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Please see page two
for important information
about today’s service and
how to get the most out of
your visit with us.

Next step: Fellowship

By Joe Lightfoot, Pastor of Adult Ministries In addition to endurance, knowing the next step for you based
On the popular reality series, The on where you are in your journey, is very important.
Amazing Race, contestant teams If you’ve trusted in Jesus for eternal life, attend worship
compete through a series of chal- regularly, and are looking to get more fully engaged in the life of
lenges in order to make it to the FFC, the upcoming Sunday Fellowship elective is likely the best
finish line before all the other teams. next step for you.
Successfully making it through one During the first 3 weeks of the Fellowship elective, held on
challenge or stage of the journey three Sunday evenings—January 11, 18 and 25, 6:00–7:00PM, in
qualifies the team to go on to the next Room 108, you will be informed about the history, beliefs and
phase of the race. mission of First Federated Church.
Your spiritual journey has much in The remaining 5 weeks, held on Sunday mornings—February
common with The Amazing Race. In fact, 1, 8, 15, 22 and March 1, at 9:15AM, also in Room 108, will en-
the Bible tells us to “run with endurance courage you to discover how God has equipped you to contribute
the race that is set before us,” (Hebrews 12.1). your abilities to help the church reach our God-given goals.
We are given this encouragement because our spiritual journey The 3-week Sunday evening portion begins next Sunday,
or “race” is a long one. In fact, it is one that lasts your entire life. January 11, at 6:00PM. To register for this group, you can check
Endurance is required. the box on the Care and Communication Card or call the Adult
Ministries Office, 255.2122 ext. 129.

Preschoolers let their lights shine on Christmas Sunday.

Visit to see more photos!

Believer’s Baptism SUNDAY MORNINGS

We will be having believer’s baptism
as part of the January 11 service. If you DEC. 28 & JAN. 4 & 11
are interested in being baptized, please
check the Baptism box on the Care &
9:15�� Groups for all ages
Communication card. An orientation 10:45�� Combined Worship
meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 7, 6:30–8:00PM, Auditorium | Nursery, Preschool, KZ Church
in Room 108 for those desiring to be baptized.

Volume 10 Number 33 First Federated Church 1 Sunday, January 4, 2009

Thank you for choosing to worship with us this morning!
Have Questions?
If you have any questions, simply ask someone wearing a Guest Welcome Children’s
name tag with “Here to Help” on it or visit the Welcome Center
in the foyer.
Reception Center Registration
Guest Reception North Parking Lot Station
If you are visiting with us for the first time or have just
recently started attending First Federated Church, we cordially
invite you to a reception in the foyer immediately following the
service. We would love to have the opportunity to meet you, get Resource 115

119 117

to know you better, and answer any questions you may have. WEST GYM EAST GYM

Fill Out the Care & Communication Card


If you have never completed a Care and Communication Card,
please take a moment to do so. This allows us, as a church family,
to better know your needs and how we can serve you. The Care 111C

and Communication Card is located inside this newspaper. Just fill PARISH 1164

out the card completely and leave at the end of your pew, give to an NURSE➤ 111A


usher, or hand it in at the Guest Reception. 1125


Thank you for taking the time to visit First Federated Church.
If you are not presently a member of a Bible teaching church, we Guest
invite you to join our church family. Reception
If You Have Children Visit the Children’s
Ministry Registration Station KZ Church
Trust your children to the care of our dedicated, loving A.E.D.
SW Entrance

2nd Floor
Children’s Ministry staff. Our children’s programs provide qual- M Men Restroom
W Women Restroom

ity care and learning for kids of all ages.

