Diabetes Wound

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Treatment for diabetic foot ulcers

Peter R Cavanagh, Benjamin A Lipsky, Andrew W Bradbury, Georgeanne Botek

People with diabetes develop foot ulcers because of neuropathy (sensory, motor, and autonomic decits), ischaemia, or both. The initiating injury may be from acute mechanical or thermal trauma or from repetitively or continuously applied mechanical stress. Patients with clinically signicant limb ischaemia should be assessed by a vascular surgeon to determine the need for angioplasty, stenting, or femorodistal bypass. When infection complicates a foot ulcer, the combination can be limb or life-threatening. Infection is dened clinically, but wound cultures reveal the causative pathogens. Tissue specimens are strongly preferred to wound swabs for wound cultures. Antimicrobial therapy should be guided by culture results, and should aim to cure the infection, not to heal the wound. Alleviation of the mechanical load on ulcers (off-loading) should always be a part of treatment. Neuropathic ulcers typically heal in 6 weeks with total contact casting, because it effectively relieves pressure at the ulcer site and enforces patient compliance. The success of other approaches to off-loading similarly depends on the patients adherence to the effectiveness of pressure relief. Surgery to heal ulcers and prevent recurrence can include tenotomy, tendon lengthening, reconstruction, or removal of bony prominences. However, these procedures may result in secondary ulceration and other complications. Ulcer recurrence rates are high, but appropriate education for patients, the provision of posthealing footwear, and regular foot care can reduce rates of re-ulceration. People with diabetes have a 1225% lifetime risk of developing a foot ulcer.1,2 The high rates of diabetes in many parts of the world make foot ulcers a major and increasing public-health problem. Foot ulcers cause substantial morbidity, impair quality of life, engender high treatment costs (about US$17 50027 987 [UK953315 246])3,4 and are the most important risk factor for lower-extremity amputation.5,6 Unfortunately, treatment provided for foot ulcers is often inadequate,7,8 resulting in avoidable complications and unnecessarily extended healing times. In the hope of improving outcomes, we present an overview of the state of the art in medical and surgical treatment for diabetic foot ulcers. developing countries, also occur.14 Restricted joint mobility,15 poor foot care,16 and foot deformity resulting in bony prominences17 also contribute to risk of ulceration.

Lancet 2005; 366: 172535 See Articles pages 1695 and 1704 See Review page 1736 Diabetic Foot Care Program, Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Orthopaedic Surgery, and the Orthopaedic Research Center, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA (Prof P R Cavanagh DSc); Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA (Prof P R Cavanagh); General Internal Medicine Clinic, VA Puget Sound Health Care System, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, USA (Prof B A Lipsky MD); Department of Vascular Surgery, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK (Prof A W Bradbury FRCS); Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK (Prof A W Bradbury); and Diabetic Foot Care Programme, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA (G Botek DPM) Correspondence to: Dr Peter R Cavanagh, Diabetic Foot Care Program, Department of Biomedical Engineering, ND20, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195, USA cavanap@ccf.org

Several foot-ulcer classication schemes have been proposed, but none is universally accepted. The sixgrade Wagner-Meggitt classication, which has been used for decades,18 classies wounds by the depth of ulceration and extent of gangrene. The University of Texas system18 grades wound by depth and then stages them by the presence or absence of infection and ischaemia, but it does not include measures of neuropathy or ulcer area. The S(AD) SAD classication19 grades ve categories (size [area, depth], sepsis, arteriopathy, and denervation) on a four-point scale (03). Similarly, the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot has proposed the PEDIS classication,20 which grades the wound on the basis of ve features: perfusion (arterial supply), extent (area), depth, infection, and sensation. The Infectious Diseases Society of America published guidelines in 200421 that subclassify infected diabetic foot wounds into the categories of mild (restricted involvement of only skin
Search strategy and selection criteria In the preparation of this review, we used search strings that included: diabetic foot in combination with ulcers, healing, infection, surgery, biomechanics, and cost in a PubMed search, emphasising papers (in any language) published since 1995. We also searched for references in other databases, including EMBASE and the Cochrane Library. Because there were only a few comparative randomised controlled trials on this topic, we selected articles for reference based on an attempt to be comprehensive rather than on a formal assessment of study quality.

