All Saints Bulletin 2008-12-28

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Come one, come all!

Our very own All Saints Choir and Musicians, will

WELCOME TO ALL SAINTS be joined by the Knoxville Youth Symphony Orchestra to do a benefit for
CATHOLIC CHURCH Catholic Charities. The Christmas Cantata “Journey of Promises” by
Joseph M. Martin will be presented on Fri., Jan. 16th at 7pm and Sun.,
SOLEMNITY OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD Jan. 18th at 3pm. Both performances will be held in the main church and
December 31 Vigil Mass 7:00PM open to the public. Donations will be accepted and all proceeds will
January 1, 2008 New Year’s Day 9am and 12:10pm benefit Catholic Charities.

Attention business owners and managers: If you would like to display

a flier promoting the upcoming Cantata in your establishment, please
“Whatever you do,” says St. Paul to the Colossians,”…do it in the name
pick one up at the parish office or contact Kathy, [# omitted].
of the Lord Jesus. Give thanks to God the Father through Him.” And so
it is that we offer our gifts in the Eucharist “through Him, with Him, and
in Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit.” GRIEF SUPPORT MINISTRY
Grief Support Group will NOT meet this week.
Yours may not be THE Holy Family, but you are still a holy family. REMEMBER: PURCHASE YOUR KROGER OR FOOD CITY
Share an expression of gratitude for the gift of your family today. Pray GROCERY/GAS GIFT CERTIFICATES
for wholeness and holiness for all members of the family of God. Read AFTER ALL WEEKEND MASSES
Certificates are available during the week in the parish office.
Sun. Dec. 28 NO Pre-School Rel. Ed. this week YOUTH MINISTRY
NO High School Rel. Ed. until Jan. 11, ‘09 (Annie N., Youth Minister)
Mon. Dec. 29 9:30am “Just Moved” Ladies Guild (Lounge) Email [email omitted] or phone 531-0770
Tues. Dec.30 9:30am Mother Cabrini Guild (Resource Room)
7:00pm Dave Ramsey Information (Lounge) Sr. Hi Youth Group will NOT MEET this week due to the Christmas
Wed. Dec.31 The parish office is closed holidays.
7:00pm Vigil Mass
Thurs. Jan. 1 The parish office is closed. Did you get a new cell phone for Christmas? Please consider donating
Masses at 9am and 12:10pm your old phone or ink cartridge to Youth Ministry. We can recycle them
7:00pm First Friday adoration begins and raise funds for our mission trip. Please drop in the collection box in
Fri. Jan. 2 5:00pm Benediction the church narthex or office lobby.