If your child has not already been enrolled in our Children’s
Cellular Phones & Pagers
Ministry, a quick visit to the Children’s Ministry Registration
Station will provide you with temporary security tags and give us Thank you for turning off or muting your cell phone, pager and other electronic
the information we need to effectively minister to your child. devices during this morning’s worship service.
Infants & Preschool Children Assistive Listening Devices (Auditorium Only)
Childcare and teaching are available during the 9:15 hour and 10:45 worship services ALS devices are available for check-out at the Resource Center in the foyer.
in the Nursery and Preschool Departments. AED (Automated External Defibrillator)/First-aid
Kindergarten–4th Grade Facilities for guests needing first aid, health counseling, and blood
During the 9:15 hour, K–4th graders meet in graded classroom groups for Bible pressure checks are provided by our Parish Nurses located in the
learning and fun. west hallway in Room 1117, Sundays, 10:30AM–Noon.
K–4th graders attend the first part of the 10:45 worship services with their families Please contact an usher if you need immediate assistance.
and then are dismissed to attend their own age-appropriate children’s church, called Lost and Found
KZ Church. Parents, we encourage you to go with your children the first time they visit Lost items may be reported or claimed at the main office of the church during
KZ Church in Room 240. regular M-F office hours. Lost and found items are kept for 30 days.
Xtreme AM (5th & 6th Grade) First Federated Church regards your safety as our highest priority. If you have any
Our preteens meet in their own Xtreme spot, Room 205, at 9:15 for a time of Xtreme concerns, please inform one of our ushers or staff. If a building emergency arises,
learning, Xtreme prayer and Xtreme relationship-building, then join their families for directions will be provided over the public address system.
the 10:45 worship services.
Recordings of Today’s Message
Youth (Grade 7–12) & Adults CD recordings of the morning message can be picked up immediately following the
Groups for ADULTS and activities for YOUTH begin at 9:15AM. Stop by service at the Resource Center in the foyer for $3.
the Welcome Center to find out about each of the groups and how to get there. You can also listen to the message for free at
Prayer Team Up Front
If you would like to pray with someone today, please come to the front of the
room following this morning’s service. Members of our church leadership stand
ready to serve you.

First Federated Church 2 Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sunday, January 4, 2009
Sunday Mornings | 9:15–10:30AM 10:45AM Combined | Pastor Mike Rose
Adult Bible Fellowship (ABFs) The Body: Renewing our Covenant
Once you’ve joined us in worship, our Adult Bible Fellowships are
a great next step to connect with others and grow in your faith. We
have a variety of opportunities available that include:
The HUB (ages 18-24) | Room 244
The Channel (ages 25–35) | Room 149
Connections (born in the 1970s) | Room 220S
Homebuilders (born in the 1960s) | Room 1250–1251
Cornerstone (born in the 1950s) | Room 1240–1241
Koinonia (all ages) | Room 1252–1253
Ezra (all ages) | Room 1118
Galilean (born in the 1930s) | Room 1244–1247
Immanuel (born in the 1930s) | Room 1105
Friendly Fellowship (born in the 1920s) | Room 1254–1255
W.H.O. (born before the 1920s) | Room 1116
Women (all ages) | Room 208
Men (all ages) | Room 210
Worship | Room 1125
Prayer (all ages) | Room 100
Ecclesiastes | Room 1238–1239 | Biblically Measured

Wednesdays | 6:30–8:00PM
Winter Break | December 31
Activities resume January 7

Men’s Basketball League Tuesday, January 6

6:30 Celtics—Lakers
8:00 Bulls—Rockets

Women Circle Meetings

Visitors are always welcome. Come and join us as we study,
fellowship and pray for our missionaries.
DEBORAH ..............................................................Thursday, January 8 | 7:00PM
Keri Roland, 1480 NW 71st Place, Ankeny, 770.7065
ELIZABETH ............................................................Thursday, January 8 | 9:30AM
Jan McCourt,5488 Longview Ct. Unit 8, Johnston, 986.7132
ESTHER..................................................................Thursday, January 8 | 12:30PM
Dannetta Feleay, 3839 81st. St., Urbandale, 279-9409
HANNAH ...............................................................Thursday, January 8 | 12:30PM
First Federated Church, Room 139
Hostess: Margaret Welder, 795.2527
MARTHA .................................................................Thursday, January 8 | 9:30AM
Marge Egger, 1230 Payton Ave., Des Moines, 285.7944
RUTH ......................................................................Thursday, January 8 | 12:30PM
Jan Short, 12447 Douglas Pkwy, Urbandale, 249.5961
SARAH ....................................................................... Tuesday, January 6 | 7:00PM
Mary Bleadorn, 1917 47th St., Des Moines, 279-2637

First Federated Church 3 Sunday, January 4, 2009

ONE The contents of this page have been removed to protect the
ANOTHER privacy of those in our congregation.

