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glitz [glits]


1. glamour: glamour, especially that associated with show business or celebrities 2. flashy show of wealth: extravagant and often tasteless display, especially of wealth

[Late 20th century. Back-formation < glitzy]

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beckon [bkn] (past and past participle beckoned, present participle beckoning, 3rd person present singular beckons)

transitive and intransitive verb

1. gesture to somebody to come: to signal to somebody to approach with a movement of the hand or head 2. attract or tempt: to be an attraction or temptation to somebody (literary)

[ Old English bcnan < Germanic] -beckoner, noun -beckoningly, adverb

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front [frunt] noun (plural fronts)
1. part or surface facing forward: the part or surface that faces forward, is intended to be seen first, has the main entrance, or is facing the direction of motion or the direction people face You can only see the front of the house from here. 2. forward area: the area, section, or position just ahead of, close to, or at the forward part of something You sit in the front and I'll ride in the back. 3. front door: the door at the front or the area beyond it I'll go out the front, and you go out the back. 4. first pages: the beginning or first pages of a book or magazine 5. facade of building: a facade of a building, especially the one that faces the street, or a part of it Bring the car around to the front.

6. side of property adjoining something: the side of a property that borders something else, e.g. a street, lake, or river 7. forward direction: the direction straight ahead Face the front. 8. position ahead: a place or position approximately ahead of somebody To our front was a clump of trees. 9. leading position: a prominent or leading position in any field of activity companies at the front of genetic research 10. noticeable position: a conspicuous position a disturbing aspect that came to the front 11. aspect: a way of viewing a situation Things looked desperate on all fronts. 12. U.K. seaside promenade: a street, area of land, or promenade running alongside the beach or shore at a seaside or lakeside resort 13. deliberately assumed behavior: a manner or type of behavior adopted by somebody in order to deal with a situation or disguise the person's true feelings put on a brave front 14. cover for illegal activities: an apparently respectable person, organization, or business acting as a cover for illegal or secret activities The grocery store was a front for drug deals. 15. figurehead: a nominal leader or head who has no real authority 16. MILITARY battle zone: an area where armies are facing one another, or where fighting between armies is taking place soldiers returning from the front 17. MILITARY space defended by army unit: the width of territory occupied or defended by an army or a military unit facing an enemy Each section was defending a front of some two miles. 18. MILITARY direction in which troops are facing: the direction in which troops are facing when formed in line 19. particular area of activity: a particular area of activity or operations There have been a lot of changes on the domestic front. 20. METEOROLOGY interface between air masses: a line along which one mass of air meets another that is different in temperature or density 21. POLITICS group with common purpose: a group of people or organizations with a common purpose, especially a broad political coalition a national liberation front 22. DRESS part of garment: the part of a garment or the clothing that covers the front part of the body, especially the chest You've got gravy all down your front. 23. DRESS detachable front for shirt: a detachable shirt front, especially part of a man's formal dress shirt 24. U.K. impertinence: cheek or cockiness That took a bit of front! 25. face: the face or forehead (archaic)

1. at front: situated at, on, or near the front of something, or placed farther forward than others

2. PHONETICS produced with tongue forward: describes a vowel sound that is produced with the back of the tongue close to the forward part of the roof of the mouth

verb (past and past participle fronted, present participle fronting, 3rd person present singular fronts)
1. transitive verb face toward something: to have a front that faces toward something a hotel fronting the ocean 2. transitive verb give covering or appearance to something: to give something a front or visible surface of a particular kind The building is fronted with red brick. 3. intransitive verb act as cover for illegal activity: to act as a respectable cover for something secret or illegal or for somebody doing something secret or illegal 4. transitive verb U.S. provide something before payment: to provide something such as money or to provide a service in advance of payment (informal) If you can front me the money, I'll rent some movies for the weekend. 5. transitive verb be head of group: to be the head, leader, or spokesperson of a group or organization such as a band a group fronted by a young lawyer from Chicago 6. transitive verb host program: to act as the emcee of a television or radio program 7. transitive verb confront somebody or something: to face up to somebody or something confidently (archaic) 8. transitive verb PRESS run news story on first page: to place a news story on the front page of a newspaper

[13th century. Via French < Latin front- "forehead, front"] in front 1. leading or ahead of somebody or something else 2. close to or in the front of something, or farther forward than somebody else 3. in the lead in a race or competition Polls show the current mayor far in front as the election nears. in front of 1. ahead of somebody or in the direction in which somebody is facing 2. close to the front of something 3. in the presence, sight, or hearing of somebody out front 1. THEATER in front of the curtain or in the auditorium, as opposed to on the stage 2. at or to the front of a building I'll go out front and talk to them. up front 1. close or closer to the front of something 2. in advance, e.g. before any work is done or any goods are delivered 3. direct and honest (informal) He was very up front about having no money. All Quiet on the Western Front, a novel (1929) by German writer ERICH MARIA REMARQUE. This classic antiwar novel, which was based on the author's own experiences as an 18-yearold soldier in the German army during World War I, is a grimly realistic account of trench warfare. It was made into a movie by Lewis Milestone in 1930.

