Canciones Sabaton

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40 To 1

40:1 Baptised in fire. 40 to 1 So silent before the storm Awaiting command A few has been chosen to stand As one outnumbered by far The orders from high command Fight back, hold your ground! In early September it came A war unknown to the world No army may enter that land That is protected by Polish hand Unless you are 40 to 1 Your force will soon be undone Baptised in fire 40 to 1 Spirit of Spartans Death and glory Soldiers of Poland Second to none Wrath of the Wehrmacht brought to a halt The 8th of September it starts The rage of the Reich A barrage of mortars and guns Stand fast, the bunkers will hold The captain has pledged his life I'll face my fate here! The sound of artillery strike So fierce The thunder of guns So come, bring on all that you've got Come hell, come high water, Never stop Unless you are 40 to 1 Your lives will soon be undone Baptised in fire 40 to 1 Spirit of Spartans Death and glory Soldiers of Poland Second to none Wrath of the Wehrmacht brought to a halt Always Always Always Always Always Always remember, remember, remember, remember, remember, remember, a fallen soldier fathers and sons at war a fallen soldier fathers and sons at war a fallen soldier buried in history

No army may enter that land That is protected by Polish hand Unless you are 40 to 1 Your force will soon be undone Baptised in fire 40 to 1

Spirit of Spartans Death and glory! Soldiers of Poland Second to none Wrath of the Wehrmacht brought to a halt No, no, no

The dawn of time breaks See the sun rise to the sky The wheel of time begins to turn But then we heard it A divine voice out of nowhere Spoke to our hearts and showed the way Almighty lord we have come to your hall Do glatem live, creator of all Open your heart and you will find a way Paradise calling and enter you may Falling down Now your soul returns to paradise 7734 The wheel kept turning, ages came Time passed us by We lived in perfect harmony But then it happened Our ranks decreased rapidly But now its time for our return Once we were numerous But that's long ago We are no longer 7734 We last 2united and 2 became 1 111 perished in flames

A Secret
A Secret Hostile armies may face each other for years, striving to victory which is decided in a single day. Illegal download detected. Executing spyware protocol 666.

Aces In Exile
In the skies above the isle Aces In Exile prepare! From near and far they arrived join the force Ready to serve the Allied command Sent in the training, though they already earned their wings They were ready to fly they were fit for the fight

Once in the air the battle began They had proven their worth now they fight for revenge Fighter pilots in exile fly for foreign land Let the story be heard tell of 303 Fighter pilots of Poland in the battle of Britain Guarding the skies of the isle Even at night shadows cover the ground Fighting goes on from dusk till dawn We fall on the Reich with the claws of the eagle! They were Ready to fight, they were ready to die Up in the air, the battle goes on They had proven their worth now they have their revenge Fighter pilots in exile fly for foreign land Tell the story again to the 310 Men of Czechoslovakia in the battle of Britain Guarding the skies of the isle Over the battlefield brave man long You are the chosen ones sent to the Over the battlefield brave man long You are the chosen ones sent to the way sky way sky from home to die from home to die

Oh fly - it echoes in history Turning the tides in the heavens above Fighter pilots in exile fly for foreign land When the battle's been won trouble 401 Fighter pilots of Canada in the battle of Britain Guarding the skies of the isle On wings of history they turn from home To live eternally sky bound they roam In all of history, never before Was more owed to so few Fighter pilot in exile!

Angels Calling
Sent to kill, to watch no man's land Snipers are moving unseen Fight for land, to lose it again Shrapnel is filling the air Hell on earth, the trenches mean death, better keep your head down low Charge their lines, the ultimate test it's a synchronized (sacrifice) Get the wounded after dark Left alone in no man's land Maddening chaos at the front Dream of heaven (angels are calling your name) Shells and guns, a rifle and scope Bullets are wearing your name Losing track of time and of space Midnight at sanity's edge Losing friends to artillery shells, at the break of dawn Break their will, as yours has been broken, they're here alone, (dream of home)

Charge at dawn to gain a yard Scout at night to guard their lines Leave your life in fortunes hand Dream of heaven (angels are calling your name) Solo Hell on earth, the trenches mean death, keep your head down low Charge their lines, the ultimate test it's a synchronized (sacrifice) When the bullet hits it's mark Know your time in hell has been served You won't return to home Dream of heaven (angels are calling your name) Calling you home

Attero Dominatus
Attero Dominatus Sabaton Attero! Dominatus! Berlin is burning Denique! Interimo! The reich has fallen We stand With two With six Use them Artillery A million The nazis The wings at the gates of Berlin and a half million men thousand tanks in our ranks as battering rams leading our way grenades has been launched must pay for their crimes of the eagle has been broken

Marshall Zhukov's orders: Serve me Berlin on a plate! Disregard the losses The city is ours to take Attero! Dominatus! Berlin is burning Denique! Interimo! The reich has fallen The price of a war must be payed Millions of lives has been lost The price must be paid by the men That started the war in the 30's The spring of the year 45' The year when the nazis will fall We're inside the gates of Berlin The beak of the eagle is broken

Comrade Stalins orders: Serve me it's head on a plate Disregard the losses The eagle's land is ours to take Attero! Dominatus! Berlin is burning Denique! Interimo! The reich has fallen March! Fight! Die! In Berlin! March! Fight! Conquer! Berlin! Attero! Dominatus! Berlin is burning Denique! Interimo! The reich has fallen Attero! Dominatus! Berlin is burning Denique! Interimo! The reich has fallen Attero!

Back In Control
Sent to the islands to secure what is ours Marching ashore in the cover of night Hide until dawn and attack in the twilight Shake them awake with the thunder of guns Orders from the iron maiden, (get the islands back) Failure will not be accepted, call for artillery strike, launch attack We are (back in control), force them (take what is ours), restore law and (back in control), push them further (falklands in our hands), back under to surrender order out to sea british reign

Push them back further and out from the islands Into our fleet that will stop their retreat Mark their positions and call in the airforce Harriers and vulcans strikes at our command Orders from the iron maiden, (get the islands back) Failure will not be accepted, call for artillery strike, launch attack We are (back in control), force them (take what is ours), restore law and (back in control), push them further (falklands in our hands), back under to surrender order out to sea british reign

Back in control, force them to surrender Take what is ours, restore law and order (back in control), push them further out to sea (falklands in our hands) (back in control), force them to surrender (take what is ours), restore law and order (back in control), push them further out to sea (falklands in our hands), back under british reign

Birds of War
The priesthood is trembling the five knights of light has betrayed mankind Now known as the dark ones we strike down on earth with powers from hell We ride on the wind we ride through the sky like unholy birds of war we fly we bring agony and insanity Once blessed by the light now serving the night and soon cursed by every man on earth We follow our lust, in no god we trust Come join us Leave this world behind and you will find satisfaction fight on our side you cannot hide from us forever more Once greeted as heroes now treated as foes wherever we go Recruiting more warriors the hordes of undead march on our command Now mankind will pay from this very day every man on earth will curse his birth We spread fear and pain resistance in vain We march in the dark your kind is our mark avoid the daylight in dark we fight We'll control your souls you'll end up like ghouls

Burn Your Crosses

No use to pray, there's no one listening I will die anyway Some say i've killed, some call me satan Now my blood must be spilled I'm sentenced for crimes i did not commit I'll pay with my blood, is this really it? Creations of god? No way! Burn your crosses, make way for science Christ has only caused death and violence Burn your crosses and make way for yourself Put faith in mother earth Don't call his name, don't trust in others Bishops fighting for fame Torture in vain, i won't surrender Purified by pain Mankind's great mistake was to create god Creation of man, excuse to spill blood

Creations of god? No way! Burn your crosses, make way for science Christ has only caused death and violence Burn your crosses and make way for yourself Put faith in mother earth No use to pray, there's no one listening I will die anyway Leaving this place, the end is near now Dying ain't no disgrace My last night alive has come to an end Death once i feared, but now it's my friend Creations of god? No way! Burned my crosses, made way for science Christ will only cause death and violence Burned my crosses and made way for myself In mother earth i trust Now burn!

