student enrolled for the Higher National Diploma in Information Technology has to complete an industrial placement programme with duration of not less than six


continuous calendar months. The industrial placement requirement must be fulfilled after completing academic residency and credit requirements of the programme. For students enrolled through the lateral entry scheme, any industrial experience prior to the completion of the academic residency and credit requirements will not be accountedtowardstheindustrialplacementrequirement. CreditRequirements Acandidateshouldsatisfythefollowingrequirementsinordertobeawardedwiththe Higher National Diploma in Information Technology by the Sri Lanka Institute of AdvanceTechnicalStudies. a. Aminimumtotalof61GPAcreditsfromprescribedcorecompulsorymodules b. A minimum total of 10 GPA credits from the prescribed set of modules in the selectedbreadthspecializationtrack c. A minimum total of 9 GPA credits from the prescribed set of modules in the selecteddepthspecializationoptionwiththeselectedtrack d. Aminimumtotalof16NonGPAcreditsfromtheprescribedsetofmodules GPArequirements AcandidatemustachieveaminimumOverallGPAof2.0computedfromtheGPAcredits togetherwithotherrequirementstobeawardedwiththeHigherNationalDiploma.

A candidate, who wishes to deregister himself from the Higher National Diploma in Informationtechnologyprogrammeprematurely,mayclaimfortherelevantlateralexit awards,providedthathehascompletedthefollowingminimumrequirements. DiplomainInformationTechnology A candidate may claim for the award of Diploma in Information Technology provided that he/she has completed the following minimum requirement upon the de registrationfromtheHigherNationalDiplomaprogramme. 1. Aminimumresidencyrequirementofthreesemestersandtwoterms 2. A minimum credit requirements of 60 GPA credits and 16 NonGPA credits as follows a. A minimum total of 50 GPA credits from prescribed core compulsory modules b. Aminimumtotalof10GPAcreditsfromtheprescribedsetofmodulesin theselectedbreadthspecializationtrack


c. A minimum total of 16 NonGPA credits from the prescribed set of modules 3. A minimum overall GPA of 2.0 computed from the prescribes baskets of GPA credits

CertificateinInformationTechnology AcandidatemayclaimfortheawardofCertificateinInformationTechnologyprovided that he/she has completed the following minimum requirement upon the de registrationfromtheHigherNationalDiplomaprogramme. 1. Aminimumresidencyrequirementofonesemesterandaterm. 2. A minimum credit requirements of 20 GPA credits and 8 NonGPA credits as follows a. A minimum total of 20 GPA credits from core compulsory modules prescribedforSemester1 b. A minimum total of 8 NonGPA credits from the set of modules prescribedforTermA 3. A minimum overall GPA of 2.0 computed from the prescribes baskets of GPA credits

Teaching and Learning environment Resourcerequirements

Teaching,referencing,laboratoryandotherrequiredresourcestoteachthemodulesin theproposedcurriculumhavebeenidentifiedforeachmoduleinthedetailedsyllabus. Ingeneraltheseresourceswillincludethefollowing. a. Computer laboratory facilities with Internet access for software, design and otherrelatedmodules. b. Testplatformlaboratoryforconductingpracticalworkrelatedtoinstallationand configurationofsystemsandcommunicationservices. c. AccesstoelearningandComputerBasedTraining(CBT)facilitiesasdescribedin relevantsyllabuses. d. Referencetextbookslistedinthedetailedsyllabusforeachmodule

TheproposedcurriculumintroducesseveralsignificantchangestothewaythatHigher NationalDiplomaprogrammeisdeliveredandadministered.Thesechangesrangefrom introductionof newspecializationoptionstomodernizationofthecurriculumcontent withsomeofthemodernandemergingsubjectareas.Itisimperativethatsignificant


efforts are needed to upgrade the course delivery and administration mechanisms to obtain the true benefits of these changes in terms of improving the quality and relevanceoftheprogrammeandinachievingtheexpectedoutcomes. It is important to note that the propose curriculum introduces new subjects from a diverse areas of information technology and hence would require resources and expertisefromthesameareasofspecializations.Mostofthesesubjectsarerelatedto emerging technologies where finding qualified resource personal or training existing staffwouldbedifficultandtimeconsuming.However,ontheotherthequalityofthe programmewoulddependontheavailabilityofsuchresourcesnotonlyinoneATIbut acrosstheentirenetworkwheretheprogrammeisoffered. InordertoaddresstheseproblemsitisrecommendedthattheSLIATEmoveintoane Learning based platform to support the delivery and administration of the new curriculum. The elearning platform must be used to facilitate sharing of resources, centralized implementation of course delivery and assessment tools, centralized administration and learner management and to facilitate the use and assessment in usingmoderncomputerbasedlearningmaterial.


Semester I
Module Code IT 1001 IT 1002 IT 1003 IT 1004 IT 1005 IT 1006 IT 1007 Module Title Personal Computer Hardware and System Operations Mathematics for Computing Introduction to Programming Data Representation and Organization Introduction to Databases and Relation Database Management Systems Communication Skills I Internet and Applications TOTAL Module Type Common Core Common Core Common Core Common Core Common Core Common Core Common Core Credits 04 03 04 02 03 01 03 20 Status GPA GPA GPA GPA GPA GPA GPA


Module data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT1001 4 Hours/Week GPA S1 Module Type Lab/Tutorial Core compulsory 60 Module Title Personal Computer Hardware and System Operations Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites None


Module Aims & objectives To develop the fundamental skills required in installation, configuration, maintenance and management of personal computer systems and simple data communication devices in a general office environment Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: 1. Describe how computer hardware components work with software components. 2. Identify and install various hardware components and the software they need to properly function. 3. Describe and configure system resources within a computer system. 4. Make technical assessments and describe faults and problems in a personal computer 5. Describe the hazards to computer systems and take steps to prevent or control those hazards. 6. Perform various PC maintenance functions to ensure data safety prolong the life of the PC. 7. Identify and correct basic PC related network problems. Outline Syllabus 1. External configuration and basic operations (Connecting components, powering up, login, mounting / un-mounting external devices, shout down procedures etc. 2. Storage management Folder structure and hierarchy, File and folder management, Copying and moving files, formatting removable devices. 3. Device installation, configuration and management (printers, scanners, modems) 4. System administration and management (Backup and restore, application installation and uninstallation, user account and access management) 5. PC internal components and the modular design (System board, peripheral devices and interfaces, add-on hardware interfaces etc.) 6. Network installation and configuration, resource sharing over a network 7. Internet installation and configuration, enabling Internet security (proxy, firewall settings) 8. Common internet applications (email, web, ftp etc.) installation and use Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity Participation and completion of practical work and laboratory assignments Take home assignments End of semester examination Essay type question paper Weighting 30% 20% 50%


Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities 1. Classroom based learning on theoretical aspects required for the hands-on sessions 2. Hands-on practical sessions followed by group discussions

Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Access to computer laboratory facilities Microsoft VirtualPC (or similar) setup Access to standard hardware maintenance tools Internet access

Prescribed Text 1. A+ GUIDE TO HARDWARE: Managing, Maintaining, and Troubleshooting by Andrews, 3rd Edition, Course Technology Inc. ISBN: 1-4188-3561-7 2. LAB MANUAL: For A+ Managing and Maintaining Your PC, by Andrews, 5th Edition, Course Technology Inc. ISBN: 1-4188-3564-1


Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT1002 3 Hours/Week GPA S1 Module Type Lab/Tutorial Core compulsory 30 Co - requisites

Module Title

Mathematics for computing Lectures 30 Pre-requisites


Module Aims & objectives To introduce Matrices and algebraic relationships and to enable the students to understand muti-dimensional representation of data and information. To introduce Set theory and their algebraic relationships Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: 1. Describe the matrices and apply basic algebraic operations on matrices 2. Compute determinants and Eigen values from matrices 3. Solve systems of linear equations 4. Construct Sets and describe basic set operations 5. Describe and use algebraic operations in Sets Outline Syllabus 1. Matrices and basic matrix operations 2. Systems of linear equations 3. Singularity and Determinants 4. Eigen values and Eigen vectors 5. Sets and basic Set operations 6. Construction of Sets 7. Algebra of relations

Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity In class assignments and quizzes Take home assignments and tutorials End of semester examination Structured written paper Weighting 10% 15% 75%

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Classroom based teaching and learning supported by group discussions, tutorials and assignments.


Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials No special resources required. However access to Internet resources will be helpful

Prescribed Text Internet Resource: Richard Johnsonbaugh, Discrete Mathematics, Prentice Hall, 2008 Richard Johnsonbaugh, Discrete Mathematics 6th ed. Macmillan. ISBN 0-13-045803-1 Keith Devlin, (2nd ed.) 1993. The Joy of Sets. Springer Verlag, ISBN 0-387-94094-4


Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT1003 4 Hours/Week GPA S1 Module Type Lab/Tutorial Core compulsory 60 Module Title Introduction to programming Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites

None None

Module Aims & objectives Envisage skills for the development of application programmes through systematic problem solving skills

Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Apply systematic approach to problem solving Use appropriate data types for representation of data within a programme Use appropriate control structures for defining logical instruction flow Design user interfaces with the IDE of a visual programming language (Visual Basic) Develop simple event driven programmes with integration to back-end databases Demonstrate basic programme testing skills inclusive of debugging and tracing. Outline Syllabus Introduction to programming and computer programming languages Systematic problem solving use of pseudo code and flowcharts Event driven programmes & procedural programmes Introduction (hands-on) Visual studio development environment Visual basic programming language Creating a User Interface Handle Events and Set Properties Variables, Expressions, Statements, and Operators Language control structures (decision, selection and repetition) Branching and Recursion File handling and File based input / output Connecting to a database Fundamentals of program testing and using IDE features for tracing and debugging Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity Tutorials and lab assignments related to classroom teaching Mini programming project End of semester examination Structured written paper Weighting 40% 30% 30%


Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Fundamentals covered in classroom teaching supported by laboratory assignment, e-Learning material and hands-on lab sessions Self guided mini programming project

Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Access to computer lab with Visual Studio development environment Access to Internet and Microsoft Online learning materials

Prescribed Text Jerry Lee Ford Jr., Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Course Technology PTR, ISBN: 15-98-6337-40 James Foxall, Sams Teach Yourself Visual Basic 2010 in 24 Hours, ISBN: 06-72-3311-36 Online Resources: Microsoft Beginner Learning Centre: Windows Development


Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT1004 2 Hours/Week GPA S1 Module Type Lab/Tutorial Core Compulsory 0 Module Title Data representation and organization Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites

None None

Module Aims & objectives To enable the students to understand and describe how information and data are represented inside a computer system. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: 1. Describe the difference between data and information 2. Describe and use different number formats and convert data between different number format 3. Describe and use appropriate coding schemes for data representation 4. Describe and determine the precision and range associated with different numerical representation 5. Select appropriate coding and data representation scheme for a given application considering their advantages, disadvantages and limitations. Outline Syllabus 1. Basic of Information and data - Weighted and non weighted number systems 2. Decimal representation of numerical values and the theory / concept behind decimal number system 3. Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal number systems Conversions between different number systems 4. Coding methods (ASCII, and other coding methods, Use of codepages.) 5. Unicode and its advantages 6. Representation of numerical values (Integer, Fixed point and floating point representations) 7. Advantages, Disadvantages and limitation of different numerical representations Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity Tutorial assignment on conversion between different number systems Tutorial assignment in arithmetic using different numerical representation methods End of semester examination Essay type question paper Weighting 15% 15% 70%

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities 1. Classroom based theoretical teaching 2. Assignments and tutorials on subject matter


Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials No special equipment required. However access to internet and reference textbook will be useful

Prescribed Text The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture (Second Edition), Linda Null and Julia Lobur,
ISBN-13: 9780763737696


IT1005:IntroductiontoDatabasesandRelationDatabaseManagement Systems
Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT1005 3 Hours/Week GPA S1 Module Type Lab/Tutorial Core Compulsory 30 Module Title Introduction to Databases and Relation Database Management Systems Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites

None None

Module Aims & objectives Develop fundamental skills required in planning, organizing, storage, retrieval of information in computer systems and skills required for managing / administrating small and mid range database systems. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Describe the fundamental concepts in databases and data processing Analyze and systematically represent relationships in data records and perform data modeling Create, populate and manage relational databases in desktop and server environments Use query languages to populate, update and retrieve data from databases Implement basic security in database systems Outline Syllabus An introduction to data processing and databases Database management systems Data analysis and Data modeling (ER diagrams and conceptual modeling) Relational models and normalizations Creating databases using GUI tools Query Languages (Standard Query language) Introduction to database security Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity In class assignments and tutorials Simple database design project End of semester examination Structured examination paper Weighting 15% 25% 60%

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Classroom based teaching of theoretical aspects supported by group work / discussions and followed by hands on laboratory classes and individual project on simple database creation


Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Computer lab with Internet access, desktop database (such as MS Access or compatible) Server with a SQL database (MSSQL Server or MySQL Server) and management tools

Prescribed Text Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant B. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, (4th Ed.), Addison-Wesley, ISBN: 0-321-12226-7 Alison Balter,Teach yourself Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express in 24 Hours, Pearson Education, 2006, ISBN: 81-317-0454-8 Anthony Butcher, Sams Teach Yourself MySQL in 21 Days (2nd Edition), ISBN: 06-723-2392-3


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester Module Aims IT1006 1 Hours/Week NGPA Term B Module Type Labs/Tutorial Core Compulsory 30 Co - requisites Module Title

Communications Skills I
Lectures Pre-requisites -

To develop in students an awareness of the importance of English in the professional sphere

Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduce people Find specific information in a text Identify word classes and use them correctly Write coherent sentences describing people and objects

Outline Syllabus 1. Speaking and Listening Listen to introductions and greetings Greet and introduce yourself Find out about others Introduce others Listen to dialogues 2. Reading and Writing Skimming to understand the general meaning of a short text Scanning to find specific information Writing sentences about people and objects, places and directions Completing forms with specific information 3. Grammar and pronunciation Basic features of a simple sentence (S-V-O; S-V-C) Articles and nouns Verb to be Subject/verb agreement Introduction to English sounds 4. Business task Write a short account of how English is used in a specific business context


Assessment and Weighting Type Activity


Continuous Assessment

Speaking and Listening assignment Reading and writing assignment Grammar and pronunciation Presentation and answering questions

20% 20% 20% 40%

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Activity-based, student-centred learning should form the basis of teaching for each module An integrated skills approach should be used throughout the module Students should be assisted to develop independent learning skills Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Access to on-line resources, printed course materials, library reference materials Prescribed Text Nil.

Note:CommunicationsskillsCurriculumisadoptedandmadeparalleltoBusiness CommunicationsCommonsyllabusoftheSLIATE


Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT1007 3 Hours/Week GPA S1 Module Type Lab/Tutorial Core compulsory 30 Module Title Internet applications Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites

None None

Module Aims & objectives To develop skills required for using Internet and software tools associated with the Internet for information search, retrieval, and networking for improving productivity at work Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Describe the history and the development of the Internet Describe operation and governance in the Internet Connect a computer to the Internet using different connection options Use common Internet based applications such as WWW, email, FTP etc. Describe and use emerging applications and social networking tools (Face Book, YouTube, Twitter etc) Apply necessary security measures for transaction over the Internet Outline Syllabus History and development of the Internet How Internet operates and Internet governance Different ways of connecting to the Internet Common Internet based applications (WWW, email, FTP etc.) Types of web-sites (Static, Dynamic, Collaborative and Syndication etc.) Migration from Web 1 to Web 2.0 and the differences between them Modern Web applications (Social Networking, e-Commerce, e-Governance) Data security issues in Internet (Viruses, Adware & Spyware, Trojan programmes etc.) Protecting data in the Internet Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity In class participation and quizzes Take-home assignments and tutorials Weighting 20% 20%


End of semester examination Structures question paper


Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Classroom teaching and group discussions on theoretical aspects followed by hands-on laboratory work and assignments

Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Computer laboratory facility with Internet access

Prescribed Text Internet Resources: 1. Wikipedia page on the Internet - 2. Wikipedia page on the History of the Internet - 3. Wikipedia page on Web 2.0 - Text Books Preston Gralla, How Internet Works (7th Edition), ISBN: 0789729733 , Que publishers


Term A Summaryofcoursemodulesoffered

Module Code IT A001 IT A002 IT A003 IT A004 Module Title Office Productivity Applications Website Development Communication Skills II PC Maintenance TOTAL Module Type Common Core Common Core Common Core Common Core Credits 02 03 01 02 08 Status NGPA NGPA NGPA NGPA


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester ITA001 2 Hours/Week NGPA Term A Module Type Lab/Tutorial 60 Module Title Office productivity applications Lectures 0 Pre-requisites Co - requisites -

Self directed learning module in Term A

Module Aims & objectives To develop skills and knowledge required in using computers in an office environment for general office applications Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Describe suitable types of software for general office application and simple work automation Effectively use a word processing software application Effectively use a spreadsheet application Prepare presentation on computers Create and use simple databases on desktop environments Outline Syllabus Word processing fundamentals and application of word processing software Spreadsheets and working with tabular data Using presentation tools Fundamentals of databases and using database applications for management of small databases

Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity laboratory based activities and participation Structured laboratory tutorials and worksheet End of semester examination Final examination paper assignments and Weighting 20% 80% -

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities This is a self directed learning activity where students will follow the learning materials provided to them with minimum supervision and assistance from the teaching staff.


Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Computer laboratory with Internet access and necessary software development tools installed. Access to e-Learning and Computer Based Teaching material.

Prescribed Text Online training material available for Microsoft office suit from Online learning materials and manuals for Open Office, available from


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester ITA002 3 Hours/Week NGPA Term A Module Type Lab/Tutorial 60 Module Title Web site development Lectures 15 Pre-requisites Co - requisites

Self directed learning module in Term A

Module Aims & objectives To develop skills and knowledge required for development and deployment of simple websites with static content Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Understand and describe the concepts of web design, basic HTML and related web technologies Use a website development software applications to design and develop simple websites with static content Deploy simple websites on server Outline Syllabus Introduction to World Wide Web and web technologies Markup languages HTML basics Use of styles and frames Website development using a design tool Deploying websites

Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity laboratory based activities and participation Structured laboratory assignments and tutorials and worksheet End of semester examination Final examination paper Weighting 20% 80% -

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities This is a self directed learning activity where students will follow the learning materials provided to them with minimum supervision and assistance from the teaching staff. Minimum classroom activities are suggested to provide the basic and fundamental knowledge required and to assist students in following the e-learning content


Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Computer laboratory with Internet access and necessary software development tools installed. Access to e-Learning and Computer Based Teaching material.

Prescribed Text Manuals and learning material associated with the select web design software application


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester Module Aims IT2006 1 Hours/Week NGPA Term B Module Type Labs/Tutorial Core Compulsory 30 Co - requisites Module Title

Communications Skills II
Lectures Pre-requisites IT1006

To develop in students an awareness of the variety of jobs available in businesses and their respective roles
Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to 1. 2. 3. 4. Identify various departments in a company and their respective functions Identify various job titles and their respective functions Describe the tasks a particular job holder has to do Write descriptions of various jobs

Outline Syllabus 1. Speaking and Listening




Listen to and understand a verbal description of a company, its departments and job holders Identify from a verbal report on a company key departments, job holders and their roles within the company Discuss a company profile, talk about job holders and what they have to do Reading and Writing Match descriptions of jobs to titles Extract specific information from a company profile about departments, specific individuals, their jobs and roles within the company Write descriptions of departments in a company, drawing together information from various sources Write descriptions of jobs from given information in note form Grammar and pronunciation Conjunctions Yes/No questions Problem areas in English pronunciation: student difficulties clinic Business task Produce a company profile describing its departments, and individual job holders and their duties in each department


Assessment and Weighting Type Activity


Continuous Assessment

Speaking and Listening assignment Reading and writing assignment Grammar and pronunciation Presentation and answering questions

20% 20% 20% 40%

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Activity-based, student-centred learning should form the basis of teaching for each module An integrated skills approach should be used throughout the module Students should be assisted to develop independent learning skills Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Access to on-line resources, printed course materials, library reference materials Prescribed Text Nil.

