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Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Content Formative Activities and Objectives Guidelines Time Schedule List of Activities from Text Book Additional Activities Expected Level of Learning Blue Print and Sample Question Paper

Page No 3 5 6 7 13 27 28

1. FORMATIVE ACTIVITIES AND OBJECTIVES FA(a) Activities Area Name of the Activity Objectives Listening 1.Pair up and share to develop critical thinking. to listen carefully to others views. Speaking 1.Let us understand to maintain courtesy in all exchanges Discuss and share within the group. 2. Let us talk together to build participation skill. 3. Recall and share to encourage the students to communicate in English. to speak boldly to a large group. to recall their past experiences. to guide them to think independently. Writing 1. Project: Observe, Record 2. Let us Revise 3. Do and See 4. Let us become poets 5. Let us write to improve observation skill for writing on their own to know how to write letters to gain knowledge about animals. to develop creative writing. to write meaningful sentences. to evoke their imagination in writing. to reveal linguistic skill to use an encyclopeadia, dictionary etc for reference and write on different topics to improve the reasoning power to understand and express their opinion after reading the flow chart. to appreciate the beauty in the poem to gain knowledge about words/phrases describing states of mind


1. Reference Work 2. Debate and learn 3. Match the following 4. What Malar feels and thinks a flow chart 5. Poem

Vocabulary Let us scan the text

FA (b) Activities Learning Area Grammar Name of the Activity 1.Use Capital Letters for Proper Nouns 2. Abstract Nouns 3. Collective Nouns 4. Simple Present Tense 5. Circle the correct answer 6. Simple Past Tense 7. Simple Future Tense 8. Past Continuous Tense 9. Future Continuous Tense 10. Adjectives 11. Adverbs 1. Findout the meanings for the words 2. Use the words in different situations 3. Match the opposites 4. Learn Prefix 5. Learn compound words 6. Word Power 7. Vocabulary check 8. Word Pictures Objectives to write without hesitation to learn to use different tenses in appropriate places to understand noun groups to learn the rules and uses of Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs and apply them in writing.


to learn more words to learn synonyms and antonyms to know prefixes and suffixes to improve their word power to understand the usage of words according to the situation to know the formation of words


Guidelines for conducting Individual Activity, Pair Work and Small Group Activity.

Individual Activity Ask the students to have a separate note book for English. Select a topic fit for the student level. Provide necessary information. Ask the students to write in their note book. Give time to present it to the large group.

Pair Work In a pair work one should be above average. Give them the topic with necessary information. Inform them of their role in the pair and the way to present.

Small Group Activity Divide the class into small groups. Ensure that the group has all level of students. Choose a student in the group to act as a group leader. Instruct them their role in the group. Give the topic and allow them to discuss among themselves. Inform them the way to execute the work. The teacher has to observe the students. Encourage every student to come out with his/her own ideas. The group leader should consolidate his/ her own ideas. The group leader has to present their ideas before the large group. Other groups have to listen and give comments.

3. Remedial Measures: Note: The teacher may choose any number of activities and practise any number of times according to the need.


UNIT : I Prose : Our Tiny Co-Travellers June : I Week II Week III Week IV Week.

Grammar & Vocabulary Poem : Bat

Supplementary Reader : I can take care of Myself

UNIT : II Prose : The Neem Tree July: I Week II Week III Week IV Week

Vocabulary & Grammar Poem : What trees are for Supplementary Reader: Nature cares for Nature

UNIT : III Prose : In quest of Indias Freedom Grammar Poem : Punishment in Kindergarten Supplementary Reader: The Selfish Giant August: I Week II Week III Week IV Week

4.. LIST OF ACTIVITIES FROM THE TEXT BOOK Unit & Area Prose Our Tiny CoTravellers Vocabulary FA (a) Kind of activity Individual activity Objectives Pg. No. FA (b) Kind of activity Pg. No.

