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CHAPTER 2 2.1 2.2


3-4 4 4

CHAPTER 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 CHAPTER 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 CHAPTER 5 5.1 5.2 ANNEXTURE 1


5-7 5 5 5 5 6 8-19 8 17 19 20-21 21 21 22-25


Project Title: - A study on Customer satisfaction for BSNL mobile services RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: 1. The basic objective of carrying out the research is To analyze the opinion and satisfaction level of customers with special reference to BSNL mobile services. 2. To suggest measures for providing a better focussed service. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: Study was conducted through the method of questionnaire for BSNL customers. Sample size is 100 and simple Judgemental sampling has been used for the study. The collected data were analyzed in SPSS version 17.0 by Chi Square tests and ANOVA and were shown pictorially in the form for bar diagram. FINDINGS: 1. Post-paid customers are more satisfied with the voice quality of the calls made than prepaid customers. 2. Most of the BSNL customers occasionally face the problem of call drops during conversation. 3. The overall satisfaction level of the post-paid customers with the BSNL mobile services is more when compared to the satisfaction level of the prepaid customers. SUGGESTIONS: 1. The BSNL must try to resolve the network connectivity problems, call drop problems and other issues faced by the customers and in a timely manner. 2. The effectiveness of the customer care representatives in solving the issues must be regularly monitored.



We have conducted a study to understand the customers opinion and satisfaction level regarding BSNL mobile services in Guwahati, a research titled A study on Customer satisfaction for BSNL mobile services has been conducted. 2.1 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 1. To analyze the customers opinion and satisfaction level with specific reference to BSNL mobile services. 2. To suggest some guidelines to BSNL to provide better focussed services. 2.2 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY 1. The authenticity of the data given by the respondent was not guaranteed as the seriousness of the respondents while filling up the questionnaires was not known. 2. The study was limited only to selected parts of the Guwahati City. 3. We have made use of non probabilistic approaches of sample survey. This was a limitation of the study since non-probabilistic approaches are less accurate than probabilistic approaches and there is a greater chance of sampling error.


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 RESEARCH PLAN Descriptive research cross sectional research has been used. 3.2 SOURCES OF DATA The data collected is basically of primary nature as the researcher collected all the information from the respondents personally with the aid of questionnaires. 3.3 SAMPLE SIZE The sample size collected for the Customer survey is 100. 3.4 SAMPLING PROCEDURE The sampling procedure used for the study has been non-probabilistic in nature. Basically, Judgemental sampling has been used for the study. QUESTIONNAIRE FOR THE STUDY The questionnaire has been prepared keeping in mind the objectives of the study. The Questionnaire consists of 16 questions for the customer. Each question in the questionnaire helps in one way or other in achieving the objectives. A copy of the questionnaire is included in the Annexure. 3.5 ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE The data are analyzed through different statistical tests in SPSS and has been presented with the help of graphical method like Pie charts, Bar-diagram and tables to interpret the information attained from them. CHI-SQUARE TESTS: Mainly the data those were collected in nominal and ordinal scale are analysed through Chi-Square tests. The Chi-Square tests are done to check the association level between the variables and to represent the associated variables through a easily interpretable pictorial manner. The output interpreted through graphs of chi-Square tests shows the details of each and every factor of the undergone variables of Chi-Square tests.

ANOVA: To find out the details of some of the factors like satisfaction level of the consumers on the quality of value added services, provision of connection and the voice quality etc. which are in metric scale. We have conducted ANOVA to analyze the relationship of such type of variables with independent variables type of connection. We adopt the

ANOVA test only because it shows the segments showing maximum mean values and we can draw conclusion for that specific segment. Other statistical tests like regression, T-test etc. are not done in this project as for Regression analysis we need independent variables in metric scale. Similarly for T-test our sample sizes are not according to the sample size required for T-test.


4.1 CHI-SQUARE TESTS: For finding out whether there is a relationship between various factors like key reason for contacting customer care, reason of dissatisfaction, opinion on seriousness of customer care representative in taking issues, opinion on ability of customer care representative in solving problems, opinion on frequency of getting busy signal, opinion on network coverage, call drops and opinion on delay for a message to get delivered with independent variable ,i.e., the type of connection used by the customers, we did a cross tabulation and conducted Chi-square tests. The tests are performed at a confidence level of 95% which means tests which show a significance level less than .05 are considered for further interpretations. The results that we have got from these tests were used to identify the satisfaction level of BSNL customers. 1. RELATIONSHIP OF KEY REASON FOR CONTACTING CUSTOMER CARE HELPLINE WITH RESPECT TO TYPE OF CONNECTION The null hypothesis assumed is that there is no significance difference between the key reasons for which respondents contact customer care helpline with respect to the type of connection. Null hypothesis is assumed so that the significance level between the variables can be checked in order to evaluate the association level between the corresponding variables. Here if the null hypothesis is rejected in the Chi-square test then an association level exists between the variables and we can show the numeric figures of various reasons for contacting customer care by prepaid and post-paid customers. If the hypothesis is accepted then we can nullify the association between the variables.

Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 43.733a 48.937 22.472 100 df 4 4 1 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .000 .000 .000

The Chi-square test revealed the significant association between the reasons for contacting customer care helpline with respect to type of connection used by customer. From the Chi-square table we see that a significance level of 0.00(Pearsons) has been achieved. This means the Chi-square test is showing a significant association between the

above two variable at 100% (100-0.00) confidence level. Thus the null hypothesis is rejected and it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in key reason for which respondents contact customer care helpline with respect to the type of connection.

Symmetric Measures Value Nominal by Nominal Contingency Coefficient .552 Approx. Sig. .000

N of Valid Cases 100 From the above obtained contingency coefficient of .552, this means the relationship between the variables is very strong. This leads us to conclude that the reasons for contacting customer care vary with respect to the type of connection used by customer.

INTERPRETATION OF THE OUTPUT: Prepaid Payment Issue Poor line quality Time taken to repair a fault Change Package 5% 3% 32% 7% Post-paid 31% 7% 4% 3%

35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Payment Issue Poor line quality Time taken to repair a fault Change Package Prepaid Postpaid


2. RELATIONSHIP OF FREQUENCY OF GETTING BUSY SIGNAL WITH RESPECT TO TYPE OF CONNECTION The null hypothesis assumed is that there is no significance difference between how frequently respondents get a busy signal instead of a dial tone with respect to the type of connection. Null hypothesis is assumed so that the significance level between the variables can be checked in order to evaluate the association level between the corresponding variables. Here if the null hypothesis is rejected in the Chi-square test then an association level exists between the variables and we can show the numeric figures of various reasons for contacting customer care by prepaid and post-paid customers. If the hypothesis is accepted then we can nullify the association between the variables.

Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 78.610a 100.682 2 70.785 100 1 df 2 .000 .000 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .000

The Chi-square test revealed the significant association between how frequently respondents get busy signal instead of a dial tone with respect to the type of connection. From the Chi-square table we see that a significance level of 0.00(Pearsons) has been achieved. This means the Chi-square test is showing a significant association between the above two variable at 100% (100-0.00) confidence level. Thus the null hypothesis is rejected and it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between how frequently respondents get a busy signal instead of a dial tone with respect to the type of connection. INTERPRETATION OF THE OUTPUT Prepaid Often Sometimes Seldom 3% 42% 6% Post-paid 0% 0% 49%


50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Often Sometimes Seldom Prepaid Postpaid

3. RELATIONSHIP OF FREQUENCY OF CALL DROPS DURING CONVERSATION WITH RESPECT TO TYPE OF CONNECTION The null hypothesis assumed is that there is no significance difference between how frequently respondents face call drops during conversation with respect to the type of connection. Null hypothesis is assumed so that the significance level between the variables can be checked in order to evaluate the association level between the corresponding variables. Here if the null hypothesis is rejected in the Chi-square test then an association level exists between the variables and we can show the numeric figures of various reasons for contacting customer care by prepaid and post-paid customers. If the hypothesis is accepted then we can nullify the association between the variables.

Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 5.279

df 3 3 1

Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .152 .091 .026

6.474 4.961 100


The Chi-square test revealed the significant association between the frequencies of respondents facing call drops during conversation with respect to the type of connection. From the Chi-square table we see that a significance level of .152(Pearsons) has been achieved. Thus the null hypothesis is accepted and it can be concluded that there is no significant difference between the frequencies of respondents facing call drops during conversation with respect to the type of connection. 4. RELATIONSHIP OF OPINION ON IN BSNL NETWORK THERE IS NEVER DELAY FOR A MESSAGE TO GET DELIVERED WITH RESPECT TO TYPE OF CONNECTION The null hypothesis assumed is that there is no significance difference between opinion on in Bsnl network there is never delay for a message to get delivered with respect to type of connection. Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 42.260

df 3 3 1

Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .020 .017 .054

46.576 13.953 100

The Chi-square test revealed the significant association between opinion on in Bsnl network there is never delay for a message to get delivered with respect to type of connection. From the Chi-square table we see that a significance level of 0.020(Pearsons) has been achieved. This means the Chi-square test is showing a significant association between the above two variable at 98% (100-2) confidence level INTERPRETATION OF THE OUTPUT: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree Nor disagree Agree Strongly agree Prepaid 0 2% 37% 6% 6% Post-paid 0 2% 7% 36% 4%

40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree Nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

Prepaid Post-paid

5. RELATIONSHIP OF OPINION ON BSNL NETWORK NEVER GIVES A NETWORK PROBLEM WITH RESPECT TO TYPE OF CONNECTION The null hypothesis assumed is that there is no significance difference between opinion on BSNL network never gives a network problem with respect to type of connection

Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 4.073a 4.135 .523 100 df 3 3 1 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .254 .247 .470

a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 5.88.

