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You might see me, but can you perceive me?


How to disappear (or sneak past your cat) like a Ninja, including - 7 Step
guide to STEALTH.

Learn why Black is NOT the best color for a Ninja and other mistakes
wanna-be midnight warriors and soldiers of twilight make when training to
be a Shadow Warrior.The "Art of invisibility" has always been a popular
topic when it comes to learning about Ninjitsu / Ninjutsu or the Art of the
Ninja,Who are these masters of the very hard to see?Who are these
Warriors in the woods that look like leaves and trees?

This popularity (of people either being invisible or disappearing) was

brought on by the ever growing Ninja and martial arts films - not to
mention the fact that it often serves as a realistic tool in today's excuse
related system of business self-defense. The attention brought by the
media and other forms of entertainment have done a fare share to expand
awareness and help spread the need for being rather stealthy.

For example:

The villain in the movie

"The Blair Witch Project"

David Copperfield


Great presidential candidates

OJ Simpson.

All of which were masters of stealth, invisibility, survival, hiding, and/or

verbal claims such as, "I wasn't there."

Let me start by saying, "There are no deep dark secrets about the art of
invisibility."The above is true, even though it (being sneaky) may create an
awe of mysticism in the eye of your adversary.Invisibility is the art of
employing simple techniques and skills utilized in an effective manner in
order to make one hard to perceive or hear.

None of what you learn here will teach you to just disappear. This and all
articles (outside of the story of how I survived a fight with 10 Black Bears
from Yosemite) are based on realistic approaches towards training. I will
not (and I hope you don't either) concern myself with black magic or
concepts based on ancient history and storytelling. So put away the twisty
fingers and the books on Kuji-Kiri and let's focus on some fancy footwork.

If you truly want to master the art of invisibility, I would also suggest you
throw away your ninja text guides to wearing black (which honestly isn't
even the right color for hiding in the shadows). And until you manage to
track down David Copperfield - here are a few tips to improve skills in the
physical realm. The first is to memorize (not mesmerize) my definition of
being hard to see:

To be invisible, you must not be seen or heard in a way that would

distinguish you as YOU. Remember that forest with that tree that falls with
no one around to hear it fall? You know, the one that ends with this
question: If there is no one there to hear the tree fall, does it make a

Yes, the tree does make a sound. Why, because if you were there - you
would hear it and you would say, "wow that was loud." Regardless of your
presence or your perception of reality, the tree will always make the
sound. The real question is do we define the word "sound" and associating
that to our hearing. When in fact, the falling of the tree creates a noise as
a fact regardless of the way we perceive definitions. This is another
concept of invisibility. Both the theory and the tree remain elusive and
thus invisible. You want to be that tree.

Okay, let me take you out of the woods before we you get lost. The
concept of invisibility means that you can make sounds and even cross
within your opponent's visual sight, but you must not be perceived.So, you
can be within your enemy's eye sight, in fact, he may even see you.
However, because you have blended in with your surroundings, you are
not perceived. Another example is, "Where's Waldo?" You may be looking
for Waldo, who is well within your sight, but unless you perceive him, he
remains invisible.Invisibility is the art of blending in, becoming an
insignificant part of our environment and disappearing within it. Hey, this
reminds me of high school.

So, in order for us to remain invisible - we have to master the art masking
any and all indicators. An indicator is something that would basically say,
"hey, it's me and I'm hiding behind this rock."We mask indicators by
developing our skills in the following areas:


Obviously you want to remain quite when traversing through the woods or
a dark alley. The key to concealment is learning and practicing a few
techniques of stealth. Camouflage is usually seen as green patterned
clothing for use in a forest. Camouflage (whether artificial or natural) is
actually any and all skill you use to remain unseen. This includes - sight,
sound, smell and sense:


The human eye sees movement first. So, this is your number one priority,
in order to stay out of sight, you need to know what you can do and what
your opponent is trying to do. This goes for all your invisibility training.
Here are the basics:
Don't be a jerk

You need to lean to move with patience and fluidity. Jerky movements are
easy to see. Also, don't go disturbing the peace in a natural environment.
A flock of birds taking off is a sign that something is in the area.

If you are heard - it does not mean that you will be perceived. Even if it is
obvious that you are there. However, if you are seen - not only is it
obvious that you are there, but your exact position is now revealed.What is
that? Is that a big black head?