Carolus Rex
All embrace me It's my time to rule at last Fifteen years Have i been waiting To sit upon my throne No allegiance I will swear no oath Crowned by god Not by the church As my power is divine They tought i was too young To rule the land Just as they failed to understand Born to rule My time has come I was chosen by heaven Say my name when you pray To the skies See carolus rise With the lord my protector Make them bow to my will To the skies See carolus rise To the skies See carolus rise Proved in battle Led my men to victory No man alive Or dead commands me I answer to the lord

Hear my orders Question me and die What i say Was said in heaven And so it shall be done I know i was destined To rule alone All for myself I have claimed the throne Born to rule My time is now I was chosen by heaven Say my name when you pray To the skies See carolus rise With the lord my protector Make them bow to my will To the skies See carolus rise To the skies See carolus rise All that's thine Shall be mine There's no stopping me All over europe My rule shall be questioned by none All i see Give to me, that is my decree My will be done They tought i was too young To rule the land Just as they failed to understand Born to rule My time is now I was chosen by heaven Say my name when you pray To the skies See carolus rise To the skies (with the lord my protector Make them bow to my will) To the skies See carolus rise To the skies See carolus rise

Cliffs Of Gallipoli
Cliffs Of Gallipoli Hear them whisper voices from the other side Hear them calling for the both sides friends are resting side by side They will never leave our hearts or fade away Live forever They were far too young to die in such a way How many wasted lives? How many dreams did fade away? Broken promises they won't be coming home Oh mothers wipe your tears your sons will rest a million years Found their peace at last as foe turn to friend and forgive And they knew they'd die Gallipoli Left their letters in the sand Such waste of life Gallipoli Dreams of freedom turn to dust Hell is waiting Where the ocean meets the sand Cliffs of burden where the soldiers rushed into a certain death At the shoreline blood of heroes stains the land Light a candle one for each of them who fought and died in vain There is no enemy there is no victory Only boys who lost their lives in the sand Young men where sacrificed the names are carved in stone and kept alive And forever we will honour the memory of them And they knew they'd die Gallipoli Left their letters in the sand Such waste of life Gallipoli Dreams of freedom turn to dust How many wasted lives? How many dreams did fade away? Broken promises they won't be coming home Oh mothers wipe your tears your sons will rest a million years Found their peace at last as foe turn to friend and forgive And they knew they'd die Gallipoli Left their letters in the sand Such waste of life Gallipoli Dreams of freedom turn to dust There are roads which must not be followed, armies which must not be attacked, towns which must not be besieged positions which must not be contested.

Coat Of Arms
At dawn envog arrives Morning of October 28th "No day" proven by deed Descendants of Sparta, Athens and Crete! Look north, ready to fight Enemies charge from the hills To arms! Facing defeat! There's no surrender! There's no retreat! Time after time Force their enemies back to the line Call to arms banners fly in the wind For the glory of Hellas Coat of arms reading "Freedom of death!" Blood of king Leonidas Air raid pounding the land Bombers are flying both day and night Endure six days of rain Dropped by invaders bomb raid in vain Strike hard, the tables have turned Drive them back over the hills At arms! Just like before Soldiers, civilians, Hellas at war By theire own hand Forced the enemy out of their land Call to arms, banners fly in the wind For the glory of Hellas Coat of arms reading "Freedom or death!" Blood of king Leonidas Just like their ancestors ages ago Fought in the face of defeat Those three hundred men Left a pride to uphold Freedom of death in effect Then, now again Blood of heroes saving their land Call to arms, banners fly in the wind For the glory of Hellas Coat of arms reading "Freedom or death!" Blood of king Leonidas Call to arms, banners fly in the wind For the glory of Hellas Coat of arms reading "Freedom or death!" Blood of king Leonidas

Kickstart fighter launch Throttle set to full Speed king race to win Afterburners roaring Ghostlike counterstrike Takes them by surprise Score 307 Israelis rule the heaven Jordan attacks israel crush that Futile attempt Control jerusalem Drive back surprise attack Take the western wall Next day make them pay Over river jordan Syria last in line Head for golan heights Strike without a warning See the syria forces falling Syria attacked israel crushed their Lines of defence Ruling golan heights 6 days of fire 1 day of rest June 67 taught them respect Control jerusalem 3 nations fallen in 6 days of war Traitorous neighbours Received as deserved Under the sun in the dust of the war 1 nation standing stronger than before First into egypt and Sent them to hell Then returned their forces to jordan Climb up the mountains Where syria awaits Break them in hours Protect holy land

En Livstid i Krig
Jag ser mig om och ser mitt hem frsvinna bort Min tid dr hemma knns nu alldeles fr kort Blott ungdom, knappt en man d plikten kallade mig Om jag fr se mitt hem igen det vet jag ej Bland frnder frn min by s drog jag ut i strid Och vrlden brann... Fr kriget det kan Frgra en man

Jag ger mitt liv fr mitt fosterland Men vem saknar mig? S se mig som den En make, en vn Fader och son som aldrig kommer hem Men vem srjer mig? Gick ut i strid fr Sverige, blev dpt i blod Dr ute vntar dden, inte hjltemod. I flt dr frnder faller, hrs ingen sng Utmanar vra den, nnu en gng. Lngt hemifrn Dpas och d i strid Och vrlden brann... Fr kriget det kan Frgra en man Jag ger mitt liv fr mitt fosterland Men vem saknar mig? S se mig som den En make, en vn Fader och son som aldrig kommer hem Men vem srjer mig? Och nr min tid har runnit ut Vem bryr sig d? De kmpar p Fr en soldat ett vrdig slut? F somna in Frsvinna bort... Och aldrig vakna... Fr kriget det kan Frgra en man Jag ger mitt liv fr mitt fosterland Men vem saknar mig? S se mig som den En make, en vn Fader och son som aldrig kommer hem Men vem srjer mig? Fr kriget det kan Frgra en man Jag ger mitt liv fr mitt fosterland Men vem saknar mig?

S se mig som den En make, en vn Fader och son som aldrig kommer hem Men vem srjer mig?

