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Whakaupoko West Franklin Landcare Group WWF Landcare

Community Newsletter Insert May 2011

Coordinator: Dave Puflett:- 236 3043 e: Secretary: Gary Morriss:- 236 3435 e: Who are we? We are a group of private landowners with an interest in NZ flora and fauna. The group was formed 7 years ago in the Baldhill Road area of the Franklin District. Over time, membership of the group has expanded into neighbouring areas of Patumahoe, Martyn Wright Road and Aka Aka areas. This is a very proactive group that undertake voluntarily the following activities:-

Pest control is the core activity of the Group, and over the last 7 years has seen the Residual Trap Catch of possums (RTC) has reduced from 34% to 4% at the last survey. (Last survey done 3 years ago). This has been achieved by a combination of shooting, trapping and baiting. Ammunition, traps, bait stations and ongoing supply of bait have been procured with funds received from (what was) the ARC and Environment Waikato and Franklin District Council. Check out the photos and see what happens when possum control and fencing off from stock is done. Quite spectacular!! Tree Planting has enabled new areas to be planted with native trees and existing bush areas enhanced. With the granting of various applications for funding we have been able to supply 15,000 native trees at no cost to members of the Group over the last 5 years. 300 new seedling stock has just arrived at Dave Pufletts and a further 300 are expected next week. Ring Dave before pick up. Bird Survey: A bird survey is done 4 times a year over 70 sites and recorded results provides excellent data over a long period of time, showing increases in Tui and Grey Warbler. Our Kereru numbers are also very high with Taraire bush supporting the June nesting pattern.

Weed Control is carried out by individuals and from time to time as a Group initiative on private and or public land. See Newsletter re Working Bee Sunday 29th May on the walking track from Patumahoe North East Fields to the wetlands below. 2.00pm armed with equipment to tackle the task of clearing overgrown vegetation. The main target weed has been Woolly Nightshade. This weed remains a priority and hopefully a new biocontrol agent may soon be available. EW have been carrying out extensive trials with a beetle that attacks this weed and all going well, may be able to release this weapon in the near future.

Working Bee Sunday 29 May 2pm Track from Patumahoe North East Fields to Westlands desperately in need of attention. In times past this track provided the pathway down to the extensive wetlands, but over time has become impassable with overgrown vegetation, gorse included, plus about every other weed you can think of!! We seek keen volunteers to assist in clearing the way to open up the pathway and give easy access again to the wetlands. Need to be equipped with any, or some of the following: chain saw, loppers, scrub cutter, pitch fork, rake, etc. etc. A couple of hours would be just fine. BBQ to follow (sausages and bread etc are provided, just bring own refreshments. Look forward to seeing a merry band of helpers. Gary Morris, Whakaupoko Landcare

Become involved and share in a co-coordinated approach to pest control and revegetation Contact the Group Coordinator: Dave Puflett - 236 3043 or the Secretary, Gary Morriss: 236-3435; visit the Environment & Nature pages on and click on Contact , provide us with your name, postal address, phone number and email contact address; come along to the Open Day at Patumahoe War Memorial Hall on Sunday 15 May 2011 12-4pm and sign up; email us directly on

(Photos taken at Nigel and Glenis Lowries Baldhill Road property)

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