Assessment of the cause of an ulcer helps clinicians in determining the most appropriate treatment. Many clinicians classify foot ulcers in people with diabetes as neuropathic, ischaemic, or neuroischaemic, depending on the relative contributions of the late diabetic complications of peripheral neuropathy and arterial disease to the ulcers cause.9 Motor10 and autonomic11 decits could also contribute to the risk of ulceration. Neuropathic ulcers, the most common type, result from tissue-damaging mechanical loads applied to an insensate foot. Reduced sensation can substantially impair the patients perception of touch, deep pressure, temperature, and joint position. Peripheral vascular disease in diabetes characteristically affects vessels between the knee and the ankle12 (see later). Mechanical damage to poorly perfused (and often friable) tissues typically causes ischaemic ulcers. The foot injury that initiates ulcers could result either from trauma (stepping on a skin-penetrating object) or from mechanical stress that is repetitive (walking barefoot or in improper footwear) or continuously applied (extended unperceived pressure). Thermal injury13 and bites from animals and vermin, especially in
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and subcutaneous tissues), moderate (more extensive or affecting deeper tissues), and severe (accompanied by systemic signs of infection or metabolic instability).

Nearly all patients with lower-limb ulcers can benet from evidence-based therapy aimed at reducing the risk of atherosclerotic vascular disease.22,23 This treatment includes help on smoking cessation,24,25 diet improvement, and medication prescription when needed to reach target concentrations of total and LDL cholesterol;26,27 potential antiplatelet drug treatment;28 and the achieving of optimum blood pressure29,30 and glycaemic control.31 Medical and surgical specialists should work with the patients primary care provider to achieve these goals.32,33 Any diabetic patient with a skin break below the knee that has not healed with appropriate care in 2 weeks should be referred urgently to a suitable specialist for an assessment.3437 Because treatment for neuropathic ulcers is mainly non-surgical (see later), the initial assessment must differentiate patients with a predominantly ischaemic versus neuropathic cause. The provider must also establish the extent of any neuropathy or vascular disease,38 which includes testing for sensation, palpating for foot pulses, measuring the ankle-brachial pressure index (ABPI) and toe pressures,39 and often undertaking colour-ow duplex ultrasonography.35,40 Patients with lower-limb tissue loss from ischaemia should be assessed by a vascular surgeon. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) or conventional intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography could be needed to help plan the reconstruction.41 Surgeons (general, vascular, orthopaedic, plastic, podiatric) generally become involved in treating severe tissue infection,42,43 especially when gangrene or underlying osteomyelitis remain despite antibiotic treatment.4447 MRI may help distinguish neuropathic osteoarthropathy (Charcot foot) from osteomyelitis48 and reveal the extent of the underlying necrosis and investigate whether a functional foot can be salvaged.4951 The main purpose of surgery is to remove infected and necrotic soft and bony tissue back to a healthy base that will support granulation tissue and allow healing by secondary intention. Advanced surgical techniques, such as free tissue transfers, could provide excellent results in skilled hands in selected patients.5257 Reconstructive and corrective surgery may also be indicated in patients with an unstable Charcot foot.5861 In some instances, it is reasonable to attempt healing of ischaemic and neuroischaemic ulcers before revascularisation.32,62,63 However, many diabetic patients will need revascularisation to achieve timely and durable healing. How this healing is achieved depends on whether the patient has supra-inguinal (aorto-iliac) disease, infra-inguinal (femoro-popliteal-crural) disease, or both.64 Angiography, preferably MRA, will determine