Printed copies of this page can be obtained at the church.

Items found on this page include:

Pray for Those Who Grieve
Happy Birthday!
(Birthdays are listed for Federated members & missionaries)
Pray for those with Physical Needs
(In the Hospital, Upcoming Surgery/Procedures, Partial List of the Ongoing Needs of Our Members &
Regular Attenders)
Pray for Those Who Serve our Church
Our Encouragement
“For to me, to live is
Christ, and to die is gain.”
Philippians 1:21

First Federated Church 4 Sunday, January 4, 2009

MISSION ONE Reaching others for Jesus Christ
Harold & Priscilla Goossen Alejandro & Robyn Armijo
Mission Board: Mission Board: ABWE
Gospel Mission of South America Location: Iquique, Chile
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina What do they do? The Armijos,
What do they do? The Goossens were church planters, started the
appointed to Argentina in 1971 and new Missionary Baptist
have served as church planters and at Church in Puente Alto in early 2003. The fellowship has
the home office. Harold is currently the Director and teaches been turned over to a national pastor. The Armijos are now
at the Union de Centros Biblicos Bible Institute, training na- assisting in a church plant in the city of Iquique. Robyn is the
tionals to reach their own people. He and Priscilla participate granddaughter of the late Mel and Shirley Wellen.
as a couple at the Mission Center and Llavallol Bible Center. Praises:
Priscilla provides hospitality and serves at the church.
• Last month they began a new church in Alto Hospicio and
Praise: completed their first year serving in Iquique.
• For a false alarm regarding the kidnapping of their son Tim, • Miguel graduated from 8th grade.
demanding $100,000. Priscilla called Tim and learned the
• Their furlough housing is confirmed.
family was safe.
• Overall good health for the whole family.
Prayer Requests:
Prayer Requests:
• For Harold as he directs Family Camp, January 5-9 with
their son Tim (also a missionary there). • For the new church in Alto Hospicio.
• For safety for the trip (3 days going and 3 days returning) to • For the Garcia family helping in the ministry.
their International Missionary Conference in southern Chile. • For baptisms and evangelistic picnic in January.
• For sweet fellowship with fellow missionaries and edification • In February they take a bus with young people (most un-
from the preaching of God’s Word at camp. saved) to camp in Santiago.
• Another Bible Institute year begins in March. Ask for • Plans for furlough July through December 2009. The need of
wisdom in resolving the lack of students. more support.
• For the need of Christian workers.
Nathan & Kathy
Vaughn & Jennifer, four children Location: Closed Country
Location: Closed Country What do they do? In addition to giving encouragement to
What do they do? They serve with a team involved in tsunami national church planters, Nathan and Kathy provide op-
reconstruction and community development. They have ap- portunity for prayer treks, as groups from the West come
propriate technology equipment—earth block presses and to prayerfully help combat the strongholds of the evil one
pulverizers that will build sufficient capacity for the two in unreached mountain villages. Their role is to extend the
communities they are serving. The family is working on hands of indigenous church planting partner groups through
better communication in the heart languages of the neigh- prayer, providing practical help and strategic initiatives.
borhood and country. Praises:
Praises: • For a recent trip to a very remote area where they formed
• They find life in their area is pretty relaxed. new relationships with shepherds who worship the created,
not knowing the true Creator.
• They enjoy the flexibility of home schooling.
• For 243 new house fellowships with 1075 new believers in
• Vaughn is able to run a few times a week.
the area.
Prayer Requests:
Prayer Requests:
• For the stresses of language and cultural differences.
• For their family to grow in strength of faith, fullness of love,
• For Vaughn’s responsibilities at the production site and depth of wisdom.
teaching at the Village Training Center.
• For oldest daughter (college in the States, needing funds)
• For the building of an office that should be completed by and younger in 11th grade.
mid-February; construction of a three room school this year.
• For the protection and growth of each believer.
• For Marzuki as he produces compressed earth blocks and
• For 24 Christian schools being subsidized, impacting over
begins production of paver slabs.
1000 students.
• The development of a home church; salvation of their na-
• For 210 community health volunteers who are subsidized
tional friends.
and being trained in public health and the scriptures.
First Federated Church 5 Sunday, January 4, 2009
Hangtimes In February
Jan 4 – SMT Meeting Manners-Chivalry THE BIG DATE Friday, Feb 13 | 4:45pm
Jan 11—Sleepy Hollow One Night Only. This is going to be an incredibly big group
(5-8pm) date! Each of you will get a job description, guys and girls will
Jan 18 – Nursing Home Night (6:30-7:30pm) 7th–12th Grades
be randomly paired up. Our mission- to teach manners, chivalry,
Jan 25 – None—Family Night
and dating do’s and don’ts. Cost is TBA, likely $10–$15 per
Today: person.
SMT Meeting Widow/Widower Banquet Sunday, Feb 15 | 12pm| Backdoor
Our yearly tradition is back! This time with a Broadway
Have You? theme! Find a karaoke download or cd to perform. Non-singing
The clock is ticking for those of you who have NOT done the
teens are needed to serve our widows and widowers. The Bible
makes it clear to minister to orphans and widows, so this is a
 Turned in your money for Acquire the Fire perfect opportunity! See Howie if you need song suggestions.
 Signed up for the Sleepy Hollow skiing/tubing Hangtime (JH, SH)
(Jan. 11) Acquire the Fire Feb. 20-21
It’s coming to First Federated this year!!! Come hear awesome
What’s Going On? bands Kutless, Building 429, Everyday Sunday, and Phil Joel
Dodge Ball Mondays | 6:30–8:00PM leading worship. Not to mention the amazing speakers: Joel
Dodgeball will resume tomorrow, January 5! Johnson, Casey Johnson and Ron Luce! Cost: $63. Reserve your
For Moms—Moms’ Prayer Group tickets now! (JH, SH)
Wednesdays | 5:30–6:15PM | RM 131 (Library) Faith and Family Night: Iowa Chops Friday, Feb 27 | 7pm
Facilitators: Lori Blake & Julie Harper Iowa Chops host Faith and Family Night. Join the youth of FFC
If you are a mother of a senior / junior high youth, this is a as we enjoy a great night of hockey. $13 per person. (JH, SH)
wonderful opportunity for you to get together with other moms
for encouragement and to pray for our youth. You can pick up a January
Sleepy Hollow............................................................................................................11
meal in Fellowship Hall and join us in prayer.
Mexico Mission Trip Meeting (12pm) ................................................................18
Wednesday Night Bible Study: My Friend Is Hurting Nursing Home Ministry Night .............................................................................18
This will be a valuable series for teens. It will help them Senior High Lock-In ................................................................................................ 30
know how to cope when they are hurting and will equip them February
to know better how to help their friends when they struggle. We Superbowl party ........................................................................................................1
are open to suggestions for topics, but at present we are going Heirborn vs. Hub Dodgeball ..................................................................................8
to cover the following: suicide, eating disorders, and cutting.
Parents are welcome to sit in during the series.


