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Is criticism natural or necessary? actually it is the natural reaction of action.

Criticism is natural and kind of habit of mankind and also called Natural Born Killer. It is like a blood that flows in arteries in every person. It directly relates to person. People dont criticize to improve things they criticize because they want to degrade other. If we look in Stone Age than we came to know that people hunted animals, wore clothes made of leaves with passage of time when someone discovered something people didnt appreciate them instead condemned him. It is the law of nature that man does not accept any new ideas or innovations instantly and tries to avoid it when these ideas are imposed on him then he starts to criticize and when time passes he thinks and reaches the point that all ideas are for his benefits then he happily accepts them. In science field, Einstein a well-known scientist put energy mass equation at that time nobody admired his works instead criticized him strongly and now all scientists sing a song of Einstein. Moores law is a rule of thumb in the history of computer hardware whereby the number of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years. The period often quoted as "18 months" is due to Intel executive David House, who predicted that period for a doubling in chip performance (being a combination of the effect of more transistors and their being faster) but when we see Moore era then he faced a lot of criticism he argued people tried to

convince him but failed and now each computer companies carve Moores law in golden plate and hang it at main door. One mathematician said that all numbers composed of two digits 0 and 1 at that time people laughed and made fun of him. Teased him and didnt agree his proof and now we know that all technology is based on 0 and 1 computers work with this code. This natural behavior had also been shown in Muslim History. Sir Syed Ahmed khan, true leader of Muslim nation, raised his voice in the darkest hours of Muslims and started Ali Garr Movement which was actually in the favor of Muslims but resistance and criticisms were seen and they were actually seen from Muslims Behalf. Allama Muhammad Iqbal wrote two poems, Shikwa and Jawab-i-Shikwa (complaint to God and response), in early twentieth century. Shikwa: Tell me, Lord, if anyone ever invoked Thy name, The strength of Muslim arm alone restored Thy fame. When Shikwa was published every maulvi targeted Allama Iqbal criticized him without any reason and condemned him and even declared him kaafir, they didnt see and understand the real meaning of his poet. When Allam Iqbal replied and explained shikwa in Jawab-e-Shikwa as: Jawab-e-Shikwa: what are these earthly folks? Careless of all respect, How bold and impudent, the lowly dwellers of the earth! Then all maulvis who were against Allama Iqbal started to appreciate him. Changed their minds and thinking and completely changed their

sentences. This example shows that criticism is not necessary it is instinct.

Now recall very interesting incident, a famous painter Paolo Uccello made his masterpiece. About this masterpiece he claimed that no one could find error in it even his teacher. And to prove his claimed hanged the paint in the middle of heavily rushed road and wrote the line in the bottom If you have an eagle eye point out the mistakes Next day Paolo Uccello went to see if anyone pointed any mistake he was going to get triumph because his claim was going to be proved true but he was shocked to see that his painting was become another masterpiece the masterpiece of error he saw a lot of patches, circles, cross signs, and lines on the paint he was dejected and shattered he took paint and went to his master and told whole story. His teacher said: Criticism grows in human mind and jumped out into their actions but their actions are not able to amend this criticized thing. He advised him to make another masterpiece and hanged in same place but this time wrote in the last he who finds error corrects it Piazzi did the same and next day he saw nobody found out any error. People become critic because it is natural they are not supposed to reform that painting. That is the main difference between natural and necessary it is need of mankind to criticize something without any reason without any argue. But, when I had this feeling and started painting sacred art, as I had this feeling to do, then

