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Abruti(e) n., A retarded person, an idiot ah-BROO-tee Accro n., addict ack-RO Ado n.

, teen; short for 'adolescent' AH-doh Apro n., Short for apritif. ah-PAIR-roh Appart' n., flat or apartment; short for 'appartement' ah-PARRT Aprem' n., Short for aprs-midi. ah-PRIm Bagnole n., Slang for 'car' ban-YOLE Bahut n., Slang for 'high school' (formerly for 'factory') Barj' or Barjot adj., mad n., a madman BARge BAHR-joe Bander v., to become erect, to get a hard-on BAHN-day Beh same as 'Ben' Ben interj. for 'well'. often used at the beginning of a phrase, and followed by "ouais" or "non" Baa ('baa' like the sound a sheep makes with a nasalized sound at the end) Bidule n.m., stuff. Bite n., dick bEEt Blaireau n., litt. 'badger', Loser bl-AIR-roh Le Bled

n., the boondocks blED Bof interj., 'not really', 'i don't like this', 'let me think a while...' bOf Boule n., litt. 'ball'. Mean mainly "balls" (as in testicles). Sometimes "arse"/"ass", as in "J'aime Trop Ton Boule" (I Want Your Ass), a song by by French Rapper Fatal Bazooka Can be a synonym for 'tte', or 'head' in its slang usage; a rough equivalent in English would be 'face' rather than 'head', i.e.: "Ta boule me manque" = "I miss seeing your sweet face" bOOL Bouffer v., to eat n., la bouffe, food BOOF-fay Bosser v., to work boss-SAY Boulot n., job bOOL-oh Se Branler v., to masturbate (lit. to wobble, to wank) suh BRAhn-lay a a t exp., it went well; also a question "Ta prsentation, a a t ?" = "How'd your presentation go?" ; Answers to this question: "Ouais, a a t" (Yes, it went well) / "Pas du tout" (Not at all) saw ah AY-TAY Se casser v., to leave ; 'Casse-toi !' : exp., 'Go away !' (rude) Chaud lapin n., Sex maniac (lit. hot rabbit) show lah-PA Chier v., to shit; Shee-AY Les Chiottes n, The loo or the bog SEE-ott Chouraver v, to steal Cinoche n., Cinema to see a film

SEE-noh-sh La cit n., ghetto see-TAY Con (masc.), conne (fem.) adj., stupid "J'ai t con quand j'ai dcid de sortir" = "I was stupid when I decided to go out" n., litt. 'cunt' (as used in UK English); "Quel con" = "What an idiot" exp. " la con", stupid, in a stupid way. "J'ai cet examen la con" = "I have this stupid test" coh Connerie nf, 'crap' Crever v., to burst or explode; to die, 'to kick the bucket' adj., crev(e), exhausted. As in "Je suis crev(e)" = "I'm exhausted" n., la crve, a cold, the flu. exp.: "J'ai la crve". creh-vay lah crehve Dbile n. or adj. slang for "stupid" DAY-beel Dirlo n. Colloquial word meaning 'headmaster'. dear-loh Enculer v. To fuck, to bugger. Equivalent to "fuck in the arse" ("cul"="arse"). Widely used under the form "va te faire enculer" (litt. "go and fuck yourself") which stands for "fuck off". Also, "encul" is the participle turned into a substantive, and means "bastard" or "arsehole". exp. : "enculer des mouches" (litt. "to fuck flies in the arse") means "to nit-pick". e-CU-lay La fac n., college or university; short for 'facult' fack Faire chier exp., to annoy fer shee-ay Faire la tte exp., to pout. Synonyms: 'bouder'(to brood); "faire la gueule". fer lah tet Flotte nf, water Foutre