Your visual goal is to remove the distinct shape of the human form. You
will also need to pay attention to shape and lighting. Think of what might
create a silhouette and know when you should hide, crawl, walk, stealth or
run. What kind of uniform or outfit do you have on? Do you stand out or
blend in? Are you carrying a big sword or what looks like a tree
branch?Form - an opinion

Depending on your situation, jogging clothes often make a much better

outfit for urban invisibility. Why? Well, what if you happened to be
revealed? A jogging suit is much more believable than the embarrassment
of having your tabi (a ninja warriors split toed footwear) out in plain sight.
For photographs and Ninja films the uniform portrayed looks great, but it
is more effective to look like a fallen tree branch than a model for Ninja

Colors for concealment

In order to be invisible, it is crucial that you wear clothing or material that

blends in with your surrounding environment. Colors should have the same
level of intensity, brightness and contrast in order to remain consistent.
Use the following guide.

Night: Dark blue, black, gray or other dark color

Country: Green and browns

City: Gray sometimes blue

Just because it is night, does not mean a black uniform from head to toe
will make you invisible. That outfit will actually make you stick out and it
will be easy to spot you when moving. Unless you remain deep in the
darkest part of a shadow, a dark black outfit is not realistic. Remember,
black isn't a very natural color - the sky is dark blue not black and trees,
leaves and grass are usually made up of greens or browns. Also, a black
uniform is limited to night work, while a green and brown uniform can
adapt when the sun comes out.Remember, the goal is to remove the
distinct shape of the human form. Color choices can help to do
Always move from shadow to shadow, rock to rock, obstacle to obstacle.
Other strategies and specialized body tactics are used in combination with
your movements. The more you look like part of the surroundings and the
less you look like a human hiding behind a bush, the more likely you will
remain invisible.You will usually use your environment in one of two ways:
either to hide behind or blend beside. If the area you are hiding behind
does not fully conceal your figure or form, then it is important that you
shape your body to look like that of your cover. For example: laying down
in a field, crouching amongst rocks and extending your arms and legs
along tree limbs and branches.

Note that when doing so (aligning your body with that of an object for
concealment) that you do your best to be in a position you can respond
from. If you lay face down in the mud and can't react when an opponent is
about to stick a 6 inch dagger in your back you will have more than just
mud in your face.

This ends Part One - be sure to read Part Two to learn more tips on how to
Stealth like a master Ninja.
Rick Tew
Master Instructor College of Martial Science

Article Source:

Translation of all the basic Japanese Ninjutsu
words in one place just for you. This is a work
in progress if you can think of a good word that
should be here let me know on

Japanese Words

Ichi - One
Ni - Two
San - Three
Shi - Four
Go - Five
Roku - Six
Shichi - Seven
Hachi - Eight
Ku - Nine
Ju - Ten

Aite - Opponent
Anatoshi - Trapping
Ashiko - Foot Band
Ate - Strike

Bajutsu - Horsemanship
Barai - Sweep
Bisento - Battlefield Halbred
Bojutsu - Stick Fighting
Bo Ryaku - Stratergy
Boshi Ken - Thumb Strike
Budo - Martial Way
Budoka - Student of the martial way
Bugie - Martial arts
Bujin - Warrior spirit
Bujutsu - Martial arts techniques
Bushi - Warrior
Bushido - Way of the warrior

Chi - Earth
Chi Mon - Geography
Cho Ho - Espionage
Chu - Middle
Chunin - Mid level Ninja agent

Daisho - Pair of swords

Daito - Large Sword
Dakenjutsu - Striking, Kicking, Blocking
Do - Way
Dojo - Training hall
Doko - Angry Tiger
Dori - To sieze or capture
Dai - large, big, great
Daisho - the set of katana and kodachi
Daito - longer Japanese sword
Dakentaijutsu - striking body methods
Dan - level or degree of black belt
Deai - initiatory action in combat
Den - legend, tradition
Densho - traditional scrolls (see also makimono)
Deshi - student; disciple
Do - path, road, way; motion; change
Do Jime - choke applied to opponent's sides
Dojo - training hall, place of the way
Doko - angry tiger
Dome - stop; arrest
Dori - seize, catch
Doshin - Tokugawa period law enforcement

Empi - Elbow strike

Eri - collar
Eri Jime - Collar strangulation technique

Fu - Wind
Fudo Ken - Clench Fist (also known as
Immovable fist)
Fudoshin - Immovable spirit
Fudoza - Immovable seat
Fukiya - Blowgun
Futari dori - Held by two opponents