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ain't [aynt]

a contraction of "am not," "is not," "are not," "have not," or "has not" (nonstandard)

Ain't is one of the most informal verb contractions in English, and its use in formal contexts may be criticized because it is associated with careless speech. It is, however, accepted in folk and popular song lyrics, show titles, direct quotations, and fictional dialogue. Otherwise ain't is best avoided, except as a deliberate rhetorical device and in allusive expressions such as You ain't seen nothing yet.

Microsoft Encarta 2007. 1993-2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

arouse [ rwz] (past and past participle aroused, present participle arousing, 3rd person present singular arouses)


1. transitive verb stimulate something: to evoke a feeling, response, or desire aroused their interest 2. transitive verb stimulate sexual desire in somebody: to cause feelings of sexual desire in somebody 3. transitive verb annoy somebody: to make somebody angry 4. transitive and intransitive verb wake up: to wake up, or wake somebody up, from sleep or unconsciousness (formal)

[Late 16th century. < rouse] -arousal, noun

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sausage [swssij] (plural sausages)


casing stuffed with spicy meat: a tube of animal intestine or another tube-shaped casing stuffed with finely chopped pork or other meat

[15th century. Via Old French saussiche < medieval Latin salsicius "made by salting" < Latin salsus (see sauce)]

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banger [bngr] (plural bangers)


1. sausage: a fried or broiled sausage (informal) 2. old car: an old car that is not in very good condition (informal) 3. loud firework: a firework that explodes very noisily

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trippingly [trppinglee]


in nimble or lively manner: in a manner that is nimble, lively, or fluent

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gently, softly, delicately, imperceptibly, quietly, noiselessly antonym: heavily flippantly flippantly, frivolously, jokily, informally, casually, carelessly, nonchalantly, blithely (literary), without due consideration nimbly nimbly, gracefully, trippingly, adeptly, dexterously, daintily antonym: heavily

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lock out
transitive verb
1. prevent from entering: to prevent somebody from entering a place by locking the door 2. deny access to workplace: to prevent workers from entering their workplace, usually as a strategy in an industrial dispute

Microsoft Encarta 2007. 1993-2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

gleam [gleem]

intransitive verb (past and past participle gleamed, present participle gleaming, 3rd person present singular gleams)
1. shine brightly: to shine brightly and continuously 2. flash for short time: to flash, flicker, or appear briefly or indistinctly

noun (plural gleams)

1. bright shine: a steady bright shine 2. flash of light: a beam of light, especially one that is reflected, dim, or coming from an indistinct source 3. brief show: a slight or momentary indication of something a gleam of interest

[ Old English glm < Germanic] -gleamer, noun a gleam in somebody's eye something at the very earliest stage of planning or development

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1. quality, state, condition knighthood 2. a group of people brotherhood 3. time, stage of life adulthood

[ Old English -hd < Germanic]

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hood 3
hood (plural hoods)


Same as neighborhood (sense 1) (slang)

[Late 20th century. Shortening]

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strip 1
strip [strip] verb (past and past participle stripped, present participle stripping, 3rd person present singular strips)
1. intransitive verb get undressed: to remove your clothes, either completely or to a particular extent 2. transitive verb undress somebody: to remove somebody's clothes, either completely or to a particular extent 3. intransitive verb do striptease: to do a striptease, or be a striptease artist 4. transitive verb remove covering: to take off a covering, or take the covering off something stripped the paper from the walls stripped the walls of paper 5. transitive verb remove paint or varnish from surface: to remove old paint or varnish from a surface by scraping or burning it or by using a chemical 6. transitive verb remove contents: to remove all the contents from a room, building, or similar place 7. transitive verb remove all leaves or plants: to remove all the leaves or flowers from a plant, or remove all the plants from an area 8. transitive verb deprive of status or possessions: to take status or possessions away from somebody stripped him of his rank 9. transitive verb take something apart: to break down a machine, engine, or weapon into pieces in order to clean or repair it 10. transitive and intransitive verb MECHANICAL ENGINEERING damage screw thread or gear teeth: to damage a screw or gearwheel by breaking the thread or teeth, or undergo this damage 11. transitive verb CHEMISTRY remove volatile content: to separate one or more components from a solution or mixture, especially by distillation or evaporation 12. transitive verb PRINTING PHOTOG make into printing plate: to put pieces of photographic film or paper together

to make a plate for printing

noun (plural strips)

act of stripping: the performance of a striptease

[ Old English -strpan < Germanic] stripping or striping? The present participle of strip is stripping, as in stripping paint. The present participle of stripe is striping, as in busy striping the football field with yardage lines.

Microsoft Encarta 2007. 1993-2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

punk [pungk] noun (plural punks)
1. youth movement: a youth movement of the late 1970s, characterized by loud aggressive rock music, confrontational attitudes, body piercing, and unconventional hairstyles, makeup, and clothing 2. somebody belonging to punk movement: a member of the punk movement of the late 1970s 3. MUSIC Same as punk rock 4. offensive term: an offensive term for a young man regarded as worthless, lazy, or arrogant (informal) 5. U.S. young gay partner: an offensive term for a young gay partner of an older man (archaic) (sometimes considered offensive) 6. U.S. dried wood: dried or decayed wood used as tinder 7. incense: incense in the form of thin sticks

1. not feeling good: feeling bad, depressed, or ill 2. no good: inferior in quality or condition (informal)

[Late 17th century. Origin ?]

