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State Section A Q1
1. Arrangement of

Section B Q4 Q5 1. Frictional forcehow to overcome 2. Work done

1. Absorption &


1. Human growth


1. Types of Support curve (stages) particles in E,M,C growth rate sys. In animals 2. Match it with its 2. Its function 2. Menstrual cycle
example (fertile phase) 1. Reaction bw metal & sulphur 2. Reaction bw metal & oxygen 1. Arrangement of 1. Composition of air 2. Exp. of combustion & photosynthesis 1. Reaction bw O & metal for the reaction 3. Reaction bw metal & sulphur 1. Human kidney 2. Dialysis m/c

1. Heat transfer in water-convection current

1. Electrical wire sys. 2 Fuse & current 3 E.Energy cost 1. Menstrual cyclephases 2. Fertilisation,ovulat ion(date) 1. Lever systemclass L.S-increase turning effect 3. Calculation of M.F in wheelbarrow 2. Moment of force in

Q6 1. Wilting-more leaves/stoma 2. Function of stoma 3. Rate of transpiration



1. 1. Number of Floating&sinking/D bulb/R to ensity 2. brightness 2. Able to relate Ammeter&Line Density & floating graph
1. Types of transformer 2. Dist. & Trans. 1. Transformerstep-up&step-down trans. output voltage&brightness of the bulb 1. Thickness of 1. Conductivity of heat 2. Stopwatch wire&amount of steam 2. Ammeter&line graph 2. Secondary coil & 1. EvaporationExpose S.A & time taken Stopwatch&bar chart 2. 1. Rate of dissolving & Temp.


1. Growth curve (22.1)

1. Photosynthesis 2. Its Importance

radiation of heat RS types of surface

1. Nutrition through Visking tube

1. Types of force 2. Frictional forceexistance &how to reduce 3. Work done 1. Nutrition -


particles(S,L,G) 2. Matter with its characteristics

2. Write word eq. absorption of subs.


1. Types of support 1. Transformer1. Types of cell existance 2. sys. In plants 2. Match system to Metal&non-metal Types,function,par 2. Buoyancy of its function 3. Reaction bw ts water in plants
metal & sulphur

1. Mineral-

absorption of subs. through Visking tube Food testIodine&Benedicts 3. Villi&adaptations 1. Process of photosynthesis2.

1.Types of 1. Cell organisation particles (E,M,C) in an iron nail Electrical conductivity of iron nail 2.

1. Cross section of human eye Function of choroid&lens (M&S) 3. Types of visions 2. 1. Effect of heat on lead sulphide 2. Word equation

function of Potassium hydroxide 2. Type of gas released

1. Electrical circuit (R&I)-parallel 2. Calculation of VIR

1. Acid&Alkali 2. Electrolysis of water

1. Levereffort&effort distance 2. Spring balance&L.G


2. Cell & its function

1. Wiring system at home-type of current,value of 1. Urinary system 1. Renewable&nonrenewable sources of energy voltage 2. 1. Support sys. in plants 2. Buoyancy of water Function of fuse,neutral wire 3. Types of circuit at home(Parallel)&adv . 1.Kidney & label 2. Urinary system&function 1. 1. Sun &death of stars 1. Human ear,functions & sound properties 1. Diffusion in S,L&G 1. Lever bal. & Spring bal. 2. Mass & Weight 1. Photosynthesis 2. 1. Excretory sys. & its organs (equation, Importance) 2. Exp: function of Sodium hydroxide 1. Support sys. In plants 1. Urinary sys. & Dialysis 1. Digestion,absorpti on, Visking tube 1. Growth 2. Cell organisation 1. Air & Respiration 1. Physical separation methods 1. Electrolysis of water

1. 1. Human digestive Limestone(CaCO3)system-gall bladder,pancreas,b ile(liver) Absorption of glucose via Visking tube 1. Water purification method 2. Neutralisation bw acid &alkali 1. Transformer & NGN 1. Types of force existance &how to reduce/increase 1. Density 2. Calculation 1. Reaction bw 2. Properties of egg shell(CaCO3) 2. elements,propertie s,observation of adding water to CaO 2. Alkalinity of CaOH(reduce acidity of soil) 1. 1. Series & Parallel Density&suppport circuit sys.(Exo&Hydrosta tic) 1. Acid&alkali 2. Neutralisation 1. Force-extension of spring 1. Thickness of 1. Exp: Rate of evaporation & surface area wire&speed of fan 2. Exp: R&I,Ammeter&line graph 1. Properties of 1. Transformer - heat conductivity 1. Air 1. Transformer pressure(temp.&A. P) 1. Properties of 1. Neutralisation (HCl&NaOH) 1. Evaporationsurface area lightReflection&refract ion 1.Transformer 1. Human growth 1. Density(volume&ma ss) 1. Solubility of sugar in water 2. Size of particles &time taken to dissolve 3. Stopwatch&L.G


2. Parts & its function



Unicellular&multice llular 1. Unicellular&multice


llular function

2. Frictional force- metal&non-metals

Human sys. &its


1. Human sys. &its function

1. Electromagnetic- 1. Types of visionRight hand grip rule menstruation,fertil isation,ovulation,pr egnancy 1. Simple m/c 2. stability 1. Matter & cular vision 2. Work done&Power generated 1.ElectricityV,I,R&electric components 1. Photosynthesis &starch

1. Solubility

stereoscopic&mono metal & non-metals

1. Menstrual cycle- 1. Energy-P.E&K.E


1. Matter-E,C,M

1. Factor of evaporation

1. Growth&nutrition

N. Sembilan

1. Silicon compound

1. Heart &blood circulation 1. Energy&energy source

Matter-S,L,G&its properties 1. Support sys. In plants


1. Sun & death of stars

1. Blood group

methods of separation

Sabah Sarawak

1. Matter&particels 1. Human eye& its function

1. Fnutrition-food pyramid 1. Excretion in human&plants 1. Interaction bw organisms

1. Blood circulation 1. Plants-mono&dicotyledon 1. Element,compound &mixture

1. Photosynthesis CO2 Reaction of acid & egg shell(CaCO3)

1.Density 1. Combustion of hydrocarbon 1. Digestion-

1. Urinary system 1. Frictional force & work done 1. Electirictyfuse&cost E.E. used

1. Transformer 1. Electricityseries&parallel circuit 1. Energy

1. Heat transfer 1. Heat trabsferconduction 1. Germination of seed

Wilayah KL

1. Urinary system

1. Neutralisation

absorption of food via Visking tube

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