The Chi-square test revealed that there is no significant association between opinion on Bsnl network never gives a network problem with respect to type of connection. From the Chi-square table we see that a significance level of 0.254(Pearsons) has been achieved. This means that the null hypothesis is accepted and hence we can conclude that there is no significant association between opinions on BSNL network never gives a network problem.


6. RELATIONSHIP OF OPINION ON SERIOUSNESS WITH WHICH BSNL CUSTOMER CARE REPRESENTATIVE TAKES QUERY WITH RESPECT TO TYPE OF CONNECTION The null hypothesis assumed is that there is no significance difference between opinions on seriousness with which Bsnl customer care representative takes query with respect to type of connection Null hypothesis is assumed so that the significance level between the variables can be checked in order to evaluate the association level between the corresponding variables. Here if the null hypothesis is rejected in the Chi-square test then an association level exists between the variables and we can show the numeric figures of various reasons for contacting customer care by prepaid and post-paid customers. If the hypothesis is accepted then we can nullify the association between the variables.

Chi-Square Tests Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 48.444a 54.185 25.121 100 df 2 2 1 Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) .000 .000 .000

The Chi-square test revealed the significant association between opinions on seriousness with which Bsnl customer care representative takes query with respect to type of connection. From the Chi-square table we see that a significance level of 0.00(Pearsons) has been achieved. This means the Chi-square test is showing a significant association between the above two variable at 100% (100-0.00) confidence level. Thus the null hypothesis is rejected and it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between opinions on seriousness with which BSNL customer care representative takes query with respect to type of connection.


Symmetric Measures Value Nominal by Nominal N of Valid Cases Contingency Coefficient .571 100 Approx. Sig. .000

From the above obtained contingency coefficient of .571, this means the relationship between the variables is very strong. This leads us to conclude that the seriousness with which Bsnl customer care representative takes query vary with respect to the type of connection used by customer. INTERPRETATION OF THE OUTPUT: Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree Nor disagree Agree Strongly agree Prepaid 0% 0% 41% 5% 5% Post-paid 0% 0% 5% 37% 7%

0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither agree Nor disagree Agree Strongly agree Prepaid Post-paid


4.2 ANOVA TESTS: To find out the satisfaction level of the consumers on the quality of value added services, provision of connection and the voice quality with respect to independent factor, i.e., type of connection they use, we have conducted a one way ANOVA. The significance level assumed is 95% or 0.05 i.e. if the value of the sig. column of the invariance table is less than 0.05; it proves that at 95% confidence level, the variation in independent variable is able to cause variation in dependent variable.


Sum of Squares Provision of connection Between Groups Within Groups Total Satisfaction level of Between Groups .743 156.647 157.390 16.054 50.856 66.910 90.286 114.714 205.000

df 1 98 99 1 98 99 1 98 99

Mean Square .743 1.598

F .465

Sig. .497

16.054 .519



respondent with the quality of Within Groups the value added service Total Satisfaction level of customer Between Groups with the voice quality Within Groups Total

90.286 1.171



Here all the pair shows significance level less than .05. That means at more than 95% confidence level the variation in independent variable (Type of connection) is able to cause variation in the dependent variables.



95% Confidence Interval for Std. N Provision of connection Prepaid Postpaid Total Satisfaction level of respondent with the quality of the value added service Satisfaction level of Prepaid Postpaid Total Prepaid Mean Std. Mean Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum 6.9320 6.7255 6.9398 4.8985 5.7792 5.3669 5.3562 7.0845 6.2145 7.6170 7.4786 7.4402 5.3760 6.0984 5.6931 5.7810 7.8543 6.7855 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 8.00

Deviation Error 1.21784 .17053 1.31093 .18728 1.26087 .12609 .84899 .11888 .55558 .07937 .82211 .08221 .75511 .10574 1.34012 .19145 1.43900 .14390