Let us understand Discuss and share.

to inculcate social behaviour among the students.


A. Find out the meanings with the help of a dictionary B. Sentence Framing C.Opposites D. Prefixes E. Match the prefixes F. Compound words G. Complete the given lines

Individual activity


Individual activity

60 60

Individual activity Individual activity Individual activity Individual activity

61 61




Listening skill: Pair up and share.

Pair work

to develop their ability to describe the process



Reading Skill

Individual activity


Unit & Area Grammar Writing

FA (a) Project : Observe, Record Writing skill

Kind of activity Group activity

Objectives to improve their observation skill to learn and apply the format and use the required vocabulary and language for letter writing.

Pg. No. 63

FA (b)

Kind of activity

Pg. No.

63 Proper Nouns Abstract Nouns Collective Nouns. Simple Present Tense Circle the correct Answer Simple Past tense Simple Future Tense Phrasal Verbs Do and See 70 64 64 64 65 65 66 66 66 67

I Poem Bat.

Let us remember: From the poem, what sense do you get about the poets attitude towards bats? What does he do to communica te it? Fill in. Let us understand: Discuss in small Groups and share.

Individual activity

to understand and appreciate the poem

Group activity

to share the central idea of the poem.


Unit & Area

FA (a) Explain what you understand of the poem in a few sentences. Do and see Let us become poets Let us understand, discuss and share in small groups. Debate and learn! .Let us talk together: (in small groups) Match the following:What Malar feels and thinks A flow chart. Thinking beyond the Text.

Kind of activity Individual activity

Objectives to assess their understanding of the poem to gain knowledge about animals

Pg. No. 71

FA (b)

Kind of activity

Pg. No.

Writing I Poem Bat Supplementary Reader I can take care of Myself.

Individual activity Group activity Group activity to develop their creative writing to develop good qualities in life.




to improve their reasoning power 75 Group activity to build participation skill to express our opinions. 82 Present your Individual views in class! activity 83

II PROSE The Neem Tree

Individual activity



Individual activity

to know the importance of preserving nature


Word Power (Do this groups)

Group in activity


Unit & Area Grammar.

FA (a) Let us scan the text.

Kind of activity Individual activity


Pg. No.

FA (b) Vocabulary check Compound words Let us do

Kind of activity

Pg. No. 85 85 86 86 87 87

to gain knowledge 85 about words/phrases describing states of mind.

Individual activity Individual activity Individual activity Try this in Individual groups activity Past continuous Individual Tense activity Future Individual continuous activity Tense. Let us know Individual more. activity



Think and Write: (Write ten Sentences) Share in Groups

Group activity

to acquire knowledge regarding plastics.


Unit 2 Poem What trees are for.

Individual activity

Let us be poets

Group activity

to build confidence 90 and allow scope for diverse abilities and skills to develop creative writing 91 to gain knowledge about trees

Word pictures Word Power

Individual activity Individual activity

90 90

Individual Functional activity Enrichment activity Individual actvity Let us write.


to write meaningful sentences on their own.



Unit & Area Unit 2 Supplementary Reader. Nature cares for Nature.

FA (a)

Kind of activity


Pg. No.

FA (b)

Kind of activity

Pg. No. 95

A.Work in pairs Individual and choose the activity correct answer.

Discuss in small groups Do and See Grow your Eco-Family Let us understand

Group activity

Individual activity Individual activity Individual activity

to encourage the students to communicate in English. to strengthen their observation skill to guide them to think independently.


95 102

Prose In Quest of Indias Freedom.

Let us understand. Discuss and share.

to express thoughts 103 regarding freedom struggle. .


Let us do Adjectives Think and write Adverbs : Fill in Adverb: Underline Articles: Fill in Articles: Fill in Articles: Fill in

Individual activity Individual activity Individual activity Individual activity Individual activity Individual activity Individual activity Individual activity

103 106, 107 107 110 110 111 111 112 113


Unit & Area Unit 3 Punishment in kinder -garden.