Endless Nights
Clouds are gathering in the darkness. Lightning strikes the Earth. Evil forces celebrate Lucifer's rebirth Necromancers, sacrifices, he'll be here for sure. Drained blood from a thousand men, and now he's back for more. He will rise from a land down under Bringing fire, plague, death and thunder Summons creatures unknown to mankind Demons of the past Unholy rites. Assassins from hell Cold endless nights upon us fell The storm strikes our land with madness and pain Winds of the damned drives us insane Satan's hordes are coming closer, now it's time to pay Riding on the wings of death searching for their prey Now the time has come for mankind to prove strong or fall Fighting against unholy creatures spawned in Satan's hall Trapped in hellfire he was burned Once locked up but the winds has turned Seeking vengeance in pain and slaughter Back on earth again Demons marked with the five-edged star Haunt our dreams in this endless way Killing children and raping women Now it's time to die

Feuer Frei
Getadelt wird wer schmerzen kennt Vom feuer das die haut verbrennt Ich werf ein licht In mein gesicht Ein heisser schrei Feuer frei! Bng bng Bng bng Geadelt ist wer schmerzen kennt Vom feuer das in lust verbrennt Ein funkenstoss In ihren schoss Ein heisser schrei Feuer frei! Bng bng Bng bng Feuer frei! Bng bng Bng bng Feuer frei!

Gefhrlich ist wer schmerzen kennt Vom feuer das den geist verbrennt -bng bng!Gefhrlich das gebrannte kind Mit feuer das vom leben trennt Ein heisser schrei Bng bng, Feuer frei! Dein glck Ist nicht mein glck Ist mein unglck Dein glck Ist nicht mein glck Ist mein unglck Bng bng Bng bng Feuer frei! Bng bng Bng bng Feuer frei! Bng bng Bng bng Feuer frei! Bng bng Bng bng Feuer frei! Bng bng!

Firestorm Warnings of an airstrike The sirens scream out loud Warnings on the radio Of what's coming Appearing on the radar A threat from overseas Planes on the horizon Cast shadows on the ground Bringers of destruction Are ravaging the land Fury of the bombers A force to reckon with Sets the world on fire Then turns to strike again Flames are burning higher The bombs keep falling AA guns are blazing As the sky is turning red Better run for cover you''ll be quick or be dead Burn Burn Rage of the heavens Burn Burn Death from above

Die Die Merciless killing Burn Burn Death from above Carpet bombing cities And grinding them to dust Able men and women Will all be victims Everyone will suffer In the wake of their attack Bombers show no mercy A land in ruin Homes are turned to rubble When the airstrike has been approved Facing their destruction Fear the black wings of death Nothing remains Cities ruined turned to dust All has been lost Rise from the ashs and strike

Ghost Division
Ghost Division Fast as the wind The Invasion has begun Shaking the ground With a force of 1000 guns First in the line of fire First into hostile land Tanks leading the way Leading the way Charging the lines with a force of a furious storm Fast as the lightning phantom's swarm 200 miles at nightfall taken within a day Thus earning their name, earning their fame They are the Panzer Elite Bound to compete Never retreat (Ghost Division) Living or dead Always ahead Fed by your dread Always ahead as the Blitzkrieg rages on Breaking morale with the sound of blazing guns First in the line of fire First into hostile land Tanks leading the way Leading the way Leaving a trail of destruction through a foreign land Massive assault to serve the Nazi plan Communication's broken Panzers are far away Thus earning their name, earning their fame

They are the Panzer Elite Bound to compete Never retreat (Ghost Division) Living or dead Always ahead Fed by your dread Pushing the frontline forth with a tremendous force Crushing the way for Panzer Corps First in the line of fire First into hostile land Tanks leading the way Claiming the fame They are the Panzer Elite Bound to compete Never retreat (Ghost Division) Living or dead Always ahead Fed by your dread Panzer Elite Bound to compete Never retreat (Ghost Division) Living or dead Always ahead Fed by your dread

Glorious Land
Endless waste, Our patience runs thin. Here we stand ready. Let the battle begin! Hit back! charge! As the forces arrive. Shove! go! push! In the foes let collide! Facing the storm, battred and torn, Fighting for our glorious land! Come take our hand, together we stand Defending our glorious land! Darkness falls And the screams fade away. Home of the fallen And the home of the brave! Facing the storm, battred and torn, Fighting for our glorious land! Come take our hand, together we stand Defending our glorious land! Facing the storm, battred and torn, Fighting for our glorious land! Come take our hand, together we stand Defending our glorious land! Facing the storm, battred and torn, Fighting for our glorious land! Come take our hand, together

Hail To The King

Clouds are gathering in the darkness, lightning strikes the earth. Evil forces celebrates, lucifers rebirth. Necromancers sacrifices hell be here for sure, drained blood from a thousand men and now hes back for more. He will rise from a world downunder, bringing fire, plauge death and thunder. summon creatures unknown to mankind, demons of the past. Unwholy rites, assasins from hell, cold endelss nights upon us fell. The storm strikes our land, with madness and pain. winds of the damned drives us insane. Satans hordes are coming closer, now its time to pay. Riding on the winds of death, searching for their pray. now the time has come for mankind to prove their strong or fall. fightging against unwholy creatures spawned in satan's hall. Trapped in hellfire he was burned, once looked up but the wind has turned. seeking vengeance and violent slaughter back on earth again. Unwholy rites, assasins from hell, cold endelss nights upon us fell. The storm strikes our land, with madness and pain. winds of the damned drives us insane. Demons marked with a five edged star, haunt our dreams in this endless war. killing children and raping women, now it's time to die! Unwholy rites, assasins from hell, cold endelss nights upon us fell. The storm strikes our land, with madness and pain. winds of the damned drives us insane

Engines are running our blood burns like oil Head one by one down the highway Tires are screaming leave trails on the road The sirens of death heading our way We'll always be one step ahead We'll not fall back Pedal to metal rock hard and ride free The philosophy of a rider Don't use the brakes ride on faster instead Adrenaline taking you higher Fall back in line or stand away We like it fast Into hell we ride fast as lightning Enter the darkness the weak ones will pay Ride through fire cause revolution That is a hellrider's way Crushing the traitors to no man we kneel The power is at our command Nothing can stop us it's head over heel United together we stand If it's too hard then you're too weak You're in our way Into hell we ride fast as lightning Enter the darkness the weak ones will pay

Ride through fire cause revolution That is a hellrider's way Engines are running our blood burns like oil Head one by one down the highway Tires are screaming leave trails on the road The sirens of death heading our way If you ain't tough enough to play Get out our way Into hell we ride fast as lightning Enter the darkness the weak ones will pay Ride through fire cause revolution That is a hellrider's way

