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B'ha'alotecha 2012 Numbers 8:1 12: 16.

. The title of this Parsha can be misleading if not examined carefully in the Hebrew in order that it may divulge its contents. Often translated: In your going up In the raising up, we must pick apart the language to see clearly. It is written: , which is a phrase, formed from the root, #5927, `alah, it can mean to go up, to ascend, to take away. Other spellings are defined as burnt offering, and it is defined as a leaf or branch. Finally, spelled `illah, it infers in a legal sense a cause or basis for accusation. Now, since this word is connected to the lighting of the 7-lamps of the Menorah, we must examine them with the added understanding of these definitions as it seems a legal precedent is being set to exonerate Israel from the accusations that were levied when Adam & Eve were accused while clothing themselves with Fig Leaves. Numbers 8:2 Speak unto Aaron, and say unto him, When thou lightest the lamps, the seven lamps shall give light over against the candlestick. A little detective work requires us to look at the Hebrew for the clarity needed: Speak, #1696,


dabar, a verb meaning to speak. As a noun it means word, speech, etc. This word has a value of 206, the same as #6099,
`atsuwm, translated mighty or numerous. Curiously, it has the root of #6106, etzem, meaning bone, substance, self. If we break it apart, (dabar) the Dalet infers a door, while the Bet-Resh root, bar, means son. Could this hint at the WORD becoming a door for the Son, from whose bones DNA many would come?

Unto Aaron, , the hyphen links the two together. Alef-Lamed as a preposition means, these, to, into, concerning, toward. It also metaphorically, can refer to speaking to someone or sexual intercourse. Aaron, #175,

'Aharown, light bringer/carrier. The Menorah or Candlestick is masculine and represents Messiah in the Holy Place. Is it possible that Aaron represents the Bride who upon touching the Candlestick is engaging in a

ritual that parallels intimacy and allows Aaron to carry or womb the Light/Seed? Say, #559, 'amar, to say, tell, a word, speech or utterance. It can also spell a word meaning lamb. Its numeric value is 241, the same as #2216,

Zrubbabel, commonly translated, seed or sown in Babylon.

However some etymological problems are seen with that. I believe it is from the root, # 2213, Zayin-Resh, zer, denoting a border, a molding, like that around the Ark of the Covenant. This is the two-letter root of zera, seed as well. The 2nd part of the name, Bet-Bet-Lamed, #894, is Babel, confusion, mixing. The ancients rendered it Bet (house/gate) of Bel, the god! It would seem that Aarons actions are restoring the border or boundary lines that would deny access to the fallen god(s) bringing Israel back to her husband! This was in effect, the same as removing the Fig Leaf. Our next phrase is our title: Bhaalotecha, When you go or ascend. It is from the root of #5927, `alah, to go up, ascend, etc. It generally speaks of one going from a lower, inferior place to a higher one. Is Aaron acting out the resurrection, restoring the flesh, exchanging the Fig Leaf garments of Sin/harlotry for that of redemption, provided by the slaughter of the Lamb?

A. An unusual conundrum plants itself firmly in our face as we look at the gematria of this word: Its value equals 527, the same as #491, , a feminine noun indicating widowhood. It is first seen in Gen. 38: 14, in the story of Tamar and Judah. She has been widowed from her husband, yet promised a Son would be given by the Father (Judah). Again, this follows the pattern of Gen. 3. Adam & Eve represent the Bride of YHVH, who, upon eating of the Tree of Knowledge, DIE (Gen. 2:17). A Son is promised, who would restore their life, yet he has to die for them the Lamb slaughtered thus, they are widows until He is resurrected Himself! In Gen. 38, Tamar (The One who would rebel, become niddah) is waiting at #8553, person, she shall, while the root is from #4487 manah, to number. This word is seen

