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A. Definitions To entertain listeners or reader with a true experience or an imaginary B. Geberic Structure 1. Orientation : It Sets the scene and introduces the participants or characters. 2. Complication : it explores the conflict in the story 3. Resolution : it shows the situation which the problems have been resolved 4. re-orientation : cover in the story. Sad or happy ending C. Example MADONA Madona is one huge success in singing beside Celine Dion and their new gene ration Britney who were in invoied in the Madona empire from the marager for nine years freddy de mann, the stylist Debby Maizar to her personal assistans Meilisa craw and miss Cogggiola who do her shopping, Take calls and schedule meetings. So it can be concluded that we still need the other peoples help.

D. Spefecific Text Using simple past tense Usually begins with a description of the time : long time ago, once upon a time, etc Using connecting words such as : the after that, before etc

Greeting : Hello, good morning my friend ! My name is Ajeng. I will to tell about .. Clossing : Okey ! My friend Thank you Greeting : Contens : Closing :

A. Definitions Written messages with different contents and purpose of being sent to someone B. Generic Structure 1. Place : area of residence a person who sends 2. Date : when someone is sending 3. Open greeting : greeting words for letter began 4. Background of the text : background of the letter 5. Body of the text : body of the letter 6. Close : cover letter 7. Greeting close : greeting to end of cover letter 8. Signature : sign or seal a person who send 9. Name send : name of the person whom sent C. Example Tangerang, January 27th 2010

Dear Dinda, Hello Dinda, how are you ? Im fine in here. Well , I write this letter to you cause I want tell you about My Holiday. In Holiday I went to Bandung. In Bandung. I visited many place. Example. Tangkuban Perahu, Museum Asia-Afrika, and many more. I felt very Happy in Holiday. Well I Think is enough. Please replay this letter and tell me about your holiday. Peace love for your family. D. Specific Text There are sent received a letter Addressed to friend, relatives, or government official Written a message Greeting : Hello, good morning my friend ! My name is Ajeng. I will to tell about .. Clossing : Okey ! My friend Thank you Greeting : Contens : Closing :

A. Devinitions - Recount is a text which retells events or experience in the post B. Generic Structure 1. Orientation : Introducing the participants, place and time 2. Even : Describing serie of events that happened in the past 3. Re orientation : It is optional. Starting personal a comment of the writer to the story. C. Example Last Sunday, was a rainy day. The days was very bad. The wind blew so hard that I preferred staying at home to going out. When I looked out of the window, It was raining heavily and dark outside. Just then, the telephone rang it was my aunt yossy. She wanted to visit us, She asked me to feten her at the bus station. I thought it was impossible for me to feten her because it was still raining. I told her that I would go there as soon as the rain stopped. My aunt waited for me at the bus station. She read a magazine to kill to time. I was quite sorry to late her alone at the bus station for a few hours. D. Specific Text Introducing personal participants : I, my group, etc Using chronological connection : the first, etc Using linking verbs : was, were, heard, Saw, etc Using action verb : go look, change, etc Using simple past tense

A. Definitions - To describe a particular place or living beings. B. Generic Structure 1. Identification : mention the participant 2. Description : mention the party, quality, and characteristic of subject being describe C. Example I HAVE A CAT Spot is a regular house cat. He is an adorable cat. He has orange fur with while and black spots. I like to cuddle him because his fur feels, soft. Every morning I give spot milk. Spot does not like nice so I give him cat food spot is an active animal. He likes to run around the house, He likes to chase everyone in my house. He feels tired or sleepy spot usually sleeps on the sofa. In the living room or some times under the table. D. Specific Text Using attributive and identifying process Using adjective and classifiers in nominal group Using simple present tense

Greeting : Hello, good morning my friend ! My name is Ajeng. I will to tell about .. Clossing : Okey ! My friend Thank you Greeting : Contens : Closing :

SMP NEGERI 12 TANGERANG Nama : Ajeng Oktaviani. P Kelas : VIII 1


Recount Text : Devinisi, Bagian-bagiannya, Spesifik Text, Character contoh


Descriptive Text

3. Letter 4. Invitation 5. Announcemet

Writing : Greeting : Conten : Score Item : Jumlah :

Absen 2


A. Definitions invitation that given someone to others people to attend an important event. B. Generic Structure 1 Purpose : to invite someone to come to an event. 2.Day / date : information when the day and date of the events was date 3.Time : time of the events. 4.Place : Place realization 5.Sender : Who chant the invitation C. Example

Birthday party

Hello my friend , I invite you to come to my birthday party on ? Monday, 13 agustus , 2012 02.00 p.m 05.00 p.m In my home Dont forget to come , because there are a lot of surprise waiting for you. D. Specific text . There are invite and be invited . Usually to attend the important celebrate

Gretting : Hello , good morning my friend ! My name is Ajeng . I will to tell about . Closing : Okey ! my friends. thanks you . greeting : Conten : Closing :

A. Definitions Officalnotification something that is know by many people B. Generic Structure 1 .Purpose 2. Day or Date 3. Time 4. Place 5. Sender

: The text contains what event was be held . : Day and Date realition. :The text that contains where the event will be held : The text that contains where events will be held : The text contains name of the poerson who will be contacted.

C. Example Students organization of SMPN 12 Tangerang . To : All Osis member and class captain from VIII.1 VIII.12 We will be hold a meeting on 03th March 2012 at 01.30 pm, in Osis room. We will discus about tour in the bandung . please dont be late. ARIF WIDODO

Osis Captain C. Specific Text Wrote someone who was invited Time : day, date, hour Place, : and the person who invited

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