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Research Purposal

Title of the major Research: Development of new concepts for testing Human Computer Interactive systems. Introduction: Software testing is the traditional method of verifying and validating software. Recent years have seen an increasing use of sophisticated interaction techniques including in the field of safety critical interactive software such as aircraft cockpit and traffic control workstations. These techniques has come from research done in the field of man-machine interface or human computer interaction. Today much of effort is laid on science, engineering and design aspect of computer human interactive systems however, very less has been done to test the reliability of the systems offering these kind of interactive techniques. Testing interactive systems is a challenging task in itself, which is rarely being addressed by software engineering techniques. If the systems offering these interactive techniques are not properly verified and and validated then these systems can result in failure or can show undesirable results. There is no doubt that testing of interactive systems requires a huge amount of effort due to complexity and size of the graphical interface employed by these systems but still it is necessary part to make system reliable and usable. The Aim of the Research: The aim of my research will be to explore the use of software engineering concepts(such as model driven programming and software products line) to define innovating and efficient techniques for testing interactive softwares.There are two main tasks required for testing the HCI properties .Firstly, software testing techniques can be employed to find errors,bugs and mistakes in the system. Secondly,emperical evaluations can be used to analyse HCI properties to find issues that software testing techniques can notfind.There are several challenges that must be addressed for example ,automatic test case generation from model and their automatic execution ,empirical evaluation of HCI properties;etc.The methods which will be developed to test interactive will be efficient and will work in strict time constraint which is the main challenging part of research project.

References: 1.Paul Ammann and Jeff Offutt. Introduction to Software Testing. Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, USA, 1 edition, 2008. 2.Mark Utting and Bruno Legeard .Practical Model-Based Testing: A Tools Approach.Morgan Kaufmann publisher. 3. William Perry.Effective Methods for Software Testing.John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1995. 4.K.K. Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh.Software Engineering. 2nd Ed., New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2005.

5. Louise Tamres, Software Testing, Pearson Education Asia, 2002

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