Gaeshi - Counter-attack
Gake - Hook
Ganseki Nage - Throwing the big rock
Garami - Entangle
Gawa - Side
Gedan Uke - Low Block
Genin - Low level Ninja agent
Genjutsu - Art of illusion
Geri - Kick
Gi - Martial arts uniform
Godai - Five elements
Gokui - Secret
Gotono - Using natural elements for evasion
Gyaku - Reverse

Hai - Yes
Haibu Yori - From behind
Hajime - Begining
Hajutsu - Escaping techniques
Han - Half
Hanbo - 3' Staff
Hanbojutsu - Stick fighting
Happa Ken - One handed strike
Hasso - Attack
Heiho - Combat Stratergy
Henka - Variation
Hensojutsu - Disguise and Impersonation arts
Hicho - Flying bird
Hidari - Left
Hiji - Elbow
Hiki - Pull
Hishi - Caltrops made from dried water chestnuts
Hodoki - Escape
Hojo - Bind, Tie up
Hojutsu - Firearms Arts

Iai - Sword drawing

Igadama - Caltrops made of spiked iron
Inpo - Hiding
Intonjutsu - Escape and Concealment
Iri - Enter
Itami - Pain
Iaido - sword drawing way
Iaijutsu - techniques of sword-drawing
Ichimonji - the written character one in Japanese
In - soft, negative, dark, female (yin)
Inton - concealment and camouflage
Iri - to enter

Jo - 4' Staff
Jodan Uke - High Block
Junan Taiso - Body conditioning
Jutaijutsu - Grappling
Jutsu - Techniques
Jime - to constrict, tighten, choke
Jin -man
Jissen gata - real fighting; true fightingforms
Jodan - upper level
Jojutsu -techniques of the stick; stick art
Jonin - leader ninja
Jumonji -the written character ten in Japanese
Jutsu - techniques,school,art or method
Jitte - Anti sword trunchon

Ka - Fire
Kaeshi - Counter attack
Kagi - Hook
Kaiten - Rolling
Kaiten Ken - Open hand
Kakusi Geri - Hidden Kick
Kamae - Stance
Kamiza - Shrine
Kata - Set of movements
Kantana - Sword
Katate - One hand
Kayakujutsu - Fire and Explosives Arts
Kenjutsu - Sword fighting
Keppan - Blood oath
Keri - Kick
Ki - Spirit
Kiai - Focused shout
Kikaku Ken - Head Strike
Kinhon - Basic
Kikaku Ken - Demon horns fist
Kiriage - Upwards Cut
Kiten Ken - Sword hand strike
Ko Ashi - Small steps
Kodachi - Small Sword
Kogoroshi - Finger breaking
Koho - Back
Koho Geri - Backwards Kick
Koho Kaiten - Backwards Roll
Koku - Tiger Sky
Kokyu Breath
Koppo Ken - Thumb knuckle strike
Koppojutsu - Bone Smashing Techniques
Koryu - Traditional
Koshijutsu - Organ and Muscle Striking
Kote - Wrist
Ku - Void
Kudaki - Break or Smash
Kuden - Oral Techings
Kuji - Nine Syllables
Kuji in - Hand Posturing
Kuji-Kiri - Protective grid slashing
Kumiuchi - Grappling and close fighting
Kumitachi - Sword practice with a partner
Kunoichi - Female Ninja
Kusari fundo - Short Weighted Chain
Kusari gama - Chain and Sickle
Kuzushi - Breal opponents balance
Kyojitsu Tenkan Ho - Philosophy
Kyoketsu - Cord and dagger
Kyoman - Observation
Kyu - Grade below blackbelt
Kyusho - Pressure points

Mae Kaiten - Front Roll

Maki - Winding
Makimono - Scrolls
Matte - Wait
Mawashi - Rotate
Mawashi Geri - Round Kick
Meiso - Meditation
Meijin - Master
Metsubushi - Blinding Powder
Meysubushi - Distraction
Men Uchi - Strike to the head
Menkyo - Teacing certificate
Migi - Right
Mizu - Water
Mokuso- Meditate
Morote - Both hands
Mute - No hands
Muto Dori - Unarmed defense against a sword

Nagare - to flow
Nage - Throw
Nagashi - Flow
Naginata - Halbred
Naname - Diagonal direction
Neko te - Finger tip weapons (worn by Konoichi)
Nin - Endurance or Stealth
Ninpo - higher order of Ninjutsu
Nuki Ashi - Sweeping step
Ninki - Specialised ninja tools