Sleepy Hollow January 11 | 5-8PM Regular Submission Deadline: Tuesdays by noon
Come for a Hangtime at Sleepy Hollow! Choose your fun:
We prefer that items be submitted electronically!
tube for $16 or ski for $25. Parents and/or youth leaders are
needed to carpool and chaperone and are welcome to stay and
ski! Meet at Sleepy Hollow at 5PM. Sign up in the Backdoor. All submitted items are subject to submission guidelines and editorial review by
the church staff. FFC reserves the right to edit submissions for length.
Mexico Mission Trip Meeting
Sunday, January 18 | 12–2PM | Backdoor
Come join us for lunch and an informational meeting for those
of you planning to go on the Mexico mission trip with TIME Deacon of the Month
ministries. Jamie Smith, 255.2122 ext 139

Nursing Home Ministry Night January 18 | 6:30-8:30PM Our Deacons stand ready to help with the physical needs of the
Let’s have a night of nursing home ministry, inspired by all members and attenders of this fellowship. Should you have a
that we did at M-Fuge last summer. We are heading to Calvin short-term, emergency need, do not hesitate to call the church
Community to lead them in worship, perform drama and more! office and leave a message for the “Deacon of the Month.” This
We’ll go out for coffee after! ministry is made possible by your gifts to the Deacons’ Fund.
Senior High Lock-In Friday, January 30 | 8PM-8AM
It’s a Lock-In! Come join us for a great night of food, fun, a
Deaconess of the Month
Jan Mudderman | 277.2040
mystery, games and much more. Bring your favorite munchies or
Our Deaconesses are available to the women of the church in
a 2 liter drink and we’ll be set for an awesome night. For regular
Heirborn attendees only. Chaperones/youth parents needed for areas of encouragement and spiritual support. If you need a
this event. listening ear and someone to pray with you, please call Jan.

First Federated Church 6 Sunday, January 4, 2009

KZ Church Gratitude Attitude
Remember all that great stuff you got for Christmas?
Today in KZ Church we talked about
Remember all those great people who gave you great stuff for
stuff. Having lotsa stuff, wanting more
Christmas? Now is the time to let them know how much you
stuff, wishing you had the same stuff
appreciate the gifts they gave you…and how much you appreciate
other people have!!! We talked about
them. Take a little time this week to say thank you.
how our needs are more important than
If you’re too
our wants. Chat with your kids and make
little to write a
sure they understand the difference
thank you note,
between needs and wants. Remind them that when we pray for
you could draw a
‘wants’, God may know that we don’t NEED them.
thank you picture
AWANA and have Dad or
It’s time…time to come on back on Wednesday nights. We’ve Mom help you
been missing our time together! See you at 6:30 for lots of good with a few words.
times together as we keep learning from God’s Word. If you’re old
enough to write,
you could send a
real snail mail thank you note (or at least an email). Imagine how
TNT Girls’ pleased Grandpa and Grandma or your other friends and relatives
would be to get mail from you! They may even stick your note up
Christmas Party on the refrigerator or keep it in their treasure box. Share a little
gratitude attitude this week. It could be contagious!
December 12

First Federated Church 7 Sunday, January 4, 2009

Wednesday Night Meal Sympathy
Fellowship Hall | 5-6:15PM Our sympathy is extended to those in our church family who
Children (age 2-12) $2 | Adults $3 | Family $10 have lost a loved one recently:
Make reservations on the Care & Communication Card or call the
Kathy Baker at the death of her father, John Hall, on
church office before noon on Mondays.
Jan. 7: Hearty Vegetable Beef Soup, Tossed Salad, Biscuit, Apple Pie December 25
Paul Seidenburg at the death of his brother, Loyal
2009 Vision for Ministry Seidenburg, on December 26
Sunday, January 11
9:15am Groups for all ages Family and friends of Thomas O’Connell
10:45am Combined Worship | Auditorium Tom and Kae Deardorff at the death of their brother-in-law,
(Nursery, Preschool, KZ Church) Dave Kamerman, on December 30.

January Christmas Offering surpasses $42,000

Women in the Word Resumes ...............................................................................6 Through last Sunday, the Christmas offering stood at $42,457
Regular Wednesday Night Activities Resume .................................................7 with just a few days left in the year. Watch next week for a final
Combined 2009 Vision for Ministry (Auditorium | Combined Service 10:45AM) ................... 11
total plus an update on our Debt Reduction progress.
Moody Chorale (Traditional & Celebration Services)..........................................................18
Thank You
Our Federated Family Christmas was a morning of sweet wor-
Financial Report ship as we reflected on the Christmas Story from many different
Attendance 12/28/08 General Fund Offering perspectives. It took many hours of prep and lots of coordinating
10:45AM ....................................... 738 Last Week to bring together “Do You See What I See”.
Budgeted Missions: Weekly Need ........................ $34,419 Thank you to all who participated!
Year to Date: 9/1/08–present Offering ................................ $32,452 Visit to see more photos!
Need ......................................$92,193 Shortage...............................($1,967)
Offering ................................$81,894 Year to Date: 9/1/08–present
Shortage.............................($10,298) Need ....................................$585,123
Mortgage Offering ..............................$552,534
Current Balance .................. $189,422 Shortage.............................($32,589)
Next Payment January 25

First Federated Church 8 Sunday, January 4, 2009

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