51 7.2745 49 7.1020 100 7.1900 51 5.1373 49 5.9388 100 5.5300 51 5.5686 49 7.4694 100 6.5000

customer with the voice Postpaid quality Total

INTERPRETATION OF THE OUTPUT Factors Provision of connection Quality of the value added service Voice quality of BSNL Higher Mean Value 7.2745 5.9388 7.4694 Type of connection showing highest mean value Prepaid Post-paid Post-paid


4.3 FINDINGS: 1. Prepaid customers mainly contact customer care helpline regarding the time taken to repair a fault whereas Post-paid customer contacts customer care helpline for payment issues. 2. Prepaid customers of BSNL do sometimes face the problem of busy signal whereas post-paid customers seldom face that problem. 3. Most prepaid customers show a neutral response to a timely delivery of message whereas most post-paid customers never face a delay in delivery of message. 4. Prepaid customers are more satisfied than the post-paid customers with the time taken for the mobile connection to get activated after they applied and completed all the formalities. 5. Post-paid customers are more satisfied than the pre-paid customers with the quality of value added services. 6. Post-paid customers are more satisfied with the voice quality of the calls made than prepaid customers. 7. Customer care representatives have not been able to completely resolve the issues of both the post-paid and the pre-paid customers. 8. Both post paid and pre paid customers occasionally face the problem of call drops during conversation.




5.1 CONCLUSION: From the Research study it has been found that the customers are very particular about the quality of the mobile services. The overall satisfaction of post-paid customers with the BSNL mobile services is more when compared to the pre-paid customers. As there is a healthy competition given by the existing players in the Telecom industry, lack or degradation in any of the services may affect the company badly. The research conducted will provide the BSNL officials about the state of satisfaction in the customers mind with their mobile services. 5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. BSNL should provide better connectivity to its users by minimising the problem of busy signals. This can be done by increasing the number of base stations and the bandwidth of signal. It would help in reducing the network connectivity problems. 2. Customer care representatives must try to completely resolve the issues of BSNL customers and in a timely manner. 3. Call drops problems exist due to weak signals. Improving the signal might resolve this problem. 4. From the research it has been found that both the post paid and pre paid customers are somewhat satisfied with the value added services. So, the operator must continue to provide desired value added services to the customers which are important from the growth point of view. But to utilize various value added services it is necessary that the network connectivity should be good.




Rate your satisfaction level with the time taken to get the mobile connection activated after you applied and completed all formalities? Dissatisfied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 satisfied

1. For prepaid customersa) Rate the accuracy of charges, i.e. the amount deducted on every usage. Very dissatisfied very satisfied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 b) Please specify the reason for your dissatisfaction i. Charges not as per tariff plan subscribed ii. Charges for calls not made iii. Charges for services not used iv. others 2. For post-paid customers a) Rate the timely delivery of bills Very dissatisfied satisfied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 very

b) Rate your satisfaction level with the accuracy of the bills. Very dissatisfied satisfied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 very

c) Please specify the reason of your dissatisfaction i. Charges not as per tariff plan subscribed ii. Charged for value added services not subscribed iii. others 3. How often do you make a complaint or a query to the customer care helpline? i. Often ii. Sometimes iii. Seldom iv. never 4. Which of the following is the key reason for which you contact the customer care helpline? i. Payment issues

ii. Poor line quality iii. Time taken to repair a fault iv. Change package v. Others 5. How many times have you been in contact with the provider in relation to this particular issue so far? i. Five times or more. ii. Four times iii. Three times iv. Twice v. Once 6. The seriousness with which the BSNL customer care representative takes question or issues is highly commendable? 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree Disagree neither agree Nor Disagree 7. In your opinion, was the customer care representative able to successfully resolve your issue? i. Completely resolved ii. Partly resolved iii. Not resolved at all 8. How often do you get a busy signal instead of a dial tone? i. Often ii. Sometimes iii. Seldom iv. Never 9. BSNL mobile network never gives a network coverage problem 1 Strongly disagree 2 Disagree 3 4 5 strongly agree agree strongly agree

neither agree agree Nor Disagree 10. How often does your call drops during conversation? i. Very frequently


ii. Frequently iii. Occasionally iv. Never 11. Rate your satisfaction with the voice quality on a 1 to 10 scale 1 2 Very dissatisfied 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 very satisfied

12. With the BSNL mobile network, there is never a delay for a message to get delivered 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree disagree neither agree Nor Disagree agree strongly agree

14. Do you use value added services like roaming, GPRS, voice mail, or any other such services? i. ii. Yes No

15. If yes, rate your satisfaction with the quality of the value added services provided. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 very satisfied

Very Dissatisfied


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