FA (a)

Kind of activity

Objectives to develop the reading skill.

Pg. No. 116

FA (b)

Kind of activity

Pg. No.

Let us read: Group Small activity Group.

Group Let us activity understand: Small Group Fill in and share! Group activity Recall and share Unit 3 The Selfish Giant . Let us write : 1,2

to deepen knowledge regarding poems.


to recall their past experiences


to evoke their imagination in writing



5. ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES 1. Activity Lesson Unit 1.Name of the Activity : Our Tiny Co-travellers : 1 Prose : Discuss and Write Topic: 1. Do you know any other insect which is equally active and hardworking? Write about it. 2. List out the qualities of ants. : Group activity : FA (a) : to converse on the given topics with the group of their classmates and write. To create enthusiasm to collect materials. to respect the views of others

2.Kind of activity 3.Type of Assessment 4.Objectives


: 20 minutes

6.Procedure: Divide the class into small groups Select a leader for each group Encourage Discussion on the given topic. Ask students to write down the points The leader should consolidate the points. Present it to the whole group.

7. Assessment Parameters: Participation Expression Creativity Relevance Presentation Total

Score 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 10 Marks

Note: Ask them to write the name of some insects / collect some pictures of insects and write a few sentences about them.


2. Activity Lesson Unit 1. Name of the Activity : Our Tiny Co-travellers : 1 Prose Dictionary Reference Topic: 1. Find the meaning of any five words in the lesson Our tiny Co-traveller with the help of a dictionary. : Individual : FA (a) : to know the usage of dictionary 20 minutes

2.Kind of activity 3.Type of Assessment 4.Objectives 5.Duration

6. Procedure: Ask the students to pick out any five words from lesson 1. Guide them to look into the dictionary to find out its meanings. Encourage them to write it in their note book. Ask them to present it in the class

7. Assessment Parameters: Choice of words Persistence Effort Appropriateness Presentation Total

Score 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 10 Marks.


3. Activity Lesson Unit 1. Name of the Activity : Our Tiny Co-Travellers : I Shall we frame sentences using Phrasal Verbs Frame sentences using the following Phrasal verbs. Example: meaning look for search Frame sentence. The child looked for its parents. 1) look at 6) break in 2) look on 7) break out 3) look out 8) break up 4) look after 9) break through 5) look into 10) break down. : Individual : : FA (b) : to learn the usage of Phrasal verbs in the relevant contexts. : 20 minutes

2. Kind of activity

3.Type of Assessment 4.Objectives 5.Duration 6. Procedure: Write down the Phrasal verbs on the blackboard Let the students copy it down in their note books Look into the dictionary to find out meaning of phrasal verbs. Frame sentences using them. 7. Assessment Parameters: Participation Expression Creativity Relevance Presentation Total Score. 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 10 Marks.


4. Activity Poem Unit 1.Name of the activity : : : Bat I Poem Shall we refer to encyclopeadia ? Topic: Refer an encyclopeadia and gather information. 1. Refer an encyclopeadia and gather information about bats. Group activities FA (a) to use an encyclopeadia for reference and to write on difference topics 20 minutes

2.Kind of activity 3.Type of Assessment 4.Objectives 5.Duration

: : : : :

6. Procedure: Divide the class into small groups Do reference work on the given topic in groups Write down the points. Present the gathered points in the form of report in the class. 7. Assessment Parameters: Correct meaning Relevance Appropriate Usage Creativity Clarity Total Score 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 10 Marks.


5. Activity Poem Unit 1.Name of the Activity 2.Kind of activity 3.Type of Assessment 4.Topics : Bat : I Poem Can you speak? : Individual : FA (a) : Speak on the given topic Why do you like your mother ? : to encourage the students to speak a few sentences correctly

5.Objectives 6.Procedure: Give the topic to the students Ask them to prepare material based on the topic. Allow them to speak on the topic for 2 minutes. assess their performance. 7. Assessment Parameters: Relevance Clarity of Expression Confidence Matter Pronunciation Total Score. 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 10 Marks.