n. Sperm. v. Vulgar equivalent of the verb 'faire'; to do or to make ; to put. Commonly employed in vulgar/familiar expressions such as: "Va te faire foutre" = "Go get fucked/Go fuck yourself" "Qu'est-ce que tu fous ?" = "What the hell are you doing ?" "J'ai rien foutre (ici, avec toi)" = "I have nothing to do (here, with you)" "J'en ai rien foutre/battre" = "I don't care" "Je m'en fous", same as previous, see also 'Battre' "O est-ce que je l'ai foutu ?" = "Where did i put that ?" "Qu'est-ce que tu en as foutu ?" = "What did you do with this ?", "Where did you put this ?" FOO-truh Hyper adj., 'very', 'really' ; "Je suis hyper triste" = "I'm really sad" EE-pair Kiffer v. Colloquial word meaning 'to like' from Arabic noun 'kif' meaning 'cannabis', . Sometimes used under the form faire kiffer, e.g. Tu me fais trop kiffer. keef-ay Gnial adj. Colloquial word meaning "genius" (as used in UK English), "great", "brilliant", "sensational" or "awesome" j-knee-al Gosse n.m., Child Grave adj. litt. "severe", roughly means "stupid" e.g. "mes parents sont graves" (my parents are stupid) adv. roughly meaning "a lot" or "really" e.g "je la kiffe grave!" (I really like her). When used with a predicate, it can be placed before or after it. e.g "il est dbile grave, lui!" or "il est grave dbile, lui!" (he's really stupid) grah-ve Gueule n., slang for 'mouth' or 'face'. It can be used in "Ta gueule!" which can be translated into 'Shut up!'/'Shut your face!'. gull Gueuler v., slang. Means 'to shout'. e.g. 'Arrte de me gueuler dessus' could be translated into 'Stop shouting at me'. Exists also engueuler, slang for 'to reprimand'. guh-lay ; o-guh-lay MacDo Short for MacDonald's. mack-doh Machin n.m., Stuff

Merde n., excl., translated as 'shit', merde is not seen as vulgar as 'shit'. That is to say, adults use it often, as well as the youth. It can also mean 'rubbish', for example 'Ce repas, c'est de la merde', or 'The meal is crap' This word has produced the phrase le mot de cinq lettres, an exact transcribed meaning of the English phase "four-letter word". maRed / with emphasis or in exclamation: mare-DUH N'importe quoi exp., 'whatever' n., bullshit as in "C'est du n'importe quoi, ce qu'il dit" nahm-poRt-UH-kwah Niquer v. Slang for 'to have sexual intercourse'. Often used in insults such as 'Nique ta mre' (Screw your mother), sometimes reduced to 'Ta mre!'. Metaphorically, slang for 'to break' or 'to be great'. 'Je vais te niquer la gueule (vulgaire)' : je vais me battre contre toi ! e.g. 'Cette porte est nique.' (This door is out of order.) 'Ce jeu nique tout.' (This game is great.) NEEK-ay Ouais 'yeah' (as opposed to "oui" = "yes") waay Piquer v, to steal, to pick Putain n., excl. Roughly equivalent to 'merde' when used as an exclamation. As a name, old form for 'pute' (whore). 'Putain' is the closest equivalent to the English 'bloody Hell'. pew-tA S'en battre (les couilles) exp., "Je m'en bats (les couilles)" = "I don't care", see 'foutre' Super adj., 'very', 'really' ; "Je suis super content" = "I'm really happy" soup-air Taff n. work, job, task taff Truc n. Stuff trew-uhk Tronche n. Colloquial word meaning 'face'. TRon-shuh Vache adj., nasty;

Vachement adv., France, slang. Literally "cowly", vachement is a synonym for "very", and can be translated in some cases for the English adjective 'quite'. For instance - 'Il est vachement idiot' could be translated as 'He is quite stupid'. Whilst on the subject of 'vache', a popular French phrase is 'la vache!' which, as an exclamation, means 'damn!' or 'darn!'. For example - 'tu as perdu!' could be greeted with 'la vache!' or 'mince!' or other such expressions of discontent. It can however be used sometimes as an exclamation of surprise or amazement 'la vache! c'est genial ce truc' vah-shuh; vah-shuh-MAW 'Vas chier !' interj., 'Fuck off', 'Leave me' vah-shee-ay Zigounette n.f., dick Zinzin n. Colloquial word meaning 'mad'. Zgeg n.m., dick

