"Why People Prefer Biscuits of Parle Brand.": For The Award of The Degree of

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On WHY PEOPLE PREFER BISCUITS OF PARLE BRAND. for the award of the degree of PGDM 2010-12

to be submitted bySANDEEP SONI.

under the guidance of PROF. ARNAV CHOUDHARY.

Parle Products has been India's largest manufacturer of biscuits and confectionery for almost 80 years. Makers of the world's largest selling biscuit, Parle-G, and a host of other very popular brands, the Parle name symbolizes quality, nutrition and great taste. With a reach spanning even to the remotest villages of India, the company has definitely come a very long way since its inception. Many of the Parle products - biscuits or confectioneries, are market leaders in their category and have won acclaim at the Monde Selection, since 1971. With a 40% share of the total biscuit market and a 15% share of the total confectionary market in India, Parle has grown to become a multi-million dollar company. While to the consumers it's a beacon of faith and trust, competitors look upon Parle as an example of marketing brilliance.

Available Anywhere
Today, the great strength of Parle Products is the extremely widespread distribution network. Even at the remotest places, you can buy Parle biscuits and sweets from the local grocer. It has taken years to create this extensive network. Parles sales force started with one salesman in Bombay and some agents in few other cities. Gradually, Parle Products expanded. Soon sweets and biscuits were being sent by rail to Calcutta, Delhi, Karachi, Madras and other major cities. As production increased, distribution was amplified. Full time salesmen were appointed in different areas. Currently, Parle Products has over 33, 00,000 distribution outlets.

Parle Products fame and familiarity is undeniable. Considering its extensive reach, the brand Parle is known and recognized by everyone. Over the years, Parles sweets and biscuits have become a household name. From kids to adults, everyone loves and cherishes these treats. It gives us great pleasure to see our consumers enjoy and embrace Parle products on daily basis. Our confectioners and chefs have the utmost authority at Parle. Had it not been so, the beginning of Parle would have been quite different. In 1929 a small company by the name of Parle products emerged in British dominated India. The goal was to spread joy and cheer to children and adults alike, all over the country with its sweets and candies. Although, the company knew that it wouldnt be an easy task, they decided to take the brave step. A small factory was set up in the suburbs of Mumbai to manufacture confectionery products. A decade later this factory was upgraded to manufacture biscuits as well. Since then, the Parle name has spread in all directions and has won international fame. Parle has been sweetening the lives of people all over India and abroad.

Apart from the factories in Mumbai and Bangalore, Parle also has factories in Bahadurgarh, Haryana and Neemrana, Rajasthan. These are the largest biscuit and confectionery plants in the country. Additionally, Parle Products also has 10 manufacturing units and 75 manufacturing units on contract.






1929:The first year of operation. Our only assets were hard work and hope. 1939:Ten years of determined effort brought results. Things began to take shape. And we tried even harder. 1949:The formative years were over. We had come of age. 1974:Here was the first evidence of Parle as it is today.

Consumer behavior has been always of great interest to marketers. The knowledge of consumer behavior helps the marketer to understand how consumers think, feel and select from alternatives like products, brands and the like and how the consumers are influenced by their environment, the reference groups, family, and salespersons and so on. A consumers buying behavior is influenced by cultural, social, personal and psychological factors. Most of these factors are uncontrollable and beyond the hands of marketers but they have to be considered while trying to understand the complex behavior of the consumers. In this study, the researcher emphasizes the importance of lifestyle and its impact on the buyer behavior.


There are two factors mainly influencing the consumers for decision making: Risk aversion and innovativeness. Risk aversion is a measure of how much consumers need to be certain and sure of what they are purchasing

Perception is a mental process, whereby an individual selects data or information from the environment, organizes it and then draws significance or meaning from it.


Product class knowledge is a measure of consumers perceptions of how much they know about a specific class of products (eg.,cars)This type of measure is consistent with what Brucks(1985) called subjective knowledge, that is, consumers self-perceptions of knowledge levels. This is often contrasted with objective knowledge, which is what consumers actually know.

Hygiene is the precursor to every process at Parle. From husking the wheat and melting the sugar to delivering the final products to supermarkets and store shelves nationwide, care is taken at every step to ensure the best product of longlasting freshness. Every batch of biscuits, confectioneries & snacks are thoroughly checked by expert staff, using the most modern equipment. This ensures consistent and perfect quality across the nation and abroad.

Concentrating on consumer tastes and preferences, the Parle brand has grown from strength to strength ever since its inception. The factories at Bahadurgarh, Haryana and Neemrana, Rajasthan are the largest biscuit and confectionery plants in the country. The factory in Mumbai was the first to be set up, followed soon by the one in Bangalore, Karnataka. Parle also has 10 manufacturing units for biscuits and 75 manufacturing units for confectioneries on contract.

An in-depth understanding of the Indian consumer psyche has helped Parle develop a marketing philosophy that reflects the needs of the Indian masses. With products created bearing in mind both health and taste, Parle products equally appeal to fun loving kids & youth. Even today, the great tradition of taste and nutrition is consistent in every pack on the store shelves. The value-for-money positioning allows people from all classes and age groups to enjoy Parle products to the fullest.

The type promotional tool used has to gel with other elements of marketing. Advertising is the mass media is wasteful as the number of customers are small. The company makes it first contact with customers through its promotional efforts.

According to Rossiter and Prey (1987), brand awareness precedes all other steps in the buying process. A brand attitude cannot be performed, unless a consumer is aware of the brand. In memory theory, brand awareness is positioned as a vital first step in building the bundle of associations which are attached to the brand in memory (Stokes, 1985).

1] Identification of gaps in positioning stances. 2] Identification of why people prefer the biscuits of brand PARLE.

1] To study consumer buying habits in BISCUITS. 2] To study the various factor and identify important parameters for consumer acceptance,

Such as taste, quality and price.


1] The responses can be biased, as some of the respondent may not have revealed the true pictures. 2] The company officials also too tend to give biased answer, as they always wants to give arose picture of their company. 3] The managers were reluctant to give information about the product. 4] The sample was restricted to the some areas of Indore city only, 5] I will have to rely upon the information given by respondents, which may not be fully true 6] It is only for short period of time. 7] Lack of professional approach since researcher is a student.

Research Design is the arrangement for conditioned for data collection & analysis of data in a manner that aims to combined relevance to research purpose with economy in procedure. A research design is a master plan or model for the conduct of formal investigation. It is blue print that is followed in completing study. The research conducted by me is a qualitative researchThis is descriptive in nature because study is focused on fact finding investigation in a well structured form and is based on primary data.

Sample size for the research will be about 50 people of Indore City. Sample Size = 50 People Sample Area = Customers of PARLE BISCUITS, other peoples of Indore Duration = one (1) Month


For my survey primary data data. have been used as a questionnaire to collect the

The secondary date has been collected from the following modes: 1] Internet sources. 2] Books & Magazines.


1] Graphs.


The conclusion drawn on the basis of data analysis shall be presented along with the recommendations and suggestions.


The sources of data collection will be: Books & magazines Website.

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