Step 2 Report - Final On Letterhead

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Step 2 Report Example

March 13 2012 Ms Brenda Smith Bellingham, Washington State Dear Ms Smith, Thank you for allowing us the privilege of confidentially assessing the merits of your medical negligence case from a medical perspective. We ask you to please be aware that this report is NOT a legal opinion. Our team of medical specialists have thoroughly reviewed all the information you have submitted, and we attach a chronological summary of all the significant events with comments on the relevance of each one of them to supporting your case. The Essence of Your Case An intrauterine device (IUD) became lost, penetrated your uterus and rectum and caused many years of severe pelvic pain and significant economic loss. The IUD was only discovered when you had your uterus removed. Summary of Critical Events: A copper intrauterine device (IUD) was inserted into your uterus by Dr X when you were 8 weeks postpartum in 1997. One year later you became pregnant, and underwent a therapeutic abortion (Dr Y) and tubal ligation by (Dr Z) during which procedure the strings of the IUD were not seen. No investigations were undertaken at that time to determine where the IUD was located. During the following 15 years you saw multiple GPs and gynecologists for a variety of gynecologic complaints including recurrent vaginitis, intermittent pelvic pain, pain and bleeding with intercourse, and heavy periods. Investigations included two laparoscopies by Drs V and W (fibre-optic examinations of your pelvis) to try to identify the cause of the pain, and your doctors found fibrous bands between the uterus and the lower part of your colon, but no comment was made about any lost IUD.
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15 years after the insertion of the IUD you had your uterus removed by Dr W because you were very anemic and still had a lot of pelvic pain. At surgery in January 2012 the IUD was discovered to have penetrated the uterus, and was found embedded in a fibrous band between the uterus and the rectum (the lower part of your colon). It had partially penetrated the rectum with one of the strings sitting within the rectal cavity. The uterus showed evidence of fibroids and endometriosis (cells from the lining of the uterus sitting outside the uterus between the uterus and the rectum). The Medical Strengths of Your Case are: Statute of Limitations: When your lost IUD was finally discovered it was 15 years after the negligent event. The Statute of Limitations for your jurisdiction is 2 years, but this is irrelevant as the time frame of the Statute in your case only commences with the discovery of your problem (finding the IUD in the uterus at surgery), which means you still have time to see a lawyer and sue the doctors involved Standard of Care: You did not sign a consent form for the insertion of the IUD, and were not informed about the risks of that treatment by Dr X. This was probably negligent. There was no description in the chart of Dr X about the details of the procedure for the IUD insertion. This was probably negligent. No attempt was made during or after the tubal ligation procedure by Dr Z to search for the lost IUD. This was probably negligent.

Consequences: You have suffered a prolonged period of pelvic pain. Due to pain you have suffered greatly from loss of enjoyment of many of lifes pleasures leisure activities, sexual relations etc You have lost substantial income during the 15 years from an inability to work given your chronic pain disorder. You estimate this loss to be approximately $250,000 with expenses of $80,000

Trusted, Affordable Medical Malpractice Opinions --- Directly to You


Canada | US | UK | Ireland | Australia | New Zealand Head office: 17204 -106A Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5S 1E6 Contact us at:

The Medical Weaknesses of Your Case are: Standard of Care: Given how long ago these events took place, the medical documentation is not optimal Only Drs X and Z seem to have been negligent, not Drs Y, V, and W, as they were unaware of your prior history of an IUD insertion

Consequences: Not all your problems were likely related to the lost IUD. The vaginitis and heavy periods were due to unrelated causes. Some of the pelvic pain may have been due to the endometriosis, but we believe that the main cause was the inflammation caused by the displaced copper IUD. Summary Opinion We believe that overall there are good medical grounds to support your concerns that medical negligence took place. On a scale of 1-10, we would rate the overall medical merits of your case at 8 out of 10 (where 1 represents little chance of medically proving your case for compensation, and 10 represents virtual certainty). Furthermore, there were apparently significant financial consequences to you including a significant loss of income of approximately $250,000, and expenses of approximately $80,000. The size of this loss makes your case more attractive for a lawyer to take on. We recommend that you pursue your case with a malpractice lawyer. We suggest that you call one of the following lawyers to arrange a meeting to discuss your case. A lawyer should find your Step 2 Report a useful starting point in the discussion with you. Recommended Law Firm 1: Lawyer: Address: Tel #: Email:
Trusted, Affordable Medical Malpractice Opinions --- Directly to You

Canada | US | UK | Ireland | Australia | New Zealand Head office: 17204 -106A Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5S 1E6 Contact us at:

Recommended Law Firm 2 Lawyer: Address: Tel #: Email: We welcome discussion of your case with the lawyer you choose. Given our substantial experience in this area, we can provide further assistance with pragmatic medical advice and access to our extensive international database of medical experts for more detailed opinions that may be required to prove your case in court from a legal perspective. Your lawyer can contact us by e-mail at: or through the Contact Us form at We trust that our services have helped you move forward with confidence on this matter. You are now in control of what happens next. Thank you for accessing our services. Yours truly,

Dr Roger Hodkinson CEO and Medical Director

Trusted, Affordable Medical Malpractice Opinions --- Directly to You


Canada | US | UK | Ireland | Australia | New Zealand Head office: 17204 -106A Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5S 1E6 Contact us at:

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