Case Study of A Teacher

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CASE STUDY OF A TEACHER who trained by Pratham ngo

Malam Singh Saran a teacher in a government primary school(Indira Colony, Saathin, Block-Bhopalgarh) in Jodhpur district of Rajasthan. His educational qualification is B.A., B.ed., he came in contact with Pratham Rajasthan few months ago in 2012 when a team of Pratham Rajastham empowered by CAMaL(Read Indias CAMaL (Combined
activities for Maximized Leaning), Prathams teaching methodology evolved as a result of the various stages of work on learning in different locations through Learning to Read (L2R) and Reading to Learn (R2L) methodologies. It combines reading, speaking, doing, writing in a variety of ways to enhance and accelerate the learning of the child)

visited this government

school. Malam Singhs attitude towards NGOs was not good he thinks that all NGOs are doing all these things for the sake of money and doing all formalities only for their profit. He told to the team that do your formalities and go back. The team members make him understand and told him to watch the teaching pattern. After this what he saw is that the children were participating in their studies more and more.

He asked the team members to get trained by this teaching method (CAMaL). After got trained what he observe about the training :

Trainer gave training effectively, efficiently and seriously. The trainer provides right kind of climate to know new things. He acquired new skills and knowledge from training.

The training is helpful for new comers in teaching line.

Training helps to bring out own weakness and strength.

After training he is able to transfer his learning in classroom. Training helped him to understand his job in a new and better way.

Training improved the quality of teaching methods.

It increases his efficiency and effectiveness in teaching. Training helps him to discover his hidden potentialities. After got trained what he observe in the class room :

Now children are started taking more interest in their studies.

Childrens participation increases in the classroom activities. They like the teaching by the medium of songs and games. More children are taking initiatives in the classroom activities. Learning capacity of the children increases. Confidence level of children increases. Now children are fearless in the class room. They are asking new things.

New questions arise in their mind. Attendance of children is increased.

Now children are happy in the class and there is a environment of joyfulness. Now Mr. Malam Singh Saran is a confident teacher and enjoying this teaching method , job satisfaction is high and self-esteem increases. He said that more and more teachers must be trained by this methods to maintain quality education.(as told by Mr. Malam Singh Saran, Mob.:-9414494933)

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