whether patients with aorto-iliac disease are suitable for endovascular surgery.65 The long-term results of angioplasty (with or without stenting) in these large, high-ow vessels tend to be good and the risks generally low.12 Open surgeryeither anatomic (aorto-[bi]-femoral bypass) or extra-anatomic (femoro-femoral crossover or axillo-[bi]-femoral bypass)is reserved for patients who do not have an endovascular option.65 Because no satisfactory evidence base exists,66,67 treatment of infrainguinal disease is more difcult67 and controversial. The debate centres on whether rst-line treatment should be surgical or endovascular.68,69 The standard treatment for patients with ischaemic (or neuroischaemic) ulceration is still femorodistal bypass with autogenous tissue, which is usually the long saphenous vein.37,65,70,71 If such tissue is unavailable, prosthetic grafts can be used,72 although they are associated with reduced patency rates73 and less resistance to infection. Specialised centres report few complications and high patency and limb salvage rates after lower-limb bypass surgery.37 However, these are long, technically demanding operations in high-risk patients74 and, even in the wealthiest countries, not all patients have access to heath-care services that can deliver such favourable outcomes.75 Many vascular surgeons and interventional radiologists believe that the multi-level (often distal and heavily calcied) disease typically seen in diabetic patients with ischaemic (or neuroischaemic) ulceration is not amenable to conventional (transluminal) angioplasty.12,68,69 The use of stents,76,77 remote endarterectomy devices,78 and various other novel recanalising techniques, such as subintimal angioplasty,79,80 all show promise. The results of an ongoing 5-year prospective study (BASIL; bypass versus angioplasty in severe ischaemia of the leg)68,69 are expected in late 2005. These will, for the rst time, provide level I evidence regarding the most clinically and cost-effective treatment of lower-limb ulceration and tissue loss secondary to infra-inguinal disease in patients with diabetes. Sometimes, especially in smokers or individuals with other comorbidities, and even in countries with sophisticated health-care systems, the foot is non-viable and needs urgent amputation.81,82 In poorer countries,83 and in disadvantaged groups in wealthy countries, the risk of lower-extremity amputation can be very high and the outcome poor outside a few specialised centres.82,8487 Amputees represent a high-risk group with a generally poor prognosis.8893 In addition to the direct surgical morbidity and mortality, inadequate and delayed rehabilitation and limb tting94 increases the risk of complications, such as infection with antibiotic-resistant organisms95 and thromboembolic disease.96 By contrast, if such patients receive timely, evidence-based care97 from a multidisciplinary team (consisting of, among others, diabetologists, surgeons, podiatrists, specialist nurses, footwear experts, rehabilitation specialists, and
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prosthetists),84,98,99 morbidity and mortality can be kept at a minimum,100 physical and psychological outcomes can be improved,90,101 and health and social-care costs reduced.102104 More research and evidence is needed to dene the best preoperative and postoperative care pathways for amputees.90,105


Presentation after debridement

Day 4

Extent and depth

Serial measurement of the wound area can help measure the rate of healing, and therefore the efcacy of treatment.106 Wound areas can be directly measured in several ways, for example, by tracings inked on clear acetate, calibrated digital photographs (gure 1), or direct measurement of maximum length and width, among other techniques. Wound volume is difcult to measure, but ultrasonography could prove useful.107 The criterion most accepted for healing studies is complete closure or epithelialisation after 20 weeks of treatment,108,109 but reduction in the wound area at 10 and 20 weeks is also used. Wound areas that are 2 cm2 or less, have been present for 2 months or less, are relatively shallow, and are non-infected have the highest probability of healing.110