In The Name Of God

Hide from the public eye, choose to appear when it suits you Claim you're just, killing women and children Fight, when you choose to fight, hide in a cave when you're hunted Like a beast spawned from hell, utilizing fear Chosen by god or a coward insane? Stand up and show me your face! (suicidal, in a trance) (a religious army) (fight without a uniform and hide in the crowd) (call it holy, call it just) (authorized by heaven) (leave your wounded as they die, and call it gods will) Run when its time to pay, fear consequence of your action Reappear, when you're almost forgotten Dream of a world in peace, yet you cause pain and destruction Kill your own, a response of your actions Chosen by god or a coward insane? Stand up and show me your face! (suicidal, in a trance) (a religious army) (fight without a uniform and hide in the crowd) (call it holy, call it just) (authorized by heaven) (leave your wounded as they die, and call it gods will) (captured in all you lies, fear is in your eyes) (creature who's gone insane, your war is in vain) (trapped in a cage of stone, we'll destroy your home) (consequence of your action) (captured in all you lies, fear is in your eyes) (creature who's gone insane, your war is in vain) (trapped in a cage of stone, we'll destroy your home) (consequence of your action) Chosen by god or a coward insane? Stand up and show me your face! (suicidal, in a trance) (a religious army) (fight without a uniform and hide in the crowd) (call it holy, call it just)

(authorized by heaven) (leave your wounded as they die, and call it gods will) (suicidal, in a trance) (a religious army) (fight without a uniform and hide in the crowd)

Into The Fire

Sent from home overseas And into the unknown Barely landed in the jungle Sent on first patrol Sundown darkness falls Dig in for the night Ambushed in the dawn they came The jungle's alive I feel my fire starts to burn The heat controlling my mind Berserk a savage running wild Within me the beast starts to roar Now I'm ready to strike A creature of the night Into the fire A flame of napalm strike Sarge's down I'm in charge Vc's everywhere Overrun yet order airstrike Condemned us all to burn Napalm from above Burning friend and foe Chaos on the battlefield The jungle's on fire This place it's driving me insane Napalm it's burning us all This fight no man will live to tell Within me my blood starts to boil From above the airstrike came And it burned the world below Napalm falling from the sky And it leaves no man alive I feel my fire starts to burn The heat controlling my mind Napalm it's burning us alive Within me the beasts final roar

Judas Priest Cover

Deadly as the viper Peering from its coil The poison there is coming to the boil

Ticking like a time bomb The fuse is running short on the verge of snapping if it's caught And all the pressure that's been building up For all the years it bore the load The cracks appear, the frame starts to distort Ready to explode -- Jawbreaker Crouching in the corner Wound up as a spring Piercing eyes that flash are shimmering Muscles are all contorted Claws dug in the dirt Every ounce of fiber on alert And all the pressure that's been building up For all the years it bore the load The cracks appear, the frame starts to distort Ready to explode -- Jawbreaker Jawbreaker... And all the pressure that's been building up For all the years it bore the load The cracks appear, the frame starts to distort Ready to explode -- Jawbreaker Jawbreaker Jawbreaker Jawbreaker...

Light In The Black

Sent into battle to aid strangers in need Gain independence, our forces will lead Final solution when all others have failed Liberation is coming our path has been laid We remember the fields, where our tanks held the line We remember our brothers in arms (when the war, has been won) (and our march home begins) What awaits has not yet been revealed (what was won? what whas lost?) (will our deeds be remembered?) Are they written on stone or in sand? Marching ashore, our target awaits Facing resistance, forces driven by hate Protecting civilians, while fired upon (rules of engagement, our restrictions are gone) We remember the sea, where our ships broke the waves We remember our brothers in arms (when the war, has been won) (and our march home begins) What awaits has not yet been revealed (what was won? what whas lost?) (will our deeds be remembered?) Are they written on stone or in sand?

(leaving home, set to sea) (was this really meant to be?) (see the shore of our home fade away) (facing blood, facing pain) (have our brothers died in vain?) (many lives has been lost on the way) (when the war, has been won) (and our march home begins) What awaits has not yet been revealed (what was won? what whas lost?) (will our deeds be remembered?) Are they written on stone or in sand?

Masters Of The World

We're a small crowd left to rotten There's many answers left As the pop is growing stronger Will metal fade away? Will we be broken? Will we go down? Chorus: No! we'll never fall We're the masters of the world Get up! let's break those chains now And party all night long Chorus As i'm tweaking with my radio There's disco everywhere When i turn on my big tv Is hip-hop what i plan to seek? Have we been broken? Did we go down? Chorusx2 Solo Chorusx3

Metal Cre
Take some venom and accept That you won't see nazareth The rainbow leads you home Warrior sent to milky way Ufo shooting gamma ray A riot of destruction Watch the rockbitch go down, vixen spread When the priest killed a maiden in the metal church Armored saints and warlocks watched the slaughter

Rage of the slayer forced the pretty maids To kiss the queen in crimson glory You were born a motorhead Bike's in flames you race ahead You do the kansas rush Racing with the motley crew Annihilator chasing you With guns and burning roses Status quo has been reached, wasps unleashed When the priest killed a maiden in the metal church Armored saints and warlocks watched the slaughter Rage of the slayer forced the pretty maids To kiss the queen in crimson glory Take a skyride with me, then you'll see When the priest killed a maiden in the metal church Armored saints and warlocks watched the slaughter Rage of the slayer forced the pretty maids To kiss the queen in crimson glory

Metal Machine
I have a phobia A fear of the dark Afraid to shoot strangers The animal talks Guns scare me shitless But love gun's my friend The sentinel's coming But is this the end Riding on this crazy train I'm going paranoid Watch me lose my mind And break the law (Refro) I'm a metal machine It's close to midnight and He's barking at the moon I'm a metal machine A Rainbow in the dark is shining I'm a metal machine The kings of metal ride the sky Is this st. anger The ultimate sin Or haveIreally A black knight within The gates of babylon Are open and wide Shout at the devil There's nowhere to hide Fighting for the world to keep The wild child in it's cage Broke my metal heart Against the wall

Metal Ripper
you're in for a suprise, You're in for a shock. In long gone tall streets, where there is darkness and fog. I'm going down, all the way down, Up on the highway to hell from here! Blessed by the night, holy and bright Called by the toll of the bell. Oh, Mr. Crowley did you talk to the dead? Sleep with the devil, and then you must pay! [ Chorus:] In the land of the damned, Come on in child take my hand! (hear the rising force) Watch the devils the damned, they're gonna break the chains Through the night (you cant hear them) Twisting you mind, a smash in your dreams. blinded by me you cant see a thing! Torches blazed and sacred chants were phrased Blood on your face you big disgrace! Strand of silver hanging through the sky, Touching more than you can see. Appears like a wonder, without any move, Can i get close, closer to you? [ Chorus] ALL ABOARD, Hahahahaha. [ Chorus x2]

We live for the magic in the sound, distorted guitars are breaking ground The drum pounding faster than my heart, the vocals are screaming extreme art The passion for metal drives us forth, the best heavy metal comes from north The powerful tunes, spectacular shows, the audience screams in ecstasy Metal, metal Back with a vengeance Metal, metal All that i need is heavy metal Metal Screaming together Metal, metal Metal is all that i need While hell bends for leather we stand strong, a rocker can party all night long The school couldn't teach us rock'n'roll, the school couldn't help us reach our goal We live for the magic in the sound, distorted guitars are breaking ground The powerful tunes, spectacular shows, the audience screams in ecstasy Metal, metal Back with a vengeance Metal, metal All that i need is heavy metal Metal Screaming together Metal, metal Metal is all that i need