Accouplement [from ad- to(ward) and couple couple] m form. sexual

intercourse. See a-va a-vient, cot, copulation, sexe. Allum, -e adj. 1. lit up; 2. slang drunk. Arabe [from L Arabus Arab] n/adj Arab (Arabic, Arabian). See beur, bicot, bougnoule, melon, raton. Auto-gratification f self-gratification. A term used by priests and conservative psychologists during the 1950s. See masturbation. Baiser [L basire] vt 1. to kiss; now used only in expressions like: baiser qqn au front, baiser la main, baiser une mdaille; 2. vulg (19 century) to fuck. See foutre, niquer. In contemporary French the original meaning to kiss is obsolete. In this sense is used the verb embrasser to embrace, kiss. 3. (in negative) to not understand. On n'y baise rien. We do understand nothing of it.

Balcon [from It balcone large window, of Gmc origin] m 1. balcony; 2. female

breast, bust. See sein. Y'a du monde au balcon. There are people on the balcony = She has a large breast.

Bander [from bande band, belt from Frk *binda, cognate to E bind] v 1. to draw a
bow taut to let the arrow fly; 2. slang to have a hard-on. The erect penis seems

similar to a bow, just as the expression tirer un coup suggests similarity to a loaded gun. Not considered appropriate in normal social intercourse. Je bande pour toi. I have a boner for you. bander comme un cerf / un tigre to have a hard-on as a deer / a tiger. bois band a particularly popular African wood with definite (and sometimes dangerous) aphrodisiac properties. bandeur m. Ant. dbander.

BCBG (noun phrase, used as an adjective, both genders). Acronym for "Bon
chic, bon genre". Originally used to describe high fashion, or the ultimate in good taste. Now often used disparagingly to describe pretentious "yuppies". Beaut [from beau beautiful from L bellus] f 1. beauty; 2. beautifulness of a woman; 3. a beautiful woman. See femme. Bcot [from bec beak] m fam. kiss. Bcoter [from bcot] vr fam. to kiss. See embrasser. Beur, beurette mf French citizen of Arabic origin. See Arabe. Bicot mf slang. Arab. See Arabe. Bigornette f 1. a fight; 2. slang cocaine / horse. Prendre de la bigornette.

Biroute [origin unkn.] f arg. penis. See pnis. Bise [from baiser] f fam. kiss. Bisou [from baiser] m fam. kiss. Bistouquette f fam. penis. See pnis. Bite (bitte) [from Norm. bitter to close, from ON bita to byte] f slang cock, prick.
See pnis. Bloblos [from children's language lolo milk, lolos tits] fpl vulg. large, fat, drooping boobs. Songwriter Serge Gainsbourg made ample use of "les lolos de Lola" in his songs about dreamgirl Lola Rastaquoure. See sein. Bordel [from borde hut, of Gmc origin; akin to OE bord board] m 1. brothel, esp. in putain de bordel. 2. chaos, shit. Bosser [from bosse boss, protuberant part of the body] vt to work. Very commonly used expression referring to working at one's job. Boudin m 1. blood sausage; 2. techn. spiral; 3. fam. pejor. a slim woman; see more at femme. Boudin adj 1. filled over. 2. fam. pissed, drunk. Bougnoule mf slang. Arab. See Arabe. Bourr, e adj 1. filled over. 2. fam. pissed, drunk. Braquemart [Dutch breecmes] m 1. spade. 2. fam. penis. See pnis. Branlage [from branler to shake] m wanking, masturbation. See masturbation.

Branler (se) [contracted form of brandeler, from brandir to brandish, from brand
sword, of Gmc origin] vr to wobble oneself = to wank, masturbate. See se masturber. Branlette f a wank, an act of masturbation. See masturbation. Branleur, -euse mf wanker, insignificant or stupid person (mildly offensive). Bringue f : in the expresion grande bringue a tall and slim girl. See more at femme. Buste [from It busto from L bustum tomb] m 1. a sculptured representation of the upper part of the human figure; 2. the upper part of the human torso between neck and waist; especially the breasts of a woman. See sein. Caca [childrens' language; from L cacre to shit] m poo, doo-doo. Used in some non-slang expressions, as: caca d'oie a type of green.