Obi - Belt
Odashi - Long Sword
Omote - Outside
Oni - Devil
Oni Gedaki - Crushing The Little Devil
Osae - Press down
Oshigiri - Push cut used with sword
Osoto gake - Great outside hook
Oten - Cartwheel

Randori - Sparring
Rei - Bow
Ryote - Tow hands
Ryomune dori - Two handed chest grab
Ryu - Scool or Dragon

Sakki - Intuition of attack

Saya - Scabbard
Satori - Enlightenment
Seishin Teki Kyoyo - Spiritual Refinement
Seiza - Kneeling
Sempai - Senior student
Sensei - Teacher
Shaken - Throwing stars
Shako Ken - Claw Strike
Shi - Finger
Shihan - Senior Instructor
Shikko - Walking on knees
Shikan Ken - Extended Knuckle Fist
Shikomi Zue - Sword Cane
Shin - Heart
Shinai - Bamboo Sword
Shinken gata - Real combat training
Shinobi - Stealth
Shinobi aruki - Ninja walking
Shinpi - Mysticism
Shishin Ken - Finger Strike
Shitan Ken - Thumb Pressure
Shito Ken - Thumb Strike
Shizen Ken - Natural or Body Weapon
Shomen - Front
Shoten no jutsu - Tree Climbing
Shuki Ken - Elbow Strike
Shurinkenjutsu - Blade throwing
Shuko - Spiked hand
Shuto Ken - Open Hand Strike
Soka Gyaku - Toe Strike
Soke - Grandmaster
Sokki Ken - Knee Strike
Sokuho Kaiten - Side Roll
Sokuho Geri - Side Kick
Sokuho Tobi - Sideways leap
Soku Yako - Heel Strike
Sokugyaku Geri - Toe kick
Sui - Water
Sui Ren - Water Training
Sutemi Nage - Sacrificial throw

Tabi - Traditional footwear

Taihenjutsu - Body Movement
Tai Ken - Total Body Weapon
Taijutsu - Unarmed combat / Skill with the body
Take - Bamboo
Taisabaki - Natural body movements
Taiso - Body Conditioning
Taki Ori - Breaking Bamboo
Tanto - Knife
Tantojutsu - Knife Fighting
Tatami - Straw Mat
Te - Hand
Teki - Enemy
Tenmon - Meteorology
Tesson - Iron war Fan
Tetsubushi - Metal Caltrops
Toamijutsu - Fish Net Skills
Tobi - Leap
Tobi Keri - Leap with Kick
Tori - The one who executes
Tsuba - Handguard on a sword
Tsugi bune - Collapsible boat
Tsuki - Thrust

Uchi Gata - Take down using legs

Uke - The one who receives
Ukemi - Breakfalls
Ura - Inside

Wakizashi - Short Sword

Waza - Technique

Ya - Arrow
Yamabushi - Mountain warrior priest
Yame - Stop
Yari - Spear
Yoi - Ready
Yoko Geri - Sideways Kick
Yoko Aruki - Sideways walking
Yoroi - Armour
Yubi - Finger
Yumi - Bow

Zenpo Kaiten - Forward Roll

Zenpo Geri - Forward Kick
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a ninja all round bad guy