6. Activity Supplementary Reader Unit 1. Name of the activity 2. Kind of Activity 3. Type of Assessment 4.Objectives : : : : : I can take care of myself I Role Play I can take care of myself Group work FA (a) to encourage their speaking skill to be bold to act before a large group to write scripts 20 minutes

5.Duration 6. Procedure: Prepare the script Assign roles Enact the play

7. Assessment Parameters: Participation Cogency in speech Confidence Co-operation Presentation Total

Score 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 10 Marks. 7. Activity

Lesson Unit 1. Name of the activity

: The Neem Tree : II Prose : Can you speak out ? Topic Speak on the given topic. Uses of Neem Tree

2. Kind of activity 3. Type of Assessment 4. Objectives

: Individual : FA (a) : to learn to speak clearly and correctly in front of a group .


5. Duration 6.

: 20 minutes

Procedure: Give the topic to the students Ask them to prepare material based on the topic Allow them to speak on the topic for 2 minutes Assess their performance.

7. Assessment Parameters: Pronunciation Clarity of Expression Confidence Matter Participation Total

Score. 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 10Marks 8. Activity

Lesson Unit 1. Name of the Activity

: The Neem Tree : II : Form new words with suffixes and use in sentences. Choose the words that take the suffix-ly,-ness, ment and ion . Use them in sentences of your own. 1. good 2. locate 3. exact 4. gradual 5. silent 6. discipline 7. prompt 8. govern 9. treat. 10. direct 11. clean 12. kind

2. Kind of activity 3.Type of Assessment 4.Objectives 5. Duration

: Individual : FA (b) : to enhance vocabulary. : 5 Minutes.

6. Procedure: Write the words on the blackboard Ask the students to take a paper and write the correct answers and submit. 7. Assessment Parameters: Each correct word carries two marks = 5x2= 10 Marks


9. Activity

Lesson Unit 1.Name of Activity

: The Neem Tree : II : Form new words with prefixes and use in sentences. Use the prefixes to form new words and use them in sentences of your own. im, in, un, dis. 1. tidy 2.ability 3. possible 4. comfort 5.loyal 6. fortunate 7. effective 8. polite 9. touched 10. seen. : Individual : FA (b) : to enrich the students in vocabulary to know word formation : 5 minutes

2.Kind of activity 3.Type of Assessment 4.Objectives 5.Duration

6.Procedure: Write the words on the blackboard Ask the students to take a paper and write correct answers and submit.

7. Assessment Parameters: Each correct word carries two marks = 2x 5= 10 Marks 10. Activity

Poem Unit 1. Name of the activity

: What are trees for? : II Poem : Discuss and Share 1.Are trees important in our life? Why? 2. How can we promote afforestation? : Group Discussion : FA (a) : to speak boldly to a large group to collect materials regarding the given topic to respect the views of others. : 5 minutes

2. Kind of Activity 3.Type of Assessment 4.Objectives


6. Procedure: Divide the students in to small groups Select a leader for each group Allow them to discuss on the topic for 10 minutes Write down the points. The leader will present it to the class. 7. Assessment Parameters: Participation Expression Creativity Relevance Presentation Total Score. 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 10 Marks. 11. Activity : : : What are trees for? II Poem Project Topic. Gathering Information. Collect materials for the given topic 1. Chipko movement 2. Wangari Maathi Green Belt Movement Group Discussion FA (a) to collect materials for the given topic to write sentences in coherent manner. 20 minutes

Poem Unit 1.Name of the activity

2.Kind of Activity 3.Type of Assessment 4.Objectives 5.Duration

: : : :

6. Procedure: Divide the students into small groups. Select a leader for each group. Collect materials for the given topic. Write the sentences in a coherent order. The leader will present it to the class. 7. Assessment Parameters: Participation Expression Creativity Relevance Presentation Total Score. 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 10 Marks.

