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Oral topics elementary level (Instrukci: Id fggvnyben rdemes ezeket a tmakrket begyakorolni, hogy az illet belejjjn a htkznapi trsalgsba.

A vastagtva jellt tmakrk a legfontosabbak, hiszen ezek felmerlhetnek a szllodai/ttermi munka sorn. Az online rn a tanr tesz fel krdseket a diknak, s ha az valamit helytelenl mond, akkor kijavtja. Utna cserlhetnek, a dik is tehet fel krdseket-de ne ezen legyen a hangsly- az adott tmakrkbl, hogy a krdsfeltevst is gyakorolja s a tanr ugyangy kijavtja, ha helytelenl mond valamit) 1. Personal characteristics describing appearance describing character and personality clothing, fashion 2. Friends and relationships friendship fellow students and colleagues partners 3. Family candidates family division of tasks in the family generations living together 4. Place of living candidates flat/house furnishings, pieces of furniture household chores and appliances living environments living in the city, living in the country (advantages and disadvantages) 5. Learning, education, the school system candidates past and present education, qualifications Hungarian school system language learning experiences role of foreign languages 6. Work candidates occupation, future plans fashionable jobs / dream jobs ways of finding a job 7. Holidays and celebrations family holidays (birthdays, name days) Christmas, Easter public holidays 8. Free time activities reading (books, newspapers, libraries, Internet) TV, cinema, video

hobbies, pets parties music (listening to music, concerts, opera, playing an instrument) theatre museums, exhibitions9. Sports candidates sporting activities favourite sports sports facilities 10. Health, illnesses healthy lifestyle food and drinks healthy and unhealthy diet/dishes common illnesses, at the doctors, at the dentists 11. Services catering facilities repairing, maintenance help services (ambulance, police, automobile association) laundry, cleaning banks (ways of payment, cards, loans) 12. Shopping everyday shopping, foodstuffs shopping centres / corner shops / markets / supermarkets shopping habits 13. Transport candidates everyday transport public transport in the city long distance transport (coaches, trains, planes, ships) individual transport (cars, motorbikes, bicycles) advantages/disadvantages of the different means of transport 14. Travelling preparations accommodation, reservation advantages/disadvantages of the different means of transport favourite destinations travelling experiences 15. Weather, seasons weather, seasons 16. Telecommunications making phone calls computers e-mail Internet

17. London London as a destination major tourist attractions main places of interest 18. English-speaking countries general information, personal experiences Waiter/waitress job description (Instrukci: a szveget rdemes mondatonknt lefordttatni a dikkal, hangosan olvassa fel s az ismeretlen szavakat a tanr megmondja, majd kvetkez rn kikrdezi a diktl. Ezltal kpet kap a dik, hogy mirl szl a munkja s magabiztoss vlik a munkhoz szksges szavak hasznlatban.) A waiter's job centers around interacting with the public. Waiting jobs are a common choice for college students who benefit greatly from the flexible hours. Waiting tables is also physically demanding due to the fact that a waiter is on his feet and in motion for the majority of his shift. A waiter's primary responsibility is to provide service to customers assigned to her by the hostess. The waiter takes the customers' orders, answers their questions and attends to their needs throughout the meal. Waiters must practice good time-management skills to be able to successfully attend to numerous tables simultaneously. A waiter may be expected to roll silverware, sweep beneath tables, take out trash and tend to other basic duties within the restaurant beyond merely serving customers. The schedule for a waiter will vary day by day. A waiter can expect to work days or evenings and occasionally split shifts. The shifts a waiter can work are often flexible and many waiters frequently switch shifts with one another. Waiter/waitress Basic Duties (Instrukci: a szveget rdemes mondatonknt lefordttatni a dikkal, hangosan olvassa fel s az ismeretlen szavakat a tanr megmondja, majd kvetkez rn kikrdezi a diktl. rdemes a fbb pontokat megtanultatni a dikkal s elmondatni, hogy magabiztoss vljon a munkhoz szksges tennivalk tekintetben) Greeting Customers In some restaurants, a host or hostess greets customers and takes them to their tables. Other restaurants, however, require the waiter to greet and seat guests before serving them. Offering and Serving Beverages and Appetizers Upon the arrival of a group of customers, the waiter should offer beverages and appetizers. The waiter should be knowledgeable about the various soft drinks, wines and spirits the establishment offers, as well as the appetizers on the menu. The waiter places the orders and delivers the drinks and appetizers to the customers. Taking and Serving Meal Orders One of the waiter's main duties is taking and delivering food orders. The waiter must be able to discuss the daily specials as well as the restaurant's regular menu items. A waiter should be extremely familiar with the entire menu, including which entrees come with side dishes.

