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Gaby alanes

9th September

Text missing from Evgenia

Fredrik arvn
17th January 1989

Frederik, I wanna thank you and the whole LSE CEMS gang for such a great term. While we all complained quite a lot (i.e. the luxurious High Holborn showers and sophisticated heating facilities or the challenging LSE teaching style) it would be an understatement to say that the AMAZING people have made all the difference. Thinking of weekly drinks, get-togethers for breakfast, lunch (I want my itsu back!!) and dinner - not to forget more drinks, Budapest and London sights & parties. I never understood what you, Michael and half-naked Christian were doing in his room but, I guess, what happens in Holborn stays in Holborn, right? Have a great 2012 climbing, traveling and enjoying life! Dont forget to take good care of your keys :-) Hope to see you again soon! Laura

Guillaume banderet
6th December 1987 +41 76 504 28 26

When I met Guillaume he immediately struck me as a supportive person, and I still owe him for being my personal French coach. In the beginning of the semester, Guillaume stated his greatest fault to be a difficulty in hearing others ideas when focused on his own. For that very reason, I was surprised to find in him one of the best listeners I have ever met. I believe that great leaders emerge naturally, and Guillaumes rise as our great CEMS President is proof of that. We started the semester with a seminar on leadership, but the true lesson on that matter certainly came from Monsieur le President. Id wish him luck, but there is no need: as they used to say, Audaces Fortuna Juvat - luck protects the daring ones. Bernando

alexander barclay
30th Novembre 1986 +41 78 868 23 42

Well, since we have been living together I should know him pretty well. After three months we were not able to discover the identity of our landlady, try any single pub near Oval and, most importantly, realize how Clapham was close! Maybe, the reason was the extremely difficult effort we dedicated to our courses at LSE. By the way, I will never forget Alexs wit and sharpness honestly more British than Swiss and our groupworks (he knows what I mean). Last thing: Mind the doors! Mind the closing doors! Giacomo

tatjana cadenovic
2nd September 1985 +49 15778334605

Tatjana, you were the sunshine of our CEMS class in London. Always smiling, always perfectly dressed, always intelligent. It was such a great time with you, whether we were having fun in the CEMS club, during the strategy seminars, when partying, or cooking. But what I miss most are our conversations in the number 38 bus about the questions of live, universe and everything. I wish you all the best for your future and hope to see you soon, in Shanghai, India, Zurich or London. Dominic

lu chen
11th May +33 601430936

If I can use three words to describe Lu, they would be: friendly, active, and cheerful :-) The first time we got to know each other was through the LSE CEMS facebook, discussing about accommodation for the Budapest Career Forum. I was impressed with Lus profile picture of her riding a camel. What an active girl I thought. It turned out that Lu is not only an active girl, but also a very cheerful friend. She was always optimistic and her positive attitude shined through every time we talked. Perhaps warmness is the most precious gift of Lu, which made me feel so secured that I could tell her everything, even my silly crush :-) Xuan

xuan dinh
10th November 1988 +44 7972293249


bernardo Ferreira
12th August 1989

Lets be honest, Bernardo (Nando for its closest friends) is the solution to the Portuguese crisis. Very international, he likes to speak French and it gets better the more tea he tipples. Bernardo is also very cultured. As a fine British art connoisseur, he knows how to appreciate the collection of his close friends. Although he would have dreamt to live in High Holborn, Bernardo contented himself with a modest pied-terre in Chelsea. Finally his inimitable sense of humor and his signature move, thumb and index finger pointing up, will remain as a highlight of this semester. At breve amigo! Guillaume

sophie Ghazal
28th January 1988

Text missing from Mimo

alexander hltmann
11th September 1983

Alex is the typical 360-success kind of guy: hes intelligent, handsome and sociable, has a lot of friends, and a Gorgeous Girlfriend (a very clear example of how beautiful people deserve each other ;)). And very importantly: he can cook! And although hes starting to get a little old, he can still dance! Together with Maggy, he makes one of the nicest couples youll ever meet: whenever youre at their place, they make sure you feel right at home, and party people as they are, theyre a guarantee for a good night out! So Alex, thank you for an amazing 1,5 years, you made London and Barcelona a lot of fun, so dont be a stranger and lets stay in touch! Nienke

christian hollnder
26th April 1988

It is good that there is a picture of Christian in this booklet...because many of us have not seen him a lot in London ;) Even his roommates in High Holborn saw him rarely. And with his pale skin and dark eyes, many said that Christian looked like a vampire. But I can reassure you, he is not a vampire, he is just a very hardworking guy during the day and is partying even harder during the night. I got to know Christian as being very honest, helpful, collaborative and fun. See you soon in Paris, Christian! Verena

mate jendrolovics
5th May 1988 +36 30 51 55 235

It is tempting to describe Mate as a great mate (or is it Mate is a great Mate?... :-) ). Though that is obviously true, it can be seen as a pun (or a failed joke), and therefore it should not be intended as such ;) Other than that, what can be said about Mate? That he knows the history behind each and every statue in his native Budapest? That he likes expensive haircuts? (the expensiveness was obviously influenced by Dominic :-) ) Or just that it was fantastically CEMSey to meet such an awesome Mate? (oh, no, not again :-) ) Pedro