Cailler [L coagulare to curdle] vt to be cold.

a caille! It's cold, or it's freezing! Putain, je me caille! Shit, I'm cold!

a-va a-vient m fam. sexual intercourse (lit. "it goes, it comes"). See
accouplement. Charbon [L carbo ember, charcoal] m coal. Aller au charbon. 1. to go to the coal, i.e. to go underground to mine coal or go to the cellar to bring some for the stoves. 2. polit. slang to go down to the level of the "coal-people" (i.e. common people). This old expression was introduced in the political slang by Raymond Barre, former French prime minister, who was considered technocrate and was pushed in the politics when president Giscard d'Estaing forced him to be a candidate in a district of Lyons -- a town where he became an essentially absentee mayor a few years later...

Chatte [L cattus cat] f 1. she-cat. 2. vulg pussy, cunt. See vulve. Chauve col roul (noun phrase) m The bald one with a turtleneck = the penis.
As the French males are usually uncircumcized, the analogy is obvious between the uncapped penile head with the folds of the foreskin pulled back under the tip, and a bald man wearing a turtleneck. See pnis. Cheval [L cabalum horse] m 1. horse; 2. fam. pej. tall and slim woman or girl. See femme, fille. Chiasse (from chier) f 1. excrement of an insect. 2. vulg. the runs, the trots, diarrhoea. Chier (Sp cagar, from L cacre to shit) vi to shit. faire chier to make someone puke.

Chinois m the Chinaman = a penis. This metaphore is based on the fact that the
opening at the tip is somewhat more like a slit than an actual hole. See pnis. se polir le Chinois to polish the Chinaman = to masturbate. See se masturber.

Chiottes (from chier) fpl the bog (UK), the can (US). Cigare m 1. cigar; 2. vulg dick. See pnis.
couper le cigare slang to circumcize. fumer le cigare slang to give a blowjob. See turlute. avaler la fume slang to swallow the smoke (i.e. the semen). See foutre.

Cirer [from cire wax] vt to shine (shoes, floors). This common verb that was used
in a cryptic way by the first female prime minister of France, Mme Edith Cresson, when she answered during a scrum: La bourse, j'en ai rien cirer. The stock exchange, I don't have any use for it.

Clito [abbr. form of clitoris] f fam. clit. The complete form clitoris is used only in
the medical journals. descendre la cave to go down into the basement = to perform cunnilingus.

Cocotte [from coco egg in the childrens'language, cf. coq cock] f 1. child. lang.
hen; 2. vulg. prostitute, whore, cocotte; see more at prostitue. Cocu [var. of coucou cuckoo] m cuckold. Cot (pronounced [koit]) [L coitus, from co- together and ire to come] m form. sexual intercourse, coitus. See accouplement. Con [L cunnus cunt] f vulg. cunt. See vulve. Con, conne n vulg. cunt, bastard. Insult for both sexes. Connard, connardee n vulg. cunt, bastard. Insult for both sexes. Connasse [from con] f cunt, bitch. Insult towards a woman only. Copulation [L copulatio] f form. sexual intercourse, coitus. See accouplement. Couilles [L culleus from Gk] mpl vulg. balls, bollocks. See testicule. Courtisane [It cortigiana woman courtier, fem. of cortigiano courtier, from corte court, from L cohors : cohortis] f a prostitute with a courtly, wealthy, or upper-class clientele. See prostitue. Cramouille [from mouiller to wet from L mollis soft, mild] f vulg female genitalia. Commonly used and slightly unpleasant noun. See vulve. Cresson [Frk *kresso] m 1. watercress; 2. vulg. the haired area around the female genitalia. See vulve.

brouter le cresson to graze the watercress = to perform cunnilingus.

Cul [L culus] m arse (Am ass), bottom. Not as strong as in English as this word is
also used non-offensively to mean the bottom of an object. See enculer. clair comme dans le cul d'un ngre clear as in a negro's ass. trou du cul (abbrev. trou duc') asshole.Used for a (male) person tat is considered ridiculous or stupid.

Dans les vignes du Seigneur. In the vines of the Lord = to be drunk. Dbander v 1. to become limp; 2. slang to chicken out. See bander.
Alors, mec, tu dbandes? Are you chicken?

Dconner vi to trick, to jerk around. Commonly used.

