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Tlme : 2 hours
. Note : Answer all lhe questions.

MaximumMarks: 50


Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow it : There was a great excitemeniin the school. We were a set of lour brothers known for our toughness'We had proved it dgain. 'A king cobra.' feet long.'


The tin was presentedto the Science teacher. It was on the teacher's table and we waited for him to open it and admire our kill. The ieacher pretended to be indifferent and set us some problem to work on. With he studiedmatter-ol-factness fetchedhis forceps and a iar' He began to hum and uniie the cord around the box As FEG-1


soon as the cord was loosened the lid flew into the air, just missing the teacher's nose. There was Kala Nag. His eyes bumt like embers and his hood was taut and undamaged.With a loud hiss he went for the teacher's face. The teacher pushed himself back on the chair and toppled over. He fell on the floor and staredat the cobra petrified with fear. The boys stood up on their desk and gelled hysterically Kala Nag surveyed the scene with his bloodshot eyes. His forked tongue darted in and out excitedly. He spat Iuriously and then made a bid for freedom. He fell out of ihe tin on the floor with a loud plop. His 6ack was broken in se',reralplaces and he dragged himself painftrlly to the door. When he got to the threshold he drew himself up once again with his hood outspread to face another danger. (a) Read the following statements and say which statementsare true and.which are /alse. (i) (ii) The four brothers were known for their gentle nalure. The teacher began to hum and untie the cord around the tin as he pretended to be indfferent to the catch in the box. (iii) Kala Nag's back was broken in two places. (iv) The teacher fell down and he hit the cobra. (v) The boys stood up on their desks and yelled becausethey were excited.



Ansurerthe following questionsbriefly. (i) (ii) What did the four brothers bring to the school ? What happerred when the teacher loosened the mrd aror.rndthe tin ? 2

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(iii) Describe hour the Kala Nag looked when it came out of ihe tin. (iv) What happened to the teacher when the Kala Nag darted towards his face with a hiss ? (vl Gir,rea suitable title to the passagegiven above.

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Do as directed : (i) Rohit had {inished his work. He went out to play. (Combinethe sentences using a verb+ing) Delhi is the most polluted city in India. (Clrangethe degreeof comparison) Rita is very hungry. She cannot wait for others to begin eating. (Combinethe above sentences using too .... to) Why didn't you come to my party ? (Supply a suitable reply to the above question) Mohit said to pan:I, ,,l,t/hen are you golng to London ?" "['ll be leaving next week," panrl said. (Changeinto indirect speech)







Write a composition in about 200 words on any one of the following topics : (i) (ii) (iii) of Advantagesand disadvantages having a working mother The joys of having a Pet Drug abuse


(iv) Generationgap 4. Write a dialogue in about 100 words on any one of the following sihiations : (i) Rakesh has been missing classes and he asks his friend Rohan to give him his class notes. Rohan adviseshim to be regular and pay attention to his studies. (ii) You have met your friend Neha after a long time' She tells you that she had gone for a holiday. You ask her about her experiences and she tells you how 'she enjoyed herself.



: Conect the following sentences (i) (ii) Either of us have to go to pay the bill. The coast guards saw that a fleet oI ships were approaching the shore

(iii) lt is raining since last nighi and we cannot go out to p|ay. (iv) (v) He retumed back from Pune last week. I always prefer colfee than tea.



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