The parish office will be closed Wed., and Thurs., Dec. 31 and Jan. 1. Wed., Dec. 31 First Night at Market Square. Meet at the Downtown
We will be open Fri., Jan. 2. Grill and Brewery located at 424 South Gay St. at 8:00pm. Enjoy music,
conversation, food and fireworks. For more info, please contact Randy S.
Due to the Bulletin printing deadlines during the holidays, the financials at [# omitted].
are not available this week.
Sat., Jan. 3 Christmas at Biltmore, Asheville NC. Join host Randy S.
Don’t forget we have a wonderful nursery during the 10am Mass for for this day trip. Enjoy America’s largest home decorated with dozens of
children 4 and under. The nursery is not open holiday weekends. Christmas trees, hundreds of wreaths, bows, and poinsettias, miles of
evergreen garland, thousands of ornaments, tinsel and beading, and a
Coffee and Donuts Unless we have volunteers signed up the week magnificent 35’ Fraser fir. Meet at 8am at All Saints to car pool. If you
before, we will not be serving. Thank you for volunteering.! We will not want to have breakfast before leaving, be at the Cracker Barrel off Cedar
be serving this weekend. Bluff Rd. at 7am. Cost is $59 at the gate. Please RSVP by calling [#
omitted] by Dec. 31st. If no response, the event will be cancelled.
Please help with our Children’s Liturgy Project: Donate old towels,
blankets and any old cat or dog items to the Animal Shelter. Donations CATHOLIC WOMEN
may be placed in the container in the narthex. NO “Catholic Women and Friends” meetings until Jan. 8 due to the
holidays. We will resume our study on Paul’s Letter to the Romans on
CONGRATULATIONS AND WELCOME to Ethan Jacob, who was that day.
baptized last weekend.
We have received a second printing of our best-selling parish cookbook! The Children’s Choir will practice next Wednesday at 5:30pm in the
If you need hostess gifts, birthday, Mother’s Day or other gift occasions, church. All children are welcome to join us. For more information,
this is a beautiful book that shares information about our parish. Just please call Denise D. at [# omitted].
$15, they are available in the office on weekdays.
SPIRITUAL LIFE Divorce and Beyond is a structured eight-week program for Catholic
A Statue of the Blessed Mother is available to visit families for one men and women who have experienced or are experiencing a divorce.
week at a time. If you would like someone to bring the statue to your Sessions cover the primary emotions experienced as a person works
family, please call Miriam at [# omitted]. through the divorce process, including anger, blame and guilt, and
forgiveness. This group will begin meeting on Tues., Jan. 13 from 6:30-
Friday, Jan. 2 is First Friday. Eucharistic Adoration will begin Thurs. 8:30pm at the Chancery. Cost is $10.00. To register or for more info,
evening at 7pm and will conclude Friday with Benediction at 5pm. All contact Jo Ann at [# omitted] or Dale or Lynne at [# omitted].
are invited to spend some time in adoration. To sign up for an hour or if
you can’t make your regular hour, please contact Nancy Q. at [# omitted] “Look to the Lord in his strength, constantly seek his face.” Come
or [email omitted]. away and draw on the strength of the Lord for your marriage/Holy Orders
by making a Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next Worldwide
CATHOLIC CHARITIES Marriage Encounter Weekend is Feb. 20-22, 2009. Contact John or
Catholic Charities needs volunteer facilitators for its Parenting Manuela P. at [# omitted] or at [email omitted] for more info.
Education Seminars, offered through its Parent Place supervised
visitation program. Facilitators should have a minimum of one year of Support Group for Caregivers and Family Members: Our mission is
college, with a college degree preferred. Seminars are once a week for to provide support for caregivers and family members of those affected
four weeks, three hours per session. Times may be determined according by chronic illness, including dementia through spiritual nurturing,
to facilitator’s availability and preference. Interested volunteers should education and shared experiences. We meet every 3rd Thursday of each
contact Parent Place at [# omitted]. month in the small meeting room at Sacred Heart Parish Office. For
more, info, contact Dianne D. [# omitted] [email omitted] or Diane S. [#
You can now donate on-line to support vital social service programs omitted] [email omitted].
across East Tennessee. Just go to and click on “Donate
Now.” While you’re there, you can check out exciting and ongoing All Christmas items are now on sale at the Paraclete! Discounts will
changes to the website! increase each day to a full 90%-off discount on Wed., the 31st. All
LADIES OF CHARITY Christmas items must go! (Early shopping is recommended for best
We wish to thank all who attended the Bishop’s Tea on Dec. 7th and selection. Fontanini, and Collectables, as always, are excluded in both
donated so generously. All money received will be used to purchase sales). For more info, call [# omitted] or 1-800-333-2097.
kerosene for families whose sole source of heat is a kerosene heater.
This year appears to be much colder than the past few, so the requests for Meritan Stepping Stones, a foster home placement service, is in need of
help are already staggering in number. If you were unable to attend, but foster homes in East Tennessee for medically and emotionally fragile
would like to contribute, please send your donations marked “Fuel Fund” children. A presentation on the requirements and benefits of becoming a
to Ladies of Charity, 1031 N. Central St., Knoxville TN 37917. foster care home will be presented on Jan. 6 at 7pm; Jan. 7 at 10am, and
Jan. 11 at 1pm, in the Resource Room and will take about an hour. For
ST. JOHN NEUMANN SCHOOL more info, contact Edwin W., [# omitted]. To sign up for one of the
Save this date! Our 3rd Annual Mardi Gras Dinner Dance will take presentations, call the parish office at 531-0770.
place on Sat., Feb. 21st from 6:30-11pm at Fox Den Country Club. All
proceeds benefit St. John Neumann Catholic School. We are seeking The Merry Widows group will meet at noon, Tues., Jan. 6th at Sullivan’s
items and gift certificates for the Silent Auction. Contact Kelly S. at [# in the Rocky Hill area. We are a group of widows/widowers who meet on
omitted] or [email omitted]. the first Tuesday of each month for food and fellowship. Please join us!

