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499110541 Belle 1

Random Act of Kindness Some people give a helping hand for certain purposes while others for no reason. For example, help someone to pass the course, to fish for compliments, or to Recently, news reported that some people found out

get some benefits, and so on.

someone elses wallet or cell phone and they took them to the police station, then they asked for money for giving back the things they found. Moreover, some businesses However, others help

make use of random acts of kindness to improve their image. people just out of their kindness.

At the week of Chinese New Year, I got a part-time job at an Italian ice cream store, CAPATINA, which near the Love River. store to go home, standing on the sidewalk. One day, when I about to leave the

A man, who never told me his name, No one answered him, and Im lost. Can you call my

wandering and asking if anyone speaks English there. then he came to me and said Do you speak English?

friend? At first, I did not know what to do, because I did not know for sure if he was a bad guy. Thus, I only said Yes. Then, he put out his wallet and gave me

a business card of his friend, Mark, and told me that he asked him to come here and help him, but he forgot the exact place. After I called Mark, and rang once, I told the

lost that I could take him to the information counter of the lantern festival along the Love River. I thought they could use the broadcast to help him find Mark.

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However, soon, I found that I did not know where the information counter located. Therefore, I took him to the ice cream store, and asked my colleagues for help. At the moment we decided to call Mark again, he called back because the missed call he saw. I gave my phone to the lost guy. After one of my colleagues told Mark where He said that he

the store located, he asked his lost and a bit drunk friend to stay put. would come to pick him up.

No longer than fifteen minutes, Mark showed up, and

kept saying Thank you!, and apologizing for his friend, who has no sense of direction. Then, Mark told me that he works as an English tutor, and he came to the river side to sell sky lantern. It turned out that his friend was supposed to come and Fortunately, they found each other at last. At

help him selling four hours ago.

During the holiday of 228 Peace Memorial Day, I went back to Kaohsiung. the monday morning, when my brother, Luke and I came out from the 7-11 at the roadside, he saw an old lady, who lives by recycling, dropped all of her cardboard cases, old newspapers, cardboardsetc, while she crossing the street. immediately to help her collect those stuffs and get to the safe place.

He ran to her I felt touched

by that scene, and it reminds me of the experience of mine that helped by a stranger. Around three years ago, I went to Chiayi to attend a winter camp held by Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, National Chung Cheng University. I went

there with my two friends, and I never took a train alone without my parents. When

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I carried my baggage and stepped on to the train, I got stuck at the door between two railway carriages, because I could not open the door while taking my baggage. Suddenly, a man came out from nowhere helped me to take my bags until I reached my seat. He even helped me put all my bags on the shelf on the top my seat. I

deeply appreciated his kindness. The Guardian reported, the owner of traditional children's toy company, Paul Warner saw a mother s comment on facebook that Royal Mail lost her daughter s birthday present. Then, he took note and traced the women

to send her daughter a toy bunny. The woman and girl felt thrilled. Actually, he has surprised customer with an unexpected act of kindness more than once. of the fun he feels when he thinks up ways to surprise people. Because

He says the word- of

mouth effect from kind acts has become huge, and it leads the business booms. Act of kindness not only surprise people in a positive way, but also makes people feel touched. When the stranger on the train helped me with his kind act, I felt relieved and grateful. When I helped that lost guy, I felt glad, and realized that it Paul Warner sent a bunny for free to that birthday

will do no harm to help a stranger.

just to put a smile on her face. Performing random act of kindness to share the warmth not only help people in need, but also make them willing to give a helping hand.

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