Timnah, translated portion. The Tav prefix means future tense, 3


prophetically connected to Abraham in Gen. 13:16, where he is told his seed would be like the dust, #6083, `aphar, dust, to be grey, without blood (congealed light). By breaking it apart, the Ayin means to see, while the two-letter root, PeyResh means fruit [of the lips] I.E. to see the fruit of my lips, my word, the Promise Fulfilled. His Zera seed would be MANAH, #4487, manah, number, to count, to do again! Gal. 3:16 confirms this seed is both plural (Israel) and singular (Messiah) who would become dust die, and be resurrected again! With this understanding Tamar the one who would rebel and become unclean would be found waiting at Timnah, where she would be numbered, counted again. It is fitting that Yahshua is executed at the Miphqad gate, the gate of Numbering, where the Red Heifer, parah adamah, is sacrificed. The word parah, #6510, heifer, can also mean to be fruitful, capable of producing offspring. The word for red is adom, the same root as Adam. Each word continues our premise; that of Adam being made fruitful again. This was accomplished by the 2nd Adam Messiah! This daily interaction with the Menorah/Messiah is also foreshadowed at the Sinai encounter as Israel (Eve) encounters her husband YHVH/Messiah (Adam) with the intent to become intimate. Thus, it is no accident that the numeric value of Parah Adamah (335) is the same as Har Sinai Mt. Sinai. The interaction with the 7-Branched Candlestick, #4501, mnowrah, reminds us of the stellar bodies, specifically those luminaries visible in Gen. 1:14 and shown to Abraham in Gen. 15:5. Thus, when we remember Babel from our earlier paragraph (Gen. 11) and understand a tower is being built to observe the signs written in the heavens in order to pervert the understanding of Messiah coming in the flesh to redeem a fallen Bride we can see the pattern continue. Ironically, if we subtract the gematria of menowrah (301) from Parah Adamah or Mt. Sinai (335) were left with 34 the value of BABEL! If we add the two together 369 it is the same as #2806, chasbaddanah, from #2803 chashab, to think, contemplate, and #1777, din, judgment, to consider judgment; which is exactly what happened.


An expanded picture of the Menorah or Lamp/Fire of YHVH is seen in a later chapter of this Parsha. Numbers 9: 15: And on the day that the tabernacle was reared up the cloud covered the tabernacle, [namely], the tent of the testimony: and at even there was upon the tabernacle as it were the appearance of fire, until the morning.

We discussed previously how the Tabernacle was designed in the form of a Man. Were told in Prov. 20: 27: The spirit of man [is] the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly. The Breath of man is the candle, #5216,


light, and lamp, fire, of YHVH, searching, [#2664, chaphas, to search for, to disguise oneself. To set free (Lev. 19:20) the woman who has not been freed

cheder, to enclose, to penetrate deeply, also the inner chamber] parts of the belly, [#990, beten,
according to legal stipulations] all the inward, [#2315, belly, or womb]! Here again, we see confirmation of what Aaron is doing! Restoring the Womb of the Bride and bringing her to the Menorah/Messiah! In Numbs. 9: 15, the picture is enlarged! We see upon the Tabernacle, [#4908,

mishkan, habitation, dwelling, from Mem-out of, the place of origin, and
#7931, shakan, to settle down, dwell with as in marriage] the appearance of fire,

' esh, fire and it is etymologically the same as MAN] until the morning, #1242, boqer, morning, it can also mean to seek, to search out, to investigate
#784, and speaks of the process by which the priests inspected a candidate for sacrifice. Again, we see the same pattern! Messiah the Menorah Fire of YHVH hovers over the intimate place, Tabernacle where the bride assembles. He first had to pass inspection in the FLESH, in order that we could approach Him in the flesh. He broke down that middle wall of partition the veil of the flesh sin, restoring access to those who through Him could also be numbered counted again! The next prominent subject is that of the making of two trumpets of silver for the assembly of the camp and to signal its journeys. Our attention is focused on the word for trumpets: Trumpets, #2689, , chatsotserah, a trumpet. However, if we break this word apart, the Chet-Tzade root infers an arrow, wicked words like an arrow. The Tzade-Resh-Hey root, #6869, means trouble, distress and is used to describe a vexor or rival wife. This word is used in 1Sam. 1:6 to describe the adversary of Hannah who vexed her because of her barren womb! This woman was called, #6444, Pninnah, translated jewel. However it has the same root a Paneh, to turn the face. She attempted to do just that, to turn

the face of the Husband from the Rightful Bride. This Bride was Hannah, #2584,

Channah, grace, to implore, beseech. She flees to Shiloh, #7887,

Shiyloh where the Tabernacle is located. Shiloh, is best translated, He Whose It (she) Is. Her husband gives her the portion, #4490, manah,
part, number, which is hers. Again, fitting our pattern. Incidentally, Shiloh is etymologically the same as the Sons name promised to Tamar, Shelah, #7956,

Shelah, translated portion as well, indicating what belonged to Him.

The numeric value of Shelah? 335, the same as Mt. Sinai, the place where Israel is taken to receive her rightful portion, which the vexor wife the harlot has stolen. We are about to embark on a journey ourselves, like the children of Israel. We must be careful that the Trumpet doesnt give an uncertain sound; else we will turn again from YHVH! Ironically, Hannah found Eli the Prophet sitting at a post, #4201,

mzuwzah, in the tabernacle. This is the device placed on the doorposts of

our homes and hearts that contains the SHEMA! She had to get to the place where she could hear the Truth of Torah; else her portion would be given to another! Hearing the Word/Seed/ and Light are synonymous! This is why we must keep the Menorah perpetually ABLAZE IN THE TEMPLES OF OUR HEARTS!

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