Silent assassins, vagabond thieves, master less samurai, and all round bad guy.
That's the image portrayed of the Ninja in movies and the media ever since the Ninja Boom
of the 1980's, and it's an image that's hard to shack off.
Like most things that come out of Hollywood, they tend to go for the flashy, most over
hyped parts, and then blow it up a bit more. You only have to look at the most recent World
War II films released in the past few years to see that.
Well the historical Ninja were just a group of people living in the Iga region of Japan, who
didn't want to live like samurai. That appears to be their only crime.
They created their own system of self defence, and strategies that enabled them to survive
for over a thousand years to this day.These strategies are now taught around the world
thanks to the 34th Grandmaster Masaaki Hatsumi.
Masaaki Hatsumi has many personal students around the world teaching Ninjutsu, the
system created by the Ninja, including 8th Dan Black belt Brian McCarthy, of the Bujinkan
Brian Dojo, who teaches traditional Ninjutsu throughout Europe. Here in Portsmouth,
Ninjutsu is taught by Andrew Thomas, 4th Dan, who has studied under Brian for 18 years,
as well in Japan with the grandmaster.
Andrew has been teaching in Portsmouth, Bognor Regis and Brighton, for 18 years, and has
recently celebrated the 1st anniversary of the new Dojo location at Warrior Crafts in
Highland road with two days of training and a meal at Rickshaws.
Unlike nearly all the other martial arts, Ninjutsu evolved over a thousand years and is still
evolving. Only recently a new throw was created by a student of the Grandmaster, so that
he could throw a man much bigger than him. The throw is named after him.
Ninjutsu isn't the system portrayed in films and television. In fact, until you've actually done
some, it looks nothing like you would expect it to. It's very subtle, and it works.
With Karate you can see the punches and kicks, in Judo you can see the throw. In Ninjutsu,
we try to keep things hidden. Why let the person who has just attacked you know what you
can do to defend yourself?
The other big difference between the other martial arts and Ninjutsu, is that we are not a
sport. Ours is a system that was created over a period of time to protect the people of a
certain area in Japan, not as a way of keeping fit, and entertaining others.
Does Ninjutsu have a place in a modern society? Yes, of course it does. No only is it a way
of keeping yourself active the 33rd Grandmaster trained the day he died, at 82 but in this
world with growing crime rates, protecting yourself and your loved ones is always a good
We can punch and kick, throw and lock joints, we can defend against weapon attacks, as
well as learn how to use weapons such as the humble stick effectively. We can fight standing
up, sitting down, on the floor, in confined spaces and in the open. We train to be able to
operate in all environments, and to learn to perceive threats before they become dangerous.
You can't expect to be good in a few weeks, but you will start picking things up. If all you
learn the first week is how not to be hit, then you've learnt a very good lesson. A lot of
martial arts give out grading's like sweets, but it doesn't mean that you have any real
ability, just a nice coloured belt.
In the Bujinkan Brian Dojo, you will only be graded when you have the ability of the grade.
This doesn't mean that you could walk into the roughest pub in town and take anyone on, it
means that you can recognise threats, and avoid them.
But what does Ninjutsu mean to me? It's more than a martial art, but I don't want to give
you the old line, "It's a way of life", although to the Ninja of past it really was. To the 21st
Century Ninja, it means more than that. It means training with a group of friends in a
relaxed, fun atmosphere, with people from all walks of life from the taxman, to the Kebab
man, to the masters degree student. It means learning how to move your body in a way
that is natural to how your body wants to move.
As an example of the training given, on the anniversary weekend the training was split into
learning the basics on the Saturday, to defending yourself on the street on Sunday.
Saturday was about how to move so that you can set up throws, locks and the sort of subtle
thing that would leave your opponent on the ground will you get away. Sunday was about
how you would do that in your normal clothes, with the restricted movement you get from
modern clothes, to learn how to do all the things you did on Saturday, with less movement
because you're wearing jeans. It gives you a new perspective on how you behave.
We learn how to use the more traditional weapons such as the sword, and the spear, and
how to defend ourselves against such weapons. For the 21st Century Ninja, this would be a
chair, a baseball bat, or a snooker cue.
If you want to learn how to disappear in a cloud of smoke like the movie ninja's, you'd be
better off speaking to Paul Daniels. Movie's are movie's, real life is more interesting.
To finish, I'll give you some wise words written on new years day, 1891 by the 32nd
1.Know the wisdom of being patient during times of inactivity.
2.Choose the course of justice as the path for your life.
3.Do not allow your heart to be controlled by the demands of
desire, pleasure or dependence.
4.Sorrow pain and resentment are natural qualities to be found in life. Therefore work to
cultivate an immovable spirit.
5.Hold in your heart the importance of family loyalty, and pursue the literary and martial
arts with balanced determination.
Now does that sound like the assassin, thief and vagabonds of Hollywood?

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How to choose the best location for

castle, fort or home
hether choosing a location for a Dojo, Castle, or House the following rules should be observed. Turtle
nake to the North Blue dragon to the East Red Sparrow to the South White Tiger to the West
e Emperors castle in Tokyo and almost all of the important buildings in Japan were built according to
is poem.
e poem translates as meaning, You should have mountains to the North Running water to the East A
oard open expanse to the South And a large road to the West

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Throughout history there have always been small groups of warriors who have attained
legendary status through their deeds and actions. One of these is the ninja; an ancient
Japanese martial artist portrayed in literally thousands of movies, books and stories over the
years. But these warriors didn't manage to gain their reputation without specialized weapons
that helped them out whether they were spying, waiting to assassinate an official or trying to
retrieve an item. Let's take a look at some of the weapons that gave the ninja such power.