Metal, metal Back with a vengeance Metal, metal All that i need is heavy metal Metal Screaming together Metal, metal Metal is all that i need

Send them over the waves Our sentinels They report in the news Position of our foes This battlefield's been chosen, tactically in advance Time to alert our fighters We're soon in range Midway We'll meet at Midway Naval War Calling all men to deck Got to be airborne Head out into the sun Decending on our foes This is the crucial moment, in the heat of the war To fly and hit our targets Down in the waves Midway Display their might, ordering carriers, admirals at war We'll meet at Midway To win the fight, tactics are crucial, naval war Far from shore, a pacific war bombs are falling from the skies Its a bombrun day, it the naval way A bloodred sun is on the rise

Nuclear Attack
(prepare for nuclear attack) Dropped from enola, a city erased, threat of the future displayed A power unheard of a power unseen Flash out of nowhere, the sky is burning At 8:16 am tokyo control realized something was wrong Reports of explosions, destruction and pain Air raid from hell city gone in a blaze August in black, b-29's turning back. (prepare for nuclear attack) Warned but did not heed (prepare for nuclear attack) Extermination (strike back) Chose not to believe (another nuclear attack)

From the southeast came the second attack, threat of tomorrow unveiled 11:02 on the 9th of august Over the valley, like ball lightning The bomb detonates and the land turns to waste, barren for decades to come The factories burning, the steelworks destoyed Surrender your war else you'll perish in flames Second attack, b-29's turning back. (prepare for nuclear attack) Warned but did not heed (prepare for nuclear attack) Extermination (strike back) Chose not to believe (another nuclear attack) August in black, b-29's turning back. Another (nuclear attack) Warned but did not heed (prepare for nuclear attack) Extermination (strike back) Chose not to believe (another nuclear attack) Warned but did not heed (prepare for nuclear attack) Extermination (strike back) Chose not to believe (another nuclear attack) (a nuclear attack)

Panzer Battalion
Under this sun no shadows will fall Piercing our eyes as we charge An armoured battalion on course to the east Closing the end of it's march This time we're here to finish a job Started a decade ago Driving the animals out of their holes To bury them 6 feet below Armoured tanks of mass destruction Killers in the east Rats who dares to stand before us Feel our guns go live Death in the shape of a panzer battalion Insect of terror don't run face your fate like a Man cannot outrun our panzer battalion Thousands of tons of armour and guns Making it's way through the sand Our panzer battalion is back for revenge Artillery sweeping the land First strike is ours no mercy is shown There's rivers of blood in our track

Breaking their lines of defence with our tanks Infantry watching our back Blow their SAM sites clear for air strike Ready for the storm Minefields swept there's no surrender Feel our napalm burn Under this sun no shadows will fall Piercing our eyes as we charge An armoured battalion on course to the east Has reached the end of it's march

Into the Motherland the German Army March! In the Soviet Union, Summer 1943 Tanks line up in thousands, as far the eye can see Ready for the onslaught, ready for the fight Waiting for the Axis, to march into the trap Mines are placed in darkness In the cover of the night Waiting to be triggered When the time is right Imminent invasion Imminent attack Once the battle's started There's no turning back The end of the Third Reich draws near Its time has come to an end The end of an era is near It's time to attack Into the Motherland the Comrades, stand side by Panzers on Russian soil One million men at war, German Army march! side, to stop the Nazi charge Thunder in the east. The Soviet wrath unleashed

Fields of Prokhorovka, the heat of battle burned Suffered heavy loses losses, the tide of war has turned Driving back the Germans, fighting on the front Hunt them Mother Russia, out of Soviet land Reinforce the frontline, force the Axis to retreat Send in all the reserves, securing their defeat Soldiers of the Union broke the Citadel Ruins of an army, Facist rest in hell The end of the Third Reich draws near Its time has come to an end The end of an era is near It's time to attack Into the Motherland the German Army march! Comrades, stand side by side, to stop the Nazi charge Panzers on Russian soil Thunder in the east. One million men at war, The Soviet wrath unleashed Oh, Mother Russia, union of lands Will of the people, strong in command

Oh, Mother Russia, union of lands Once more victorious, the Red Army stands The end of the Third Reich draws near Its time has come to an end The end of an era is near It's time to attack Into the Motherland the German Army march! Comrades, stand side by side, to stop the Nazi charge Panzers on Russian soil Thunder in the east. One million men at war, The Soviet wrath unleashed.

Primo Victoria
Through the gates of hell As we make our way to heaven Through the nazi lines Primo victoria We've been training for years Now we're ready to strike As the great operation begins We're the first wave on the shore We're the first ones to fall Yet soldiers have fallen before In the dawn they will pay With their lives as the price History's written today In this burning inferno Know that nothing remains As our forces advance on the beach Aiming for heaven though serving in hell Victory is ours their forces will fall Through the gates of hell As we make our way to heaven Through the nazi lines Primo victoria On the 6th of june On the shores of western europe 1944 D-day upon us We've been here before Used to this kind of war Crossfire grind through the sand Our orders were easy It's kill or be killed Blood on both sides will be spilled In the dawn they will pay With their lives as the price History's written today Now that we are at war With the axis again This time we know what will come 6th of june 1944 Allies are turning the war Normandy state of anarchy Overlord

Purple Heart
When we signed up for the army To a rangers company Armed with M16's Straight into the war Then we served under the banner Clad in US stars an stripes And on moonless nights We marched for endless miles Once we were soldiers Once we were young We have found our peace We've seen the end Fallen in war We belong to history Fallen in war Sleep 6 feet below Hearts of the brave Cannot bring me back to life Fallen in war Still brothers in arms We have fought in distant conflict And for all to many years Seen our friends go down Wounded dead or lost Know that peace comes at a high price It may take a thousand lives And a deep belief Sacrifice of men Shining heart beats no more Buried deep deep in cold earth Shallow grave in my motherland Here stay lay in darkness forever

Reign Of Terror
The sky is on fire burning black gold Eyes of the west turn to east Driven by greed and an urge to destroy Merciless killing your own Slave to the power a slave to the gold Ruthlessly ruling the east Your reing of terrormust come to an end Fighting your unholy war Now you will pay we'll charge you our way Sooner or later we'll get you Don't try to hide in your holes underground Just like an insect we'll smoke you right out Night time primetime Ancient legacy of crime One day we will make you pay for

Night time primetime Law and order pays the fine Genocide you cannot justify Chaos in east disorder in west Desert storm is a go Fighters are launched from the carriers at sea Infantry coming your way Armoured brigades engaging their lines Regain control of black gold Your reign of terror will come to an end Countdown to death we're coming for you Making our way through the desert Soon you will pay for the pain that you caused Captured or dead you will cause no more Harm Feet after feet mile after mile Allies regaining control Your cities in ruins a people in need Still you go on as before Feet after feet mile after mile Allies returning the land Hide undergroung as the coward you are One day we're coming for you