Note:CommunicationsskillsCurriculumisadoptedandmadeparalleltoBusiness CommunicationsCommonsyllabusoftheSLIATE


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester ITA004 2 Hours/Week NGPA Term A Module Type Lab/Tutorial 30 Module Title PC maintenance Lectures 15 Pre-requisites Co - requisites

Self directed learning module in Term A

Module Aims & objectives To develop skills and knowledge required for providing basic and preventive maintenance for personal computer systems and their standard peripherals Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Describe the major modules / components of a personal computer and their basic operations Disassemble and assemble a personal computer Describe and perform preventive hardware maintenance Describe and perform preventive maintenance on system and application software Outline Syllabus Introduction to personal computer architecture External components and peripheral devices (function and operations) Internal components and their operations Assembly and disassembly of a personal computer Installation and configuration of peripheral devices Routine system maintenance (backup, restore, storage maintenance etc.) Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity laboratory based activities and participation Structured laboratory assignments and tutorials and worksheet End of semester examination Final examination paper Weighting 20% 80% -

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities This is a self directed learning activity where students will follow the learning materials provided to them with minimum supervision and assistance from the teaching staff. Minimum classroom activities are suggested to provide the basic and fundamental knowledge required and to assist students in following the e-learning content


Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Computer laboratory with Internet access and necessary software development tools installed. Access to e-Learning and Computer Based Teaching material. A demonstration personal computer that can be disassembles and assembled by the students

Prescribed Text


Semester II SummaryofCoursemodulesoffered

Module Code IT 2001 IT 2002 IT 2003 IT 2004 IT 2005 IT 2006 Module Title Programming in JAVA Graphics and Multimedia Data Structures and Algorithms Introduction to Communications and Computer Networks System Analysis and Design Communication Skills III TOTAL Module Type Common Core Common Core Common Core Common Core Common Core Common Core Credits 04 04 03 03 04 02 20 Status GPA GPA GPA GPA GPA GPA


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT2001 4 Hours/Week GPA S2 Module Type Lab/Tutorial Core compulsory 60 Module Title Programming in JAVA Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites IT1004, IT1003


Module Aims & objectives Develop skills required to use JAVA programming language for software application development

Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Create simple to intermediate level software applications using the standard I/O routines in JAVA. Understand and be able to apply the various data types and structures. Understand and use basic object oriented programming techniques. Understand and use procedural abstraction and top-down design. Create programs that store and access data to and from files. Create simple Java applets for use in web pages. Outline Syllabus Introduction to JAVA language and JAVA Programming environment Data Types and Variables Using Methods, Classes, and Objects Conditions and Logical Expressions Using repetition and selection statements Strings, Arrays and complex record structures Java Applets Graphics in JAVA Using Swing Components and libraries Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity Class participation, in-class assignments and quizzes Programming assignments End of semester examination Structured examination paper Weighting 10% 50% 40%


Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Classroom based teaching on the theoretical aspects of the programming language supported by group work, assignments and quizzes. Hands-on sessions through structured programming assignments.

Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Computer laboratory with necessary infrastructure and software tools installed. Access to Internet and online courseware material

Prescribed Text Tony Gaddis, Starting Out with Java, (4th Edition), Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-136-12054-7 Laura Lemay and Rogers Cadenhead, Sam's Teach Yourself Java 2 in 21 Days


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT2002 4 Hours/Week GPA S2 Module Type Lab/Tutorial Core compulsory 60 Module Title Graphics and Multimedia Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites IT1002


Module Aims & objectives Develop skills required in designing and integration of multimedia content in software applications

Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Demonstrate different concepts of graphics and multimedia and select appropriate content formats for a given application Apply different configuration and delivery related parameters in to multimedia content creation and editing Use common multimedia and image editing tools to create and edit multimedia contents Deploy multimedia content using different types of mediums. Outline Syllabus Introduction to multimedia and multimedia concepts Types of multimedia (vector, raster, linear and non linear etc.) Raster and Vector content Audio, video and animation Multimedia data compression schemes and standards Multimedia delivery standards Multimedia editing tools Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity In-class discussions, group work, assignments and tutorials Laboratory assignments End of semester examination Structure exam paper Weighting 15% 35% 50%

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Classroom teaching of theoretical subject matter supported by group work, assignments and tutorials. Hands-on skills in multimedia development through take home assignments and laboratory exercises


Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Computer laboratory with network, Internet access and graphic and multimedia development tools installed Access to audio / video and graphic input devices 9scanners, cameras, graphic tablets etc.)

Prescribed Text Prabhat K. Andleigh , Prabhat K. Andleigh, Multimedia Systems Design, Prentice Hall ISBN: 01-30-8909-52 John Dimarco, Computer Graphics and Multimedia: Applications, Problems and Solutions, IGI Global, ISBN: 15-91-4026-62 Online Resources: Learning materials from popular multimedia editing software vendors


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT2003 3 Hours/Week GPA S2 Module Type Lab/Tutorial Core compulsory 30 Module Title Data Structures and Algorithms Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites IT-1003


Module Aims & objectives Develop skills in selection and application of appropriate data structures for a given data representation and to develop skills required for time and space analysis of algorithms. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: To understand and demonstrate the concept and philosophy behind different types of data structures Able to select and implement appropriate data structures using the features of a programming languages Able to analyze and optimize time and space complexity of algorithms Outline Syllabus Introduction to Data Structures and the need for proper data structures Common data structures Single and multi-dimensional arrays Linked lists Single, Double and Circular lists Stacks and Queues Trees and Binary Trees Common Algorithms Sorting algorithms Search algorithms Recursion Algorithmic complexity Big O notation Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity Classroom discussions and quizzes Take home programming assignments End of semester examination Structured examination paper Weighting 15% 25% 60%


Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Classroom teaching for theoretical aspects of data structures and algorithms supported by group work, tutorials and assignments Application of learned skills through hands-on laboratory programming assignments

Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Computer laboratory with necessary software tools Internet facility and access to online open courseware material

Prescribed Text Lafore, Data Structures & Algorithms in Java, Pearson Education India, ISBN: 81-31-7181-23


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT2004 3 Hours/Week GPA S2 Module Type Lab/Assignmt. 2 Common core module Module Title Data Communications and Computer Networks Lectures 2 Pre-requisites Co - requisites

Module Aims & objectives Provide basic practical knowledge skills on data communication and simple office computer networks. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Describe the basic techniques of data communications; Describe the components on physical access and link layers Describe, design and implement traditional Local Area networking topologies Connect and configure computer to service provider network Install and configure Local area network in an office environment Outline Syllabus Basics of data communication

LAN topologies and architectures, Access methods and protocols Communication media types copper, fibre optic and wireless Basic LAN components NICs, Hubs and switches Layered architecture and protocols Device addressing and protocols (MAC addresses and TCP/IP) Basic of IP routing Domain names DNS resolution Structured cabling and setting up LANs WAN and broadband network basics Setting up and using wireless networks Essentials of network security
Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity Classroom activities and tutorials Structured assignments and practical work End of semester examination Final structured examination paper Weighting 15% 25% 60%


Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Classroom based teaching supported by discussion, group work and tutorials will be used as primary mode of teaching. Hands-on skills and practical exposure to be developed through structured laboratory classes and assignments.

Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Computer lab with networking. Access to networking equipment, training modules and simulator models

Prescribed Text Kadambi, J.; Crawford, I.; and M. Kalkunte, Gigabit Ethernet: Migrating to Higher-Bandwidth LANs, Prentice Hall, 1998, ISBN: 0-13-913286-4 Goldman, James E., Local Area Networks: A Client/Server Approach, J. Wiley & Sons, 1997, ISBN: 0-47114162-3 Stallings, William, Local & Metropolitan Area Networks, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, 1996, ISBN: 0-13190737-9


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT2005 4 Hours/Week GPA S2 Module Type Lab/Tutorial Core Compulsory Module Title System Analysis and Design Lectures 60 Pre-requisites Co - requisites IT1003


Module Aims & objectives To provide an understanding of the role of systems analysis and design within various systems development lifecycles To develop an awareness of the different approaches that might be taken to systems analysis and design To understand the activities of the systems analyst and systems designer, and apply some current techniques Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Describe different lifecycle models and explain the contribution of the systems analysis and design within them; Discuss various approaches to systems analysis and design and explain their strengths and weaknesses; Evaluate the tools and techniques of systems analysis and design that may be used in a given context; Use appropriate methods and techniques to produce an analysis of a given scenario; Use appropriate methods and techniques to produce a system design for an given scenario; Provide suitable documentation for systems analysis and design activities Outline Syllabus Introduction to System Analysis and Design Software development lifecycles Requirement elicitation and business analysis System analysis and design tools Logical Data Design Interaction Design Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity Classroom activities, discussion, group work and assignments System analysis and design mini project End of semester examination Structured question paper Weighting 10% 30% 60%


Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Classroom based teaching on the theoretical aspects of the subject supported by discussions, group work and tutorials Self directed studies based in on-line resources, case studies and reports Group work based mini system analysis and design project

Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Access to reference texts Access to Internet and online resources (case studies and reports)

Prescribed Text Bennett, S., McRobb, S., and Farmer, R Object-oriented systems analysis and design using UML, McGrawHill (3rd edition), 2006, ISBN-13 978-0-0711000-0 Avison, D. and Fitzgerald, G. Information systems development: methodologies, techniques and tools, McGraw-Hill (4th edition), 2006, ISBN-13 978-0-07-711417-6 Maciaszek, L.A Requirements analysis and systems design: developing information systems with UML, Addison-Wesley (3rd edition) 2007 Yeates, D (editor) Business Analysis, The British Computer Society 2006, ISBN-13 978-1-902505-70-1


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester Module Aims IT2006 2 Hours/Week NGPA Term B Module Type Labs/Tutorial Core Compulsory 60 Co - requisites Module Title

Communications Skills III

Lectures Pre-requisites IT1006

To develop in students skills necessary to discuss and write about events in the past in English
Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to 1. 2. 3. 4.

Write a paragraph describing a past event Write a short narrative Unscramble a jumbled narrative Identify regular and irregular past tense forms

Outline Syllabus 1. Speaking and Listening

Listen to and understand dialogues about past events Listen to and understand narratives about past events Narrate a story about an event in professional experience Interview personnel to gather information about events in the past 2. Reading and Writing Read and understand narratives about important events in the history of a company and its employees Read (auto)biographies about business leaders and find specific information Write simple narratives and descriptions about important events in the history of a company Write simple narratives about important events in the professional life of individuals 3. Grammar and pronunciation Regular past tenses Irregular past tenses Present perfect tense Cohesive devices Consonant clusters 4. Business task Write a short profile of a business leader using information from written texts


in libraries and on the internet

Assessment and Weighting Type Activity


Continuous Assessment

Speaking and Listening assignment Reading and writing assignment Grammar and pronunciation Presentation and answering questions

20% 20% 20% 40%

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Activity-based, student-centred learning should form the basis of teaching for each module An integrated skills approach should be used throughout the module Students should be assisted to develop independent learning skills Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Access to on-line resources, printed course materials, library reference materials Prescribed Text Nil.

Note:CommunicationsskillsCurriculumisadoptedandmadeparalleltoBusiness CommunicationsCommonsyllabusoftheSLIATE


Semester III


Module Code Core IT 3001 IT 3002 IT 3003 IT 3004 Total Developer Track Option IT 3101 Rapid Application Development IT 3102 Principals of Software Engineering IT 3103 Object Oriented Analysis and Design Total Administrator Track Option IT 3201 Advance Database Management Systems IT 3202 Internetworking IT 3203 Enterprise Information Security Systems Total Analyst Track Option IT 3301 Introduction to Business Analysis IT 3302 Management Information Systems IT 3303 E-Commerce Total Module Title Probability and Statistics Computer Architecture Business Management and Quantitative Techniques Operating Systems and Computer Security Module Type Common Core Common Core Common Core Common Core Credits 02 2.5 2.5 03 10 Status GPA GPA GPA GPA

Track Elective Track Elective Track Elective

04 02 04 10


Track Elective Track Elective Track Elective

04 03 03 10


Track Elective Track Elective Track Elective

02 04 04 10



Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT3001 2 Hours/Week GPA S3 Module Type Lab/Tutorial Core compulsory Module Title Probability and Statistics Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites IT1002

Module Aims & objectives

Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Compute statistical parameters from raw data and observations Describe statistical parameters and their significance with respect to the nature of raw data. Conduct systematic experiments using statistical techniques and explain the interpretation of such experiments and their results. Use statistical techniques for data analysis Outline Syllabus Introduction to Statistics Summarizing and Graphing Data Statistics for Describing, Exploring and Comparing Data Probability Probability Distributions The Normal Curve Estimates and Sample Sizes Introduction to Hypothesis Testing Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity Assignments and tutorials based classroom teaching Mid semester quiz End of semester examination Structured final examination paper Weighting 10% 15% 75%

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Classroom based teaching supported by discussions, group work, tutorials and assignments


Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials No special requirements

Prescribed Text Murray Spiegel, John Schiller, A. Srinivasan, Easy Outline of Probability and Statistics, McGraw-Hill, ISBN:0071383417 Murray Spiegel, John Schiller, and R. Alu Srinivasan, Schaum's Outline of Probability and Statistics, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0071544259 Gunnar Blom, Probability and Statistics: Theory and Applications, Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 3540968520


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT3002 2.5 Hours/Week GPA S3 Module Type Lab/Tutorial 15 Module Title Computer Architecture Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites IT1001


Module Aims & objectives To provide knowledge on the basic structure of a digital computer and the operation of the organization of the Control unit, the Arithmetic and Logical unit, the Memory unit and the I/O unit Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Describe the basic structure and operation of a digital computer. Explain in detail the operation of the arithmetic unit including the algorithms & implementation of fixed-point and floating-point addition, subtraction, multiplication & division. Explain in detail the different types of control and the concept of pipelining. Explain the hierarchical memory system including cache memories and virtual memory. Explain the different ways of communicating with I/O devices and standard I/O interfaces. Outline Syllabus Basic Structure of digital computers Inside the CPU Arithmetic and Logic Unit, Control Unit and Registers Basic instruction processing and Instruction cycles Memory systems Input output organization

Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity Classroom activity participation Tutorials and assignments End of semester examination Final structured examination paper Weighting 10% 15% 75%

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Primary mode classroom based teaching supported by discussions, group work, assignments and tutorials Hands on exposure through laboratory demonstrations of internal organization of a computer


Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials CPU organization demonstration system or a computer simulation (e-learning material) on CPU internal operations

Prescribed Text William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture Designing for Performance, 6th Edition, Pearson Education, 2003. David A.Patterson and John L.Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design: The hardware / software interface, 2nd Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2002. John P.Hayes, Computer Architecture and Organization, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, 1998.


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT3003 2.5 Hours/Week GPA S3 Module Type Lab/Tutorial Core compulsory 15 Module Title Business Management and Quantitative Techniques Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites None


Module Aims & objectives Enrich the students with fundamental knowledge required in using quantitative techniques for supporting management information systems and managerial decision making Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Describe the organizational and management structures in an organization Describe deferent management processes Use quantitative techniques to support managerial decision making Conduct systematic experiments through sampling and summarization of data Conduct regression and correlation analysis on raw data and use such results in the process of managerial decision making Outline Syllabus Introduction to Management Business organization structure and management environment Planning and decision making Singnificance of Quantitative Techniques in Management Measures for central tendency, dispersion and skewness Sampling and sample distributions Regression and correlation analysis Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity In-class participation and activities Tutorials and assignments End of semester examination Final structured question paper Weighting 10% 15% 75%


Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Primary mode classroom based teaching supported by group work, discussions and tutorial assignments Self directed learning through take-home assignments and reading

Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials No special requirements

Prescribed Text Donald Waters, Quantitative Methods for Business, 4th Edition, Financial Times Press, ISBN: 0273694588 Donald Waters, Essential Quantitative Methods: A Guide for Business, Addison-Wesley, ISBN: 0201331373 J. Strydom; G. du Toit; B Erasmus, Introduction to Business Management, Oxford University Press, , ISBN: 9780195766882


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT3004 3 Hours/Week GPA S3 Module Type Lab/Tutorial Core compulsory 30 Module Title Operating Systems and Computer Security Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites IT1001, IT2004


Module Aims & objectives To provide skills and knowledge in issues related to computer and information security and develop the ability to take necessary actions in securing computer systems and information. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: State the basic concepts in information security Explain concepts related to applied cryptography. Explain the concepts of malicious code, including virus, Trojan horse, and worms. Explain common vulnerabilities in computer programs and take necessary remedial actions Outline the requirements and mechanisms for identification and authentication and explain issues about password authentication. Explain and compare security mechanisms for conventional operating systems. Describe security requirements for database security. Describe threats to networks, and explain techniques for ensuring network security. Outline Syllabus Basic concepts in computer security threats, vulnerabilities, risks and controls etc. Basic cryptography Program security Flaws and Defenses Security in conventional operating systems and trusted operating systems Database management systems security Network security Management of security Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity In Class participation, group work and discussions Tutorials and take home assignments, including self directed research on Internet End of semester examination Final structured examination paper Weighting 10% 15% 75%


Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Primary mode: classroom based teaching and activities inclusive of group work, discussions and tutorials Self directed research, case studies and hands-on session in structured laboratory environment

Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Computer laboratory with Internet access

Prescribed Text Charles P. Pfleeger and Shari L. Pfleeger. Security in Computing (3rd edition). Prentice-Hall. 2003. ISBN: 0-13-035548-8


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT3101 4 Hours/Week GPA S3 Module Type Lab/Tutorial 60 Module Title Rapid Application Development Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites IT1003


Compulsory for Developer track option

Module Aims & objectives To provide a firm foundation on Rapid Application Development concepts, best practices and to familiarize with software development using common RAD tools and environments. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Explain Rapid Application Development (RAD) concepts Determine environments where RAD is suitable and applicable Use best practices in RAD Use RAD tools and environments for software application development Outline Syllabus Introduction to Rapid Application Development (RAD) Common issues in RAD RAD tools and environments Estimation and scheduling in RAD RAD best practices RAD development project (Using Netbeans, Visual Studio or similar tools) Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity Classroom discussions and assignments Self directed RAD development project End of semester examination Structured examination paper Weighting 15% 45% 40%

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities RAD concepts, best practices and other related theoretical aspects will be carried through class-room teaching supported by group work, case study based reading assignments. To develop hands-on skills students will engage in a structured RAD application development project during the laboratory sessions.


Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Computer laboratory with Internet access, RAD development tools and reference material

Prescribed Text Whitten, Jeffrey L.; Lonnie D. Bentley, Kevin C. Dittman. (2004). Systems Analysis and Design Methods. 6th edition. ISBN 025619906X. Steven McConnell, Rapid Development, WP Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd. ISBN: 81-7853-013-9


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT3102 2 Hours/Week GPA S3 Module Type Lab/Tutorial Module Title Principles of Software Engineering Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites

Compulsory for Developer track option

Module Aims & objectives To impart a firm understanding of what it means to be a software engineer and to develop skills in using best practices through the software development life cycle Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Explain the principles of software engineering and appreciate the need for engineered process in software development Understand and be fluent in the use of software engineering terminology and nomenclature Be capable of intelligently communicating with most members in a software development organization (management, analysts, architects, developers, ...) Be able to create and use planning, requirements analysis, domain analysis and design artifacts and carry them into code. Be capable of taking on the role of systems analyst in a software development organization Be able to document all phases of the software development processes Outline Syllabus Introduction to software engineering Software development life cycle from requirements analysis to software design, Coding, testing, maintenance etc. Software requirement specification different models for identifying software requirements Software design methodologies Coding and documentation Software Testing Software Project Management Software Configuration Management Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity Classroom participation, discussions and group work Take home assignments End of semester examination Final structured examination paper Weighting 10% 15% 75%


Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Primary mode classroom based teaching supported by discussions, group work and tutorial assignments Self directed learning through reading assignments and study of documented case studies

Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials No special requirements self directed learning component would require computer facilities with Internet access

Prescribed Text Shari Lawrence Pfleeger and Joanne M. Atlee, Software Engineering, Theory and Practice, 3 rd edition, ISBN: 0-13-146913-4 R. Pressman, Software Engineering- A Practitioners Approach, , McGraw Hill


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT3103 4 Hours/Week GPA S3 Module Type Lab/Tutorial 60 Module Title Object Oriented Analysis and Design Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites IT1003, IT2003


Compulsory for Developer Track option

Module Aims & objectives To enrich students with fundamental concepts in Object Oriented Analysis and Design and to develop skills required in developing software using Object Oriented concepts and paradigms Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Describe Object Oriented Analysis and Design concepts and apply them to solve problems Prepare Object Oriented Analysis and Design documents for a given problem using Unified Modeling Language Develop software in C++ using Object Oriented Design principals Outline Syllabus Object Oriented Concepts Object oriented programming in C++ Object Oriented Analysis and Modeling Software Development Process Creating Use Case Diagrams & class diagrams Object Diagrams and Composite Structure Diagrams Object Oriented Design and Modeling using UML Working with State diagrams Discovering Object Interactions & activity diagrams Object Oriented Analysis and Design Project Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity In class activities, discussions, group work and tutorials Object oriented design and programming assignments End of semester examination Final structures examination paper Weighting 15% 50% 35%


Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Theoretical concepts in Object oriented analysis and design will be taught in the class room supported by group work and tutorial assignments. Students will learn to apply these theories in practical situations and will learn Object Oriented Programming in C++ based on self directed and structured programming assignments during the laboratory sessions Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Computer laboratory with Internet access and Object Oriented Modeling tools and C++ programming environment installed

Prescribed Text Jeffrey L. Whitten, Lonnie D., Systems Analysis and Design Methods, 7th edition Tata McGraw-Hill, 2007, ISBN 0-07-058224-6. Joseph Schmuller, Teach Yourself UML in 24 Hours, 3rd Edition, , Pearson Education, 2004, ISBN 81297-0609-1 Paul J. Deitel, Visual C++ 2008 How to Program (2nd Edition), Prentice Hall; 2 edition, ISBN: 0136151574