Day 7

Day 14

Day 21

Not all diabetic foot wounds become infected, but when infection does take place, the patients limb, and sometimes life, can be at risk. All open wounds are colonised with microorganisms, and even virulent pathogens (eg, Staphylococcus aureus) can sometimes be colonisers or contaminants. Because of this, infection cannot usually be dened microbiologically.111,112 The generally accepted clinical denition of infection is the presence of purulent secretions or at least two signs or symptoms of inammation (erythema, warmth, tenderness, pain, induration).21 Since the presence of ischaemia or neuropathy can both mimic and obscure these cardinal manifestations, it has been suggested that signs such as friable tissue, wound undermining, and foul odour imply infection.47,113 Most diabetic foot infections do not produce systemic manifestations, such as fever or leucocytosis,86,114 but when these signs are present, they typically suggest that any accompanying infection is severe.114 A diabetic patient presenting with a foot infection must be assessed promptly and systematically. The assessment must include attention to the foot, limb, and entire body of patient.21 Initial management consists of cleansing of the wound, debriding of any necrotic or gangrenous material, and the probing (preferably with a blunt sterile metal instrument) for foreign bodies or exposed bone.115 With infected ulcers, clinicians should obtain material for a wound culture (gure 2). Tissue specimens are strongly preferred to wound swabs, because they provide more sensitive and specic results.21 Tissue can be obtained by scraping of the base of the ulcer with a scalpel or dermal curette (curettage) or by wound biopsy
www.thelancet.com Vol 366 November 12, 2005 Figure 1: Rapid healing of an uncomplicated neuropathic ulcer The ulcer had been present for 8 weeks and was treated by weekly applications of total contact casting. Scale in cm.

(obtained at the bedside, clinic, or operating theatre). Aseptically obtained aspirates of pus (purulent secretions) or tissue uid can also provide good specimens for culture. The specimen should be processed for both aerobic and anaerobic cultures and a gram-stained smear, if possible. Blood obtained for a complete blood count (and leucocyte differential), basic serum chemistry panels, and inammatory markers
Swab A B Curettage C Aspiration

Figure 2: Methods used to obtain specimens for wound culture The wound should be debrided before the specimen is obtained. Specimens obtained by a wound swab (A) are less accurate than tissue obtained by curettage (B) or biopsy (not shown). Aspiration of purulent secretions (C) also provides good specimens.



(erythrocyte sedimentation rate [ESR] or C-reactive protein) can help dene the severity of the infection.45 In most instances, plain radiographs of the foot will help to identify foreign bodies, gas in the tissues, or evidence of osteomyelitis. More sophisticated imaging tests (the best of which is MRI) might be needed to better dene the presence or absence of bone or deep soft-tissue infection.116118 Clinicians should use available data to decide whether infections are safe to treat on an outpatient basis, or whether hospital care is needed for medical, diagnostic, surgical, or psychosocial reasons. The most important pathogens causing diabetic foot infections are aerobic gram-positive cocci (GPC), especially S aureus, but also -haemolytic streptococci (especially group B) and coagulase-negative staphylococci. These GPCs often cause monomicrobial infections, but patients with chronic ulcers, or those who have recently received antibiotic treatment, often have a polymicrobial mix of aerobic gram-negative bacilli with GPCs.119125 Obligate anaerobes are rarely the only pathogens in these infections, but they could contribute to mixed infections, especially in patients with foot ischaemia or gangrene.126,127 Some organisms, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterococcus species, often represent colonisers that do not need specically directed antibiotic therapy.128,129 Although clinically uninfected lesions do not need antimicrobial treatment, all infected wounds do. The initial regimen should usually be selected empirically, and then be modied on the basis of both the patients clinical response and the results of culture and sensitivity testing.128,130,131 The clinician should base the selected antibiotic drugs largely on the probable causative organisms, taking into account any known local antibiotic resistance patterns (especially the presence of meticillin-resistant S aureus [MRSA]).91,132134 Factors such as renal or hepatic dysfunction or a history of drug allergy (especially to penicillin) could constrain antibiotic choices. Patients with severe infections need parenteral treatment, at least initially; oral therapy is often adequate for those with mild or moderate infections. Topical antimicrobials are often effective for mildly infected ulcers, but few studies of this approach exist.135137 Some topical antiseptics can impair wound healing, but dressings containing silver or iodine seem to be safe, and possibly useful.138140 Several antibiotic regimens have shown efcacy (often in case series or non-comparative studies) in treating diabetic foot infections, but none has emerged as the preferred choice.21 Recent trials of antibiotic therapy have used a more robust randomised controlled design.141143 The largest and latest study144 with a double-blind protocol showed similar efcacy for ertapenem and piperacillin/ tazobactam. For mild infections, 7 or 10 days of treatment are usually sufcient, whereas most moderate and severe soft-tissue infections need up to 2 to 3 weeks

