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Daniel Grhns


MDT 2012

To give an option in naming convention to differ from Laptops and Desktops when we install Slates I made changes to ZTIGather Changes made to ZTiGather.wsf are highlighted in red In Function GetAssetInfo:
'//-------------------------------------------------------------------------'// Function: GetAssetInfo() '// Purpose: Get asset information using WMI '//-------------------------------------------------------------------------Function GetAssetInfo Dim bIsPortable, bIsLaptop, bIsDesktop, bIsServer, bOnBattery, bFoundBattery, bFoundAC Dim sAssetTag, sSerialNumber, sMake, sModel, sProduct, sUUID, sMemory, sArchitecture, sProcessorSpeed, sCapableArchitecture Dim objResults, objInstance Dim i Dim bisX64, bIsUEFI oLogging.CreateEntry "Getting asset info", LogTypeInfo ' Get the SMBIOS asset tag from the Win32_SystemEnclosure class Set objResults = objWMI.InstancesOf("Win32_SystemEnclosure") bIsPortable = false bIsLaptop = false bIsDesktop = false bIsServer = false For each objInstance in objResults If objInstance.ChassisTypes(0) = 12 or objInstance.ChassisTypes(0) = 21 then ' Ignore docking stations Else If not IsNull(objInstance.SMBIOSAssetTag) then sAssetTag = Trim(objInstance.SMBIOSAssetTag) End if Select Case objInstance.ChassisTypes(0) Case "8" bIsPortable = true Case "9", "10", "11", "12", "14", "18", "21" bIsLaptop = true Case "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "15", "16"

Daniel Grhns
bIsDesktop = true Case "23" bIsServer = true Case Else ' Do nothing End Select End if


And longer down in the same function:

oEnvironment.Item("AssetTag") = sAssetTag oEnvironment.Item("SerialNumber") = sSerialNumber oEnvironment.Item("Make") = sMake oEnvironment.Item("Model") = sModel oEnvironment.Item("Product") = sProduct oEnvironment.Item("UUID") = sUUID oEnvironment.Item("Memory") = sMemory oEnvironment.Item("Architecture") = sArchitecture oEnvironment.Item("ProcessorSpeed") = sProcessorSpeed oEnvironment.Item("CapableArchitecture") = sCapableArchitecture oEnvironment.Item("IsPortable") = oUtility.ConvertBooleanToString(bIsPortable) oEnvironment.Item("IsLaptop") = oUtility.ConvertBooleanToString(bIsLaptop) oEnvironment.Item("IsDesktop") = oUtility.ConvertBooleanToString(bIsDesktop) oEnvironment.Item("IsServer") = oUtility.ConvertBooleanToString(bIsServer) oEnvironment.Item("IsUEFI") = oUtility.ConvertBooleanToString(bIsUEFI) oEnvironment.Item("IsOnBattery") = oUtility.ConvertBooleanToString(bOnBattery)

[IdentifyComputer] Section will call a stored procedure and write to the database [CSettings] Section will read the data from the database Add this to customsettings.ini: [Settings] Priority=CPackages, CApps, CAdmins, CRoles, Locations, LSettings, LPackages, LApps, LAdmins, LRoles, MMSettings, MMPackages, MMApps, MMAdmins, MMRoles, RSettings, RPackages, RApps, RAdmins, IdentifyComputer,CSettings,Default,Model Properties=MyCustomProperty [IdentifyComputer] SQLServer=<SEVERNAME> Database=Deployment Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ StoredProcedure=IdentifyComputer Parameters=UUID,SerialNumber,MacAddress, IsPortable, IsLaptop, IsDesktop

Daniel Grhns


[CSettings] SQLServer=<SERVERNAME> Database=Deployment Netlib=DBNMPNTW SQLShare=DeploymentShare$ Table=ComputerSettings Parameters=UUID, AssetTag, SerialNumber, MacAddress ParameterCondition=OR

Stored Procedure
Edit @NewName variable and use the prefix you want, then run this code in SQL Management Studio, this will create the stored procedure.

USE [Deployment] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[IdentifyComputer] 06/08/2012 08:52:21 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[IdentifyComputer] @UUID VARCHAR(50), @SerialNumber VARCHAR(50), @MacAddress CHAR(17), @IsPortable VARCHAR(50), @IsLaptop VARCHAR(50), @IsDesktop VARCHAR(50)

Script Date:

Daniel Grhns
/* @Make VARCHAR(50), */ /* @Model VARCHAR(50) */ AS


DECLARE @Cnt INT, @Prefix VARCHAR(50), @Sequence INT, @NewName VARCHAR(50), @ID INT, @Chassi VARCHAR(50), @NewNameDate VARCHAR(50) SET NOCOUNT ON /* See if there is an existing record for this machine */ SELECT @Cnt=COUNT(*) FROM ComputerIdentity WHERE MacAddress = @MacAddress /* No record? IF @Cnt = 0 BEGIN /* Create a new machine name */ BEGIN TRAN IF @IsPortable = 'True' Begin SET @Chassi = 'PO-' End IF @IsLaptop = 'True' Begin SET @Chassi = 'LT-' End IF @IsDesktop = 'True' Begin SET @Chassi = 'DT-' End SELECT @ID = MAX(ID)+1 FROM ComputerIdentity SET @Sequence = @ID SET @NewName = 'YOURPREFIX Change thistext' + @Chassi + Right('00000'+LTrim(Str(@Sequence)),5) Set @NewNameDate = @NewName + ' (' + convert(varchar, getdate(), 120) + ')' /* Insert the new record */ INSERT VALUES INSERT OSInstall) VALUES INTO ComputerIdentity (Description,MacAddress,UUID,SerialNumber) (@NewNameDate,@MacAddress,@UUID,@SerialNumber) INTO Settings (Type, ID, OSDComputerName, OSDInstallSilent, ('C',@@IDENTITY, @NewName, '1', 'Y') Add one. */


Daniel Grhns
END /*


Return the record as the result set */

SELECT * FROM ComputerIdentity WHERE MacAddress = @MacAddress

MDT Bootimage
There is a bug in the first release of MDT 2012 that will make it impossible to write to the database without making changes to it (this will be fixed in update1). We need to add some files from a windows 8 installation and add them to X:\Program Files\Common Files\System\Ole DB\en-US Files: msdasqlr.dll.mui oledb32r.dll.mui sqloledb.rll.mui sqlxmlx.rll.mui You can use Extra Directory to add the files:

Daniel Grhns


Update the deploymentshare after making the changes:

Daniel Grhns


MDT Database

Daniel Grhns


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