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT3201 4 Hours/Week GPA S3 Module Type Lab/Tutorial 60 Module Title Advance Database Management Systems Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites

Compulsory for Administrator track

Module Aims & objectives To expand and deepen knowledge for the relational database model and to develop knowledge for alternative database models, including object-oriented, object-relational, and semi-structured information (XML) approaches. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Apply a stepwise refinement methodology for transforming a complex conceptual model into a database schema Describe how the performance of a database can be monitored and improved and discuss and apply approaches for identifying and improving a databases performance. Discuss and apply concurrency control and describe major kinds of concurrency problems. Describe the major features of Object-Oriented Database Management Systems and discuss when OODBMS are appropriate, discus Object-Relational model and the problems it seeks to address Create and query simple XML documents, stored in a relational database and discuss the major approaches for integrating XML and design database applications that use both the relational and semi-structured data models. Outline Syllabus Overview of database management The Relational Model: The relational data structure and the relational operators Design Techniques : Entity relationship models and normalization Methodology - Conceptual and Logical Database Design Physical Database Design Object-Relational Databases XML/DB Integration Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity In class participation, discussions and group work Tutorials and assignments End of semester examination Final structured examination paper Weighting 15% 25% 60%


Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Classroom based teaching of the theoretical aspects of the subject supported by structured lab sessions on practical aspects

Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Computer laboratory with necessary database tools installed and having Internet access

Prescribed Text Connolly, T. M. & Begg, C. E. (2005). Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management (4th Edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing. ISBN: 0321210255


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT3202 3 Hours/Week GPA S3 Module Type Lab/Tutorial 30 Module Title Internetworking Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites

Compulsory for administrator track option

Module Aims & objectives Provide in-depth ad practical knowledge on current Local Area and Enterprise Networks and the newer and evolving high speed network technologies and protocols. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Describe essential network topologies, and transmission media and media access control protocols; Describe, design and implement traditional Local Area networking topologies Describe and use newer technologies such as Gigabit Ethernet, FDDI, Fibre Channel, ATM LAN Emulation, Wireless LANS; Monitor and measure LAN/MAN Performance Understand, install and configure LAN Switches, Bridges, Routers; and Internetworking with TCP/IP, joining subnets into a larger enterprise network Outline Syllabus Basics of Computer Networks LAN Communication Concepts - Client Server Information Systems OSI and IEEE 802.x Reference Models LAN Topologies & Transmission Structured Cabling Systems Internet Client/Server Structure [S] Chapter 6 100 Mbps Ethernet LANs, 100BASE-T, Switched Ethernet, 100VG-AnyLAN , Gigabit Ethernet FDDI Protocols and Station Management, Fibre Channel, Fire wire, and SANs Wireless Networks & LAN Remote Access Bridges and Switches & routing, Spanning Tree Algorithm Internetworking, IP, & Routers, Layer 3 and IP Switching Enterprise Networks - Virtual LANs, VPN Tunneling Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity Classroom activities and tutorials Structured assignments and practical work End of semester examination Final structured examination paper Weighting 15% 25% 60%


Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Classroom based teaching supported by discussion, group work and tutorials will be used as primary mode of teaching. Hands-on skills and practical exposure to be developed through structured laboratory classes and assignments.

Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Computer lab with networking. Access to networking equipment, training modules and simulator models

Prescribed Text Kadambi, J.; Crawford, I.; and M. Kalkunte, Gigabit Ethernet: Migrating to Higher-Bandwidth LANs, Prentice Hall, 1998, ISBN: 0-13-913286-4 Goldman, James E., Local Area Networks: A Client/Server Approach, J. Wiley & Sons, 1997, ISBN: 0-47114162-3 Stallings, William, Local & Metropolitan Area Networks, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall, 1996, ISBN: 0-13190737-9


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT3203 3 Hours/Week GPA S3 Module Type Lab/Tutorial 30 Module Title Enterprise Information Security Systems Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites

Compulsory for Administrator track option

Module Aims & objectives Provide fundamental knowledge on various security issues associated with the development and deployment of information systems including Internet-based e-commerce, e-business and eservice systems, Get familiarize with the technologies such as algorithms and protocols for encryption/decryption, authentication and key management required in developing secure information systems for enterprises, Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Analyze the security risks a specific information system may have and set up appropriate security goals for the system. Implement appropriate security technologies in a network environment or information system to achieve the set security goals and eliminate the identified security risks Outline Syllabus Introduction to Information Security Cryptography: Cryptography is about encryption and decryption. Authentication and Access Control Security Standards and Protocols Web Security Electronic Email Security Security Systems and Systems Security Management Issues, Policies and Recommendations Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity In class activities, discussions, group work and tutorials Take home assignments and structured laboratory assignments End of semester examination Final examination paper Weighting 10% 20% 70%


Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Classroom based teaching on the theoretical content supported by discussions, group work, tutorials and assignments Self directed learning through online resources and case-study based readings

Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials No special requirements Computer facility with Internet access is required for self directed learning activities

Prescribed Text William Stallings, Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards (3rd Edition), Prentice Hall, ISBN:0130160938 Harold F. Tipton, Information Security Management Handbook, Fourth Edition, Auerbach Publications,ISBN:10: 0849398290


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester Module Aims IT3301 2 Hours/Week GPA S3 Module Type Lab/Tutorial Track Core 30 Co - requisites Module Title Introduction to Business Analysis Lectures 15 Pre-requisites IT2005

To provide students with an understanding of the role of the Business Analyst and the skills required by a person in this role. To develop understanding of basic approaches used in the business analysis process. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to 1. Describe the role of the business analyst 2. Describe skills and competencies of a business analyst 4. Describe objectives and procedures for each stage of the business analysis process model 5. List and explain techniques used in each process model stage 6. Demonstrate practical capability in investigative techniques 7. Build business activity models, identify business rules, CSFs and KPIs 8. Build business process models 9. Generate use cases Outline Syllabus 1. The role of the business analyst 2. The business analysis process model 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Assessment and Weighting Investigation techniques Business activity models Business process modelling Requirements engineering Use case diagrams, ERDs and class models Type Activity Continuous Assessment Participation in weekly tutorials Group assignment to build a business activity model End of semester examination

Weighting 10% 30% 60%


Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities It is essential that students put into practice what they learn. Business analysis is a very hands-on field and is still evolving as business analysts learn from interactions with stakeholders. It is essential for the business analyst to have a firm grasp of the theory but even more important to be able to be flexible with that knowledge and adapt it to the task at hand. Hence more time will be spent in weekly tutorials and doing assignments than in lectures. It will be necessary for lecturers to construct appropriate case studies that will lead to learning.

Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Video camera, Microsoft Visio, web design software (e.g. Dreamweaver, FrontPage), database software (MySQL, SQL Server or Oracle), access to local resource persons and industry figures.

Prescribed Text Paul, Debra & Yeates, Donald (2006)"Business Analysis", British Computer Society, Sandbach, UK


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT3302 4 Hours/Week GPA S3 Module Type Lab/Tutorial 30 Module Title Management Information Systems Lectures 45 Pre-requisites Co - requisites

Compulsory for Analyst track option

Module Aims & objectives To provide fundamental knowledge on how modern information technologies are relevant to managerial activities and decision making today, and how this has changed over time. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Appreciate and describe the importance of information in the management of modern businesses Describe different types of information systems and their usability in managerial decision making Describe architecture of enterprise wide applications and information systems

Outline Syllabus Introduction to Information Systems and in Global Business - How Businesses Use Information Systems Pursuing organizational strategies via IS and management Ethical and Social Issues in IS Foundations of Business Intelligence Telecommunications, the Internet and Wireless Technology Securing Information Systems Enterprise Applications Knowledge Management Enhancing Decision Making Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity Classroom based activities, discussions, group work and tutorials Take home assignments and case study based assignments End of semester examination Structured examination paper Weighting 10% 15% 75%


Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Classroom based teaching supported by group work, tutorials and assignments as the primary mode of learning. Self directed learning through case-study based reading and presentation assignments

Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials No special requirements Self directed learning will require computer with Internet access

Prescribed Text Laudon, K.C. and Laudon, J.P., Management Information Systems, eleventh edition, Prentice Hall, 2010


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT3303 4 Hours/Week GPA S3 Module Type Lab/Tutorial 60 Module Title E-Commerce Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites

Core compulsory for analyst track

Module Aims & objectives To create a comprehensive awareness of e-commerce (e-business), beginning with the basics and working toward and facilitating a wide understanding and appreciation of e-commerce (e-business) applications Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Demonstrate an awareness of the main components and concepts of e-commerce, and the vital role it plays in modern business practice. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of ecommerce, and the ability to apply these concepts in application to selected examples and business cases. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and applications of e-commerce, via a hands on experience in developing and presenting a team e-business plan project. Outline Syllabus Introduction to E-Commerce E-Commerce, E-Marketplaces Online Retailing & Applications Online Marketing & Research, Consumer Behavior, CRM: Online Advertising and revenue generation; Launching an Online Business: Architecting an e-Business & Website Design Social networks, online conversations, and 'The Cluetrain'. Order fulfillment, Content Management, & Other support services Electronic Payment Systems Privacy, Security & Legal Issues Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity Classroom based activities, discussions and tutorials Structured laboratory assignments and case study presentation End of semester examination Structured exam question paper Weighting 15% 40% 45%


Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Primary mode : Classroom based teaching supported by group activities and tutorials and take-home assignments Hands on exposure through structured laboratory assignments

Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Computer laboratory with Internet Access

Prescribed Text Efraim Turban, et al., Introduction to E-Commerce, a Managerial Perspective


Term B Summaryofcoursemodulesoffered

Module Code IT B001 IT B002 IT B003 Module Title Individual Project Communication Skills IV Individual Learning Content TOTAL Module Type Common Core Common Core Common Core Credits 04 02 02 08 Status NGPA NGPA NGPA


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester Module Aims ITB001 4 Hours/Week NGPA Term B Module Type Labs/Tutorial Core Compulsory 90 Co - requisites Module Title

Individual Project
Lectures 15 Pre-requisites Semesters 1 and II.

To provide students with the opportunity to pursue a topic of particular interest in their studies in greater depth. To develop the capacity for self-learning, independent work, and time management. To improve formal report writing skills. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to 1. Generate an idea for an original application based on independent research and self-study. 2. Implement an application design according to strict deadlines. 3. Write a formal report including a user manual. 4. Give a presentation in front of industry representatives. Outline Syllabus 1. Generate a project proposal. 2. Implement the project proposal. 3. 4. Write a formal report describing the application / model constructed. Present and demonstrate the application / model.

Assessment and Weighting Type Activity Weighting

Continuous Assessment

Progress Reports submitted Final Report Demonstration of working model Presentation and answering questions

20% 40% 20% 20%

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities See attached student guidelines Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Responsibility of student Prescribed Text Nil.


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester Module Aims ITB002 2 Hours/Week NGPA Term B Module Type Labs/Tutorial Core Compulsory 30 Co - requisites Module Title

Communications Skills IV
Lectures 15 Pre-requisites IT2006

To develop in students skills necessary to deliver an effective presentation Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to 1. 2.


PreparePowerPointslidesforapresentation 3. PrepareascripttoaccompanyaPowerPointpresentation 4. UseEnglishappropriateforaformalpresentation

Outline Syllabus 1. SpeakingandListening


Listentoandunderstandpresentationsonvariousaspectsofbusiness Identifythefeaturesofaneffectiveverbalpresentation Listentoandtakenotesonthekeyfeaturesofapresentation Deliverapresentationonagivenbusinesstopic

ReadingandWriting Readandunderstandreportsofpresentations,identifykeyissuesarising fromthepresentations PrepareaPowerPointpresentationonagivenbusinesstopic Writeascripttoaccompanythepresentation Grammarandpronunciation Grammarreview ProblemareasinEnglishpronunciation:studentdifficultiesclinic Businesstask PrepareanddeliveraPowerPointpresentationforaproduct(eitherto launchanewproductortomarketanexistingproduct);conductlibraryand internetresearchaspartofthepreparation




Assessment and Weighting Type Activity


Continuous Assessment

Speaking and Listening assignment Reading and writing assignment Grammar and pronunciation Presentation and answering questions

20% 20% 20% 40%

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Activity-based, student-centred learning should form the basis of teaching for each module An integrated skills approach should be used throughout the module Students should be assisted to develop independent learning skills Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Access to on-line resources, printed course materials, library reference materials Prescribed Text Nil.

Note:CommunicationsskillsCurriculumisadoptedandmadeparalleltoBusiness CommunicationsCommonsyllabusoftheSLIATE


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester Module Aims ITB003 2.0 Hours/Week NGPA Term B Module Type Lab/Assignments Core (required) 30 Co - requisites Module Title Individual Learning Contract Lectures 15 Pre-requisites S2

Provide an opportunity and a challenge for students to take up an individual learning task and complete it. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to Describe and justify in a report, a website + blog and a short presentation what they learnt and accomplished by applying what they learnt up to Semester 2 to (i) learn a relevant new topic, or (ii) to produce/create something (e.g., a piece of hardware or software, a website, a digital artistic / entertainment / learning product), or (iii) contribute to the community (e.g., teaching basic IT to needy children, train elders/adults on IT, help a community organization), or (iv) a combination of (i)-(iii) above. Outline Syllabus 1. Proposal submitted and approved during the Semester 3 (before Term B starts) 2. Identification of a supervisor, coordinator or lecturer in-charge (before Term B starts) 3. 4. 5. 6. Once a week meeting with supervisor to update and get feedback (recorded) Keep regular log on activities on a blog Submission of hardcopy report, finalization of website and blog (week 6) Short presentation (to formally appointed panel) (week 7)

Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment

Activity Proposal Weekly meetings/logs/progress Report (with CD/DVD of content) Website, blog (with links to content) Presentation

Weighting 5% 35% 20% 20% 20% 0%

End of semester examination

No written examination

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities There are no lectures or teacher-initiated activities here. 1 hour/week identified as lectures is for the student to meet the supervisor. Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Students responsibility Prescribed Text


Semester IV


Module Code Core IT 4001 IT 4002 IT 4003 IT 4004 Total Module Title Project Management Open Source Systems IT and Society Graduation Project Module Type Common Core Common Core Common Core Common Core Credits 02 04 02 03 11 Status GPA GPA GPA GPA

Developer Track Option Software Developer Specialization IT 4101 Multi-tiered Application Development IT 4102 Software Configuration Management IT 4103 Web Programming Total Multimedia Developer Specialization IT 4104 Computer Graphics and Animation Design IT 4105 Image Processing IT 4106 Digital Video and Audio Total

Field Elective Field Elective Field Elective

04 02 03 09


Field Elective Field Elective Field Elective

04 03 02 09


Administrator Track Option Network / System Administrator Specialization IT 4201 Server Installation and Management IT 4202 Network and Data Centre Operations IT 4203 Disaster Recovery & Business Cont. Planning Total Database Administrator Specialization IT 4203 Disaster Recovery & Business Cont. Planning IT 4204 DB Server Installation and Management IT 4205 Database Programming Project Total

Field Elective Field Elective Field Elective

03 03 03 09


Field Elective Field Elective Field Elective

03 03 03 09



Analyst Track Option QA / QC Specialization IT 4301 Software Testing IT 4302 Technical Report Writing IT 4303 Software Quality Management Total System / Business Analyst Specialization IT 4302 Technical Report Writing IT 4304 Business Analysis - Tools & Processes IT 4305 System Analysis Case Study Total

Field Elective Field Elective Field Elective

03 03 03 09


Field Elective Field Elective Field Elective

03 03 03 09



Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT4001 2 Hours/Week GPA S4 Module Type Lab/Tutorials Core Compulsory Module Title Project Management Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites

Module Aims & objectives To develop an appreciation of key, generic project management concepts and techniques as well as those techniques and approaches those are specific to the management of software projects. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Explain how a project can be broken down into stages and what each stage contributes to the project Select appropriate techniques for use in the stages of a project Justify the appropriateness of these techniques, and apply them to practical situations Explain the limitations of the project approach in developing information/software systems Outline Syllabus Introduction to project management and the profile of a software project Understanding and decomposing the task Estimation and risk Scheduling and resourcing Monitoring and control Quality assurance Maintenance Roles of the project team and the project manager Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity Classroom based activities discussions, group work and tutorials Take home assignments End of semester examination Structured final examination paper Weighting 10% 15% 75%

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Primary mode Classroom based teaching supported by tutorials and group work and discussions. Self directed learning students are expected to learn features of common project management software through self learning material supplied with the application package.


Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials No special requirements Self learning activities will require a computer laboratory with Project Management software installed and having Internet access

Prescribed Text Frederick P. Brooks, The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition (2nd Edition), Addison-Wesley Professional, ISBN: 0201835959 Steve McConnell, Software Project Survival Guide, Microsoft Press, ISBN: 1572316217 Harold Kerzner, Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, Wiley; 8th edition, ISBN: 0471225770


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT4002 4 Hours/Week GPA S4 Module Type Lab/Tutorial Core compulsory 60 Module Title Free and Open Source Software Solutions Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites

Module Aims & objectives To create an awareness on the Free and Open Source software concept and the advantages and disadvantages in development and deployment of Free and Open Source Software in an enterprise environment Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Describe the concepts of FOSS and FOSS business models Describe the legal and ethical implications of FOSS Estimate and evaluate the cost and benefits of using FOSS solutions Select and deploy common FOSS applications in a business environment Outline Syllabus Introduction to Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) History of the Open Source Movements Legal implications of FOSS FOSS contracting benefits and issues Managing FOSS systems Open Source security benefits of source code access Common FOSS solutions Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity Classroom based activities, discussions and self directed research Assignments and tutorials End of semester examination MCQ / Short question paper Weighting 20% 50% 30%

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Primary mode : Self directed exploration on FOSS applications, installation, configuration and management Theoretical concepts and directions through classroom based activities


Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Computer laboratory with Internet Access and access to FOSS tools and software

Prescribed Text Michael Overly, The Open Source Handbook, Pike & Fischer, ISBN: 0937275123 Joseph Feller, Brian Fitzgerald, Scott A. Hissam, and Karim R. Lakhani, Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software, The MIT Press, ISBN: 0262062461 Paul Kavanagh, Open Source Software: Implementation and Management, Digital Press; ISBN: 1555583202


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester Module Aims IT4003 2 Hours/Week GPA S4 Module Type Labs/Tutorials Co - requisites None Module Title IT and Society Lectures 30 Pre-requisites S1, S2, completion

Core/required for all specializations

Provide the basic understanding of ethical and legal issues that arise due to information technology in general and in particular the Sri Lankan context, as expected from an individual who has either recently started or about to start as an IT worker. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to 1. Describe the history of computing and the Internet and list the contributions of key pioneers 2. Compare and contrast human society and life before and after the advent of information technology 3. Describe the ethical and legal issues that arise due to information technology, i.e., intellectual property and its protection; accountability, reliability, safety; crime and jurisdiction; privacy and data protection; professional ethics and responsibility 4. Describe the key points in current Sri Lankan laws that cover information technology 5. Demonstrate the understanding of key issues/concepts like digital divide, accessibility, freeand-open-source software, freedom of expression online and censorship/regulation. Outline Syllabus 1. History of information technology worldwide and in Sri Lanka 2. How individual lives and society change due to information technology worldwide and in Sri Lanka 3. Ethical and legal issues in information technology (worldwide) 4. Overview of information technology related laws and legislation in Sri Lanka 5. Other topics under social aspects of information technology Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity 2 individual assignments, 10% each 1 group assignment (2 or 3 students) Quizzes End of semester examination 2 hour written examination, closed-book; may answer 4 questions out of 5. Weighting 20% 15% 05% 60%


Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Students should be assigned reading from relevant book chapters and or websites; some of this work may be required to complete their assignments. Assignments should not be designed to allow direct copying from text, notes or other sources; rather they can be open-ended hypothetical cases where students can argue from different views and justify their conclusions. The group assignment can be a more involved one in which substantially more effort is required than other assignments; other than covering the subject matter, team work and communication skills will also needed to complete this assignment. As additional material, multimedia resources (news, documentary/movie clips) that are freely available as well as relevant creative work (fiction, films etc) can be recommended to students. The idea is to make the subject matter interesting to them and show relevant examples. Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Students must have access to the Internet. Relevant Sri Lankan Acts of Parliament should be made available to students (soft copies are acceptable), not expecting them to read fully but with key points emphasized. Some web resources are listed below. Computer and Information Ethics at Computer Ethics at BCS Code of Conduct & Code of Good Practice at ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct at Prescribed Text No single text book will serve the needs. The following is recommended for general ethical and legal issues. Computer Ethics, 3rd Edition, Deborah G. Johnson, Indian edition, Pearson Education India, 2007, ISBN: 978-8-17-758593-3. (as of now, 4th Edition only as a US publication from Pearson Education, ISBN: 9780-13-111241-4, A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues for Computing and the Internet, 3rd Edition, Sara Baase, Prentice Hall, 2008, ISBN: 978-0-13-600848-4, and Ethics for the Information Age, 4th Edition, Michael J. Quinn, Addison Wesley, 2010, ISBN: 978-0-13213387-6,


ModuleData ModuleCode Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT4004 3 Hours/Week GPA S4 ModuleType Lab/Tutorial Corecompulsory 60 Corequisites ModuleTitle GraduationProject Lectures 15 Prerequisites None


ModuleAims&objectives To provide the student close to completing the HNDIT an experience of software development in a working environment close to that found in industry. LearningOutcomes Attheendofthemodulethestudentwillbeableto: 8. Work productively as a team member/leader. 9. Design and implement a complex project as a team 10. Present the system to a technical audience.