of treatment.21 The aim of antimicrobial therapy is to cure the infection, not to heal the wound; extended treatment increases the risk of drug-related toxic effects and development of antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic treatment without off-loading a plantar wound (ie, the relieving of a mechanical load) is unlikely to result in ulcer healing (see later). Although antibiotic therapy is crucial for treating diabetic foot infections, most patients also need adequate wound care.31,145,146 With moderate or severe infections, an experienced surgeon may need to determine if more extensive surgery,147150 including arterial revascularisation for patients with an ischaemic foot, is needed.35,71,151,152 The clinician must also select an adequate wound-care regimen, attempt to improve glycaemic control, and ensure that the patient puts no pressure on the wound (see later). If the clinician elects ambulatory treatment, the patient should return for a follow-up assessment a few days after the initial encounter to check on clinical progress and culture and sensitivity results. Infection of bone underlying a foot ulcer is an especially difcult diagnostic and therapeutic problem.153 Osteomyelitis is probably present if the bone is visible or palpable by probing. A substantially raised ESR ( 70 mm/h) also suggests bone infection, but the sensitivity of this nding could be low.154,155 Bone infection must usually be present for at least 2 weeks before it can be regarded as the cause of abnormalities seen on plain radiographs. Where present, bony lesions could also represent non-infectious Charcot foot. Most nuclear medicine tests (eg, technetium bone scans or labelled leucocyte scans) are more sensitive than plain radiography, but are relatively non-specic and less accurate than MRI.116,156 The gold standard test for osteomyelitis is a bone biopsy sample processed for culture and histology.153,157 Because results of wound cultures do not reliably indicate those of bone, the use of a specimen from either surgical debridement of bone or percutaneous biopsy is preferred.158,159 Bone infection almost always occurs by direct extension from the soft tissue and represents chronic osteomyelitis. We believe that this condition is best treated by surgical resection of all infected and necrotic bone,160,161 but retrospective studies suggest that long-term treatment (at least for 46 weeks) with drugs that penetrate well into bone (eg, uoroquinolones) can often produce a remission of infection.157

Wound treatments
Another Review109 in this issue looks at the biology of wound healing and novel therapies. New treatments for diabetic foot ulcers continue to be introduced,162 yet few are subjected to controlled or comparative studies of their efcacy.135,163 Recent developments include the use of bone-marrow-derived stem cells,164 negative pressure dressings,165,166 bioengineered skin equivalents,167 and
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growth-factor therapy.168 Hyperbaric oxygen treatment seems to reduce the risk of major amputation, but not the time to ulcer healing or the rate of minor amputation.169 Routine debridement of devitalised tissue at follow-up visits is widely recommended, but evidence showing that it accelerates healing is scarce.170 Maggot (larval) biotherapy seems to be effective for debridement171 and acceleration of healing,172,173 and perhaps also in reducing antibiotic use and risk of amputation.174