it comes to me: my problem is I will get a lot of criticism (Howard Finster) So Howard Finster knew that no matters how much he put his efforts in his painting still people criticized it because it is habitual. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was roundly criticized for intimidating his political opponents by his critics. By the time Bhutto was given the control of his country, his nation was torn apart, isolated, demoralized, and emotionally shattered after a psychological and bitter defeat that came from intense regional rival, India, as a result of Indo-Pak war of 1971. His political rivals had blamed his socialist policies for slowing down Pakistan's economic progress owing to poor productivity and high costs although Bhutto and his colleagues maintained that Bhutto was merely addressing the massive inequality built up over the Ayub Khan years. Bhutto is blamed by some quarters for causing the Pakistan war in Bangladesh In 1977, General Zia-ul-Haq released former general Yahya Khan from Prison and his Lieutenant-General Fazle Haq gave him the honorary guard of honor when the former general died in 1980. After being released from house arrest after 1977 Coup former Chief Martial Law Administrator General Yahya Khan stated in an undated government affidavit: It was Bhutto, not Mujib, who broke Pakistan. Bhutto's stance in 1971 and his stubbornness harmed Pakistan's solidarity much more than Sheikh Mujib's six-point demand. It was his high ambitions and rigid stance that led to rebellion in East Pakistan. He riled up the Bengalis and brought an end to Pakistan's solidarity. East Pakistan broke away. Bhutto's international image was more of an Internationalist with a secular image. Under his democratic premiership, Bhutto was responsible for supervising the promulgation of Pakistan's third 1973 constitution for which he successfully obtained approval from all of political parties in Pakistan. Because of his administrative and aggressive nature to lead the nuclear weapons programme, Bhutto, in the world, is often and commonly regarded as the Father of Pakistan's nuclear deterrence programme, in spite of Pakistan's limited financial

resources and strong opposition from other countries, particularly the United States. In 2006, while globally publishing the article, "The Wrath of Khan", The Atlantic described Bhutto as demagogic and extremely populist, but Pakistan's greatest civilian leader. Whereas, the Bombay Times referred to Bhutto as "genius" and "person with brilliant manner". Despite Henry Kissinger developed differences with Bhutto and his colleagues, Kissinger could not hide his expression in 1979 when he quoted Bhutto as: "brilliant, charming, of global stature in his perception, a man of extraordinary abilities, capable of drawing close to any country that served Pakistan`s national interests". Now it is crystal clear that criticism is purely natural. Bhutto, the great leader, was also criticized and most amazing part is that those people who criticized him in his life after his death immediately changed their minds and started giving statements in the favor of him. Coughing in a theater is not a respiratory ailment. It is a criticism (Alan Jay Lerner) Criticism is actually natural behavior and people express it in different way for example some people criticize other by saying ahm , ahm they make critic sound similarly some people wave their first finger to disprove something other node their head all these behaviors are natural and critical. Graham Greene, as I understand it, was quite outspoken in his criticism of American Foreign policy (Paul Anka) Human nature is really complex. He needs somethings to discuss, to amuse himself so he becomes critic and criticizes other without any reason even all things are clear still he will criticize and does not agree with current situation. Anytime you put a movie out its subject to such scrutiny and such criticism (Halle Berry)

Let us discuss the life of Lady Diana. From her engagement to the Prince of Wales in 1981 until her death in 1997, Diana was a major presence on the world stage, often described as the worlds most photographed woman. However, numerous other sources split the title of "world's most photographed woman"--in terms of Diana compared to othersbetween her and Princess Grace Diana was revealed to be a major source behind Andrew Morton's Diana: Her True Story, which had portrayed her as being wronged by the House of Windsor. Morton instanced Diana's claim that she attempted suicide while pregnant by falling down a series of stairs and that Charles had left her to go riding. Tina Brown opined that it was not a suicide attempt because she would not intentionally have tried to harm the unborn child. Royal biographer Sarah Bradford commented, "The only cure for her (Diana's) suffering would have been the love of the Prince of Wales, which she so passionately desired, something which would always be denied her. His was the final rejection; the way in which he consistently denigrated her reduced her to despair." All these living examples show that criticism grows in human mind. Man criticizes just to relax himself its natural but we have to use this criticism constructively May God guides us right way. Ameen!

Date: 7th June, 2012. Roll No: 2011-EE-86 Muhammad Ali Shafique Roll No: 2011-EE-76 Muhammad Omer Ajmal

Section: B

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