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IC-408 upgrade system software VER 1.

1via memory stick

Minimum requirements 8G byte Kingston USB drive with activity light. Install USB flash program V3.21 (put disc in laptop and shut down, restart with boot from DVD drive and follow on screen instructions to load program on drive pen when USB program installs it will ask you to install valid CD at this stage install system software disc and again follow instructions this will take approx 30 40 mins.) PRINT OUT CONFIG PAGE FROM FIERY to reinstall settings later. To load new system software ver1.1 1 on engine touch screen select machine screen- controller- reboot server (wait 10seconds then turn off fiery power switch.) 2 turn off engine sub power. 3 turn off engine main switch. 4 turn engine sub switch back on. 5 disconnect SCSI, Ethernet, and any USB devices from fiery. 6 place pre loaded USB pen drive into fiery port A 7 power up fiery controller with its main switch (after 30 seconds the two seven segment display on the fiery should count from 00 to FF approx 20 minutes.) 8 once activity stops on drive pen and display reads FF turn off fiery main switch. 9 remove drive pen 10 re connect SCSI lead ONLY 11 turn on main power switch on engine. 12 turn on fiery main switch. 13 the fiery now goes to FF again and installs software (approx 40 minutes.) 14 when the engine and fiery come to ready you can now re-program fiery settings. 15 CHECK FOR CORRECT LEVEL IN CONTROLLER, IT SHOULD NOW HAVE A SHUT DOWN FIERY OPTION. 16YOU MUST NOW RELOAD COMMAND WORKSTATION, COLOUR WISE PRO TOOLS and PRINT DRIVERS TO PC OR FACI KIT IF ENABLED. 17 RECONECT ETHERNET CABLE AND USB DEVICES TO FIERY. The new system software should now be upgraded and working correctly. Hope this helps Brian

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