Early notice: On Sat. afternoon, Feb. 7th, the Office of Family Life and
Adult Christian Living will sponsor a couples’ enrichment opportunity
Catholic Charities is again partnering with area churches to offer the
for both married AND dating couples at OLPH Parish Life Center in
Dave Ramsey Financial Peace classes, starting the week of Jan. 5. Cost
Chattanooga. This retreat, “God’s Divine Affirming Love,” will be
is $55 for 10 weeks. Classes will be offered at Sacred Heart on Tuesdays
presented by Jim and Joy P. Jim is a Pastoral Associate with Priests for
from 7-9pm in the Shea Room. All Saints classes will be offered on
Life. The program will begin with a luncheon and conclude in time for
Monday from 7-9pm in the Ed. Bldg. Holy Ghost classes will be offered
couples to attend the 5:30pm Vigil mass before going on their personal
on Thurs., from 7-9pm and St. Albert the Great will have Sunday classes
dinner date. Cost for the retreat is $30 and includes lunch. For more
offered from 2-4pm. Class size is limited. Send your check to Catholic
info, please contact Dale at [# omitted] or Marian at 423-[# omitted]. To
Charities, 3009 Lake Brook Blvd., 37909 to arrive no later than Dec. 30,
register, go to and look for Family Life
indicating on the memo line which church class you will be attending.
Events under “Ministries and Outreach.”
Questions? Call Charlaine H., [# omitted], ext. 114. There will be an
information session in the All Saints lounge, Tues., Dec. 30th at 7pm.

St. John Neumann parishioner Ellen H. recently published “Daily SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT
Thoughts for Friendly Fellows.” The book is a compilation of 365 The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a
inspirational uplifting poems and scripture verses. Great gifts that come man’s foot long enough to put the other somewhat higher.
in gift boxes with a bookmark that has a special code to enter the on-line
Forum and talk to Friendly Fellows around the world. Books are
available at the Paraclete, call [# omitted] or .
Today’s Readings are on page 895 in the Hymnal
Mon. 1 Jn 2: 3-11 Lk 2: 22-35
Tues. 1 Jn 2: 12-17 Lk 2: 36-40
Wed 1 Jn 2: 18-21 Jn 1: 1-18
Thur. Nm 6: 22-27 Gal 4: 4-7 Lk 2: 16-21
Fri. 1 Jn 2: 22-28 Jn 1: 19-28
Sat. 1 Jn 2: 29-3:6 Jn 1: 29-34
Sun. Is 60: 1-6 Eph 3: 2-6 Mt 2: 1-12

Mon., 12-29 9:00am Marie M. by the family
12:10pm Communion Service
Tues., 12-30 9:00am Ross A. by Charles and Carolyn S.
12:10pm Tom I. by the family
Wed., 12-31 9:00am John M. by the P. family
12:10pm Special Intention of the D. family
7:00pm Special Intention for Carolyn H.
Thur., 01-01 9:00am Jerry N. by the K. family
12:10am Tom C. by the H.’s
Fri., 01-02 9:00am Evelyn R. by Mary T.
12:10pm Jane S. by Bill and Pat G.
Sat., 01-03 9:00am Mary Lou W. by Jean M.
5:00pm Vera G. by Gary and Brenda W.
Sun., 01-04 8:15am Daniel K. by Davie and Ena K.
10:00am Ross A. by Charles and Carolyn S.
11:45am People of All Saints parish

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