Gosia karas
21st August 1989 +48 51 012 67 77

Gosia is a wonderful individual who has made absolutely the biggest effort to encourage and facilitate interaction with corporate partners and CEMS alumni. The organization of visit to Google and treasure hunt were definitely fantastic achievements! Also, Gosia is just a pleasant person, who has responsibly attended most of the parties/weekly drinks and is someone with whom it was a pleasure to chat on any topic! Kirill

Frederic klohe

Text missing from Leonie

vedran kusljuGic
19th October 1988 +38735250157

Text missing from Gosia

meilene lam
20th September 1989 +44 7799280164

One must think really hard to find something wrong with our dear Meilene Lam. The way she brought energy and humour to our first week of block seminar which I had the pleasure of sharing with her during our group discussions. Her comments and her demeanor brought joy to everyone at the group, especially towards the end of the block seminar when we replayed and replayed the video of We will protect this house commercial which has since then become synonymous for my relationship with Mei Mei as she has since then became known as. Whilst I did not get many chances of sharing the same classroom as her during the semester (except for the MN 425 seminar group which included constant mutual discontent with some people in the class), the memories of that first week remained strong and will stay strong forever. Thank you Mei Mei Vedran (aka Big V)

tommaso loviscek
16th January 1988 +39 340 4178 750

Tommaso is a truly inspiring and funny person. He can be enthusiastic about nearly everything and enlighten High Holborn dinners of 12 weeks with his various famous dishes. His cooking skills are a great indication of his creativity, which he displayed when explaining how he sees things. Thus, it is clear whether he will be working as an entrepreneur or for P&G or BP, he will convince everyone with his intelligence, compassion and creativity. So, whoever has not had the chance to see his uniqueness during our term at the LSE should use the next opportunity to do so, because your 8pm dinners wont ever be the same after. Rilana

mimo majzoub
1st January 1989

Refined, strong minded and with a good laughter, not to mention quite frank in some occasions, Mimo has been an excellent companion for many adventures. Whether it was living in The Clink, eating a fine meal at Gordon Ramsays or enjoying a thermal bath in Budapest she was always game. Some say she enjoyed more the timeless romance of Paris to the emerging beat of London, but urban legends have been crafted to tell the story of some nights in the East End and club-goers still whisper her name in awe. Altogether knowing Mimo was great and I will always cherish her friendship. Thanks for the memories and bientt! Tommaso

kirill matalov
26th November 1986 +7 911 284 67 87

I think what we all will remember most about Kirill is his affinity for Karaoke. I know he made all of our hearts melt anytime he took to the stage to perform an old Backstreet Boys song. But Kirill is so much more than a heartthrob. He is an entertainer. A scholar. A gentleman. And so, Kirill, Id like to shake your hand (and please make sure to THRUST it at me aggressively) for always being such a great entertainer whether onstage or during a skills seminar you kept us laughing and we cant thank you enough for that. Meilene

marek moravec

Marek, youre probably one of the guys who enjoyed the exchange the most and spent a busy life between workouts, football sessions, parties and eating (and probably studying as well). Also, he is responsible for other people getting wasted, but at the same time nice enough to carry them home - or so I heard :-) Anyway, Im pretty sure that youll continue to enjoy life wherever you go and that well meet soon at some gym or bar. Until then, all the best! Sam

dominic olonetzky
26th May 1983 +41 79 873 52 44

Dominic wears suits. Always (Rumour goes he sleeps in a suit). Is it respect for the people surrounding him? Is it marketing for his firm, forone? Probably a bit of both but it works and he never goes unnoticed. I must state here that I did see Dominic in jeans - once. Being the only current CEO in the CEMS group, he immediately had a fan club of potential candidates for a job at forone. In London, Dominic went to fancy restaurants and shows; he even organized a very exclusive party at his place; everyone drank tea and admired the pictures in his bathroom - quite a civilized party really. Alex

michael plassmann
22nd March 07719 666737

Text missing from Christian

Quentin renson
13th March 1990 +32 474 49 49 20

Quentins Beligum friends all call him little genius, but I call him gossip prince. This is because although having an innocent look, he really knows EVERYTHING!!! I know he loves BELGIUM chocolates and he is always indecisive in which dessert to take. Actually he usually goes to bed at 10:30. BUT the funniest and most hyper Quentin shows up after midnight in the parties. That part I believe we all know well ;-) Lu