Note: The students may be given prior information to bring materials for the given topic or the teacher should provide information for the class. 12. Activity Supplementary Reader Unit 1.Name of the Activity : Nature cares for Nature : II : Let us remember Topic: Comprehension Questions. 1. What did Lalitha give her son? 2. Why did Ramana want the mango seed? 3. Why was the boy upset? 4. Who consoled him? 5. Who takes care of all the trees on earth? : Individual : FA (b) : to develop silent reading skill to develop passive vocabulary to understand moral values : 10 minutes

2.Kind of activity 3. Type of Assessment 4. Objectives

5. Duration

6.Procedure: Distribute worksheets to the students Ask them to answer the question. Collect the work sheets and correct them. 7.Assessment Parameters: Each correct answer carries two marks 2x 5= 10 marks

Note: Supplementary Reader may be used 13. Activity Supplementary Reader Unit 1.Name of the Activity : In quest of Indias Freedom : III : PROJECT Topic: Album Preparation Prepare an album of freedom fighters. Write at least ten sentences about any one of them : Group : FA (a)

2.Kind of activity 3. Type of Assessment


: to collect pictures and materials about freedom fighters. to write sentences in a coherent manner.

5.Duration : 2 Days 6. Procedure: Collect pictures and materials about the freedom fighters Prepare an album Write ten sentences about any one freedom fighter. Present it to the class. 7. Assessment Parameters: Participation Expression Creativity Relevance Presentation Total Note: Make students to speak a few sentences about their favourite leader before the class. Score. 2 2 2 2 2 Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks 10 Marks.

14. Activity Lesson Unit 1.Name of the activity : In quest of Indias Freedom : III : Name of kinds of Adjectives Underline and name the kind of adjectives in the following sentences. And use them in your one sentence. 1. He is a brave boy. 2. This book belongs to Ravi. 3. He planted some saplings 4. Every student must be punctual. 5. Out teacher is kind to us.

2.Kind of activity 3.Type of Assessment 4.Objectives

: Individual : FA (b) : to identify the kinds of adjectives in sentences. to write sentences using kinds of adjectives

5.Duration : 10 minutes Procedure: Write down all the sentences on the blackboard. Let the students copy it down in their note books. Let them underline and name the kind of adjectives. Assessment Parameters: Each correct sentence carries two marks 2x 5= 10 Marks. Note: Similar grammar exercises may be given and corrected.

15. Activity Supplementary Reader Unit 1.Name of the Activity : The Selfish Giant : II : Discuss and Share Have you come across any person as the selfish giant in your life : Group : FA (a) : to speak boldly to a large group to collect materials for the given topic to respect the views of others : 20 minutes

2.Kind of activity 3.Type of Assessment 4.Objectives


6.Procedure: Divide the class into small group Select a leader for each group Allow them to discuss on the topic for 10 minutes Write down the points The leader will present it to the class. 7.Assessment Parameters: Score Participation Expression Creativity Relevance Presentation Total 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 10 Marks.

16. Activity Prose / Poem / Grammar / Supplementary Reader. 1.Name of the Activity : Listen and write (Dictation) Listen to the passage and Write Our Tiny Co-Travellers. Ants appear in shades of green, red, brown, yellow, blue or purple. They are of very different sizes. The driver ant of Africa, which is one of the largest ants in the world, is 80 times the size of the Australian Inch ant, which is the size of a pin head ! Their normal size ranges from two to seven millimeters in length, but some big ants are almost the size of your middle finger. : Individual : FA (a) : to learn spelling thoroughly to listen and write without any mistakes to develop reading and writing skills to improve the pupils pronunciation. : 10 minutes

2.Kind of activity 3.Type of Assessment 4.Objectives


6.Procedure: White sheets are given to the students. Then the teacher dictates the selected passage from the text book with necessary pause. Example Ants appear in . shades of green .. red . brown .. yellow .. blue or purple. The students listen carefully and write the sentences at once. Written sheets are collected and corrected. . 7.Assessment Parameters: Check the correct spelling, punctuation mark, Handwriting and Neat presentation. Reduce mark for each mistake. 8.Suggested Activities: Peer group Assessment / correction could be done. Words/phrases/ sentences/ short answers/memory lines could be tested through dictation. Synonyms / antonyms/ singular/ plural/ tenses could also be tested.


