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Folder Background

Folder Background is an application that enables u to put background in all folders inside storage devices such as hard disks,pendrives,floppy disks & optical discs.To download Folder Background,click here!!

Hv u downloaded it??If u've,follow the following steps in putting the background into any folder. 1.Insert Folder Background into the folder that u want to put the background in whether by dragging or copying & pasting. 2.Click on the Folder Background application.

3.For the 1st time usage,click Run...(if the window prompting for permission appears)! 4.U'll c the following window.Click Next!

5.U'll c the following window.Make some marks as Next 2 times more!

6.U'll c the following screenshot.Click Browse... to choose the pic that will b the background image of the folder.

7.Choose a suitable image as the background image.Then,choose the readable color for the Filename Appearance which r the colors of Text & Background.Click Next.

8.In the Folder comment section,u don't hv to type anything!Just click Next!

9.Click Finish when u arrive here!!

10.The following message box will appear.Don't worry!!Just click OK or hit the Enter button!

11.On any white space,right click and click Refresh!!

12.The mission is accomplished if the background has been put in the folder. Below is the screenshot of the folder which has background now.

Actually,the putting of background image in a certain folder will create a hidden file & folder in it.The hidden file is a configuration settings file with .ini

xtension and Desktop name.This file is openable & editable by Notepad.Meanwhile,the name of the hidden folder created is Folder Settings.In the hidden Folder Settings folder,there is the image file that u set as the folder's image background & it's name is Background.See the screenshot below as the proof.

To c the hidden file & folder,obey the rules shown by the following screenshot.

The following window will appear.Choose View tab.

Then,obey the following instructions.

Now,u can c the hidden file & folder.1st of all,enter the file with the Desktop name.

Without disturbing anything in the file,just close it.Then,enter the hidden Folder Settings folder.The following shows the condition in the hidden folder.

The HyperText Template file can b deleted bcoz of it's absolute insignificancy....However,never delete the Background file or the background image will disappear. Please take note that the background image will repeat in the folder(the image is in

tile form,unstretchable,non-filling and not centered). Unfortunately,this application is only

for Windows XP and the older

versions of Windows.There4,users of Windows Vista & newer version of

Windows r unable 2 use this application...(unless ur computer use dual-boot). Now,u know everything right??Then.please leave ur comment(s) in the Comments section on the blog & share this post on Facebook & Google+. Bye-ni!!!

Sakata Gintoki
Kantoi Dah,Sakata Gintoki;Copyright Protected 2012.

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