Mechanical load relief

Patients should be counselled never to walk in the same shoes that could have contributed to a foot ulcer.175,176 Pressure relief on ulcers, commonly referred to as offloading, should always be a part of the treatment plan. The most compelling evidence that off-loading accelerates ulcer healing comes from studies using a total contact cast for healing non-infected neuropathic ulcers.177,178 Neuropathic ulcers that have resisted healing for many months or years typically heal in about 6 weeks in a total contact cast.177 Bony deformity or displacement of soft tissues can lead to high plantar pressure, which is associated with ulceration179,180 and failure to heal.181 The measurement of pressure between the foot and ground and between the foot and shoe (gure 3),182 although not yet widely available in clinical practice, shows whether the patient has adequate load relief during and after ulcer healing. Pressure between the foot and ground at a plantar prominence can exceed 1000 kPa, whereas pressure between a correctly applied total contact cast and a potential ulcer site is less than 100 kPa.183 Plantar shear forces are probably pathophysiologically important, but cannot be easily measured at present.184 Total contact casts are successful when properly applied and changed at least weekly,185 partly because patients cannot remove them easily. Patients with an ulcer are frequently non-compliant with a removable off-loading device.186 Alternative approaches to nonremovable healing footwear are also efcacious, including the so-called instant total contact cast.187 However, all such devices could restrict the patients ability to engage in typical daily activities, such as bathing or driving. Often the only treatment available or acceptable to the patient is a removable device. Crutches, bedrest, wheelchairs, and assistive ambulatory devices are probably not effective for offloading without direct intervention at the foot, because of poor patient compliance. Various ambulatory braces,188190 splints,191,192 modied shoes,178 and sandals193 can off-load the plantar surface or immobilise the foot and ankle (or both).194,195 Many of these devices have rigid, rockered outsoles that are very effective in relieving pressure in the forefoot.196 Certain modied half-shoes can off-load a forefoot ulcer area entirely,197 but the value of the other devices depends on how
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Figure 3: Plantar pressure distribution under the foot during (A) barefoot walking and (B) walking in appropriate therapeutic shoes and custom insoles181 Peak pressures are more than 1000 kPa in (A) and less than 200 kPa in (B). This patient had previous ulcers at the site of raised pressure under the hallux.

successfully they reduce weight-bearing pressure on the ulcer. For example, unmodied postsurgical shoes are not effective in relieving load.198 Approaches to load relief in ambulatory devices include felted-foam and other special dressings,199 soft polymeric (sometimes molded) insoles, and orthoses with load-isolation regions.200 In felted-foam 199 dressings, which do not usually need to be applied by a skilled footwear technician, the wound is isolated by the application of layers of felt-backed foam to the skin in areas surrounding, but not on top of, the ulcer. Frequent replacement of all soft insole and dressing materials under the foot might be needed if the material compresses. Relief of mechanical load is also important for nonplantar ulcers, such as those on the posterior aspect of the heel, and the lateral aspect of the midfoot or forefoot. Such ulcers often arise in neuropathic patients during bedrest for a comorbid illness, but are preventable with appropriate precautions.201,202 The prognosis for non-plantar heel ulcers can be predicted from ulcer size and vascular status.203 Ulcers can also be caused by contact between the dorsal surface of deformed toes and footwear that does not provide adequate toe room.204 Pressure on ulcers that occur on


the tips of clawed toes can be unloaded in half shoes, which lack a forefoot weight-bearing area, or in rigid shoes with molded insoles and a deep cut-out for the ulcer. However, if such ulcers recur, practitioners should consider surgical treatment of the toes (see later). For interdigital lesions, the close or overlapping toes must be separated. Ulcers on the plantar aspect of the heel take longer to heal than those on the forefoot in total contact casts185 and could benet from special shoes without a rear-foot platform. Irrespective of the off-loading technique used, patients with an ulcer should be encouraged to reduce their activity levels temporarily. Patients are typically less active in total contact casts than in healing shoes,178 presumably because of the bulk and weight of the irremovable device. Increased activity, with the consequent high cumulative load, can delay or prevent ulcer healing.205,206

reduce ulcer recurrence. Guidelines for the prescription of footwear are not well standardised, and few practitioners measure plantar pressure at previous ulcer sites to ensure that high pressures are reduced by the footwear (gure 3). Available evidence suggests that, in addition to appropriate footwear, provision of patient education224 and regular footcare (including debridement of calluses)225 can help prevent recurrent ulcers.226