17. Activity

Unit Prose 1.Name of the Activity

: II : The Neem Tree : Dialogue Conversation between the Wood Cutter and the Tree

2.Kind of activity 3.Type of Assessment 4.Objectives

: Pair Work : FA (a) : to speak boldly to a large group to collect materials for the given topic to respect the views of others : 20 minutes


6.Procedure: Prepare sentence strips for the roles of woodcutter and tree. Ask the students to pick up the Sentence strips Allow them to read their roles. Ask them to practise their roles. enable them to enact their roles. eg. Trees we give shadow to human beings and animals. Wood cutter We need wood to construct building. - We need timber....... continue the dialogue. 6. Assessment Parameters: Score

Participation Expression Creativity Relevance Presentation Total

2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 2 Marks 10 Marks.



By the end of the term the students will be able to Listening understand oral instruction. understand stories read out understand a speech. reproduce words correctly. Speaking listen and share jokes, riddles. recite poems. recognize rhyming words. Reading identify the topic sentence of a paragraph. read with pause, with proper intonation. appreciate poetry. read to like and collect additional data. Writing answer in own words. learn letter writing with required vocabulary. write without hesitation.


recall parts of speech. learn to use different continuous tenses. understand noun groups.

Vocabulary Language Function

learn more words and synonyms and antonyms of words. learn to speak in sentences. take part in dramatization do role plays.




BLUE PRINT FOR STANDARD VII - ENGLISH - UPPER PRIMARY Sl. No. SECTIONS Knowledge 30% 18 marks VSA SA Q3 (1) Q3 (1) Q5 (1) 11 Understanding 40% 24marks VSA SA LA Application/ Skill 30% 18marks VSA SA Total 100% 60 marks




Vocabulary A Synonym & Antonyms. Compound Word/ Prefix Make Sentences / Fill Up


Grammar B Fill up Multiple Choice Question Substitution Table / Transformation Prose C Short Question & Answer Long Question & Answer

Q3 (1) Q3 (1) Q3 (1) C5 3(1) C3 1(5) C2 1(5) Q3 (1) C2 Q1 (5) Q3 (1) Q3 (1) C3 1(3) 3(1) 4 (1) 3 (1) 7 09 03 04 13 08 09



Poetry D Quote from Memory Appreciation Questions Paragraph Questions


Supplementary Reader E Multiple Choice Questions Fill up/ Short Answers Paragraph

6. 7.


Letter Writing Reading/Picture Comprehension Translation Paragraph Writing (General) Total

03 10 6 5 6 60


VSA-Very Short Answer SA Short Answer LA- Long Answer C- Choice Question


MODEL QUESTION PAPER CLASS: VII Subject: ENGLISH Summative Assessment SECTION A (09 marks) Time: 21/2 Hours Total Marks: 60

VOCABULARY 1. Match the following: 3x1=3 Word Meanings 1. giggled small gaps 2. realized laugh in a silly way. 3. crevices understood 2. Link the correct opposites: 3x1=3 1. increased bad 2. good cold 3. hot decreased 3. Make new words by adding prefix in and suffix ment to the following words. 3x1 =3 1. discipline _________________ 2. treat __________________ 3. ability ____________________ SECTION B (09 marks) GRAMMAR I. Underline the adverbs and name the kind of adverb in the given sentences 3x1 =3 1. The Rani of Jhansi fought bravely. ______________________________________ 2. Why didnt you come to school? _____________________________________ 3. Rani looks pretty well. ______________________________________ II. Fill in the blanks with right adjectives from the box. 3x1=3 large, roomy, courageous, clever 1. Kolkata is a ____________ city. 2. The _________ girl was praised by the teacher.\ 3. Netaji was a ___________ leader.