OutlineSyllabus 9. Refer to attached guidelines

AssessmentandWeighting Type ContinuousAssessment Activity CodeofConduct InitialProjectProposal Stage1Deliverable Stage2Deliverable FinalProjectSubmission PersonalPortfolioandVivaVoce Weighting 5% 10% 10% 15% 20% 40%


RecommendedTeaching/LearningActivities Refertoattachedguidelines

Resources:Equipment,ToolsandMaterials Refertoattachedguidelines



Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT4101 4 Hours/Week GPA S4 Module Type Lab/Tutorial 60 Module Title Multi-tiered application development Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites

Compulsory for software developer track

Module Aims & objectives Develop skills and exposure required to comprehend the architecture of a multi-layered enterprise application and the disadvantages associated with traditional approaches to accessing infrastructure services Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Describe the software engineering of programs using concurrency and synchronization and the development of distributed software Design and publish services as building blocks of service-oriented applications Use current technology for developing distributed systems and applications Outline Syllabus Introduction to distributed computing paradigm and service-oriented computing paradigm Programming with concurrency and multithreading (in Java and in C#) Service-oriented software development in C# and in Java XML and related technologies: XML schema XSLT, etc Web-based application development and state management Security and reliability in distributed applications Database in Service-Oriented Computing Systems Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity In class participation of discussions and tutorials Programming assignment and self directed work End of semester examination Structured examination paper Weighting 10% 30% 60%

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Theoretical aspects of the subjects are to be covered during classroom sessions supported by group work and individual assignments Practical hands on exposure to development environments through structured laboratory assignments


Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Computer laboratory with Internet Access and the relevant development tools installed

Prescribed Text Christensen, E., F. Curbera, G. Meredith, and S. Weerawarana, Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1", W3C Note 15 March 2001. Erl Th., Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design, Prentice Hall, August 2005, ISBN10: 0-13-185858-0. Esposito D., Programming Microsoft ASP.Net Applications, Microsoft Press, 2006, ISBN 0-735-62177-2. Jia X., Object-Oriented Software Development Using Java, Addison-Wesley, 2000.


Module Data Module Code Credits IT4102 2 Hours/Week GPA/NGPA GPA Lab/Assignments 30 Module Title Software Configuration Management Lectures 15 Prerequisites Co requisites
IT3102:Software Engineering IT4004:Graduatio n Project*

S4 Semester Module Type Specialization Core * Students are expected to show evidence of appropriate use of configuration management processes and version control tools in the execution of their IT Specialisation Project. Opportunities will be provided in practical sessions for this subject for student teams to bring their project source code under version control using SubversionTM. Module Aims Provide an understanding of the need for configuration management systems in different development environments and practical skills and experience in the use of version control software. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to 1. Assess the appropriateness of different version control systems for different development environment based on an understanding of common features and components. 2. Devise a configuration management plan for a given development environment. 3. Generate complementary duty statements for personnel in project management, configuration management and quality assurance. 4. Design a simple change control system 5. Understand how testing can be integrated with version control. 6. Install and configure a version control system 7. Check out and commit files to a version control repository. Change structures within a version control system especially to allow for development branches. Outline Syllabus 1. Functions of a version control system. Relevance for teamwork Enhanced documentation Release control and system evolution 2. Components of a version control system Atomic commits Concurrency mode Revision numbering Version merging Branching Distributed or client-server repository Tags Support for non-ASCII files


Milestones and deliveries Change Control Registering an event Analysis of anticipated cost Raising a change request Issuing a new version Testing Integrating testing to version control Automating testing Testing and change control Developing the Configuration Management Plan Components of a plan Roles of project management, configuration management, quality assurance and audit CM Plans for different development environments (Agile, test-driven, iterative, sequential) Practical work Installing subversion Checking out and committing files to Subversion Working offline and resolving code conflicts Creating tags and branches Working with files, directories and properties Other CASE tools Type Activity Weighting Continuous Assessment 2 individual assignments, 10% each 1 group assignment (2 or 3 students) Quizzes End of semester examination 2 hour written examination, closed-book; may answer 4 questions out of 5. 20% 15% 05% 60%





Assessment and Weighting

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Teaching should be made relevant to the Graduation Project which, for this reason, has been made a co-requisite of this unit. Student teams should install and use their own copy of Subversion and provision should be made in laboratory sessions to allow them to work with their own project files, documents and test scripts. The student teams for this subject should have the same membership as student teams for the Graduation Project. The major assignment for this subject should support their work in the Graduation Project. Suggestions include designing a configuration management plan for their selected development environment and asking them to justify their choices, or documenting their use of change control / version control systems as part of work towards their graduation project. Students should be required to show evidence of individual contribution to group assignments. Possibilities include submission of portfolios of individual work, vive voce in conjunction with group presentations or peer assessment. Students should be provided with ample opportunities to practice the technical language of this area in both formal and informal settings.


Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Templates in current use by local software development houses should be made available for: Configuration Management Plans Change event registration and change requests Materials required for laboratory sessions include: Subversion and Apache executables available for installation on the server Allocated secure space on the server for each student team

Prescribed Text Mike Mason (2006): Pragmatic Version Control using Subversion, 2nd Edition, The Pragmatic Bookshelf, Raleigh, North Carolina. (PVC) Hass, Anne Mette Jonassen (2003): Configuration Management Principles and Practice, Pearson Education, Inc., Boston, MA. (CMP&P)


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester Module Aims IT4103 3 Hours/Weeks GPA S4 Module Type Lab/Tutorial Specialisation Core 30 Co - requisites Module Title Web Programming Lectures 30 Pre-requisites IT1003, A002


This module aims to build student awareness of the range of mechanisms available to web programmers seeking to develop dynamic and interactive web sites. At the same time students will develop practical expertise in client-side and server-side scripting providing them with a solid foundation from which to develop a mastery of web programming techniques. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to 1. Explain how the interactive functionality of any given web site may have been achieved using a range of client-side and server-side scripting, CSS, Web 2.0 technologies, web applications and web services. 2. Use style sheets and JavaScript to enhance the user interface of a web site. 3. Write PHP scripts to serve data from a MySQL database to a browser. 4. Construct an income generating web site. Outline Syllabus 1. Orientation to Web Programming and available technologies 2. Style sheets 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Assessment and Weighting Client-side scripting Server-side scripting Web services using the output in a new web site Adding functionality to a web site using web applications Generating income from the web Building a site around a CMS Type Activity Continuous Assessment Weekly laboratory exercises Construction of an interactive web site End of semester examination Structured question paper

Weighting 10% 40% 50%


Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Prior to taking this module, students will already have studied at least one other programming language. Hence it can be assumed that they will be able to master the syntax of JavaScript and PHP through self-study. The task of the lecturer, then, is to expose students to examples of the use of JavaScript and PHP in real world web programming contexts to show them what is possible and how it can be achieved in general terms. Following this, students should be challenged, through assignments and laboratory exercises, to work out the detail for themselves. Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Access to a computer, access to the Internet, a browser with JavaScript enabled, access to a hosting service or server with an XAMP installation, PhpNuke. Prescribed Text Moncur, Michael (2006): Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript in 24 hours, Sams Publishing, USA Lecky-Thompson, Guy W. (2008): Just Enough Web Programming with XHTML, PHP, and MySQL, Course Technology PTR Zandstra, Matt (2003): Sams Teach Yourself PHP in 24 hours, Sams Publishing, USA.


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT4104 4 Hours/Week GPA S4 Module Type Lab/Assignmt. 4 Module Title Graphic and Animation Design Lectures 2 Pre-requisites Co - requisites

Compulsory for multimedia developer option

Module Aims & objectives To develop skills and knowledge required for creation of graphics and animation in a modern graphical user environment and to provide the required theoretical knowledge and understanding on the fundamentals of computer graphics and animations Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: create of shapes and graphics using a Flash's vector-based editing tool manipulate of graphics and shapes in an editing tool describe the advantages and disadvantages of using bitmap graphics animated presentations describe animation techniques and use them in an animation design tool describe the structure of animation files and optimization strategies use scripting and storyboard tools for simple interaction and animation Outline Syllabus Graphics and graphical representations of objects Principles of Vector graphics and manipulations Wireframe models, texture and filling Principles of animation Key-frame animations and motion interpolation Graphic files and output formats rendering options Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity Classroom based activities, discussions and group work Structured laboratory assignments and tutorials End of semester examination Final examination paper Weighting 10% 40% 50%

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Classroom based teaching on the theoretical aspects supported by structured laboratory sessions and tutorials as the primary mode of teaching. Students are also expected to do mini projects based on the design techniques described in the classroom activities.


Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Computer laboratory with Internet access and necessary software development tools installed

Prescribed Text Sams Teach Yourself Adobe Flash CS4 Professional in 24 Hours, by Phillip Kerman; Sams Publishing, 2009; ISBN #0-672-33041-5 The Flash Animator, by Sandro Corsaro; New Riders Publishing, 2002; ISBN #0-7357-12824. Hollywood 2D Digital Animation, by Sandro Corsaro and Clifford J. Parrott; Thomson Course Technology, 2004; ISBN #1-59200-170-X. Foundation Flash CS4 for Designers, by Tom Green and David Stiller; Friends of Ed, 2008; ISBN #978-143021093-1.


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT4105 3 Hours/Week GPA S4 Module Type Lab/Tutorial 30 Module Title Digital Image Processing Lectures 30 Pre-requisites Co - requisites

Compulsory for multimedia developer option

Module Aims & objectives To develop skills and knowledge required for editing and enhancement of images represented in digital formats Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Describe the how images are represented digitally Edit and modify digital images using image processing tools Apply filtering and compression on digitally represented images Use appropriate file formats for digital storage of images Outline Syllabus Introduction to digital image processing Digital representation of images, special and colour resolutions Image sampling and scaling Digital colour and colour spaces Basic noise filtering Image enhancement Image compression and standard file formats Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity Classroom based activities, discussions and group work Structured laboratory assignments and tutorials End of semester examination Final examination paper Weighting 10% 40% 50%

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Classroom based teaching on the theoretical aspects supported by structured laboratory sessions and tutorials as the primary mode of teaching. Students are also expected to do mini projects based on the design techniques described in the classroom activities.


Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Computer laboratory with Internet access and necessary software development tools installed

Prescribed Text Online video tutorials 1. John C. Russs, The Image Processing Handbook, 4th edition, CRC Press, ISBN-13: 978-0849311420 2. Wilhelm Burger, Mark James Burge, Digital Image Processing: An Algorithmic Introduction using Java, 1st edition, Springer, 13: 978-1846283796


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester IT4106 2 Hours/Week GPA S4 Module Type Lab/Assignmt. 2 Module Title Digital Video and Audio Processing Lectures 1 Pre-requisites Co - requisites

Compulsory for multimedia developer option

Module Aims & objectives To develop skills and knowledge required for non-linear editing, storage and authoring of audio/video content Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: Understand and describe digital video basics Capture video and audio content from devices Create scenes, cuts and sequences Apply transition and special effects Encode content into standard compressed formats Author content in standard delivery formats Outline Syllabus Digital representation of video and audio content standards and formats Video and audio capturing techniques Cuts, scenes and sequences Applying transitions Working with text and titles Introduction to video and audio compression techniques Content authoring and distribution Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment Activity Classroom based activities, discussions and group work Structured laboratory assignments and tutorials End of semester examination Final examination paper Weighting 10% 40% 50%


Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Classroom based teaching on the theoretical aspects supported by structured laboratory sessions and tutorials as the primary mode of teaching. Students are also expected to do mini projects based on the design techniques described in the classroom activities.

Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Computer laboratory with Internet access and necessary software development tools installed

Prescribed Text One material 1. Online tutorials available at adobeTV ( 2. Microsoft Expression Encoder tutorials ( 3. Windows Movie maker tutorials ( 4. Manuals of software tools used in laboratory classes


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester Module Aims IT4201 3 Hours/Week GPA S4 Module Type Lab/Assignments 60 Co - requisites Module Title Server Installation & Management Lectures 15 Pre-requisites S1, S2, S3

Optional/Elective; required for NSA specialization

Provide the basic knowledge and skills in installing, configuring and managing server systems. Aimed at those involved in system administration, but also appropriate for anyone who wants to gain skills. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to 1. Install, configure, setup networking and manage, remotely and at console, users and resources on a Linux server (e.g., Red Hat Enterprise Linux RHEL server or SuSE Linux Enterprise Server - SLES) 2. Install, configure, setup networking and manage, remotely and at console, users and resources on Microsoft Windows Server (e.g., Windows Server 2008) 3. Manage admin tasks with simple shell scripts if needed on Linux and Windows servers 4. Install and configure Apache and Microsoft IIS web servers with standard features 5. Install and configure: email server, print server, ftp server and file/storage server, basic network devices for LAN and Internet connectivity (or assume LAN, Internet available) 6. Select appropriate server software for a small business considering the available hardware and budget and set-up server system for them (assuming LAN, Internet available) Outline Syllabus 1. Linux server installation and administration 2. Microsoft Windows server installation and administration 3. 4. 5. Assessment and Weighting Web servers: Microsoft IIS and Apache Email server (Microsoft Servers on Windows, qmail or similar on Linux) Other relevant servers Type Continuous Assessment Activity 10 individual assignments, 6% each 1 group assignment (2 or 3 students) Weighting 60% 10%

End of semester examination

2 hour written examination, closed-book; may answer 4 questions out of 5.



Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Classroom teaching with lectures is low while most learning will be based on hands-on practical work where students will learn the skills by administering (installing, configuring and maintaining) different servers/services. Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Example resources, tools - wikipedia page on Windows server - Windows Server Training Portal - Microsoft training catalogue - Microsoft Learning site - Red Hat Sys Admin curriculum - Linux training resources - a collection of Linux training courses Prescribed Text The following are recommended Windows Server 2008 Administrator's Pocket Consultant, 2nd Edition, William R. Stanek, Microsoft Press, 2009 (Ebook: 2010), ISBN: 978-0-7356-2711-6, Ebook-ISBN: 978-0-7356-4065-8, Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 Administrator's Pocket Consultant, William R. Stanek, Microsoft Press, 2007, ISBN: 978-0-7356-2711-6, Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Administrator's Pocket Consultant, William R. Stanek, Microsoft Press, 2009 (Ebook: 2009), ISBN: 978-0-7356-2712-3, Ebook-ISBN: 978-0-7356-3876-1, Essential System Administration, 3rd edition, leen Frisch; O'Reilly Media, 2002 (Ebook: 2009), ISBN: 978-0-596-00343-2, Ebook-ISBN: 978-0-596-10328-6, Linux in a Nutshell, 6th edition, Ellen Siever, Stephen Figgins, Robert Love, Arnold Robbins; O'Reilly Media, 2009, ISBN: 978-0-596-15448-6, Ebook-ISBN: 978-0-596-80611-8, A Practical Guide to Linux: Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming, Mark G. Sobell, Prentice-Hall, 2005, ISBN: 978-0-13147-823-7, Apache Cookbook: Solutions and Examples for Apache Administrators, 2nd edition, Rich Bowen and Ken Coar, O'Reilly Media, 2008, ISBN: 978-0596529949, Ebook-ISBN: 978-0-596-10277-7, Sendmail Cookbook, Craig Hunt, O'Reilly Media, 2003 (Ebook: 2009), ISBN: 978-0-596-00471-2, EbookISBN:978-0-596-10383-5, qmail, John Levine, O'Reilly Media, 2004 (Ebook: 2009), ISBN: 978-1-56592-628-8, Ebook-ISBN: 9780-596-10380-4, - gives a list of popular books on Linux


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester Module Aims IT4202 3 Hours/Week GPA S4 Module Type Lab/Assignments 30 Co - requisites Module Title Network & Data Centers Operations Lectures 30 Pre-requisites
IT2004, IT3004, IT3202

Optional/Elective; required for SNA specializations

Provide the basic knowledge and skills in techniques, tools, best practices and industry standards used in maintaining corporate networks and data centres. Aimed at those involved in system and network design and administration. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to 1. Describe basic concepts and terminology in running network operations 2. Describe and compare techniques used for fault tolerance in IT systems and storage 3. Identify basic techniques and requirements to improve capacity, reliability and availability 4. Describe physical and premises infrastructure requirements for network operations 5. Describe industry best practices and current solutions for corporate networks and data centres Outline Syllabus 1. Introduction, overview of basics 2. Clustering for performance and high availability 3. 4. 5. Storage for networked and clustered systems Location, facilities and mechanical and electrical infrastructure Design guidelines for data centers and case studies

Assessment and Weighting

Type Continuous Assessment

Activity 3 individual assignments, 10% each 1 group assignment (2 or 3 students) Quizzes

Weighting 30% 15% 05%

End of semester examination 2 hour written examination, closed-book; may answer 4 questions out of 5. 50%

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Classroom teaching with lectures should be accompanied by an adequate amount of hands-on and practical work where students will learn the skills by applying the tools and techniques, first with simple examples and later with more complex cases.


Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Example resources, tools - Cisco site on networking solutions and validated designs/solutions - The Data Center Journal (online) - Wikipedia page on data centers - Accredited Tier Designer curriculum, a course by Uptime Institute - Wikipedia page on NAS (SAN compared) - Wiki book titled The Design and Organization of Data Centers, by Jeff Albro and Rich Hail - a site on high availability systems and business continuity Microsoft course on Implementing and Managing Windows Server 2008 Clustering Prescribed Text The following are recommended High Availability Network Fundamentals, Chris Oggerino, Cisco Press, 2001, ISBN: 978-1-58713-017-5, Ebook-ISBN: 978-1-58705-289-7, Fault-Tolerant IP and MPLS Networks, Iftekhar Hussain, Cisco Press, 2005, ISBN: 978-1-58705-126-5, Data Center Fundamentals, Mauricio Arregoces, Maurizio Portolani, Cisco Press, 2004, ISBN: 978-158705-023-7, Ebook-ISBN: 978-1-58705-287-3, Storage Networking Fundamentals: An Introduction to Storage Devices, Subsystems, Applications, Management, and File Systems, Marc Farley, Cisco Press, 2005, ISBN: 978-1-58705-162-3, Ebook-ISBN: 978-1-58705-286-6, High Performance Linux Clusters with OSCAR, Rocks, OpenMosix, and MPI, Joseph D Sloan, O'Reilly Media, 2004 (Ebook: 2009), ISBN: 978-0-596-00570-2, Ebook-ISBN:978-0-596-10433-7, Cisco Data Center Infrastructure 2.5 Design Guide, Cisco Systems Inc., 2007, Designing High-Performance EMC File Systems Using Cisco MDS iSCSI, (for NAS), Whitepaper from Cisco Systems Inc., 2006, 0aecd8048c7d3.pdf Advanced SAN Design Using Cisco MDS 9500 Series Multilayer Directors, Whitepaper from Cisco Systems Inc., 2006,


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester Module Aims IT4203 3 Hours/Week GPA S4 Module Type Lab/Assignments 30 Co - requisites Module Title Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Planning (DR&BCP) Lectures 30 Pre-requisites S1, S2, S3

Optional/Elective; required for NSA specialization

Provide the basic knowledge and skills in planning for disaster recovery and business continuity while managing system operations and infrastructure. Aimed at those involved in system and network administration. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to 1. Describe basics concepts in DR and BCP 2. Analyze risks and impact of a disaster to an IT infrastructure 3. Plan for and execute data protection and integrity in an organization 4. Identify and use appropriate tools for recovery of data 5. Identify strategic elements and requirements for a DR plan for an organization 6. Develop and maintain a DR plan for an organization Outline Syllabus 1. Introduction , basic concepts, definitions: disaster recovery and business continuity 2. Analysis of risk and impact 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Assessment and Weighting Data protection, integrity and recovery planning Recovery support in operating systems and other tools Premises and facility infrastructure Strategies for recovery Emergency decision making Plan Maintenance, testing and recovery management improvement Type Continuous Assessment Activity 3 individual assignments, 10% each 1 group assignment (2 or 3 students) Weighting 30% 10%

End of semester examination

2 hour written examination, closed-book; may answer 4 questions out of 5.



Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Classroom teaching with lectures is low while most learning will be based on hands-on practical work where students will learn the skills by administering (installing, configuring and maintaining) different servers/services. Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Example resources, tools - wikipedia page on disaster recovery - a guide to disaster recovery planning - online journal on disaster recovery - Disaster recovery planning forum, community web portal - a directory on disaster recovery - site with content and many relevant links - wikipedia page on business continuity planning Prescribed Text The following are recommended Disaster Recovery Planning: Preparing for the Unthinkable, 3rd edition, Jon William Toigo, Prentice Hall, 2002, ISBN: 978-0130462824, Disaster Recovery: Principles and Practices, April Wells, Charlyne Walker, Timothy Walker and David Abarca, Prentice Hall, 2007, ISBN: 9780131711273, Business Continuity Planning, Ken Doughty, CRC Press, 2000


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester Module Aims IT4204 3 Hours/Weeks GPA 4 Module Type Lab/Tutorial Specialization Core 30 Co - requisites Module Title Database Server Installation and Management Lectures 30 Pre-requisites
IT3201: Advanced DBMS

Provide an understanding of common terms and concepts likely to be encountered in a Database Administrator role. Expose the student to the more common installation and database management tasks for one of the major database packages. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: 1. Conduct an installation of a database server with an understanding of the technical terms encountered. 2. Migrate data into the new database from a legacy database. 3. Create a maintenance plan for routine maintenance. 4. Create and restore a database backup and database snapshot. 5. Setup user security in a database instance. 6. Monitor and tune database performance on the selected platform. Outline Syllabus 1. Revision of terms that will be encountered in database server installation and management. 2. Data migration 3. 4. 5. 6. Assessment and Weighting Generating a maintenance plan to automate routine maintenance Creating and restoring a backup and a database snapshot Managing user security Resource monitoring and management Type Activity Continuous Assessment Weekly assignments / practical Assignment on database server security concepts Assignment on using Transect SQL to implement security End of semester examination

Weighting 50 5 5 40

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities It is recommended that the lecture proceed the practical session with the lecture being used to explain terminology and walk through the screens to be encountered in the practical. Students can then be expected to work through the practical sessions in small groups with suitable laboratory guides similar to the level of technical support they would have access to in industry.


Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Computer 1.0GHz and 2.048 GB memory, Internet access, LAN connection

Prescribed Text Mistry, Ross & Cotter, Hilary (2008): Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management and Administration, Sams Publishers, New York.


Module Data Module Code Credits IT4205 Module Title Database Programming Project
IT3201 IT2001 IT2003 IT2005

3 Hours/Week



Pre-requisites Co - requisites

GPA/NGPA Semester Module Aims

GPA 4 Module Type

Lab/Tutorial Specialization core



To provide students with the opportunity to practice the skills they developed in IT3201 integrated with their Java programming skills developed in IT2001 and IT2003 and their systems analysis and design skills developed in IT2005 and to provide them with an opportunity to learn JavaScript and other web programming skills. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to : 1. Design and implement a database as part of a complex web-enabled application 2. Implement database security 3. Optimize database performance 4. Design an object-oriented front-end for a database using UML and other process and data modeling tools 5. Implement an object-oriented front-end to a relational database 6. Provide appropriate user documentation in both hardcopy and online versions Outline Syllabus 1. See Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities below. Assessment Type Activity Weighting and Continuous Assessment Assignment 1 Weighting Assignment 2 70% Assignment 3 Assignment 4 End of semester examination 2 hour written examination, closed-book; may answer 4 questions out of 5. 30%

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Apart from web programming skills, students should already have acquired the skills necessary to complete this project in previous semesters. However lecturers may wish to revise elements of IT3201: Advanced DBMS, IT2001: Java Programming, IT2003: Data structures and algorithms and IT2005: Systems Analysis and Design after consultation with students. Lecturers may also wish to present elements of web programming from IT4103. Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Refer to resources for IT3201, IT2001, IT2003, IT2005 and IT4103. Individual students require developer edition of Microsoft SQL Server to do work at home.


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester Module Aims IT4301 3 Hours/Week GPA S4 Module Type Lab/Assignments 30 Co - requisites Module Title Software Testing Lectures 30 Pre-requisites IT3102 SW Eng

Optional/Elective; required for SD, QA specializations

Provide the basic knowledge and skills in standards, techniques, methodologies and tools in software testing. Aimed at those involved in software testing, but also appropriate for anyone who wants a basic understanding. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to 1. Describe what software testing is and why testing is part of quality assurance 2. Describe different levels/types of testing/analysis/reviews done throughout software life cycle 3. Design and develop test cases under different test design techniques suitable for occasion 4. Demonstrate test management ability and to analyse a situation and recognise risks 5. Use appropriate tools for testing and compare and contrast different tools Outline Syllabus 1. Fundamentals of testing 2. Testing throughout the software life cycle 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Assessment and Weighting Static testing techniques Test design techniques Testing and risk Test management Test analysis Tool support for testing Type Continuous Assessment Activity 2 individual assignments, 10% each 1 group assignment (2 or 3 students) Quizzes End of semester examination 2 hour written examination, closed-book; may answer 4 questions out of 5. Weighting 20% 15% 05%


Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Classroom teaching with lectures should be accompanied by an adequate amount of hands-on and practical work where students will learn the skills by applying the tools and techniques, first with simple examples and later with more complex cases.


Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Example resources, tools - wikipedia page on software testing CppUnit at - a unit testing framework - a list of software QA testing and test tool resources - a free online course in black box testing - a site on software QA and testing resources Prescribed Text The following are recommended Software Testing: An ISEB Foundation, Brian Hambling (Ed), Peter Morgan, Angelina Samaroo, Geoff Thompson, Peter Williams, British Computer Society, 2008, ISBN: 978-1-902505-79-4 Software Testing and Quality Assurance: Theory and Practice, Sagar Naik and Piyu Tripathy, John Wiley & Sons, 2008, ISBN: 978-0-471-78911-6.,descCd-tableOfContents.html Pragmatic Software Testing: Becoming an Effective and Efficient Test Professional, John Wiley & Sons, 2007, ISBN: 978-0-470-12790-2. How to Break Software: A Practical Guide to Testing, James A. Whittaker, Addison Wesley, 2002, ISBN: 978-0-201-79619-3, Software Quality Engineering: Testing, Quality Assurance and Quantifiable Improvement, Jeff Tian, Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press, 2005, ISBN: 978-0-471-71345-6,descCd-tableOfContents.html Chapters 22 and 23, Software Engineering, 8th Edition, Ian Sommerville, Addison Wesley, 2006, ISBN: 978-0-321-31379-9, and


Module Data Module Code Credits IT4302 3 Hours/Week GPA/NGPA Semester Module Aims 4 Module Type Lab/Tutorial Specialization Core 30 Co - requisites Module Title Technical Report Writing Lectures 30 Pre-requisites IT4004: Graduation Project

To develop student capacity to write a formal technical report and to develop skills in writing less formal documents such as email, memos and presentations. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to 1. Create an appropriate chapter/section structure for a technical report 2. Create content for a technical report with appropriate style and tone 3. Write an abstract and summary for a technical report 4. Create appropriate diagrams and tables for a technical report 5. Make an effective PowerPoint Presentation 6. Write email, memos and resumes in an appropriate style Outline Syllabus 1. Report writing with the reader in mind. Starting to write a report. 2. Organization and format of a technical report. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Assessment and Weighting Writing style Structural editing and proof reading Tables, diagrams and graphs Abstracts, summaries, TOC and title pages Presentations, memos, email and resumes Software tools for the technical report writer Type Continuous Assessment Activity Attendance and participation Technical Report End of semester examination Weighting 10% 30%



Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities The timing for this unit has been matched to that of IT4004: Graduation Project so that students can work on project deliverables during practical sessions. As adult learners tend to learn best where they perceive an immediate application for what is being learnt, this is expected to have benefits for both courses. Similarly the Technical Report might well be written for another subject (possibly IT4003: IT Law and Ethics) where it will be marked for content. For IT4302/4307, the report will be marked for style, presentation and formatting. Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials MS Office 2007 Prescribed Text Jacone, Salvatore (2003): Write to the Point, Book-mart Press, USA. (WTTP) Van Emden, Joan (online): A Guide to Technical Report Writing, The Institution of Engineering and Technology, Stevenage, UK, (TRWG)


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester Module Aims IT4303 3 Hours/Week GPA S4 Module Type Lab/Tutorial 30 Co - requisites Module Title Software Quality Management Lectures 30 Pre-requisites IT3102 SW Eng

Optional/Elective; required for QA specialization

Provide the basic knowledge and skills in standards, techniques and tools to achieve software quality, i.e., methods of managing the quality of software development process and products. Will cover software quality assurance, quality measures, and quality control. Aimed at those involved in software quality management, but also appropriate for anyone who wants a basic understanding of the area. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to 1. Define fundamental concepts and terminology in software quality management 2. Describe quality measures/indicators for assessing software products and processes 3. Describe strategies, procedures and techniques used in software quality management 4. Apply quality assurance tools and techniques into a software process and/or product 5. Describe the quality standards/frameworks currently practiced in the software industry Outline Syllabus 1. Introduction and basics 2. Software quality standards 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Assessment and Weighting Quality reviews Software quality metrics and defect analysis Software configuration management (overview only; separate module offered on this topic) Associated quality concerns Software documentation Software quality system implementation Type Continuous Assessment Activity 2 individual assignments, 10% each 1 group assignment (2 or 3 students) Quizzes End of semester examination 2 hour written examination, closed-book; may answer 4 questions out of 5. Weighting 20% 15% 05% 60%

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities Classroom teaching with lectures should be accompanied by an adequate amount of hands-on and practical work where students will learn the skills by applying the tools and techniques, first with simple examples and later with more complex cases.


Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Example resources, tools - wikipedia page on software quality - a list of software quality testing and test tool resources - a site on software quality assurance and testing resources - a site that describes the basics of software quality - a set of forums on software testing, quality Prescribed Text The following are recommended Practical Guide to Software Quality Management, 2nd Edition, John W. Horch, Artech House, 2003, ISBN: 978-1-58053-527-4, Software Quality Assurance: From Theory to Implementation, Daniel Galin, Addison Wesley, 2004, ISBN: 978-0-20170-945-2, Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering, 2nd Edition, Stephen H. Kan, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2003, ISBN: 978-0-201-72915-3, Software Quality Engineering: Testing, Quality Assurance and Quantifiable Improvement, Jeff Tian, Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press, 2005, ISBN: 978-0-471-71345-6,descCd-tableOfContents.html Chapters 22, 27, 28 in Software Engineering, 8th Edition, Ian Sommerville, Addison Wesley, 2006, ISBN: 978-0-321-31379-9, and


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester Module Aims IT4304 3 Hours/Week GPA 4 Module Type Lab/Tutorial Specialisation Core 30 Co - requisites Module Title Business Analysis Tools and Processes Lectures 30 Pre-requisites IT3304 IT2005

To provide students with experience of the working environment of the business analyst and the tools used. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to 1. Recognize and understand a range of tools in common usage by Business Analysts 2. Identify the steps that a Business Analyst usually works through. 3. Plan for a stakeholder meeting at any stage of the business analysis process Outline Syllabus 1. OverviewofBusinessAnalysisActivitiesthroughoutthestagesoftheSoftware DevelopmentLifeCycle(SDLC) 2. Meetings - Review meetings - Kick-off meetings - Toidentifystakeholdersandinterests - Toanalyzeimpactonbusinessservicesandprocesses - Toanalyzerisk - TosetupandplanRequirementsManagement - Todefineinternalworkflowforendtoendbusinessprocesses - Todescribeusersandidentifyusertasks - Todefinebusinessconcepts,objectsandrules - TodefinenonfunctionalSLRs - Togatherdetaileduserrequirements - Toanalyzethelifecycleofbusinessobjects - Toassesstheresultsofaniteration - Togatherservicedeskrequirements 3. Tools Requestforchange(RFC)

RootCauseAnalysis Paretochart Causeandeffectgraph Costbenefitanalysis TheFiveWhys UsecaseAnalysis


Assessment and Weighting Type Continuous Assessment

BusinessUsecase BusinessImpactAnalysis BusinessRequirementsDocument(BRD) RiskAnalysis BlockDiagrams Flowchart DataFlowandContextDiagrams(DFD) RiskAnalysisTable DecisionTable/Tree EntityRelationshipDiagram(ERD)andDataModel RequirementsWorkPlan Requirementsattributestabletemplates Requirementstraceabilitymatrix BusinessUseCase BusinessProcessDiagram BusinessProcessModeling FunctionalDecompositionChart RoleMap Systemusecases ActivityDiagram FURPS+ ClassDiagramsandStaticModel Statemachine(HarelStatechart)diagram
Activity Active participation in role plays including preparation of documents Preparation of document / model related to a case study End of semester examination Weighting 15% 15% 70%

Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities One of the keys to success for the Business Analyst is the stakeholder meeting. The Business Analyst needs to meet with the project stakeholders at each stage of the project cycle. Most of the work of the analyst is done in preparation for one or another of these meetings. Hence it is proposed that the course should pivot around role plays of meetings preparing meeting deliverables and researching meeting roles. The Podeswa (2009) textbook is ideally suited to this approach as it outlines the roles and stances of the various stakeholders and suggests questions, preparation and approaches for each type of meeting. Unfortunately the language of the textbook is somewhat difficult so the content will need to be interpreted to students. A detailed case study should be prepared as the background to the meetings and shared between lecturers of this subject. The case study should include examples of the documents and models referred to in the text. Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials


Microsoft Visio for preparing diagrams and models. Practical classes should be taken in a tutorial room set up for small group work with access to a computer laboratory as required. Prescribed Text Podeswa, Howard (2009): The Business Analyst's Handbook, Course Technology, Cengage Learning, Boston, USA


Module Data Module Code Credits GPA/NGPA Semester Module Aims IT4305 3 Hours/Weeks GPA 4 Module Type Lab/Assign 60 Co - requisites
IT4001:Project Management

Module Title

System Analysis Case Study Lectures 15 Pre-requisites

IT2005: Systems Analysis & Design

Specialization Core

Provide exposure to a systems analysis exercise conducted by industry and documentation written to industry standards. Provide an opportunity to review principles of systems analysis based on this example and apply understanding to localize requirements specifications and systems models. Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the student will be able to: 1. Create data models including context data models, entity relationship data models and database schemas. 2. Create process models including data flow diagrams (logical and physical), functional decomposition diagrams, event diagrams, system diagrams, use-case models 3. Create object-oriented models including use-case models, class diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams. 4. Write a requirements specification 5. Design computer architecture alternatives and justify the selection of a best alternative for a given purpose Outline Syllabus 1. Study of European/Australian model for electronic health records 2. Consideration of Sri Lankan application of concept 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Assessment and Weighting Revision of systems analysis concepts from a structured design perspective process and data modeling Revision of systems analysis concepts from an object oriented perspective Requirements gathering including client interviews Revision of systems architecture alternatives. Presentation techniques Type Activity Weighting Continuous Assessment Weekly assignments / practical (group) Requirements Specification (individual) Presentation of requirements specification and proposed system architecture (group) End of semester examination 30 20 10



Recommended Teaching/Learning Activities The Case Study approach provides an opportunity for the student to be exposed to industry standards. This exposure to industry standards will have greatest impact if the student is required to emulate it in their own work. The course structure provides for this by gearing assignments around systems analysis for an equivalent Sri Lankan product. All course resources including lectures and external resource persons should be provided as required to help students achieve this goal. It is not necessary to strictly follow the lecture schedule which, in any case, merely revises material already covered in IT2005. Likewise, it might be more useful for the students to meet with the resource persons collectively rather than to interview them separately. This would be consistent with the industry practice of conducting joint requirements planning (JRP) sessions where the systems analyst plans collectively with a group of client representatives. The list of resource persons is suggestive rather than prescriptive. For instance, if the class decides, after initial discussions with doctors and hospital administrators, that the scope of the proposal should be limited to hospital tests being made available online to GPs, there would be no need to interview radiologists and cardiologists. Finally, the course outline assumes that the remote location of many APIs will make it difficult to invite resource people into the classroom directly and suggests online mechanisms for enabling students to interact with these people. An advantage of this approach would be that it would be possible to share resource people across ATIs. Resources: Equipment, Tools and Materials Video recorder, video editing software such as Adobe Premier Pro. Microsoft Visio to create system models (UML, data flow diagram etc templates available for download from the Internet). Prescribed Texts

1. Bentley,Lonnie&Whitten,Jeffrey(2007):SystemsAnalysisandDesignfortheGlobal Enterprise,McGrawHillIrwin,Boston,USA 2. Kalra,Dipak&Ingram,David(2006):ElectronicHealthRecords,CentreforHealthInformatics andMultiprofessionalEducation,UCL,London,UK. 3. Beale,T.&Heard,S.(2000):TheGEHRObjectModelTechnicalRequirements,Revision2.1draft B.,TheGEHRFoundation,Australia. 4. Beale,T.(2001):TheGEHRObjectModelArchitecture,Revision4.1,DraftE,TheGEHR Foundation,Australia

5. Beale,Thomas(2003):GEHRSystemArchitecture,Revision2.1,DraftB,TheGEHRFoundation, Australia




Table of weekly learning outcomes

IT 1001: PERSONAL COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SYSTEM OPERATIONS .......................................................................................................... 148 IT 1002: MATHEMATICS FOR COMPUTING ....................................................... 150 IT 1003: INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING .................................................. 152 IT 1004: DATA REPRESENTATION AND ORGANIZATION ............................... 155 IT 1005: INTRODUCTION TO DATABASES AND RELATION DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS .................................................................................... 160 IT 1007: INTERNET AND APPLICATIONS........................................................... 163 IT A001: OFFICE PRODUCTIVITY APPLICATIONS ........................................... 164 IT A002: WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT .................................................................... 165 IT A004: PC MAINTENANCE ................................................................................. 166 IT 2001: PROGRAMMING IN JAVA ....................................................................... 168 IT 2002: GRAPHICS AND MULTIMEDIA.............................................................. 171 IT 2003: DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS ............................................ 173 IT2004: DATA COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER NETWORKS ................ 175 IT 2005: SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ........................................................ 177 IT 3001: PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS ........................................................... 179 IT 3002: COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE ................................................................ 181


IT 3003: BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUES ......................................................................................................... 183 IT 3004: OPERATING SYSTEMS AND COMPUTER SECURITY ........................ 185 IT3101: RAPID APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT ................................................. 188 IT 3102: PRINCIPALS OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ..................................... 190 IT3103: OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ..................................... 192 IT3201: ADVANCE DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ............................... 193 IT3202: INTERNETWORKING ............................................................................... 195 IT 3203: ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SECURITY SYSTEMS.......................... 197 IT3301: INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS ANALYSIS .......................................... 198 IT3302: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS ........................................... 199 IT 3303: E-COMMERCE .......................................................................................... 201 IT 4001: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ...................................................................... 203 IT 4002: OPEN SOURCE SYSTEMS....................................................................... 205 IT4003: IT AND SOCIETY....................................................................................... 207 IT4101: DISTRIBUTED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT........................................ 208 IT3102: SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT................................... 209 IT4103: WEB PROGRAMMING .............................................................................. 210 IT 4104: GRAPHIC AND ANIMATION DESIGN ................................................... 211


IT 4105: IMAGE PROCESSING .............................................................................. 212 IT 4106 DIGITAL AUDIO AND VIDEO PROCESSING ......................................... 213 IT4102: SOFTWARE INSTALLATION AND MANAGEMENT ............................. 215 IT4202: NETWORK AND DATA CENTRE OPERATIONS .................................... 217 IT4203: DISASTER RECOVERY AND BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLANNING .............................................................................................................. 219 IT4203: DATABASE SERVER INSTALLATION AND MANAGEMENT .............. 221 IT4301: SOFTWARE TESTING............................................................................... 223 IT4303: SOFTWARE QUALITY MANAGEMENT .................................................. 224 IT4304: BUSINESS ANALYSIS TOOLS AND PROCESSES ................................. 226 UN STRUCTURED TEACHING MODULES AND UNITS .................................... 227


Wk 1 Learning Outcome Theory Sessions (2hrs) Introduction to computer system Hardware and software classifications Lab Sessions (4 hrs) 2 3 Continue from previous week At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Organize and manage files, folders and storage devices efficiently At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Physically connect and install the devices At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Install/ uninstall an application At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Backup and restore valuable data. Create user accounts and access permissions At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Describe the internal components and devices of a personal computer Mid Semester Examination At the end of this Organizing and Managing files and folders Internal structure and file system of a hard disk File handling operations (Creating, copying, moving and deleting files and folders) Formatting storage devices Connecting basic components Powering up, Logging to the system Mounting, un-mounting external devices Shutting down the system

At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Connect, configure and disconnect external devices

Installation and configuration of driver software (Add hardware wizard) Introduction to device manager. Introduction to software installation.