Rise Of Evil
A nation in despair, weakened by war, defeated Lost their pride in versailles A former prisoner, with a vision or a grand delusion Rise to power in the reich Rebuilding an army Make the nation proud Disregarding the treaty Secret plans for "lebensraum" Start the holocaust (the reich will rise) Propaganda, (the reich will rise) To last a thousand years Burning books to spread, anti-semite propaganda Who will stop the madmans reign? Night of broken glass, send the jews to dachau death camp On a path to certain death The "anschluss" completed On the brink of war Act brutal with no pity Be harsh, show no remorse Start the warmachine (the reich will rise) Propaganda, (the reich will rise) To last a thousand years I see the evil rising, The rise of evil

Dropped down to a world of ice A platoe of frozen lakes A Nazi place of doom in their sights Training camps on Scottish Heights To commando saboteurs A mission of their lives lies ahead [ Chorus:] Called in to serve And they knew what to do They were the heroes of the cold Warrior soul, they signed a book of history They played a leading role to win the 2nd war Allied time was running short They would race against the bomb And hours turned to days, time passed on As the nature Test their strength They would fight through night and day To live amongst the wild, stay alive Called in to serve And they knew what to do They were the heroes of the cold Warrior soul, they signed a book of history They played a leading role to win the 2nd war Heroes of the telemark Carry viking blood in veins Warriors of the northern land They live forever more [ x2] Called in to serve And they knew what to do They were the heroes of the cold Warrior soul! Warrior soul, they signed a book of history They played a leading role to win the 2nd war [ x2]

Screaming Eagles
Crack of the lightning splitting the ground Thunder is sounding, artillery pounding Wrath of the Nazi's cast on Bastogne Facing their forces alone ALONE! [ 2x] Sent from the skies jumped into the unknown The march to Berlin has begun Spearhead the charge surrounded by foes Eagles are leading the way France is still under enemy rule Push, axis retreat

Thrown towards Arnhem a bitter defeat They're stretched out just one bridge too far Turn of the tide, it's breaking away Losing momentum, retreat Go to Bastogne, the crossroads must hold Stand, alone in the cold Crack of the lightning splitting the ground Thunder is sounding, artillery pounding Wrath of the Nazi's cast on Bastogne Facing their forces alone ALONE! [ 2x] Dig your own foxholes or dig your own Grave The storm is about to begin The siege has begun, there's nowhere to run Panzerkampfwagen emerge Tanks and mortars are shaking the ground Prey of man and machine Crack of the lightning splitting the ground Thunder is sounding, artillery pounding Wrath of the Nazi's cast on Bastogne Facing their forces alone Chill of the winter bite to the bone and Christmas is drawing near Soldiers are freezing, the death toll increasing They're dying in their holes There's no surrender there's no retreat, the Wehrmacht is drawing near There's no reinforcements they're fighting all alone Sent from the skies ended up in Bastogne As easy, as hard as they get Nazi command request and demand Offer surrender - declined Nuts! The generals word echo clear Nuts! The Nazi's shall hear [ 2x] Crack of the lightning splitting the ground Thunder is sounding, artillery pounding Wrath of the Nazi's cast on Bastogne Facing their forces alone

Facing the wind as they ride through the sky Shadows of mordor black horses they fly Black shadow king, find the ring Search for the halfling you lords of the dark The hobbit with sauron's ring is your mark Unholy light, in the night Black knights of sauron You're made of iron Black shadows of mordor Wield one-eyed shields

Unholy ringwraiths with armour and steel Kings of the past to no one you kneel Hearts filled with hate, that's your fate Facing the wind as they ride through the sky Shadows of mordor black horses they fly Ride shadow king, find the ring Black knights of sauron You're made of iron Black shadows of mordor Wield one-eyed shields Black knights of sauron You're made of iron Black shadows of mordor Wield one-eyed shields

The dark compulse me everyday The countdown has begun I am your master, number one Realizing pain I was [ holy?] ... in the underworld To live by satan's will A creature of unholy pain Vengeance is my name I walk alone the path of evil I'm satan's number one Taste my fury, take my vengeance Now it's time to die I'm bringing out the shotgun! Ha ha ha! I am a breaker of this world Destruction is my name Bringing pain and infamy Into the face of man I walk alone the path of evil I'm satan's number one Taste my fury, take my vengeance Now it's time to die I'm bringing out the shotgun! Ha ha ha! The darkened haunts me everyday The countdown has begun I am your master, number one Realizing pain I walk alone the path of evil I'm satan's number one Taste my fury, take my vengeance Now it's time to die I'm bringing out the shotgun! Ha ha ha!

I'm bringing out the shotgun!

Born with a heart of a lion, raving to space on your own. Into the belt of Orion, g-forces bite to the bone Speed makes your heart burn like fire Speed makes your heart burn with lust Challenges taking you higher Ride fast and do what you want Fast as the lightning, your life is at stake You're the one that Speeder, Speeder Faster and higher, exciting desire. Speeder, Speeder G-forces bite to the bone Out of this world you are racing Into an asteroid belt Challenges of death you are facing Strongest kick you ever felt Faster than light, ride through the night No way to stop this machine Asses have turned never return Search for the world of your dream

Fresh from Moscow Over volga came to comrades aid City in despair Almost crushed by the fhrers army Oh it's colder than hell Hitlers forces advancing The sound of mortars The music of death A grand symphony See your friends fall hear them Pray to the god your country denies Every man dies alone and when your Time comes you will know that it's time Stalins fortress on fire Is this madness or hell The sound of mortars The music of death We're playing the devils symphony Our violins are guns Conducted from hell Oh Stalingrad Mratnimiat

Are you playing Do you follow the conductors lead No one knows you No one cares about single a single violin Play the score of the damned Know the devil within

Sun Tzu Says

"Sun Tzu said: The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin."

Swedish Pagans
Wohoho The wise woman said; ''once you're hardened in battle there's no coming back'' (fight or fall) And before the attack Feel your blood starts to boil in your veins as you charge (hundreds fallen) As the fire inside is ignited by bloodshed, in berserkers from north Could it be as was said, When the serpent be woken Fenrir howls Swedish pagans, Marching a shore Forged in valhalla by the hammer of thor Out from asgard, our viking ship sails Never to turn back again Wohoho Where brothers have past is where we'll be proven, the ground they begun (standing tall) And we know if we fall, our comrades awaits in valhall (odin's calling) As the fire inside, is ignited by bloodshed, in the circuits of nord Will it be as was said, will the serpents be woken Fenrir howls! Swedish pagans, Marching a shore Forged in valhalla by the hammer of thor Out from asgard, our viking ship sails Never to turn back again (first to the battle, firs to the feast, destiny wating, no retreat, retreat! ) Swedish pagans, Marching a shore Forged in valhalla by the hammer of thor Out from asgard, our viking ship sails Never to turn back again Wohoho

Talvisota Rise of nations pride Russians on a way to ruin Kreml is more then certain to win Sent away an army to the west Blizzard reigned the ground were chosen Snow was deep and hell were frozen Stalin were too eager to invade He thought of the might he possessed And not of his foe Rage of winter Rise, nations pride Hold whats yours Strike'em were it hurts Fight, hold your ground Winter war Reinforce the line Split them into small divisions Rip 'em of the conquest visions Motti tactics used with great result Snipers move unseen in snowfall Force them to retreat and recall Fight the russian rule and their demand With molotov coctail in hand No fear of their tanks Death or glory A slice of a knife to a throat And their blood turns to ice TALVISOTA!