First, the ninja's sword. This sword was called a ninja-to and while at first appearance would
seem to be just like the samurai swords of the same era, closer inspection shows some major
differences. The blade was often shorter by almost a foot, to start with. This was because that
while samurai warriors would set up long flowing movements with their sharp blades, the ninja
was prepared for short and deadly strikes with little finesse and ceremony. Indeed, their lack of
respect for the samurai way of fighting added to their reputation. The short stabbing sword also
had a strange handguard on it – a square, flat surface that really didn't help guard the sword
hand at all. That was because it wasn't meant to help you in battle. Instead, the ninja-to doubled
many times as an instant step, allowing the ninja to jam it into the ground and then hop up using
the handguard as a small foothold to gain height. Usually a string would be tied to the sword
itself so that the ninja could pull it up out of the ground after climbing up or could reach down to
retrieve it. Either way, this sword was a major weapon in the warrior's arsenal.

A common sight in any good martial arts movie is the shuriken, or throwing star. The word
literally translates into the phrase "a dagger hidden in the palm" and easily illustrates what these
small sharp objects were for – attacking an opponent at distance. While the usual image of
these items is a small four pointed star, many shuriken were also nothing more than small knife
blades that would be tossed by the ninja out of the hand at the target. Often these were
poisoned, making them a lethal weapon in the hands of a professional. A samurai lord
sitting out in the field could easily find himself stung by an annoying bee and later fall
into a coma and die, unaware that the offending insect had in face been a well-thrown shuriken
tipped with deadly poison. The ninja's strength lay in surprise and invisible attacks, not straight-
up frontal attacks. This made them a valuable weapon in feudal Japan where various officials
would use their skills to move forward in status while avoiding all-out war.

Ninjas were stealthy by trade, but there were times when an alert guard or a mistake would
cause the ninja to be found and chased by warriors set on capturing or killing him. Makibishi
were often used by the ninja to try and slow down his pursuers and hopefully maim a few along
the way.

Caltrops is another term for these small triangular spiked items, common military hardware used
up to the present day. These small pyramids would pierce the sole of a
sandal or boot with ease, causing great injury and often death if the wound
were deep enough and prone to infection. These could also have poison
set on them, adding to their lethal presence. The ninja would toss these out
behind him, hoping to slow down or stop any horsemen or guards chasing

Ninjas were thought to have supernatural powers, making them both invisible and invincible.
One of the items that helped increase the average person's fear of the ninja was the use of
shuko to disappear at a moment's notice.

Shuko were nothing more than metal bands that would fit across the knuckles with sharp claws
stretching outwards. This would enable the ninja to climb seemingly unscalable walls and trees
with ease, adding to their reputation as invisible warriors with supernatural assistance. In a
pinch, these shuko could also be used as deadly weapons, the ninja slashing and cutting the
assailant with the claws as dangerous to the human being as they were to the tree or clay wall.

But a ninja's job also entailed being disguised as a mere peasant or shopkeeper at times,
sneaking around and easedropping on people to gain information. Unable to carry and wear
many of the usual ninja equipment, the warrior would instead carry a shinobi-zue, or a ninja
cane. Popular up to the present-day, this consisted of a small walking cane or stick with a blade
hidden inside the main body, easily extracted with a twist of the top part of the cane. The ninja
could also hide shuriken inside or use the hollow vessel as a blowpipe, shooting poisoned darts
with uncanny accuracy at an official at great distance. Then he would simply snap the cap back
on and walk off, carrying the weapon as he toddled past the guards disguised as an old man
leaning on his cane or a monk using a walking stick to move about.

Of course this popular idea has existed to this very day with sword canes and their cousins
providing a way of staying armed while giving the appearance of being nothing more than an
umbrella or a simple cane.

The weapons of ninjitsu were created with one goal in mind, to help the ninja accomplish the
task at hand quickly and efficiently. From a sword that doubles as an instant step to the lethal
silence of tossed shuriken to the annoying makibishi their weapons helped the ninja to become
one of the most famous warrior groups in the world. But this wasn't only due to their martial arts
ability – it was also due to their skill in hiding themselves and their weapons in plain sight, such
as the shinobi-zue. All of these things have combined to create the legendary reputation of the
ninja, but none as much as their famous weapons.

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