Physically connecting printers, scanners, modem, etc. and installing, and uninstalling devices. Troubleshooting installation problems Installing/ uninstalling application packages

Introduction to backup and restore tools. Introduction to user account and access rights

Making and restoring backups Creating user accounts and assigning privileges Modifying and Removing user accounts

PC internal components and the structure

Assembling and dissembling a PC

8 9

Internal organization of



Wk Learning Outcome lesson the student will be able to Describe the internal organization of a CPU At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Setup a network and configure the computers and other devices to work in a shared environment Continue from Previous week Theory Sessions (2hrs) CPU Lab Sessions (4 hrs)


Introduction to network Network devices and tools Network media

Installing a NIC Card Connecting PCs to a Hub/Switch


Topologies TCP/IP Sharing and security Introduction to Internet Types of Internet connection ISP



At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Install and configure Internet connection Continue from previous week

TCP/IP Configuration Sharing Resources Installing shared resources (Network printer etc) Setting up an internet connection (Dial up / broad band) Setting up a proxy server

Internet security


At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Use the facilities / services in the internet effectively End-of-Semester Examination

Introduction to common internet applications. (www, email, FTP etc.) Browser and Search engine

Configuring firewall Installing and updating antivirus software Installing and using common internet applications (Browser, VOIP software etc) Creating and using email accounts Using search engines



Wk 1 LearningOutcomes Interpret the sets Use the standard set notations Construct sets Identify the types of a set Define the complement of given set TheoryLesson(2hrs) Set Theory Introduction to Sets Sets and elements Construction of sets Special Sets (Null, Universal, Subset, Proper sub set, Equal sets, Disjoint sets, Finite/infinite sets, Countable/ Uncountable, Number sets (Natural, Integer, Rational, Real, Complex ...) VENN Diagrams Complement of sets Set Operations (Union, Intersection, Difference and Symmetric Difference) Duality Laws of Algebra of Sets Counting Principles Power set Ordered pairs, Cartesian products Introduction to relations Notations Ordered pairs Product of two, three and more sets Universal, empty, Equality relations Inverse Relation Representation of relations Composition of relations Types of relations Reflexive, Symmetric, Transitive and Equivalence relations Functions Basic definitions and Notations The characteristics of functions Standard function as Trigonometric, Logarithm, exponential etc Partial function 150

Perform set operations to build set expression Apply laws of algebra to simplify the complex set expression

Describe and Define relations Find the inverse of relations Present relations graphically as matrix, arrow diagram, directed graph Identify the types of relations

Distinguish relation and function Define terms used in functions Describe a function Identify the partial functions Plot functions

Wk LearningOutcomes TheoryLesson(2hrs)

8 9



12 13



Identify a function as Injective, Subjective and Objective functions Define the inverse function if exist Compose two or more functions Mid Semester Vacation Arrange given set of values as a Matrix classify the matrix type as the arrangement Equate two or more matrix Find the Symmetric, Skew symmetric Transpose and Adjoin matrix Manipulate the matrix Addition, Subtraction, Scalar product, Matrix multiplication Do elementary row and column operations of Matrix Find inverse and determinant of matrices Echelon form of matrix Use Gaussian elimination method to solve the system of linear equations Use Cramers Rule to solve the system of linear equations Find the Eigen values and Eigen vectors Interpret the behaviour of the system End of Semester Examination

Linear, Quadratic, and Cubic Functions Plotting functions Injective, Subjective and Objective functions Inverse functions Composition of functions. Matrices - Introduction Matrix Notations Types Matrices (Row, Column, Null, Rectangular, Square, Diagonal, Identity, Upper/lower etc) Equality of Matrices Symmetric/ Skew-symmetric Matrices Transpose of a Matrix Adjoin of a Matrix Matrix addition and subtraction Scalar product and Matrix Multiplication Properties of matrix multiplication Elementary operations (Row/ Column) Singular/ Regular Matrix Determinant of Second and Third order Matrices Echelon Form of a Matrix Solving system of Linear Equations by Gaussian elimination method Solving system of Linear Equations by Cramers Rule Eigen Values and Eigen vector


Wk 1 Class Room Learning Outcome

Laboratory Learning Outcome -

Define a computer program Explain what is programming Describe the importance of programs and programming Describe the evolution of programming from machine level coding Design an algorithmic solution for simple problem such as computation of a factorial, total of a series etc. using pseudo code. Design an algorithmic solution involving decision making and selection. E.g. Travelling from one town to another using different modes of transport. Use of flow charts to represent algorithms. Design an algorithmic solution for simple problem such as computation of a factorial, total of a series etc. using flow charts. Design an algorithmic solution involving decision making and selection. E.g. Travelling from one town to another using different modes of transport. Describe the difference between event driven programming and procedural programming Describe the purpose of variables and constants in a computer programme. Describe elementary data types and operators associated with

Get familiar with the development tools IDE by graphically designing an application interface using tools available in the development environment.

Get familiar with the development tools IDE by graphically designing an application interface using tools available in the development environment (continuation of Week 2 lab work)

Describe the different types of events associated with interface components Write simple program involving the use of variables


Wk Class Room Learning Outcome each data type. Determine appropriate data types to represent physical quantities and values. Continuation of Week 5 activities Use decision structures (if.. else, nested if... else and selection statements) in code. Use statements that select between multiple options. Use statements that repeat actions based on some limit (e.g. while, repeat, do ...until) Determine when to use branching in a programme Describe the difference between procedures and functions Pass parameters and values in a procedure of a function call. Describe the difference between value parameters and reference parameters Describe the difference between sequential (text) and random (data) files Use file based input and output in a program Describe the basic client server architecture in relation to backend database integration Develop code for connecting to an external database and retrieve / modify data through the program Continuation of Week 12 Laboratory Learning Outcome

Write simple program involving the use of different types of variables and conversion from one type to another Write simple program involving decision statements. Write a simple program that selects between multiple options. Write a simple program that selects between multiple options. Write a simple program that involves function/procedure calls and passing parameters to functions.

8 9



Write a program to create/open a file and modify data stored in a file


Write a program that connect to a database server and display / modify data stored in table(s)


Write a program to retrieve and display data from two tables having a master-


Wk Class Room Learning Outcome Laboratory Learning Outcome detail relationship Use the features of the development environment to trace and step through program code Write code segments that implement error trapping and exception handling


Describe and use debugging techniques. Write code for exception handling and error trapping


End-of-Semester Examination


Wk 1 Class Room Learning Outcome

Lesson Theory lesson Introduction to data and information Computer data organization Define bit, byte, word and different data types (numeric data and character type data).

Describe the difference between data and information Describe the hierarchical structure of data organization

Learning objective The students should be able to describe the difference between data and information by giving suitable examples where necessary. Also the students should be able to explain the terms bit, byte, word and different types of data (numeric and character). Describe the properties of Theory lesson number systems and symbols Introduction to different numeric data used in them representations in a computer system. Describe the deference between Decimal number system positional and non-positional Binary number system Octal number system number systems Interpret values represented in Hexadecimal number system different number systems BCD number system Learning objective The students should be able to describe the any given number system format according to the range of digits which are used in each format. Theory lesson Fractional number representation in Binary format. Learning objective The students should be able to represent any given fractional number in Binary format. i.e. defining fractional numbers using binary digits.

Describe fixed point representation of fractional numbers Represent a fractional number in binary format


Wk 4 Class Room Learning Outcome

Lesson Theory lesson Conversion methods on different number format. Decimal to Binary Format Binary to Decimal Format Binary to Octal Format Learning objective The students should be able to convert given decimal numbers into binary format and vice versa. Also they should be able to perform the number conversion between binary and Octal Theory lesson Continued with number system conversion. Octal to Binary Format Binary to Hex Format Hex to Binary Format Learning objective The students should be able to convert octal to binary, binary to hex and hex to Binary. At the end of these two lecture sessions the students should able to convert any number system into any other number system. Theory lesson Binary number System Operations. Binary Addition Binary Subtraction Learning objective The students should be able to add and subtract any binary numbers. Also they should be able to perform left shifting when adding to binary numbers. Theory lesson Continued with Binary number System Operation.

Convert a value represented in one number format to another

Covert between different number formats

Perform basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) on binary numbers

Perform basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and


Wk Class Room Learning Outcome division) on binary numbers Lesson

Binary multiplication Binary Division

Learning objective The students should be able to perform multiplication on two binary numbers. when divide any binary numbers the students should be able to identify the two components (dividend/divisor ) and perform division on those numbers. 8 9 Mid Semester Break Describe the possible representations for negative numbers (sign & magnitude, 1's complement, 2's complement etc.) Convert a positive value to its negative representation Theory lesson Representation of negative numbers. Sign and magnitude method 1's complement 2s complement Conversion of positive value to its negative representation. Learning objective The students should be able to represent negative numbers using different methods. Also the students should be able to convert positive value to its negative value. Theory lesson Representation of numbers. Fixed point representation Floating point representation Difference between fixed point and floating point representation Conversion from fixed point to its floating point format. Learning objective The students should be able to describe the difference between fixed point and floating point representation. Also the students should be able to convert numbers from


Describe the difference between fixed point and floating point representation Convert from fixed point to floating point format


Wk Class Room Learning Outcome Lesson fixed point to floating point format Theory lesson Floating point arithmetic operations. Addition and subtraction Multiplication


Perform basic arithmetic operations on numerical values represented in floating point format


Describe the precision and range in relation to floating point and fixed point representations Describe the difference between single and double precision formats

Learning objective The students should be able to perform basic arithmetic operations, addition, subtraction and multiplication on numerical values represented in floating point format. Theory lesson Advantages and Limitations of different number systems. Precision and Range in relation to Floating point representation Fixed point representation Difference between single and double precision formats Learning objective The students should be able to describe advantages and limitations of different number systems and also they should be able to select suitable number format to represent a given number. Also the students should be able to describe floating point and fixed point format according to the precision and range which are used in each format. Theory lesson Representation of non-numeric data. Coding schemes ASCII EBCDIC Unicode String representation formats ASCII


Describe the need of encoding schemes for representation of non-numeric data Describe and use common coding schemes such as ASCII, EBCDIC etc. Describe common String representation formats


Wk Class Room Learning Outcome Lesson Unicode


Describe the limitations of ASCII code Describe the advantages of unicode in relation to supporting multiple languages

Learning objective The students should be able to describe the encoding schemes and also the need of encoding schemes. Also students should be able to represent any given string in given string representation format. Theory lesson Limitations of ASCII code. Advantages of uni-code in relation to supporting multiple languages. Learning objective The students should be able to describe the limitations of ASCII code and also students should be able to describe the advantages of uni-code in relation to supporting multiple languages.


End-of-Semester Examination


IT 1005: Introduction to Databases and Relation Database ManagementSystems

Wk 1 Theory Lesson (2hrs) At the end of this lesson student will be able to Define & explain data, information, Database & DBMS. Explain the need of DBMS. Practical Lesson (2hrs)

At the end of this lesson student will be able to Identify MS Access objects and their usages (tables, queries, etc) Create tables using wizards At the end of this lesson student will be At the end of this lesson student will be able to able to Select suitable data types and Describe the advantages of Using a properties for fields. DBMS. Explain the facilities of DBMS. At the end of this lesson student should At the end of this lesson student will able to be able to Define and explain data models, Create quires and reports. schemas. At the end of this lesson student will be At the end of this lesson student able to should able to Explain database languages and Create forms. Interfaces (compare common Create web modules. DBMS). Classify components of database management systems. At the end of this lesson student will be At the end of this lesson student will able to be able to Create simple database applications Define ER Model. Explain enterprise rules. Define keys. Draw ER diagrams. Draw occurrence diagram. Define the constraints At the end of this lesson student will be At the end of this lesson student will be able to able to Identify Entity, Attributes, and Keys. Select and assigning primary keys to relation. Identify relationships among entities, Create relationships among relationship types.


Wk Theory Lesson (2hrs) Define weak entity types. Provide appropriate names to database objects (Naming Conventions, and Design Issues). At the end of this lesson student will be able to Describe disadvantages of un normalized relations. Define Normal Forms and perform Normalization. Mid semester break At the end of this lesson student should able to Standardize a relation up to third normal form. At the end of this lesson student will be able to Explain & use GUI tools. Describe characteristics of GUI tools. At the end of this lesson student should able to Define the DDL operators. Practical Lesson (2hrs) relations.

At the end of this lesson student will be able to Implement the normalization process to actual database application.

8 9

Continuing week 7


At the end of this lesson student will be able to Improve previously created database for an enterprise solution.




At the end of this lesson student will be able to Perform DDL operations (create, alter, drop). At the end of this lesson students will be At the end of this lesson student will able to be able to Reform DML operations (select, Create database & relation using Insert, Delete, Update, Join, etc). Data Definition Language. Retrieve data from a relation using basic queries in SQL. Retrieve data from database using sub queries. Update the database using Insert, Delete, and Update statements in SQL. At the end of this lesson student should Continuing week 13 able to Describe Database Security. Define authenticate and database sub 161

Wk Theory Lesson (2hrs) system. At the end of this lesson student should able to Access control using Grant/Revoke operator. Perform Grant/Revoke operators. Revision of semester activities Practical Lesson (2hrs)


At the end of this lesson student will be able to Write SQL statements to Grant/Revoke operators.



Wk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Class Room Learning Outcome

Laboratory Learning Outcome

Describe the evolution of the Internet. Illustrate how internet operate and internet governing Say different ways of connecting to the Internet. Say common internet based applications Describe different types of web sites. Continue with last lesson.

Identify/Use different browsers. Identify and use search engines Create E-mail account and use e-mail and use FTP. Use social networks (e.g.: face book , YouTube, Twitter, etc) Differentiate static and dynamic web sites. Differentiate collaborative and syndication web sites. Identify web sites under the category of web 1.0 and web 2.0

8 9 10 11 12 13

Explain and differentiate about web 1.0, web 2.0. Describe how to migrate contents from web 1.0 to web 2.0. Mid Term Vacation List out features of web sites. List out features of modern web sites. Explain about data security issues of internet. Continue with previous lesson Explain how to protect data in the internet.

Recognize features of modern social networking web sites. Recognize features of modern ecommerce web sites Demonstrate antivirus software updating and firewall setting of browsers Demonstrate antivirus software updating and firewall setting of browsers. Demonstrate security settings of browsers. Continue with previous practical.

14 15

Continue with previous lesson. End-of-Semester Examination


Wk 1 Lab sessions At the end of this lesson students should be able to en-us/training/default.aspx Describe why we need office productivity tools and what the office productivity tools available, currently. They should be able to identify suitable packages for suitable tasks and uses them effetely in the day to day office activities. At the end of this lesson ,students should be able to Use MS-Word to create Office documents, reports complying to international standards, mail merging, effectively by following a series of tutorials available on Microsoft Official web site ( At the end of this lesson students should be able to Enter a set of data in to MS-Excel and analyze the data using the facilities available on Excel through the teaching material available in the Microsoft Web site. At the end of this lesson students should be able to Create interactive, animated presentations using MSPower point through the teaching material available in the Microsoft Web site. At the end of this lesson students should be able to Create and use simple databases, create data entry forms and reports on desktop environment using MSAccess. On completing the above area students should be able to Visit a real world organization involving manufacturing sales banking etc. Collect data related to their operations Analyze using the in Excel Present the analyzed data using MS-PowerPoint Prepare a report using MS-Word (Group activity) Submit the final report and the presentation.


Wk 1 2 3 4 5 ClassRoomLearningOutcome


Explain www and web technologies Describe basic HTML tags Explain list and tables Explain forms and frames. Describe the purpose of style sheets and 3 ways of applying styles. Explain purpose of using design tools to create a web page. Describe the process of deploying

Use html, head and body tags to create basic web page and save it. Use basic tags -p, headings, br, marquee, hr, font, img, a. Design pages with list and tables.(ul, ol, dl, table) Design pages with forms and frames. (form, frameset) Apply styles to web pages.

6 7

Use dreamviewer as a design tool to create web pages. Finalize the website they have developed and host it on a free server.


Wk 1 ClassRoomLearningOutcome What is a computer Block diagram of computer Characteristics of computer Hardware, Software Classification and types of computers. Network components (Network card, router, modem, etc) Current, Voltage, Resistance, Capacitance, Inductance Types of Resistances, Colour codes, Connecting Resistors and capacitors etc. Power and power dissipation. Introduction to transformers. Function of mother board. Heat Control Power needed to components LaboratoryLearningOutcome

Identify components of PC - Input devices :-Keyboard, mouse, mic - Output Devices:- Screen, Printer - Components of CPU such as mother board, processor, RAM, Jumper

Handle Measuring instruments Multimeters, CRO Measure Voltage ,etc

Function of OS. Partition of Disk Select OS for different Task Tools of the OS for PC management Memory Management User Account Type

Packages Vs programs

Configuration of the Motherboard Installation of the Processor Installation of the Memory Installation of secondary storage such as hard disk , DVD Installation of the Motherboard Connecting Cables to the Motherboard Installation of the Expansion Cards Installing Windows XP: - Pre installation Checks; Setup Methods The Setup Process Re-starting the Computer and Finishing the Installation Setup Failure and Recovery Configure Printer and Scanner Configure Display mode Folder and file activities such as folder creation Create user account and allocate rights Tools:-Scan disk, De-fragmentation, etc Installing some Packages such as Ms


Wk ClassRoomLearningOutcome


Main software packages available for general use. Types of Viruses How viruses spread Function of Firewall Maintenance flow charts, routine checks Start-up problems , run problems Display problems Disassembly hints for PC Problem of dissimilar earth and loose connection Protecting the PC from AC Over voltage and over current protection Identify fundamental principles of security. Install, configure, upgrade, and optimize security. Identify tools, diagnostic procedures and troubleshooting Techniques for security. Introduction to Network security

Office Configure firewall Install anti virus Scan PC and schedule scan process Identification of bad sectors. Back up Compress files Delete unwanted files Trouble shoot network connection

Create different level user account Set password for the files if it is allowed Password for BIOS setup


Wk 1 ClassRoomLearningOutcome

LaboratoryLearningOutcome Install JDK and set the path Use of compiler (This includes a HelloWorld program where students identify the code which controls screen output) Use the variables they declared in a series of mathematical operations. As a part of this students will be able to: - Recognize the use of mathematical operators (except concatenation) must be used with primitive variable types. - Use the assignment operator to store the result of a calculation Use the escape sequences and determine output based on code that uses them (\n,\t etc) Recognize and write comments to document their code (use both // and /*..*/ notations)

Describe about the evolution and different versions of java. Explain special features of java.

Declare variables of both primitive and object types. As a part of this students should be able to: - Recognize the primitive variable types - Identify the parts of creating an object (creating the reference variable and assigning it to the memory location created by the constructor call(this involves creating objects using new operator) Explain escape sequences in java Describe advantages of using comments Explain conditions and logical expressions ( operators == != < <= > >= are used for comparing values from primitive data types) Evaluate complex Boolean statements (with && and ||) Describe the use of if statement and select controls Recognize patterns in code that can be condensed into a repetition structure Java statement blocks can be executed repeatedly using for

Use if-else statement to select between two alternative statement blocks depending on a Boolean condition. Use nested if to evaluate more than and test expression Use switch statement instead of if..else series

Use a for structure to repeat code for known number of iterations Use a while/do..while structure to loop through an unknown number of iterations


Wk ClassRoomLearningOutcome and while loops as control structures. The number of iterations is controlled by a condition. Describe the importance of jumping statements in java (break and continue) Differentiate between while and do while. Explain classes, attributes behaviours and access modifiers. Identify the difference between a regular method and a static method and how that applies to how the method is called. Explain static and dynamic array concepts LaboratoryLearningOutcome

Use break/continue to exit from a loop at a middle point.

Create objects and use its members with appropriate accessibility.

Describe Oops concepts. (encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism ) Describe the role of an abstract class in providing a common method protocol Explain the role of constructors in the creation and initialization of objects Describe the role of interfaces Describe final modifier(final variable, final method and final

Construct, fill, and manipulate 1 dimensional arrays of primitive values and objects Iterate through an Array List using the for loop Make comparisons between dynamic and static arrays Pass arrays to methods and write methods with return values that are arrays Explain the principles of inheritance and its importance in object-oriented software development Write simple methods, constructors and classes in Java, making appropriate use of language features designed to support inheritance Recognize opportunities for the reuse of existing methods and techniques in your programming Use method overloading and overriding as necessary


Wk ClassRoomLearningOutcome LaboratoryLearningOutcome

8 9

class) Cont Describe wrapper classes in java Basic concepts involved in sequential input/output


Explain behaviour of the strings in java (immutability). Explain the static modifier

11 12 13


Explain lifecycle and behaviours of an applet Describe simple graphic features in java Explain how Java's GUI library evolved Explain the swing components and its characteristics Describe layout managers and event handling in Java.

Cont Use class methods Integer. parse Int () and String. value of() can be used to convert a string to a number and vice versa Simple IO classes created by to read from a file and write to a file Use equals() method to test if two strings contain the same characters in the same order Use basic methods in String class Use StringBuffer / StringBuilder class Use Class variables and class methods declared using the modifier static Create a JAVA applet for a website (JApplet) Use java 2D package to insert simple graphics Develop GUI based applications.(with Text field / text area, labels, various types of Buttons and menus) Handle action, focus events (ActionListner, FocusListener) Write well-structured applications with event-driven graphical user interfaces


End of semester examination


Wk 1 TheorySessions(2hrs)
At the end of this lesson the student will be able to define common multimedia terms such as multimedia, integration, interactive, Hypermedia HTML, and authoring. At the end of this lesson the student will be able to describe several different environments in which multimedia can be used, and several different aspects of multimedia that provide a benefit over other forms of information presentation.