Cost-benet analysis
The treatment cost of diabetic foot ulcers must be seen in the context of amputation prevention.4,227 Also, a healed ulcer greatly improves the low quality of life caused by a foot ulcer, whereas failure to heal reduces the quality of life for both patients and their caregivers.228,229 Utility values have been developed230 to calculate quality-adjusted life years (QALY) that might result from differential ulcer treatment. Markov models have predicted a cost per QALY gained of less than $25 000 (13 619) for even relatively low levels of preventive foot care.231 Findings from a simulation study suggest that an intensive prevention strategy could be cost effective if the risk of foot ulcers and amputations are reduced by 25%.232 The cost-effectiveness of ulcer treatment with bioengineered skin substitutes,233 hyperbaric oxygen,234 and growth factor therapy235,236 have been estimated, and modest cost savings over standard wound care have been postulated. However, a systematic review of wound healing treatments has described comparative studies of ulcer healing as being too few to make any denitive conclusions that can guide treatment.237

Surgery to heal foot ulcers

Surgical interventions can both help heal foot ulcers and prevent their recurrence,207,208 but few randomised controlled studies have compared surgical with nonsurgical treatments. Complications of surgery in diabetic patients59 include ulcers at other sites,209 infection,208 and Charcot foot.210 Percutaneous lengthening of the Achilles tendon temporarily reduces pressure under the metatarsal heads,211,212 but carries an additional risk of secondary heel ulcers resulting from an altered gait.209 Percutaneous tenotomy of the toe extensors reduces toe deformity and can hasten ulcer healing and prevent recurrence.213 Some surgeons advocate metatarsal osteotomy210 and resection of prominent214 or all215 metatarsal heads, either prophylactically208 or at the time of ulceration,214 but this procedure poses a risk of secondary ulceration216 or other complications.210,217 If an ulcer occurs at a midfoot prominence, surgical removal of the prominence or creation61 of a more plantigrade (anatomical) foot can lower focal pressures. Occasionally, ulcerectomy and surgical closure of plantar wounds might also be appropriate.218 Currently, no controlled trials exist that compare surgery with medical therapy for foot ulcers. A retrospective analysis of ulcers under the fth metatarsal head showed a reduction in re-ulceration for patients treated surgically.214

We have described the components of assessment and treatment that can help ensure successful and rapid healing of foot ulcers in diabetic patients. These approaches should be used whenever feasible to reduce the high morbidity and risk of serious complications resulting from foot ulcers. There is still much room for improvement in both the types of techniques used and in the assurance that clinicians provide the highest current standard of care.8 Multidisciplinary specialty foot clinics, which combine the expertise of many types of health-care providers, almost certainly will improve the outcome for diabetic persons with foot ulcers.99
Contributors All authors read and approved the nal version. P R Cavanagh was responsible for overall editing and coordination and for all sections apart from those mentioned below. B A Lipsky made substantial contributions to editing and was responsible for the infection section. A W Bradbury was responsible for the perfusion section. G Botek made contributions to the off-loading and surgery sections. Conict of interest statement P R Cavanagh is an investor in DIApedia LLC, State College, PA, USA. B A Lipsky has been a consultant to, received research funds from, and been a speaker for Pzer, Merck, and Cubist Pharmaceuticals. A W Bradbury and G Botek declare that they have no conict of interest.

Prevention of ulcer recurrence

Prevention of ulcer recurrence is a major clinical challenge,219 as shown by recurrence rates ranging from 28% at 12 months220 to 100% at 40 months.221 After complete healing, patients should slowly change to full activity and weightbearing, using appropriate therapeutic footwear with custom insoles that have been prepared in advance.175 Rigid rocker shoes effectively reduce forefoot plantar pressure. Several221,222 but not all223 studies of therapeutic shoes have shown them to