Sans dconner! No kidding! No shit!

De merde [from merde] excl. bloody, fucking. Used after a noun as an

intensifier, cf.: Putain de merde! Fucking hell!

Demi-mondaine [from demi-monde] f a woman of the demimonde. See


Demi-monde [from demi- half- and monde world, from L mundus] m 1. a class
of women on the fringes of respectable society supported by wealthy lovers; 2. prostitutes. See prostitue.

Doudounes [of creole origin] fpl tits. Not offensive. See sein. Drague f 1. dredge; 2. colloq. looking for sex partners; 3. gay slang cruising.
Faire la drague go looking for sex partners. Used exclusively by gay men, not by straight men looking for women.

chalas [from Gk charax pillar] m 1. pillar; 2. fam. tall and slim woman or man
out. See femme, homme. Embrasser [from en- in and bras hand] vt 1. to clasp in the arms; 2. form. kiss; see baiser, bcoter, sucer; 3. to adopt, embrace. Emmerdant [from merde shit] adj intensely annoying. Que tu es emmerdant! You really piss me off!

Encul [ppp of enculer] m bastard, cunt. Insult used towards a man. Enculer [from en- in and cul arse] vt to perfrorm anal sex, bugger. Cf. foutre.
Va t'faire enculer chez les Grecs! Go get fucked up the ass by the Greeks! The ancient Greeks were renowned for their appreciation of the homosexual relationships.

Enfoir m bastard, shit. Same sense as encul. Enlve ta croute que je swingue dans l'pus. Take your scab out, I'll fuck in
the pus. Very vulgar expression, used sometimes as a comic sentence said to a girl from a man (or a lesbian). tron m turd. Used in the literal sense of a piece of faeces. Femme [L femina woman] f woman. See also beaut, boudin, cheval, cotillons, dragon, chalas, gendarme, grande bringue, grande perche, greluche, grognasse, jupons, meuf, nana, nnette, ptasse, pouffiasse, pin-up, poupe, rombire, souris, tonneau, vache. femme de mauvaise vie (de mauvaise murs) a woman of bad life (bad customs) = prostitute; see more at prostitue. femme galante a gallant woman = prostitute; see more at prostitue. femme publique a public woman = prostitute; see more at prostitue.

Fille [L filia daughter] f 1. girl, daughter (usually with determiners or some other
descriptive word as in ma fille my daughter or une jeune fille a young girl); 2. prostitute. See prostitue. fille de joie a girl for joy = prostitute; see more at prostitue. fille de mauvaise vie (de mauvaise murs) a girl of bad life (bad customs) = prostitute; see more at prostitue. fille publique a public girl = prostitute; see more at prostitue.

Fils (pronounced [fis]) [from L filius son] m son.

Fils de pute / putain m son of a bitch. See pute.

Flic [from G Fliege fly] m police constable, cop. Fou (fol), folle [from LL follis, from L, bellows, bag] adj mad.
Folle [fem. form of fou mad] f 1. madwoman 2. slang "queen" = a gay man (especially one who is effeminate). See homosexuel. Grande folle f drag queen. See homosexuel.

Foutoir [from foutre] m fam. great disorder, bordel. Foutre [L futuere] vt 1. old to fuck. Rarely used except in Va te faire foutre! The
preferred slang word is baiser. See also enfiler, niquer, ramoner, tringler. Cf.

enculer. See also faire, ficher, pntrer, posseder. 2. colloq. to bugger up, to screw up; to ruin, to spoil. On est foutu! We're done for! We're finished! La voiture est foutue. The car is knackered/buggered/fucked (US) (i.e. beyond repair). See the conjugation of the verb. Va te faire foutre! Go and get fucked! = Fuck off!

Foutre [substantivated of the former] m sperm, "cum". Gay slang for shooting
cum on someone during sex. Donne-moi ton foutre. Give me your cum. Je veux lcher ton foutre. I want to swallow your cum.

