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June 5-, 2012 first draft CALL TO ORDER -Chairman Shanna Williams called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Attendance: -Chairman Shanna Williams, Linda Almekinder, Suzanne Cowley, Shirley Piccarreto, Pat Annesi.. Guests: Mayor Don Braun. Michael Samson (DBA ), Florence Presler, Ruth Johnson, Troop 40 Scout Dan Cerneskie. PREVIOUS MINUTES Minutes of the VPB meeting of 5/2/2012 were read, and eliminated was the sentence regarding Shanna Williams letter to the board. A motion to accept as corrected the May 2 2012 minutes was made by Shirley Piccarreto and seconded by Pat Annesi, all in favor, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Application Z 2012- 05 1 for a new business at 129 South Main Street, site of a former hardware business, by applicant Donald Cheney, Esq. for a pharmaceutical business DBA Naples Apothecary Inc. was read. Representing this business was Michael Samson, AKA Michael Rochester. Samson answered questions from the VPB members regarding status of the application process as begun with NY State, duration of the Apothecary at this location (nine to ten months), financing, signage (repainted sign that said Hardwear, which must be reviewed by zoning officer R. OHearn) , future plans (will carry a line of greeting cards and other non-pharmaceutical items.). Current septic system holding tank will continue to be maintained. Shanna Williams requested modifications to the entry door that comply with Village Design Guidelines. A SEQR document was read by Chairman Shanna Williams. A negative SEQR was obtained. A motion to accept application Z-2012-05-1 for a business at 129 Main Street to be called Naples Apothecary Inc. was made by Shirley Piccarreto and seconded by Pat Annesi .All in favor. motion carried . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Mayor Don Braun was queried regarding the progress of the comprehensive plan. He responded that Reggie OHearn has taken the plan to the County for graph updating, and vital data to back up the changes in the plan. Shanna Williams said that there would be a Town Planning Board Comprehensive Plan Workshop on the next three first-Thursdays in each month: July 5, August 2, September 6. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn was made by Suzanne Cowley and seconded by Shirley Piccarreto. at 7:32 p.m. All in favor, motion carried. Meeting adjourned. EARLY JULY MEETING It was agreed that the next meeting of the VPB will be at 6:30 p.m. on July 3. The secretary will alert the media. Respectfully submitted, Carol Ann Creswell, VPB secretary

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