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Acknowledgments P R Cavanagh is funded by the US National Institutes of Health. A W Bradbury is funded by the UK National Health Service (NHS) Research and Development Health Technology Assessment Programme, the British Heart Foundation, the Stroke Association, the European Union, the UK Government Department of Health, Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC), the Royal College of Surgeons, the UK Medical Research Council, the Higher Education Council for England, the Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, and the University of Birmingham School of Medicine. These funding sources had no role in the preparation of this review. We appreciate the editorial assistance of Christine Kassuba and Tammy Owings. References 1 Singh N, Armstrong DG, Lipsky BA. Preventing foot ulcers in patients with diabetes. JAMA 2005; 293: 21728. 2 Abbott CA, Garrow AP, Carrington AL, Morris J, Van Ross ER, Boulton AJ. Foot ulcer risk is lower in South-Asian and AfricanCaribbean compared with European diabetic patients in the UK: the north-west diabetes foot care study. Diabetes Care 2005; 28: 186975. 3 Ramsey SD, Newton K, Blough D, et al. Incidence, outcomes, and cost of foot ulcers in patients with diabetes. Diabetes Care 1999; 22: 38287. 4 Ragnarson Tennvall G, Apelqvist J. Health-economic consequences of diabetic foot lesions. Clin Infect Dis 2004; 39 (suppl 2): S13239. 5 Pecoraro RE, Reiber GE, Burgess EM. Pathways to diabetic limb amputation. Basis for prevention. Diabetes Care 1990; 13: 51321. 6 Margolis DJ, Allen-Taylor L, Hoffstad O, Berlin JA. Diabetic neuropathic foot ulcers and amputation. Wound Repair Regen 2005; 13: 23036. 7 Margolis DJ, Kantor J, Berlin JA. Healing of diabetic neuropathic foot ulcers receiving standard treatment. A meta-analysis. Diabetes Care 1999; 22: 69295. 8 Margolis DJ, Allen-Taylor L, Hoffstad O, Berlin JA. Healing diabetic neuropathic foot ulcers: are we getting better? Diabet Med 2005; 22: 17276. 9 Edmonds ME. Progress in care of the diabetic foot. Lancet 1999; 354: 27072. 10 Bus SA, Yang QX, Wang JH, Smith MB, Wunderlich R, Cavanagh PR. Intrinsic muscle atrophy and toe deformity in the diabetic neuropathic foot: a magnetic resonance imaging study. Diabetes Care 2002; 25: 144450. 11 Aye M, Masson EA. Dermatological care of the diabetic foot. Am J Clin Dermatol 2002; 3: 46374. 12 Bates MC, Aburahma AF. An update on endovascular therapy of the lower extremities. J Endovasc Ther 2004; 11 (suppl 2): II10727. 13 Dijkstra S, vd Bent MJ, vd Brand HJ, et al. Diabetic patients with foot burns. Diabet Med 1997; 14: 108083. 14 Abbas ZG, Lutale J, Archibald LK. Rodent bites on the feet of diabetes patients in Tanzania. Diabet Med 2005; 22: 63133. 15 Zimny S, Schatz H, Pfohl M. The role of limited joint mobility in diabetic patients with an at-risk foot. Diabetes Care 2004; 27: 94246. 16 Connor H, Mahdi OZ. Repetitive ulceration in neuropathic patients. Diabetes Metab Res Rev 2004; 20 (suppl 1): S2328. 17 Robertson DD, Mueller MJ, Smith KE, Commean PK, Pilgram T, Johnson JE. Structural changes in the forefoot of individuals with diabetes and a prior plantar ulcer. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2002; 84A: 1395404. 18 Oyibo SO, Jude EB, Tarawneh I, Nguyen HC, Harkless LB, Boulton AJ. A comparison of two diabetic foot ulcer classication systems: the Wagner and the University of Texas wound classication systems. Diabetes Care 2001; 24: 8488. 19 Treece KA, Macfarlane RM, Pound N, Game FL, Jeffcoate WJ. Validation of a system of foot ulcer classication in diabetes mellitus. Diabet Med 2004; 21: 98791. 20 Schaper NC. Diabetic foot ulcer classication system for research purposes: a progress report on criteria for including patients in research studies. Diabetes Metab Res Rev 2004; 20 (suppl 1): S9095. 21 Lipsky BA, Berendt AR, Deery HG, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of diabetic foot infections. Clin Infect Dis 2004; 39: 885910.


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