The Art Of War

The Art Of War If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle. I stand alone and gaze upon the battlefield Wasteland is all that's left after the fight And now I'm searching a new way to defeat my enemy Bloodshed I've seen enough of death and pain I will run, they will hunt me in vain I will hide, they'll be searching I'll regroup, feign retreat they'll pursue Coup de grace I will win but never fight That's the art of war

Breaking the will to fight among the enemy Force them to hunt me they will play my game And play by my rules I will be close but still untouchable No more will I see suffering an pain They will find me no more Ill be gone I will have them surrounded They will yield without fight overrun Coup de grace I will win but never fight Broken and lost Tired of war They'll surrender to me Caught in my trap There's no way out Fail never again never again

The Final Solution

Country in depression Nation in despair One man seeking reasons everywhere Growing hate and anger The Fuhrer's orders were precise Who was to be blamed and pay the price! Wicked propaganda Turning neighbors into foes Soldiers of the third Reich searching homes And then the former friends are watching As they are rounded up one by one Times of prosecutions has begun Ever since it started On Crystal night of 38 When liberty died And truth was denied Sent away on train on a one way trip to hell Enter the gates Auschwitz awaits! When freedom burns The final solution Dreams fade away and all hope turns to dust When millions burn The curtain has fallen Lost to the world as they perish in flames There was a country in depression There was a nation in despair One man finding reasons everywhere Then there was raising hate and anger The Fuhrer's orders still apply Who was to be blamed and send to die!

The Hammer Has Fallen

Here i am standing, darkness all around Thinking of past, taking my last breath, the air is cold as ice No one close to hear my voice Did not leave me with a choice Heaven will you wait for me Will i find a way, will i find a place Will you let me go in peace Will i find a way to the other side

Sad are memories from the life i lived Cannot go on, cannot go further It has to end right here For the things that i have done All the girls i lost and won Let me rest in peace at last Will i find a way, will i find a place Will you let me go in peace Leave behind those dark days Now i ask again, will you hear my cries Then you realise why oh why I must find a way to the other side Hear them whisper calling out my name The sentence is set, the hammer has fallen I have paid the price Sad to realise too late, death was meant to be my fate All this pain will follow me Will i find a way, will i find a place Will you let me go in peace Leave behind those dark days Now i ask again, will you hear my cries Then you realise why oh why I must find a way to the other side

The Hammer Has Fallen

Here i am standing, darkness all around Thinking of past, taking my last breath, the air is cold as ice No one close to hear my voice Did not leave me with a choice Heaven will you wait for me Will i find a way, will i find a place Will you let me go in peace Will i find a way to the other side Sad are memories from the life i lived Cannot go on, cannot go further It has to end right here For the things that i have done All the girls i lost and won Let me rest in peace at last Will i find a way, will i find a place Will you let me go in peace Leave behind those dark days Now i ask again, will you hear my cries Then you realise why oh why I must find a way to the other side Hear them whisper calling out my name The sentence is set, the hammer has fallen I have paid the price Sad to realise too late, death was meant to be my fate All this pain will follow me Will i find a way, will i find a place Will you let me go in peace Leave behind those dark days Now i ask again, will you hear my cries Then you realise why oh why I must find a way to the other side

The Nature Of Warfare

The Nature Of Warfare Water shapes it's course according to the ground over which it flows A soldier works out his victory in relation to the foe he is facing Therefore, just as water retains no constant shape In warfare, there are no constant conditions

The Price Of A Mile

Throw your soldiers into positions once there is no escape, and they will prefer death to flight. Hear the sound of the machine gun Hear it echo in the night Mortars firing, rains the scene Scars the fields that once were green It's a stalemate at the front line Where the soldiers rest in mud Rosen houses, all is gone There's no glory to be won Know that many men will suffer know that many men will die Half a million lives at stake At the fields of Paschendale And as night falls the general calls and the battle carries on I long what is the purpose of it all What's the price of a mile Thousands of feet march to Long way from home, paying Thousands of feet march to Knee-deep in mud, stuck in the the the the beat, it's an army on the march price in young mens lives beat, it's an army in despair trench with no way out

Thousands of machine guns Get on firing through the night Mortars placed and wreck the scene Guns the fields that once were green Still a dead-lock at the front line Where the soldiers die in mud Rosen, houses since long gone Still no glory has been won Know that many men has suffered Know that many men has died Six miles of ground has been won Half a million men are gone And as the men crawl the general call and the killing carry on I long what was the purpose of it all What's the price of a mile Thousands of feet march to Long way from home, paying Thousands of feat march to Knee-deep in mud, stuck in the the the the beat, it's an army on the march price in young mens lives beat, it's an army in despair trench with no way out

Young men are dying They pay the price Oh how they suffer So tell me what's the price of a mile That's the price of a mile

Thousands of feet march to Long way from home, paying Thousands of feet march to Knee-deep in mud, stuck in Thousands of feet march to Long way from home, paying Thousands of feet march to Knee-deep in mud, stuck in Thousands of feet march to Long way from home, paying Thousands of feet march to Knee-deep in mud, stuck in Thousands of feet march to Long way from home, paying Thousands of feet march to Knee-deep in mud, stuck in

the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the

beat, it's an army on the march price in young mens lives beat, it's an army in despair trench with no way out beat, it's an army on the march price in young mens lives beat, it's an army in despair trench with no way out beat, it's an army on the march price in young mens lives beat, it's an army in despair trench with no way out beat, it's an army on the march price in young mens lives beat, it's an army in despair trench with no way out

Hear the rolling sound of thunder As the battle rages on We will tear this world us under Feel our power Through a darkened sky we riding Pierce the night with bolts of light We will find you although you are hiding Under cover We will break through with Thunder and fire Realising an unholy Hellborn, desire We are out of control To conquer this world From a world you broken into From a world unknown to man We release our wrath upon you Holy bloodshed Breaking chains of your religion Worship none or be destroyed You cannot defeat our legion Bleed the world red We will break through with Thunder and fire Realising an unholy Hellborn, desire We are out of control To conquer this world Lightning Raging in We uphold Rulers of bolts of anger your world the darkness the moonlight

As you think its over Calm has settled in Thundergods returning Back to rule this planet again Future role of generations Let us rage into this world They'll be trusting our patience Run for cover Hear the rolling sound of thunder As the battle rages on We will tear this world us under Feel our power

Crack in the It's getting You heard it It's time to distance, a flash in the sky dark, clouds gather power coming from over the hill run, time to seek cover

Now there is no hideaway And you have no chance Thor and his hammer are riding his chariots of the storm Breaking the silence with powerful roars Wind gaining strength, screaming tornado First wave is over, don't hold back your breath It's sure coming back, second attack Now there is no hideaway And you have no chance The sky is on fire the heavens are burning in flames Thunder Thunder Striking Thunder A cold rain is falling, a lightning strikes down Distance is dark, horizon is frightening Massive strong lightnings are shaking the ground Thor is upset, out slaying giants Now there is no hideaway And you have no chance Thor and his hammer are out slaying giants tonight Thunder Thunder Striking Thunder Thunder Thunder Striking Thunder