At the end of this lesson the student will be able to installing a software package supporting graphics and getting familiar with the IDE At the end of this lesson the student will be able to organize your artwork/ objects using the layers panel; change the colour or other various properties using the appearance panel.

At the end of this lesson the student will be able to create simple graphic using shape tools At the end of this lesson the student will be At the end of this lesson the student able to identify the Characteristic of will be able to create very simple stroke multimedia


At the end of this lesson the student will be able to identify the features of raster and vector At the end of this lesson the student will be able to list the application of raster and vector in multimedia At the end of this lesson the student will be able to explain the audio and animation

At the end of this lesson the student will be able to moving and arranging objects At the end of this lesson the student will be able to put text on a path &

change the texts position.

At the end of this lesson the student will be able to create a Halloweenthemed text effect by applying dynamic Effects At the end of this lesson the student will be able to create and manipulate gradient At the end of this lesson the student will be able to apply transparency At the end of this lesson the student will be able to apply the Opacity on Objects At the end of this lesson the student

8 9



Mid Semester Examination At the end of this lesson the student will be able to explain the video and identify differences between video and animation. At the end of this lesson the student will be able to explain compression and decompression At the end of this lesson the student will be able to identify available data types file format standard in multimedia.
At the end of this lesson the student will be able



Wk TheorySessions(2hrs)
to identify the benefits and drawbacks of various options for packaging and delivering your multimedia projects, including hosting Web delivery.

will be able to import and affect image files

13 14

Cont... At the end of this lesson the student will be At the end of this lesson the student able to identify tools used to handle video will be able to cs in multimedia projects and discuss their capabilities, and how they capture, process, and compress video.


Wk 1 Theory(2hrs) At the end of this lesson the student will be ableto Understand what the data structure is and need of proper data structures in computing At the end of this lesson the student will be ableto Identify the common data structure such as Array , vectors, abstract data types At the end of this lesson the student will be ableto Handle array operation At the end of this lesson the student will be ableto Handle link list Cont... At the end of this lesson the student will be ableto Handle stack operations At the end of this lesson the student will be ableto Handle Queues At the end of this lesson the student will be ableto Handle Tree & Binary Tree LabLesson(2hrs) At the end of this lesson the studentwillbeableto Use software tools that are needed for the Data structure At the end of this lesson the studentwillbeableto Design interface and data structure using java At the end of this lesson the studentwillbeableto Use array related activities in java At the end of this lesson the studentwillbeableto Implement linked list to solve real problems Cont At the end of this lesson the studentwillbeableto Implement stack and solve problems using stack At the end of this lesson the studentwillbeableto Implement queues and solve problems using queues At the end of this lesson the studentwillbeableto Implement tree and solve problems using tree Conti At the end of this lesson the studentwillbeableto Implement sorting

5 6

9 10

11 12

Cont At the end of this lesson the student will be ableto Design & Implement Sorting algorithm (Linear sort, bubble sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort) Cont Cont... At the end of this lesson the student will be At the end of this lesson the


Wk Theory(2hrs) ableto Design & Implement Searching algorithm(Binary search, sequential search, etc) At the end of this lesson the student will be ableto Understand and implement recursion LabLesson(2hrs) studentwillbeableto Implement sorting




At the end of this lesson the studentwillbeableto Use recursion technique to solve problems At the end of this lesson the student will be At the end of this lesson the ableto studentwillbeableto Analyze the complexity of algorithm Develop simple application using data structure and algorithms Cont Cont...


Wk TheorySession LabSession

At the end of this lesson student Discussion of background and should be able to describe history and introductory topics development of data communication and computer networks At the end of this lesson student should be able to explain the basic principles of data communications such as digital and analog methods, modulation, bit rates etc. Continue on previous week At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe and explain LAN topologies and architectures, Access methods and protocols At the end of this lesson students will be able describe and explain different communication media types copper, fibre optic and wireless At the end of this lesson students will be able describe and explain basic LAN components NICs, Hubs and switches At the end of this lesson students will be able describe and explain layered architecture and protocols in relation to LANs Mid semester break At the end of this lesson student should be able to explain device addressing and protocols (MAC addresses and TCP/IP) At the end of this lesson student should be able to explain basic of IP routing Exploration of classroom topics through literature search, technical papers, tutorials, discussions and assignments. The module should accompany lab based assignments designed to provide handson exposure in relevant software / hardware devices though structured laboratory teaching equipment.

3 4

8 9



Wk TheorySession LabSession

11 12



Continue on previous week At the end of this lesson student should be able explain the operation of Domain names DNS resolution At the end of this lesson student should be able to explain structured cabling and setting up LANs At the end of this lesson student should be able to explain WAN and broadband network basics and be able to setup a wireless networks


Wk 1 TheorySessions(3hrs) Attheendofthethislessonthestudent willbeableto Understand the importance of system analysis and design and the applications of information systems. Attheendofthislessonthestudentwill beableto Identify the components of an information system and their operations. Attheendofthethislessonthestudent willbeableto Describe the steps in software development life cycle Attheendofthethislessonthestudent willbeableto Select a suitable life cycle model for a given situation Attheendofthislessonthestudentwill beableto Understand the process of requirement elicitation. Attheendofthislessonthestudentwill beableto Understand the process of business analysis. Attheendofthethislessonthestudent willbeableto Select suitable fact finding techniques for a given situation Attheendofthethislessonthestudent willbeableto Identify and describe the available tools for systems analysis and design Attheendofthislessonthestudentwill beableto Evaluate and select the most suitable tools for a given system Attheendofthislessonthestudentwill beableto Tutorials Tutorials,discussionsandassignmentsin parallel with the topics covered during lectures



Wk TheorySessions(3hrs) Tutorials apply the most suitable tools for a given system Cont Attheendofthislessonthestudentwill beableto Identify the components of a logical data design Attheendofthislessonthestudentwill beableto Model a logical system for a given scenario Attheendofthislessonthestudentwill beableto Understand concept in interaction design Revision

11 12





Wk 1 ClassRoomLearningOutcome

LaboratoryLearningOutcome Tutorials to support classroom activities

5 6 7

8 9 10


Role of Statistics Descriptive Statistics Vs Inferential Statistics General terms Used Throughout Statistics - Population - Sample - Parameter - Statistic and etc Types of Data - Qualitative - Quantitative: Discrete vs. Continuous Levels of Measurement: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, Ratio Random sampling Techniques Non Random sampling Techniques, Frequency distribution Sample size and Sampling error Measures of Central Tendency / Dispersion / Skewness / Association Properties and Rule of Probability Conditional Probability Total Probability and Bayes' Theorem Independent Events Random variables (Discrete and Continuous) and their distributions. Expectation and variance Moment Generating function Discrete distributions - Binomial - Poisson distribution Mid Semester Vacation Continuous Probability Distributions - Normal and Standard Normal distributions Standard Normal Distribution Cumulative probability distribution functions of a random variable. Introduction and Terminology to Hypotheses - Hypothesis

Tutorials to support classroom activities


Wk ClassRoomLearningOutcome Alternate / Null Hypothesis - Test Statistic - Rejection/Critical Region Errors in testing Power function and power Significance Levels and Rejection Region Significance from p-values Interval Estimation - Introduction to Intervals - Pivotal Quantity Method - Sampling from Normal Distribution Confidence Interval for Mean and variance Simultaneous Confidence Region for the Mean and Variance Confidence Interval for difference in Means


12 13 14

Tutorials to support classroom activities



Wk 1 LearningOutcome At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe the basic structure of a digital computer external view, components and their functions At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe basic structure of a digital computer Internal view, components and their functions At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe the representation of numbers and symbols At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe basic ALU operations mathematical and logical functions At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe the CPU structure and operation and the composition and execution on instruction cycles At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe common performance enhancements such as pre-fetching and pipelining At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe the concepts of RISC, VLIW and superscalar architectures Mid semester break At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe the memory organization and memory hierarchy of a digital computers At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe the Input Output capabilities and techniques used such as poling and interrupt driven IO At the end of the lesson students will TheorySessions(2hrs) Internet search on history and development of digital computers compile a report

Interactive tutorials / assignments

Simulation of different CPU architectures, performance enhancement methods

8 9

Simulation of memory hierarchy and performance


Simulation of IO techniques


Interactive tutorial session


Wk LearningOutcome be able to describe block mode memory operation such as Direct Memory Access and multi-channel memory busses At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe standard peripheral interfaces (Parallel, serial ports, character and block device interfaces etc.) At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe common bus architectures and their limitations bus interfaces (PCI, ISA, AGP etc) At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe how computer architectural principles are applied to industry standard personal computer systems End-of-Semester Examination TheorySessions(2hrs)


Simulated interfaces





Identification of common bus interface types


Disassembly and assembly of a personal computer



Wk 1 LearningOutcome At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Describe what is management and its roles, responsibilities and necessity of it. At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Explain organizational structure according to the management hierarchies and its functions. At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Define and Describe organizational planning, planning levels and types At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Perform SWOT analysis, fish bone analysis and Delphi technique At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Describe the significance of QT in management Calculate central tendency and use them in decision making process TheorySessions(2hrs) Introduction to Management Management role and responsibilities Need for management

Organizational culture and structure Management hierarchies Management functions

Introduction to organizational planning and its necessity Planning levels Planning types Strategic planning techniques (SWOT analysis, fish bone analysis, Delphi technique )

Significance of Quantitative Techniques in Management

Measure of central tendency (mean, median and mode) and their interpretation At the end of this lesson the student dispersion will be able to variance, standard deviation, quartiles, Calculate dispersion and use them deciles, percentiles, quartile deviation, mean deviation, inter quartile range in decision making process At the end of this lesson the student Skewness and its interpretation will be able to Introduction to sampling and sampling methods Calculate skewness and use them in decision making process Describe sampling and choose proper sampling method for a


Wk LearningOutcome given population Mid Semester Break At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Define and identify sampling distributions Calculate sample mean, sample variance. Cont At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Define and identify different types of relationship among variables Draw scatter diagram and fit regression line using freehand and semi average method. At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Fit regression line using least square method. Predict and forecast the value of dependent variable. Find the strength of relationship between two variables. At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Define, identify and model LP problems. Find optimal solution using graphical method. At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Find optimal solution by simplex method End-of-Semester Examination TheorySessions(2hrs)

8 9

Sampling distributions

10 11

Cont Introduction to regression Fitting regression line using freehand and semi average methods


Fitting regression line using least square method Predication and forecasting Correlation analysis


Introduction to LP Finding optimal solution by graphical method


Finding optimal solution by simplex method



Wk 1 TheorySessions(2hrs) At the end of this lesson the student will be able to State the basic concepts in information security, including security policies, security models, and security mechanisms. At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Explain concepts related to applied cryptography, including plain-text, cipher-text, the four techniques for crypto-analysis, symmetric cryptography, asymmetric cryptography. At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Digital signature, message authentication code, hash functions, and modes of encryption operations. Explain the concepts of malicious code, including virus, Trojan horse, and worms. At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Explain common vulnerabilities in computer programs, including buffer overflow Change Control vulnerabilities, time-of-check to time-ofuse flaws, incomplete mediation. At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Outline the requirements and mechanisms for identification and authentication. At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Explain issues about password authentication, including dictionary LabLesson(2hrs) Encrypting files using encrypting software.

Exploration of classroom topics through literature search, technical papers, tutorials, discussions and assignments.


Wk TheorySessions(2hrs) attacks (password guessing attacks), password management policies, and one-time password mechanisms. Mid semester break At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Explain and compare security mechanisms for conventional operating systems, including memory, time, file, object protection requirements and techniques and protection in contemporary operating systems. At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Explain the requirements for trusted operating systems, and describe the independent evaluation, including evaluation criteria and evaluation process. At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Describe security requirements for database security, and describe techniques for ensuring database reliability and integrity, secrecy, inference control, and multi-level databases. At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Describe threats to networks, and explain techniques for ensuring network security, including encryption, authentication, firewalls, and intrusion detection. At the end of this lesson the student will be able to Explain the requirements and techniques for security management, including LabLesson(2hrs)

8 9






Wk TheorySessions(2hrs) security policies, risk analysis, and physical threats and controls. Review of teaching topics LabLesson(2hrs)



Wk 1 TheorySessions(2hrs) At the end of the lesson the students will be able to describe the common traditional and modern application development methods, their advantages and disadvantages At the end of the lesson the students will be able to describe the describe the concepts of Rapid Application Development and its benefits to the application software industry At the end of the lesson the students will be able to describe the concepts of layered and service oriented architecture that are commonly used in Rapid Application Development At the end of the lesson the students will be able to describe the methodologies commonly used in Rapid Application Development and RAD life cycles At the end of the lesson the students will be able to conduct user interface design for RAD applications using a common RAD tool At the end of the lesson the students will be able to implement common event handlers and UI component interactions in RAD using a common RAD tool Mid semester break At the end of the lesson the students will be able to describe different methods of providing database integration and connectivity into a application At the end of the lesson the students will be able to develop database connectivity layers into an application At the end of the lesson the students will be able to describe the components of service oriented application architectures in a RAD LabLesson(2hrs) Discussion of background and introductory topics

Exploration of classroom topics through literature search, technical papers, tutorials, discussions and assignments. Lab classes should progress toward building a comprehensive RAD application at the end of the lesson by covering different areas of application development in parallel with the classroom teaching activities

8 9




Wk TheorySessions(2hrs) environments Continue from previous week At the end of the lesson the students will be able to describe the possible deployment technique for RAD applications and environments Review of teaching topics LabLesson(2hrs)

12 13



Wk 1 TheorySessions(2hrs) At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the necessity for and engineered approach for software development and the historical development of software development methodologies Continue from previous week At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the basic principles of software engineering and name common approaches to software engineering At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the software development lifecycles from requirement gathering to software design At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and apply techniques used for requirement gathering from real world situatios At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and apply methodologies for business process re-engineering and business process designs At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and apply techniques for providing software requirements specifications Mid semester break At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and apply different common methodologies for software design At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and apply standard techniques for coding and Documentation At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and use standard practices and techniques for software and system testing LabLesson(2hrs) Discussion of background and introductory topics.

Exploration of classroom topics through literature search, technical papers, tutorials, discussions and assignments.

8 9




Wk 12 TheorySessions(2hrs) At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the importance of project Management in software engineering and apply common project management techniques At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the importance of configuration management and apply relevant techniques Revision of course content LabLesson(2hrs)




Wk 1 TheorySessions(2hrs) LabLesson(2hrs)

At the end of the lesson students must be Discussion of background and able to describe the fundamental concept of introductory topics object orientation and its relation / differences to traditional analysis and design techniques At the end of the lesson students must be able to Exploration of classroom topics describe the principles of an object oriented through literature search, software development process technical papers, tutorials, At the end of the lesson students must be able to discussions and assignments.
describe concepts and principles of object oriented analysis and modeling

Lab classes should progress toward building a project at the At the end of the lesson students must be able to end of the lesson by covering describe the related concepts and create Use Case different areas of OO analysis and Diagrams & Class Diagrams design in parallel with the At the end of the lesson students must be able to classroom teaching activities
describe and use Object Diagrams and Composite Structure Diagrams

At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and apply Object Oriented Design and Modeling using UML

8 9 10 11

Mid Semester Break Continue with previous topic

At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe, define and create State Diagrams At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the relevant techniques and discover Object Interactions & Activity Diagrams


13 14

At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and work on a comprehensive Object Oriented Analysis and Design Project Continue of the Design project with teacher moderation Revision of course content


Wk 1 TheorySessions(2hrs) At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the fundamental concept of database design database management At the end of the lesson students must be abletodescribetheRelationalModelsand the relational data structure and the relationaloperatorsindatabasedesign Continue on the previous week topics At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the design techniques : Entity relationship models and normalization methodology Conceptual andLogicalDatabaseDesign Continue on the previous weeks topics At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and perform a Physical DatabaseDesignusingacommondatabase managementtool Mid Semester Break At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and apply a stepwise refinement methodology for transforming a complex conceptual model into a database schema Continue on previous week topics At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe how the performance of a database can be monitored and improved and discuss and apply approaches for identifying and improving a databases performance At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the performance enhancement techniques learned during LabLesson(2hrs) Discussion of background and introductory topics Exploration of classroom topics through literature search, technical papers, tutorials, discussions and assignments. Lab classes should progress toward building a project at the end of the lesson by covering different areas of database design in parallel with the classroom teaching activities

4 5

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Wk TheorySessions(2hrs) previous week can be applied in real world situations At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and apply concurrency control and describe major kinds of concurrency problems. Revision of course content LabLesson(2hrs)




IT3202: Internetworking
Wk 1 TheorySessions(2hrs) At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the basic concepts of computer networks At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe LAN Communication Concepts and client server information systems At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe OSI and IEEE 802.x Reference Models LabLesson(2hrs) Discussion of background and introductory topics Exploration of classroom topics through literature search, technical papers, tutorials, discussions and assignments.

The module should accompany lab classes designed to provide At the end of the lesson students must be hands on exposure to theoretical able to describe different LAN Topologies concepts covered in classroom & data transmission based activities. At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe concepts of structured Cabling Systems At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the fundamental concepts in different LAN standard such as 100 Mbps Ethernet LANs, 100BASE-T, Switched Ethernet, 100VG-AnyLAN , Gigabit Ethernet, FDDI Protocols and Station Management, Fibre Channel, Firewire, and SANs Mid Semester Break At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe fundamentals of Wireless Networks & LAN Remote Access At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the operation of Bridges and Switches & routing, Spanning Tree Algorithm At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and apply techniques in Internetworking, IP, & Routers, Layer 3 and IP Switching

8 9




Wk 12 TheorySessions(2hrs) At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe concepts of Enterprise Networks - Virtual LANs, VPN Tunneling Continue of previous week topics and their reliance in real world situations Revision of course content LabLesson(2hrs)

13 14


IT 3203: Enterprise Information Security Systems Wk TheorySessions(2hrs) LabLesson(2hrs) 1

At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the principles of Information Security and the importance of information security in enterprise solutions

Discussion of background and introductory topics

Continue with previous weeks topics with Exploration of classroom topics special focus on their relevance to enterprise through literature search, applications technical papers, tutorials, At the end of the lesson students must be able to discussions and assignments.
describe the principles of cryptography, and its application in encryption and decryption

5 6

The module should accompany At the end of the lesson students must be able to lab based assignments designed to describe the principles and the need for provide handson exposure to authentication and access Control theoretical concepts covered in classroom based activities. Continue on previous weeks topics
At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the need and the principles behind common security standards and protocols

8 9 10

Mid Semester Break Continue on previous weeks topics

At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the principles and techniques used to provide web security At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the principles and techniques used to provide electronic email security At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the principles of security systems and application of systems security in enterprise solutions At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the management issues, policies and make recommendations for enterprise security systems





Revision of course content


IT3301: Introduction to Business Analysis

Wk 1 Theory Sessions (2 hrs)
At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the principles and introductory concepts of business analysis in relation to software development

Lab Lesson (2 hrs) Discussion of background and introductory topics

2 4

8 9




Continue from previous week At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the role of the business analyst in teh development life cycle At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe skills and competencies required from a business analyst At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the major steps in a typical business analysis process At the end of the lesson students must be abletodescribeanddiscusstheobjectives and procedures for each stage of the businessanalysisprocessmodel Mid Semester Break At the end of lesson students must be able to list and explain techniques used in each process model stage At the end of the lesson students must be able to demonstrate practical capability in investigative techniques At the end of the lesson students will be able to build business activity models, identify business rules, CSFs and KPIs At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe and build business process models At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe and build generate use cases Revision of course content

Exploration of classroom topics through literature search, technical papers, tutorials, discussions and assignments. There is no scheduled practical work for this module. Students are expected to obtain exposure to real world scenarios through technical papers, product broachers and simulated scenarios




IT3302: Management Information Systems

Wk 1 Theory Sessions (2 hrs)
At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the principles and introductory concepts of Management Information systems

Lab Lesson (2 hrs) Discussion of background and introductory topics Exploration of classroom topics through literature search, technical papers, tutorials, discussions and assignments. There is no scheduled practical work for this module. Students are expected to obtain exposure to real world scenarios through technical papers, product broachers and other related information sources

8 9 10



At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe skeleton structure of a typical enterprise management information system At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the relationship between the organizational management practices and the role of the management information systems. At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and discuss the ethical and social issues in using management information systems for organizational management At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the application of Information Technology concepts within an MIS solution At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and discuss the key MIS function areas such as transaction processing, reporting, decision support systemsetc. Mid Semester Break Continue from previous week At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the main requirements of an MIS solution and propose suitable approach in development of a MIS to suit a given enterprise At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe different means of securing an MIS and best practices for implementing a security strategy At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe and compare features of


Wk Theory Sessions (2 hrs) commercially available popular MIS solutions Continue on discussion foteh previous week Revision of course content Lab Lesson (2 hrs)

13 14


IT 3303: E-Commerce
Wk 1 Labsession Attheendofthislessonstudentwillbeable to Install php, mysql and configuring apache server, to write simple scrip using php basics (basic syntax data types variables Attheendofthislessonstudentswill Attheendofthislessonstudentwillbeable beableto to Understand available online Write expressions and operators and market places and their structures control structures in the internet Ex:ebay Cont Attheendofthislessonstudentwillbeable to Use pre defined variables and form handling Attheendofthislessonstudentswill Attheendofthislessonstudentwillbeable beableto to Understand available products and Write functions services in the internet. Attheendofthislessonstudentswill Attheendofthislessonstudentwillbeable beableto to Understand how to do marketing Handle cookies and sessions for online goods, and services, available marketing techniques and How to search for specific online products and services. Attheendofthislessonstudentswill Attheendofthislessonstudentwillbeable beableto to Understand how to manage Handle exception Customers in the online system and how to handle their behaviours through the online forums Attheendofthislessonstudentswill Attheendofthislessonstudentwillbeable beableto to Understand available advertising Design a simple database and should be techniques and other revenue able to work with mysql commands generations techniques Attheendofthislessonstudentswill Attheendofthislessonstudentwillbeable LearningOutcome Attheendofthislessonthestudents willbeableto Understand basic e-Commerce technologies.


