How To Write A Cover Letter..

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How to Write a Cover Letter: Prototype and Instructions

How to Write a Cover Letter: Prototype and Instructions

by Christopher Knab, Updated January 2008. Back to The Academy

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Your Name Your Address Current Date Name of Contact (Mr. or Ms.) Name of Company Address Dear Mr./Ms., It was a pleasure meeting you at ____. In the brief time we had to talk, I mentioned the group _______, an __________ ___ band from Seattle that I have been working with for the past year. You were kind enough to suggest that I send you a copy of their CD. Enclosed you will find their demo, and the _______ you requested. ____________ will be playing several gigs around Seattle in the next couple of months. If you enjoy the CD, and would like to see the bands live show, let me know and I will put you on the guest list for one of their upcoming shows. The band recently got a great review in _________. ______ _____ reviewed a recent show by saying; Not since _______ have I heard such ________ and _______ ________ . When you get a chance to hear their CD, I think you will agree with that comment. If you have any questions about the band, please feel free to call me anytime. I can be reached at ___ ___-____. I will be contacting you next week to follow up on this letter. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Your Name (be sure to sign the letter) Instructions for writing a music business letter.

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Christopher Knab and Bartley F. Day's expanded edition of "Music Is Your Business" is filled with more insights into the business side of being a successful musician or band. Included are chapters on both Internet and traditional music marketing methods. The essential legal issues you need to know are explained as are music contract tips, how to license your music, attract distributors, get radio airplay and create a demand for your music. More...

1. Justify left the whole letter. 2. At least 2 inches down, put your name and address. 3. Put the date next, after your name and address. 4. The Salutation: Address the letter to the person using their
last name, (unless you are certain that you are on a first name basis with the person.) i.e. Dear Mr. Mann, or Dear Ms. Gunderson, (Use a comma after their name.)

5 The Body: This is where the purpose of the letter is stated

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