Unbreakable It's under crimson skies hell's horizon Our trap will spring Unaware of our presence they'll be marching Straight to their doom We are prepared for war ready to fire Stand by to charge Counting down as they march into destruction Their time has come They'll never know we give no warning We set a trap they took the bait Leading them straight into hell They will not live to tell the tale We'll strike at dusk and fight ,til dawn Tonight our foe is bound to fail Our time is now all ready at arms Upon our chosen ground dead men marching No sign of hope Victory will be ours before the dawn breaks Tonight we charge Chaos and disorder sound of the attack Charging down the mountain frontal assault Guns light up the darkness mortars rip the ground Like a force of nature shaking the field They'll never know we give no warning We set a trap they took the bait Cut off retreat Release Unleash The beast within berserker rage is Released Unleashed A storm a force unbreakable warmashine Victims of the ambush Fields of execution murderous plan Soldiers turn to madmen in the dead of night Fighting with a fury fiery eyes

Union ( Slopes Of St. Benedict )

As the turn of the tide it is our turn to rise The force of a union at war March over mountains on our way to the north On the road that will lead us to Rome Our way will not be easy, it will take us through hardship and pain Hill after hill breaking their lines of defence Head on north Mile after mile our march carries on No army may stop our approach Fight side by side many nations unite In the shadow of Monte Cassino

We fight and die together as we head for the valley of death Destiny calls we'll not surrender or fail To arms under one banner As a unit we stand and united we fall As one fighting together Bringing an end to the slaughter Winds of changing head on north

Warsaw Rise! Do you remember when, when the Nazis forced their rule on Poland 1939 and the allies turned away From the underground rose a hope of freedom as a whisper City in despair, but they never lost their faith Women, men and children fight they were dying side by side And the blood they shed upon the streets was a sacrifice willingly paid Warsaw city at war Voices from underground whispers of freedom 1944 help that never came Calling Warsaw city at war Voices from underground whispers of freedom Rise up and hear the call History calling to you 'Warszawa, walcz!' Spirit soul and heart in accordance with the old traditions 1944 still the allies turn away Fighting street to street in a time of hope and desperation Did it on their own and they never lost their faith Women, men and children fight they were dying side by side And the blood they shed upon the streets was a sacrifice willingly paid Warsaw city at war Voices from underground whispers of freedom 1944 help that never came Calling Warsaw city at war Voices from underground whispers of freedom Rise up and hear the call History calling to you 'Warszawa, walcz!' [ Solo - Oskar & Rikard]

[ 2x] All the streetlights in the city broken many years ago Break the curfew, hide in sewers Warsaw it's time to rise now Warsaw city at war Voices from underground whispers of freedom 1944 help that never came Calling Warsaw city at war Voices from underground whispers of freedom Rise up and hear the call History calling to you 'Warszawa, walcz!'

We Burn
I've had a vision its clear to me now I know what has to be done Different religions cannot share a land A plague and i have the cure Chase them down,let them suffer in pain Dig them down, theyll be gone for a while Evidence lost We burn Plunder and rape Show them no mercy, just burn Flesh turn to ash Inspired by I know what Filth of my Now let the deeds that were done long ago has to be done land must be washed clean and pure cleansing begin

Genocide? Who will drag me to court? Theres no crime if you do not get caught I am the law. We burn Plunder and rape Show them no mercy, just burn Flesh turn to ash Privates, seargeants and generals hear It's our chance we've been waiting too long Your orders are: to start to burn Plunder and rape Show them no mercy, just burn Flesh turn to ash

Pulled into war to serve a vision That's supposed to last a thousand years Part of a machine unstoppable As merciless as tidal waves Were they the victims of the time Or proud parts of lager goals? Propaganda of the Reich masterful machine Time and again the battle rages on Beyond the gates of misery As casualties rise and millions die around them Did they see it all? Crazy mademen on a leash Or you men who lost their way? Grand illusions of the Reich May seem real at times Panzers on a line From the Wehrmacht's spine Lethal grand design What about the men executing orders? Ad victoriam Ex machina Non sibi sed patriae [ x2] Pulled into war to serve a vision That just didn't last a thousand years Part of a machine Though stoppable as merciless as tidal waves Crazy mademen on a leash Or you men who lost their way? Grand illusions of the Reich May seem real at times Panzers on a line From the Wehrmacht's spine Lethal grand design What about the men executing orders?

White Death
Almost night, a crimson horizon Painting thousand lakes red As your army approach in the east A hunter is switching his prey All alone, a man with his gun Wanders into the wild Track you down, you can't hide Once he's on to your trail Into the night, a flash in the darkness White Death is heading your way The fear of his foes, a hero at home Hundreds will fall by his gun You're in the snipers sight the first kill tonight

Time to die You're in the bullets way The White Death's prey Say goodbye! After the dawn, when morning is broken Snow once white turn to red Hundred soldiers, we have them on sight A tale of a sniper is born Snow in mouth, hiding his breath He is steady at hand Eye to eye, target in sight! The moment to fire has come Hundreds of kills, a man and his rifle Embodied the Sisu of Finn's Stay out of sight and cover your head When he pulls the trigger you're dead! You're in the snipers sight the first kill tonight Time to die You're in the bullets way The White Death's prey Say goodbye! [ Solo] You're in the snipers sight the first kill tonight Time to die You're in the bullets way The White Death's prey Say goodbye! (You're in the snipers sight) SNIPERS SIGHT! (You're his first kill tonight) FIRST KILL TONIGHT! (Say goodbye, say goodbye) SAY GOODBYE! (You will fall by his gun) (You're in the snipers sight) SNIPERS SIGHT! (You're his first kill tonight) FIRST KILL TONIGHT! (Say goodbye, say goodbye) SAY GOODBYE! (White death is coming for you)

To their own shore came the world war Gleaves and Ingham Leading the bury west Took the short way in The long route back convoy 92 Bury Gleaves and Ingham leading Tankers to the west And upon the north atlantic Lies the silence of the seas On a quiet night in the darkest hour The kriegsmarine appear

Above the surface it seems quiet and calm Deep down below the wolfpack lurks To their own shore came the world war Gleaves and Ingham Leading the bury west In their own track came the wolfpack Gleaves led the conwoy Into the hornets nest At the crack of dawn the second day Bury stands in flames Half the convoy sunk or disabled Heading back to shore But below the north atlantic On the bottom of the sea On the second night in the darkest hour The kriegsmarine return The wolfpack surface for a second time To make the convoy face it's fate To their own shore came the world war Gleaves and the Ingham Leading the bury west In their own track came the wolfpack Gleaves led the convoy Into the hornets nest Under fire under water May 42 when Bury did fail the test To their own shore came the world war Gleaves and the Ingham Leading them into death 569 makes the contact and lead them U-94 scores a kill in the dark 124 sinking 4 in 2 approaches 406 suffers failure on launch

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