Continued Service After the meal has been delivered, the waiter pays attention to the needs of the table, re-filling drinks, taking away soiled dishes and offering napkins or other amenities the establishment offers. Delivering the Check and Accepting Payment The waiter totals the guest check and takes it to the customer. He also accepts payment when it is not done by a cashier and must be aware of the accepted forms of payment. Waiters usually receive a tip of 18 percent to 20 percent of the total check. Whatever the tip may be, the waiter should accept it graciously. Waiter/waitress responsibilities (Instrukci: a szveget rdemes mondatonknt lefordttatni a dikkal, hangosan olvassa fel s az ismeretlen szavakat a tanr megmondja, majd kvetkez rn kikrdezi a diktl. rdemes a fbb pontokat megtanultatni a dikkal s elmondatni, hogy magabiztoss vljon a munkhoz tartoz felelssgi krk tekintetben) Customer Service Restaurants employ waitresses to serve and assist guests. A waitress ensures that customers have a pleasant and welcoming experience. Once a customer is seated, a waitress welcomes them and apprises them of specials and promotions. Waitresses take customer orders and ensure they are reported correctly to the kitchen. Waitresses deliver prepared food to the table and verify the order arrives complete and accurate. In addition to order and food-related duties, a waitress provides the customer with his bill, may collect payment, resolves complaints and extends a thank you on behalf of the restaurant for the visit. Training and Operations Restaurants depend on waitresses to arrive on time. Waitresses participate in required training to ensure they demonstrate current knowledge regarding menu offerings and restaurant policies. Depending on the restaurant's operating procedures, waitresses enter orders into a point-of-sale computer system or hand-deliver them to the kitchen in a timely, efficient manner. Waitresses assist other employees, including bartenders and hostesses, when appropriate, and strive for excellent customer service. Additional Duties A waitress also performs duties that ensure a clean, safe environment for customers and fellow employees. Waitresses notify appropriate personnel when spills occur or when equipment needs repair. At the end of their shifts, waitresses ensure table condiments and supplies are stocked. This includes napkins, sauces and sugar packets. Before leaving, waitresses complete a final sweep of their sections to ensure the floor, tables and chairs are clean and placed appropriately.

Job interview (A munka megszerzse mindig interjval indul, szituciknt el kell jtszani, klnfle krdseket feltve, ahol a tanr jtssza el az interjztatt. Az albbi krdseket tetszs szerint lehet bvteni.) -Hi! Nice to meet you! -Hi!Nice to meet you too! -So, why did you apply for this job? -I would like to work as a waiter/waitress. -How long have you been to London? -I have been here for 2 months./ I arrived 2 months ago. -Have you ever worked as a waiter before? -Yes, in a hungarian 3 stars hotel. /No, this will be my first time. -Where do you live?/How far do you live from our restaurant? -I live in Wood Green./It takes me 30 minutes to get here. -What do you consider the most important part of the job/position? -To provide high quality customer service. -Why did you come to UK? -I would like to improve my english./ I would like to save some money. -What would you like to do in 5 years time? -I would like to work at this restaurant as head waiter. -What do you think/know about London? -Its an amazing city with many sights, and its also one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. -Are you learning english? -Yes, I attend a language school two times a week. -How do you handle stress? -Really well, I can work under pressure. -How do you get on with other people? -I always get on well with everybody? -What was your last job? -I was a salesman in a shop. -And why did you leave your previous job? -I wanted to come to UK. -Where did you hear about this job? -On the internet/from friends, etc.. -When could you start? -Immediately/next week. -Are you aware that you will have to work in shifts and at weekends too? -Yes, its not a problem for me. -Do you have any questions regarding the job? -Yes, what do I need to pay attention the most at work? -You need to make sure the guests are always welcomed at arrival. -Its been a pleasure to meeting you, we will give you a call as soon as we make the decision./You can come for a trial day tomorrow. -Thank you very much! -Good bye!

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