rilana riikkinen
3rd Jannuary 1984 +358400303223

Rilana was my neighbor, my older sister, and also the owner of the prestigious title of the Queen of the house in Holborn. Ill never forget when she actually convinced me in five minutes to clean my room in the middle of the week, as only a few succeeded in this task before. Honestly, she is really someone who can provide a good example for anyone. During our semester she was always there when help was needed, she constantly provided energy for the people around her, while she was smart, hardworking, and optimistic in every case. Unfortunately we did not have the chance to work together, except one, where our team was the winner. I am very happy to know her and I hope we will keep contact in the future as well. Mate

pedro rodriGues
12th August 1985 +351 93 81 555 41

Text missing from Sophie.

marGarete rosina

Text from Frederic Klohe missing.

joana ruivo
6th July 1989 +351 917121797

Joana Ruivo or how to reverse the negative spiral! A semester at the LSE can be rather disappointing: boring courses, kilometric essays to write, endless motivation letters and assessment centers, a stupid block seminar But when you do it with a Portuguese woman with crazily cruled hair, the severe red and black colours of the university suddenly become much funnier! With her headquarters at the Fleet River Bakery and a subsidiary at Caf Nro, Joana was always there to listen to complaints, share the new gossips, help for an assignment or taste the new best pie in London. No high heels for her, but instead an unfailing friendship and a contagious good mood. It was awesome to meet you in London and Ill be glad to be one of your first client at your Greek restaurant. And remember what our strategy teacher said, quoting the Monty Python: Always look at the bright side of life! Quentin

laura salm
23rd September +49 175 1830604

Text missing from Michael

Giacomo sarchioni
14th April 1988 +39 340 33 56 654

Whereas everybody else spent hours thinking about future employers, Giacomo didnt have to worry about that: He could spend hours convincing forone to hire him. And consequently praising the famous lady drinks and handing them out at the farewell-party turned out to be a successful strategy. After Berlusconi finally had to step down during our time in London, Giacomo replaced him as democratically elected party animal. He also convinced even the last of us of the beauty and greatness of the Italian language, landscape and food (not the soccer, though) so please dont be surprised if Perugia is soon invaded by CEMSies! Johannes

lukas schaeFer
10th January 1986 +49 1775274240

Text missing from Marek

evGenia sopochkina
21th December 1988 +33 6 59 13 22 76

I still remember the first time I met you outside the LSE student bar, next to the St. Clements building in the beginning of the semester. Michael and I approached you to introduce ourselves and what I remember from the time is your red dress and your broad white (Colgate) smile. What I find particularly unique with you is your ability to education people what R in BRIC is all about. You have certainly changed my and others view, and shattered the traditional stereotypes. I have been fortunate to study with you at LSE, where you were one of the leading characters in the program. You have the drive and the ambition which makes you a part of the next generation of global talents and role model for your country. I am glad I have met you and I wish you the best in the future. P.S. Nothing is quite like a pair of louboutins Fredrik

verena thaler
25th September 1987 +43699 17052419 or +49176 99766942

A Busserl in Ehren wird a Steirer nie verwehren. I wanted to start my laudation of Verena with a Styrian proverb, as she is so aware and proud of her roots and background - a fact I adore in our restless CEMS lifestyle. Perhaps thats also the reason why you didnt see her during the (first) weekends: she left London for Austria a couple of times (who needs Fish&Chips if you can have Kferbohnensalat?). Nevertheless, Verena was always up for party once she was among us and I feel privileged of getting to know her ... although I was occasionally thinking of reporting her to Facebook for spamming me with all these Vienna invitations ;-P Verena, youre a great character and I hope you stay just the way you are, my Zuzerle! Lukas

johannes vochem
29th December 1986 +41 76 200 3780

One of the first LSE CEMSies I met, sitting next to me on the first day of the block seminar! Great person, it was really nice to meet you! Clearly our organizer for cultural events (thanks for that!), and my buddy to travel back home to the East where no one else lived... Always up for some partying, always someone you would have fun with, but also someone you could always count on. I hope I see you again soon (Morocco?)! All the best! Joana

nienke vonse
Some rainy day in November, a long long time ago +31 642386557

Text from Alex Hoeltmann missing.

samuel Wiedmer
1st June 1985 +41 79 833 07 91

Sam, he is our CEMS king, Wears in his ear a little ring. It seems as if he has no up and downs, no moods, But that changes when he is with the dudes. So he went ahead and created the Living Room Where immodest stories bloom, I assume. Sam, he is a guy that everyone likes, And thats not because of his airforce nikes. He is a true friend, whos always there, Tells you his opinion honest and fair! My dear Sam, I am very glad I met you at LSE, For all the good times I want to say Merci! Deine Titi

leonie zuhorn

Text missing from Margarete

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