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16 theSun | WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 31 2008

BN camp in the early hours of an Umno leader’s statement that

March 9. it did not matter if the non-Malays
It was only eight seats away did not vote for the BN because the
from winning two-thirds of the Malays who formed about 60% of
seats in the Parliament and lost the population would.
only five – Penang, Kedah, Perak, A number of analysts
Selangor and Kelantan – of the also mentioned the hesitant,
thirteen state governments. improperly managed and
Perlis is now a BN island in uninstitutionalised openness of
the north while the southern Abdullah’s administration which
states seemed to have thumbed allowed issues to be discussed
their noses at the efforts of the and debated in public but were
PKR-DAP-PAS combine, now a stopped when they seemed to
loose Pakatan Rakyat coalition. threaten and to undermine public
Seemingly unfazed were Sabah order.
and Sarawak whose total seats For whatever it is worth
now keep the BN from collapsing the openness allowed hitherto
altogether at the federal level. sensitive issues to be publicly
But then so used was BN to aired but by stopping discussion
the magic two-thirds majority when things were getting out of
for almost half a century that it hand the government was seen
became its own benchmark of as unreasonable and unfair and
victory. Thus, it is not hard to see succumbing to pressures exerted
why for the BN March 8 was a by only one section of the society.
disastrous outing. For instance, discussions on the
The opposition parties – for idea of an Inter-Faith Commission
decades almost despairing of ever (IFC) were initially encouraged by
denting the BN carapace – also the government until protests by a
saw the results as a rout for the coalition of thirteen Muslim NGOs
ruling coalition and used all kinds ended it.
of hyperboles to describe them. The same group of NGOs also
March 8 has changed many things and shaken many old assumptions and perceptions. “It’s a tsunami,” exulted DAP scuttled public discussions on
strongman Lim Kit Siang. problems related to conversion
It is obvious, as pointed out by and apostasy sponsored by the
the numerous analysts, the BN had civil society group which called
squandered the massive mandate itself Article 11.

Year of political tsunami

by ZainonAhmad was at a low ebb following the
and the goodwill the voters had
given it in 2004. In fact some said
it was the huge mandate that did
it: make the government arrogant
and complacent.
And it was the problems
related to conversion and the
government’s seeming paralysis
and indecision over them that
allowed Hindraf’s influence to
eclipse that of the MIC, a BN
component, among the Indian massive street demonstrations Because Anwar was not a voters.
three months earlier and the candidate at the March 8 Some analysts also credited the
THE drubbing that the long-time anger that they generated was still polls he was free to move all voters, influenced and egged on
ruling Barisan Nasional received smouldering. over the country to galvanise by such organisations as Bersih,
at the hands of the Opposition In the many analyses written support for the Opposition. with a new found boldness and
on March 8 is still very much the by all kinds of mavens and pundits willingness to experiment.
story of the year. There is a chance – academicians, journalists, think- The result was Umno won only
it may also be the story of the tankers and just plain observers 78 seats of the 117 it contested, the
decade, and probably it is going – two considerations seem to MCA 15 out of 40, MIC three out of
to be a major landmark in the stand out as reasons for the early nine and Gerakan two out of 12.
country’s political history. polls: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim For the first time the opposition
As alluded to by many analysts, and the prospect of a deteriorating parties, mounting a coordinated
it has fragmented Malaysian economy. campaign and exploiting all the
politics. And the two-thirds Some of the writers tried to issues at hand, managed to win a
majority that the BN had been present an honest and objective total of 82 seats among them in the
brandishing for 50 years as a totem analysis but others made no 222-seat Dewan Rakyat – PKR 31,
of its “divine right” to rule may not attempt to conceal their sense But then so used was BN The early euphoria generated DAP 28, PAS 23 and Independent
be within the grasp of any ruling of jubilance that the once by such musical soundbites as one.
group for a long time to come. mighty national ruling coalition
to the magic two-thirds “work with me and not for me” Also, as the BN is discovering,
March 8 has certainly changed was snubbed as it had never majority for almost half and “I am the prime minister of the old formula of keeping the
many things and shaken many old been snubbed before. Thus, a century that it became all Malaysians” soon dissipated as parties together no longer seems
assumptions and perceptions to some noticeably wrote with a its own benchmark of the government’s credibility was acceptable. The so-called BN
their very foundations. The voters vengeance. victory. Thus, it is not called into question a year later framework is ridiculed, Umno’s
too have realised the power they Few highlighted the fact that over what it promised to do but did hectoring is openly criticised and
have and are not about to be taken the results took almost every one
hard to see why for not do. its insistence that certain issues
for granted any more. by surprise. But the hyperboles the BN March 8 was a And then came such scandals are not to be publicly discussed
It has put out to pasture many they used to describe what disastrous outing. as the V.K. Lingam video clip has been ignored.
old cows once considered as happened were as if the BN and the Mongolian Altantuya Such was the loosening of the
sacred and installed new values was already wiped out, Shaariibuu murder and rumours “framework” – probably Abdullah
once thought unacceptable. erased. and blogs of other scandals is an inept coalition manager
Because of it nothing is likely Elsewhere in the including those involving people – that in the recent party election
going to be the same again. world such results in high places. To erode the campaigns of the partners and the
In fact it is because of it that would be welcomed government’s credibility even on-going Umno elections, much of
Prime Minister Datuk Seri with fireworks, BN still in control after further was the perception that it the debates that raged during the
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi street-dancing March 8 but lost its was “closing one eye” to corrupt run-up to March 8 are revisited.
is stepping down, rather and all forms two-thirds majority in the practices in the public sector. Such are the anger and
unprecedentedly, a year after of merry- Parliament for the first time. And then came the disgust frustration expressed that a
winning a new mandate, making and anger. If there is one icon to few parties have openly stated
albeit a slimmer one, and instead of the represent this arrogance and total that they are reviewing their
after only about five years in gloom that disregard for the feeling of others, participation in the coalition. One
office. shrouded including members of non-Malay small Sabah party has already left.
Perhaps in his memoirs he the BN parties like the MCA and But many BN leaders are
will attempt to explain why, Gerakan, it is the waving of the hopeful that after the dusts of
after winning the biggest kris at the Umno general assembly March 8 have settled, the anger
mandate in the country’s in 2005, 2006 and 2007 and the burning itself out and sanity
history in 2004, he accompanying battle cry of prevailed their parties will
was given a such a “ketuanan Melayu”. coalesced even stronger but on a
stinging rebuke Indeed the opposition parties new framework.
four years used posters of the arm waving If Abdullah had called an early
later which the kris to great effect election simply to keep Anwar
emboldened in many non-Malay out of parliament he must have
his own party constituencies to discovered that it was a mistake.
men to publicly whip up anti-BN Because he was not a candidate
demand his sentiments among Anwar was free to move all over
resignation. the voters. In many the country to appeal to voters to
Perhaps campaign speeches “vote for anything as long as it is
he will also it symbolised a not the BN”.
explain why rejection of multi- And he is now the Parlia-
he called the culturalism and mentary Opposition Leader.
elections one an imposition of Abdullah may be right on the
year ahead of Malay dominance. economy though.
schedule and Repeated often
when his by opposition party » Year in music – Pg 25
popularity campaigners was » Break-ups and tie-ups – Pg 28-29

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