Wk LearningOutcome beableto Understand how to design, develop and launching a web site for online business Attheendofthislessonstudentswill beableto Understand social networks, internet, intranet, and relevant clue of each network Attheendofthislessonstudentswill beableto Understand how to handle online customer orders efficiently and effectively and what are the other supportive services for online order processing Attheendofthislessonstudentswill beableto Understand what are the available payment techniques , how to implements payment system for an online systems Attheendofthislessonstudentswill beableto Understand available threats, how to apply security to overcome those threats, legal issues relevant to threats. Cont Labsession to Identify and Familiarizing with open source CMS Attheendofthislessonstudentwillbeable to Install joomla as open source CMS.


Attheendofthislessonstudentwillbeable to Design and customize web site using joomla. (Search, news flash, login, polls etc




Attheendofthislessonstudentwillbeable to Use vertumart as shopping cart.



Attheendofthislessonstudentwillbeable to Finalize ecommerce web portal Revision of lesson done throughout thesemester


IT 4001: Project Management

Wk 1 TheorySession At the end of this lesson student should be able to Define what a project is, characteristics of project activities related to manage projects in organization and tools and techniques available for project management, special characteristics of and IT project and how IT projects differ from other projects. At the end of this lesson student should be able to Explain the nine knowledge areas of project management framework activities related to each of these areas and management tools to assist these activities. At the end of this lesson student should be able to Define the project life cycle and decompose the project tasks to fit into a lifecycles stages. Based on the student should be able to develop document such as WBS. At the end of this lesson student should be able to Identify the feasible project from a number of available projects, risks involved with each of the available projects and project selection criteria. At the end of this lesson student should be able to Identify resource requirements of the selected project and identify constraints imposed on project resources, develop the documents such as project plan. At the end of this lesson student should be able to Develop schedules for time and cost for the project and cost for the project and generate gannt chart At the end of this lesson students should be able to Identify theories of cost management. Mid semester break At the end of this lesson student should be able to Apply cost management, time management tools and technique to monitor the project tasks. At the end of this lesson student should be able to Monitor the actual usage of project resources against the resources allocated by the initial project plan and suggest/ recommended correct actions whenever necessary. At the end of this lesson student should be able to Define what is software quality, explain why qualities important for software project, quality assurance techniques, standards, quality assurance process. At the end of this lesson student should be able to Identify maintenance activities and apply them in delivering a reliable high

7 8 9





Wk TheorySession quality product to the client. At the end of this lesson student should be able to Identify the roles and the responsibilities of a project manager in managing the project activities effectively. At the end of this lesson student should be able to Use S/W tools for project management activities.(MS 2007)




IT 4002: Open Source Systems

Wk Theorysessions(2hours) 1 At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe what is Open Source Software and why need them and how they evolved , the history of FOSS and the FOSS movements LabLessons(4hours) At the end of the lesson students should be able to install free and open software operating system (ex:-Linux) and other available open source software like Apachee, mysql etc. do configuration with required settings. At the end of this lesson student should Cont be able to define the FOSS business model, identify the major characteristic of FOSS business model. At the end of this lesson student should At the end of this session, students be able to describe the legal framework should be able to use/manage/command related to Open Source systems, the code the open source operating system of ethics developed for an open source should be able to configure other programmer/user. configuration files (config files) At the end of this lesson students should Cont be able to identify the laws related to licensing open source software agreements between vendor and users, contractual agreements, documents involved. At the end of this session, students Cont should be able to identify the benefits of FOSS At the end of this session, students At the end of this session, students should be able to conduct cost benefits should be able to perform the analysis for FOSS solution, evaluate the administrative functions of the Open most suitable solution using CBA. Source OS At the end of this lesson students should Cont be able to explain how organization can manage and maintain FOSS to harness maximum business/operational benefits for the organization. Mid Semester break At the end of this lesson student should At the end of this session, students be able to explain the concepts of owing should be able to handle security issues the source code, Total cost of ownership in open source environment (install and

8 9


Wk Theorysessions(2hours) (TCO) LabLessons(4hours)



12 13


At the end of this session, students should be able to explain procedures for deploying FOSS applications At the end of this lesson students should be able to identify common FOSS solutions available for business problems existing in organizations, matching the organizational requirements with FOSS system features Cont Cont Case Study At the end of this lesson students should be able to compare FOSS and closed source software related to the benefits and issues and support the decision of selecting a software to an Organization they would represent (assignment) Revision of semester work Cont

configure firewalls, user privileges,/group privileges, remote login management-sshd) At the end of this session, students should be able to impose required levels of security measures in FOSS. At the end of this lesson student should be able to configure other servers (proxy, dhcp, mail, samba).


IT4003: IT and society

Wk 1 TheorySessions(2hrs) LabLesson(2hrs) At the end of the lesson students must be Discussion of background and able to describe History of information introductorytopics technologyworldwideandinSriLanka At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe How individual lives and society change due to information technologyworldwideandinSriLanka At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and discuss Ethical and legalissuesininformationtechnology Continueonpreviousweek At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and discuss information technology related laws and legislation in SriLanka Continuefrompreviousweek MidSemesterBreak At the end of the lesson students must be abletodescribeanddiscusstheimportant aspects of professional responsibilities in developmentanduseofIT Continueonpreviousweek At the end of the lesson students must be abletodescribeanddiscusscommoncodes ofethicsinIT At the end of the lesson students must be abletodescribeethicalpracticesrelatedto privacyandhackinginIT At the end of the lesson students must be abletodescribeanddiscusstheimportance ofIPregulationsinIT Revisionofcoursecontent Exploration of classroom topics through literature search, technical papers, tutorials, discussionsandassignments. There are no scheduled lab classesforthismodule.However students are expected to discuss the related topics in interactive tutorial sessions with the tutors andpeers.

5 6

7 8 9

10 11





IT4101: Distributed Software Development

Wk 1 TheorySessions(2hrs)
At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the principles of distributed software development and concepts of service oriented software architectures

LabLesson(2hrs) Discussion of background and introductory topics

8 9


11 12

13 14

At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe common service oriented lifecycle models for software development At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and apply service oriented conceptualization At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the attribution analysis in service oriented conceptualization At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and perform conceptualized service identification At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and use tools and techniques for service discovery and analysisinrealenvironments Mid Semester Break At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and apply principles of service oriented analysis and modelling in real world systems At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and discuss service oriented business integration principles Continue from previous week At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe different real world implementation of service oriented software development and deployment platform and frameworks Continue from previous week Revision of course content

Exploration of classroom topics through literature search, technical papers, tutorials, discussions and assignments. The module should accompany lab based assignments designed to provide handson exposure through development of a comprehensive SOA application using a selected development tool.


IT3102: Software Configuration Management

Wk 1 TheorySessions(2hrs)
At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the importance of configuration management in a typical software development process

LabLesson(2hrs) Discussion of background and introductory topics

4 5

6 7

8 9

10 11




At the end of the lesson students must be able to Assess the appropriateness of different version control systems for different development environment based on an understanding of common features and components. Continue on previous week At the end of the lesson students must be able to generate complementary duty statements for personnel in project management, configuration management and quality assurance. Continue from previous week At the end of the lesson students must be abletodeviseaconfigurationmanagement planforagivendevelopmentenvironment Mid Semester Break At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and Design a simple change control system Continue from previous week At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and discuss how testing can be integrated with version control At the end of the lesson students must be able to Install and configure a version control system At the end of the lesson students must be able to implement check out and commit files to a version control repository. Change structures within a version control system especially to allow for development branches Revision of course content

Exploration of classroom topics through literature search, technical papers, tutorials, discussions and assignments. The module should accompany lab based assignments designed to provide handson exposure on common configuration management tool and based on a simple software development project undertaken by a parallel module


IT4103: Web programming

Wk 1 TheorySessions(2hrs)
At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the principles of distributed software development and how it is liked to web based application development

LabLesson(2hrs) Discussion of background and introductory topics

7 8 9

10 11




At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the principles of mark up languages and HTML At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the client server and multitired operation of the web based application At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the difference between client side scripting and server side processing At the end of the lesson students must be able to use dynamic HTML controls and client side scripting in a web page Continueonpreviousweek Mid Semester Break At the end of the lesson students must be able to use server controls and server side scripting in a web application Continue on previous week At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the different techniques used for post back in web applications At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the principles using database integration in web applications At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the principles of implementing security in web applications Revision of course content

Exploration of classroom topics through literature search, technical papers, tutorials, discussions and assignments. The module should accompany lab based assignments designed to provide handson exposure in development of web based application using a development environment available in the laboratory


IT 4104: Graphic and animation design

Wk 1 TheorySessions(2hrs)
At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the principles of computer graphics and graphical representation of objects

LabLesson(2hrs) Discussion of background and introductory topics Exploration of classroom topics through literature search, technical papers, tutorials, discussions and assignments. The module should accompany lab based assignments designed to provide handson exposure in development of animations and graphics using a popular tool such as adobe flash or Microsoft Silverlight

7 8 9


11 12

13 14

At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the difference between vector and raster graphics At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the mathematical framework for basic graphic transformations At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe principles of texture and colours At the end of the lesson students must be able to use wireframe models for representation of graphical objects Continuefrompreviousweek Mid Semester Break At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the principles of animation in computer graphics At the end of the lesson students must be able to design key-frame based animation sequences Continue from previous week At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe and design animations with multiple storyboards and interactivity Continue from previous week Revision of course content


IT 4105: Image Processing

Week 1 TheorySession At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe What is image processing and The origin of image processing At the end of this lesson student should be able to explain Digital representation of images, Some basic relationship between pixels, Distance Measures etc At the end of this lesson student should be able to identify Neighbours of a pixel, Adjacency, connectivity, region and boundaries. At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe histogram At the end of this lesson student should be abletoimplementHistogramEqualization At the end of this lesson student should be abletoImplementContrastStretching At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe Basic concept in sampling, quantizationandscaling Mid semester break At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe digital colour and colour spaces At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe Basic Colour Models At the end of this lesson student should be able to apply basic filtering techniques At the end of this lesson student should be able to apply edge detection techniques At the end of this lesson student should be able to apply Image enhancement techniques At the end of this lesson student should be abletoapplyimagecompressionmethods LabSession

Discussion of background and introductory topics

Exploration of classroom topics through literature search, technical papers, tutorials, discussions and assignments. The module should accompany lab based assignments designed to provide handson exposure in digital image processing using a common commercial application such as adobe Photoshop

4 5 6 7

8 9



12 13 14


IT 4106 Digital audio and Video Processing

Week 1 TheorySession At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe principles of digital audio and video processing At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe how audio is represented digitally and the process of analog to digital conversion At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe effect of sampling rate in digital audio quality and use different sample rates for digitizing of audio At the end of this lesson student should be able to perform basic audio editing techniques such as channel mixing, special effect processing etc. Continueonpreviousweek At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe and use different video capturingtechniques At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe parameters that determine video quality in capturing and use them duringthecapturingprocess Mid semester break At the end of this lesson student should be able to apply cuts and create scenes using a non-linear editing tool At the end of this lesson student should be able to apply transitions to cuts, scenes and sequences Continue from previous week At the end of this lesson student should be able to apply special effects processing on videos At the end of this lesson student should be able to apply titles and text overlays into videos At the end of this lesson student should be able to apply rendering and authoring tools LabSession

Discussion of background and introductory topics

Exploration of classroom topics through literature search, technical papers, tutorials, discussions and assignments. The module should accompany lab based assignments designed to provide handson exposure in digital audio and video processing using a common commercial application such as adobe premier and adobe audition

5 6

8 9


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Week TheorySession oneditedvideoandaudiosequences LabSession


IT4102: Software installation and management

Wk TheorySession LabSession

At the end of this lesson student Discussion of background and should be able to describe importance introductory topics of following standard procedures in software installation and management tasks At the end of this lesson student should be able to plan a software installation task by following the manuals and instructions accompanying the system Continue on previous week At the end of this lesson student should be able to asses and determine the hardware and other requirements prior to software installation At the end of this lesson students will be able to Install, configure, setup networking and manage, remotely and at console, users and resources on a Linux server Continue on previous week Continue on previous week Mid semester break At the end of this lesson student should be able to install, configure, setup networking and manage, remotely and at console, users and resources on Microsoft Windows Server Continue on previous week At the end of this lesson student should be able to manage admin tasks with simple shell scripts if needed on Linux and Windows Exploration of classroom topics through literature search, technical papers, tutorials, discussions and assignments. The module should accompany lab based assignments designed to provide handson exposure in relevant software installation and configurations

3 4

6 7 8 9

10 11


Wk TheorySession LabSession




servers At the end of this lesson student should be able to install and configure Apache and Microsoft IIS web servers with standard features At the end of this lesson student should be able to install and configure: email server, print server, ftp server and file/storage server, basic network devices for LAN and Internet connectivity At the end of this lesson student should be able to select appropriate server software for a small business considering the available hardware and budget and set-up server system for them


IT4202: Network and data centre operations

Wk TheorySession LabSession

At the end of this lesson student Discussion of background and should be able to describe need for a introductory topics data centre in an enterprise environment At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe the operations and operational tasks that are carried in data centre setup Continue on previous week At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe the concepts and terminology in running network operations At the end of this lesson students will be able describe and compare techniques used for fault tolerance in IT systemsandstorage Continue on previous week At the end of this lesson students will be able describe and identify basic techniques and requirements to improve capacity, reliability and availability Mid semester break Continue from previous week Continue on previous week At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe physical and premises infrastructure requirements for network operations At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe industry best practices and current solutions for corporate networks and data Exploration of classroom topics through literature search, technical papers, tutorials, discussions and assignments. The module does not has any lab sessions but students are expected to gather exposure into real world situations through industry visits, technical articles and presentations etc.

3 4

6 7

8 9 10 11



Wk TheorySession LabSession



centres At the end of this lesson student should be able to design a mid range data centre to suit a given set of enterprise requirements Review and discussion of semester work


IT4203: Disaster recovery and business continuity planning

Wk TheorySession LabSession

At the end of this lesson student Discussion of background and should be able to describe basic introductory topics concepts, definitions in disaster recovery and business continuity Continue on previous week At the end of this lesson student should be able to perform analysis of risk and impact Continue from previous week Continue from previous week At the end of this lesson students will be able to describes ways of data protection, integrity and recovery planning At the end of this lesson students will be able describe and identify basic techniques and requirements to improve capacity, reliability and availability. Mid semester break Continue from previous week Continue on previous week At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe and plan recovery support in operating systems and other related tools At the end of this lesson student should be able to plan and implement recovery procedures for premises and facility infrastructure At the end of this lesson student should be able to plan for Strategies for recovery and emergency decision making Review and discussion of semester Exploration of classroom topics through literature search, technical papers, tutorials, discussions and assignments. The module does not has any lab sessions but students are expected to gather exposure into real world situations through industry visits, technical articles and presentations etc.

2 3

4 5 6

8 9 10 11





Wk TheorySession LabSession



IT4203: Database server installation and management

Wk TheorySession LabSession

At the end of this lesson student Discussion of background and should be able to describe basic introductory topics concepts, in database server and their configurations Continue on previous week At the end of this lesson student should be able to determine hardware and system software requirements for a given DB server installation At the end of the lesson students will be able to conduct an installation of a database server with an understanding of the technical terms encountered (MS SSL Server and MySQL Server). Continue from previous week Continue from previous week At the end of this lesson students will be able migrate data into the new database from a legacy database. Mid semester break Continue from previous week At the end of this lesson student should be able to create a maintenance plan for routine maintenance. At the end of this lesson student should be able to create and restore a database backup and database snapshot. At the end of this lesson student should be able to setup user security in a database instance. At the end of this lesson student should be able to monitor and tune database performance on the selected Exploration of classroom topics through literature search, technical papers, tutorials, discussions and assignments. The module should accompany lab based assignments designed to provide handson exposure in relevant database software installation and configurations.

2 3

5 6 7

8 9 10





Wk TheorySession LabSession


platform. Continue on the previous week topics with focus on other types of DB servers (e.g. Oracle etc.)


IT4301: Software testing

Wk TheorySession LabSession

2 3 4 5

6 7

8 9 10 11

12 13


At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe basic concepts, definitions and principles in software testing At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe the physiology and economics in program testing At the end of this lesson student should be able to perform program inspections work though and reviews Continue from previous week At the end of the lesson students will be able to design test cases to suit a given software application environment Continuation from previous week At the end of this lesson students will be able describe principles of unit (module) testing and apply such techniques in testing environments Mid semester break Continue from previous week At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe and perform higher order testing techniques At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe and use different techniques for debugging in integrated development environments At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe and discuss extreme testing practices At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe and practice special testing mechanisms for Internet based applications At the end of the lesson students will be able relate software testing with software quality assurance and quality control

Discussion of background and introductory topics Exploration of classroom topics through literature search, technical papers, tutorials, discussions and assignments. The module does not has specific lab sessions but students are expected to gather exposure into real world situations through sample programs, industry best practices, technical articles and presentations etc.


IT4303: Software quality management

Wk TheorySession LabSession

7 8 9


11 12

At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe basic concepts and elements related to software quality management At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe the importance of standardization and the use of common standards in quality management At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe the use and importance of software reviews with respect to quality management At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe the importance and the use of software testing and defect analysis in relation to quality management At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe the role of configuration management in software quality management At the end of the lesson students will be able to importance of software safety in development and deployment scenarios Continue from previous week Mid semester break At the end of this lesson students will be able to describe the role of risk management in software quality management At the end of the lesson students must be able to appreciate and demonstrate the importance of documentation in relation to software quality management Continue from previous week At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe and demonstration the important features in implementation of a quality

Discussion of background and introductory topics Exploration of classroom topics through literature search, technical papers, tutorials, discussions and assignments. The module does not has specific lab sessions but students are expected to gather exposure into real world situations through sample programs, industry best practices, technical articles and presentations etc.


Wk TheorySession LabSession

13 14

management system Continue from previous week At the end of the lesson students will be able relate software testing with software quality assurance and quality control


IT4304: Business analysis tools and processes

Wk TheorySession LabSession

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At the end of this lesson student should be able to appreciate the need of using proper tools in analysis of business and their processes At the end of the lesson students will be able to describe the basic steps that a business analyst is expected to perform Continue from previous week Continue from previous week At the end of this lesson student should be able to describe the use and importance of software reviews with respect to quality management Continue from previous week Continue from previous week Mid semester break At the end of the lesson students must be able to describe how a business analysis process can be planned and executed Continue from previous week Continue from previous week At the end of the lesson students will be able to appreciate the use of standard notation and documenting techniques in business analysis At the end of the lesson students will be able to appreciate importance of reviews in documentation in relation to analysis of a business process Review of semester activities and discussions

Discussion of background and introductory topics Exploration of classroom topics through literature search, technical papers, tutorials, discussions and assignments. The module does not has specific lab sessions but students are expected to gather exposure into real world situations through simulated examples, mock-up procedures, documentation on, industry best practices, technical articles and presentations etc.


Un structured teaching modules and units

The following modules are expected to be delivered in a unstructured manner using seminars, workshops and other interactive teaching modules. Therefore no weekly lessons plans and learning outcomes are specified. Thefollowingmodulesarebasedonstudent projectwork/continuouspracticalwork only,Hencenoweeklylearningoutcomesarespecified. IT4004:Graduationproject IT4302:TechnicalReportWriting IT4305:SystemAnalysisCaseStudy IT4205:Databaseprogrammingproject IT1006:CommunicationsskillsI ITA003:CommunicationsskillsII IT2006:CommunicationsskillsIII


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