III. Construct atleast five sentences using the future continuous tense from the table given 5x1=5 The Children I Anitha We Ramesh in the evenings. to Chennai next month. Pongal in January. rushing out of the door. the film. to temple today. hard tonight for exam. 1._________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________ 5._________________________________________________________________ SECTION C PROSE (08 marks) I Answer any three of the following in about two or three sentences 3x1=3 1. What do ants build along with their homes? 2. Why do ants steal the pupae of another colony? 3. What good news did the Principal have for Malar? 4. What did Subhash make out from the teachings of Swami Vivekananda? 5. Why is Subhash called Netaji or leader? II. Answer any one of the following in about six or seven lines 1x5=5 1. What was Malars grandmothers role in making her feel a winner? 2. What did Subash do as CEO of Calcutta Municipal Corporation? 3. How are ants the forerunners of humanity in farming? SECTION D POETRY (13 marks) I. Quote from Memory any one of the following. 5 marks 1. Write the first five lines of the poem What trees are for 2. Quote from memory the lines from

shall be will be

enjoying going playing celebrating working

Some trees are for swinging-------------------------make it cool. from the poem What trees are for

II. Appreciation Questions 3 x1 =3 Little Kamala felt that her teacher threw words at her like pots and pans When do people throw pots and pans? ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Kamala talks of the laughing faces of the children being a blur. Why does she say so? ____________________________________________________________________ 3. Some trees are for discovering an insect, bug or fly. What have you observed on a tree? ____________________________________________________________________ III. Answer any one of the following in about 80 words (6 or 7 sentences) 1 x 5 =5 a) What are all the things that the mother bat does after her son is born? b) What feelings do the poets communicate about the tree through the poem What trees are for? c) Explain what you understand of the poem Bat in a few sentences? SECTION E Supplementary Reader (09 marks) I. Choose the correct answer: 3x1=3 1. The goat ate ___________ of the mango tree. a) only a few leaves b) the whole tree c) all the leaves d) only the fallen leaves. 2. The whole family was happy to see _____________ a) the tree b) the mangoes c) the blossoms d) the goat 3. Ramanas mother says that her son is _________________ a) valuable gift b) a naughty boy c) very playful d) very studious 1.


II. Answer any three of the following in about two or three sentences 3x1=3 1. What did mother rat want to do? 2. Why did the giant love a particular boy the most? 3. I have many beautiful flowers, he said, but the children are the most beautiful flowers of all Who said these words? What made the person say it? III Answer any one of the following in about (80 words) a paragraph 1x3=3 1. Describe the process involved in planting a sapling? 2. Have you ever visited a park in your area? Write about the pleasant experience you had there. 3. In what ways do mangoes ripened with chemicals affect our health? I. Letter Writing 3 marks

Write a letter to your friend informing him about your recent vacation and the most exciting part of the holiday. Place:______________ Date:_____________

Dear______________ ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

Yours affectionately, _______________________



Reading Comprehension: Read the given passage and answer the questions given below: 5x1=5 Rams uncle had a big farm. He went there for a full day picnic. In his farm, he had four cocks, two dogs, a horse and three cows. His daughter is a good actor. Once she played the role of a duke in a play. She is also a good friend of Ram. Answer the following. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Where did Ram go? How many cocks did his uncle have? What was his daughter good at? What was the role she played? Give a suitable title for the passage?

II. Write a paragraph on any one of the following in about ten sentence. 3x1=3 1. We must grow trees. 2. My ambition. 3. Importance of paper.


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