Microsoft Encarta 2007. 1993-2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

transcript [trn skrpt] (plural transcripts)


1. written record: a written record of something, e.g. a copy of the script of a broadcast program or a record of court proceedings 2. student's academic history: an official document showing the educational work of a student in a school or college

3. copy: any copy or record 4. GENETICS RNA with transcribed code: a molecule of messenger RNA that carries coded genetic information converted from the genetic code held by the DNA during the process of transcription in living cells 5. GENETICS DNA carrying coded retrovirus: the DNA that carries the coded information of a retrovirus, converted from the genetic code held by the virus's RNA during transcription following the infection of a living cell

[Mid-15th century. < Latin transcriptum < past participle of transcribere (see transcribe)]

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prompt [prompt]


1. done immediately: done at once and without delay 2. quick to act: ready, punctual, or quick to act

verb (past and past participle prompted, present participle prompting, 3rd person present singular prompts)
1. transitive verb cause somebody to act: to make somebody decide to do something What prompted him to change his mind, we don't yet know. 2. transitive verb bring about something: to cause something to happen Fears of inflation prompted an immediate rise in interest rates. 3. transitive and intransitive verb provide actor with lines: to provide actors during a performance with words or lines they have forgotten She had to be prompted three times in the first scene. 4. transitive verb remind somebody: to suggest something that somebody ought to say, or give a reminder to a speaker His wife had to prompt him to mention the cleaning staff.

noun (plural prompts)

1. words supplied to performer: a reminder to a performer of the words or lines he or she has forgotten 2. occurrence of prompt: the act or occasion of reminding a performer of forgotten words or lines 3. something cuing response: a symbol or message displayed on a computer monitor or an audio signal informing a computer user that some input is required 4. COMMERCE time limit for payment: the time limit of payment for goods or services, as indicated on a prompt note

[14th century. < Latin promptus "ready," past participle of promere, literally "take forward" < emere "take"] -promptly, adverb -promptness, noun

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indifference [in dffrnss, in dffrnss]


1. lack of interest in something: lack of interest, care, or concern 2. unimportance: lack of importance or significance It's a matter of complete indifference to me whether you go or stay. 3. low quality: ordinariness or lack of quality

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envisage [in vzzij, en vzzij] (past and past participle envisaged, present participle envisaging, 3rd person present singular envisages)

transitive verb

1. foresee something: to conceive of and contemplate a future possibility Do you envisage being able to avert a crisis? 2. visualize something: to form a mental picture of something or somebody 3. consider something: to regard something in a particular way

[Early 19th century. < French envisager < visage "face" (see visage)]

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harmful: having a harmful or damaging effect on somebody or something

[Mid-17th century. Via medieval Latin < Greek dltrios "noxious"] -deleteriously, adverb -deleteriousness, noun

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emanate [mm nyt] (past and past participle emanated, present participle emanating, 3rd person present singular emanates)


1. intransitive verb come from: to come from or come out of somebody, something, or somewhere 2. transitive verb send out: to emit, send out, or give out something such as rays or information (formal)

[Mid-18th century. < Latin emanat-, past participle of emanare "flow out, arise" < manare "flow"] -emanative, adjective

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1. briefly: for a brief period of time 2. progressively: with every passing moment 3. very soon: within a very short period of time He'll be here momentarily.

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1. exact or detailed: exact and accurate, or detailed and specific 2. careful about details: very careful about small details, especially of correct behavior 3. indicating something specific: indicating that something is the exact one that is being referred to At that precise moment, in he came. 4. handling small details: able to assimilate details or wanting to be given details 5. clear: distinct and correct a very precise speaker

[Early 16th century. Via French < Latin praecisus, past participle of praecidere "cut off in front" < caedere "cut"]

-preciseness, noun

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transitive verb (past and past participle devised, present participle devising, 3rd person present singular devises)
1. think something up: to conceive of the idea for something and figure out how it will work 2. pass on property: to pass on property through a will

noun (plural devises)

1. clause bequeathing property: a clause in a will stating that an item of property is to be given to somebody or something 2. LAW bequeathing of property: the bequeathing of an item of property 3. LAW something bequeathed: an item of property bequeathed through a will

[13th century. < French deviser "divide, order, form a plan" < Latin dividere (see divide)] -devisable, adjective -deviser, noun

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agony [ggnee] (plural agonies)


1. great pain or anguish: intense physical pain or mental anguish 2. intense emotion: a consuming emotion an agony of indecision 3. suffering preceding death: a period of struggle or suffering immediately preceding death (literary) last agony

[14th century. Directly or via French < Latin agonia < Greek agnia "(mental) struggle, anguish" < agn "contest"] -agonal, adjective prolong the agony to make a period of misfortune or anxiety last longer than necessary

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