Gerber [from gerbe sheaf from Frk *garba] vt 1. to put in sheaves; 2. to puke,
barf, hurl. Gigolo [from gigolette skilful and malign girl, from gigue leg] m 1. a man supported by a woman usu. in return for his attentions; 2. a professional dancing partner or male escort. Gode (godemichet) m dildo. Gouine [fem. of goujat boy, from Jewish goja Christian servant, from goy nonJewish] f 1. old. prostitute; 2. colloq. dyke; lesbian. Gourgandine [from gouret dirty child and Gand former avenue in Paris] f fam. slut, whore. See prostitue. Greluche [from grle from L gracilis slender, slim] f slang woman. See more at femme. Greluchon m slang gigolo. Grognasse [from grogner to grumble from L grunnire] f slang fat disagreable woman. Not very nice, but in France, it should not be enough for receiving a slap. See more at femme. Grue [L grus] f 1. crane; 2. colloq. prostitute. See prostitue. Gueule [L gula throat, neck, gullet] f 1. animal mouth; 2. pej. mouth, face. casser la gueule quelqu'un to break someone's face = to beat the shit out of someone.

Homosexuel, -elle [from Gk homo- similar and sexuel sexual] mf homosexual.

For male homosexual see also gay, homophile, pdraste; fam. and pej. encul, folle, grande folle, homo, lope, lopette, pdale, pd, pousse-crotte, serin, tante, tapette, trick. For male homosexual dressed as woman see travesti; fam. travelo. See also inverti, sodomite. For female homosexual see lesbienne; litter. gomorrhenne, tribade; fam. and pej. gouine. Jouir [L gaudere to be glad] vi 1. to rejoice; 2. colloq. to come (in the sexual sense).

Keuf m urban slang cop. Langage [from langue] m language, speech.

langage de charretier a cart-driver's speech = rude and indecent speech.

Langue [from L lingua tongue, language] f 1. tongue; 2. language.

langue de poissonire a female fishmonger's speech = rude and indecent speech.

Livrer aux chiens to throw to the dogs. MALPT! [acronym for Merde A La Puissance Treize! Shit to the thirteenth
power. (Origin unknown.)] (expletive) Used as a friendly term to wish someone tremendous good luck. Maquereau m 1. mackerel (fish); 2. slang. pimp. See proxnte. Maquerelle (mre maquerelle) [from maquereau] f female pimp. Masturbation [L masturbatio] masturbation. See auto-gratification, branlage, branlette. Masturber (se) [L masturbari] vr to masturbate. See se branler, se palucher, se polir le Chinois. Mec [origin unknown] m fam. guy, dude, bloke. Melon [L melo, melonis from Gk melopepon melon] m 1. melon; 2. slang. Arab. See Arabe. Menstruation [from L menstruus monthly from mensis month] f menstruation. The idea is expressed by a variety of euphemisms: Les Anglais ont dbarqu. The English have landed. Ma tante Rose a dbarqu. Aunt Rosie's arrived. J'ai mes ours. I've got my bears. Je suis indispose. I'm sick.

Merde [L merda] f shit. Merdeux, euse adj. crap(py), shit(ty). Mre [L mater mother] f mother.
Ta mre! shorten for Nique ta mre. La putain de ta mre... Your mother is a whore. See putain, fils de pute.

Merlan [mariners' slang] m hairdresser. Meuf [reversed form of femme woman] f woman. See femme. Morue [probably of Celtic origin] f 1. cod; 2. vulg. a low-level whore. Mouffi (Moufflarge) m "real fucking dick", "son of a bitch". Mouiller vi to get wet.

Elle mouille. She's getting wet. See cramouille.

Moule [from L modulus mold] f 1. mold; 2. colloq. vulva. Commonly used. See

Mnage trois m threesome This term enjoys very popular usage in the States. Nana [from Anna] f 1. lover, mistress; 2. colloq. woman. Commonly used. See
more at femme. Nns mpl tits. See sein. Nnette [dimin. from nns] f colloq. woman. See more at femme. Nichons [from nicher to make a nest] mpl tits. See sein. Niquer vt vulg. to fuck. See foutre. Nique ta mre! Fuck your mother! Very common in the suburbs, especially among migrant population.

Noune f colloq. vagina, female genitalia. Used in a normal non formal

conversation. See vulve. Oignon (pronounced [ See cul. ]) [L unio onion] m 1. onion; 2. slang. ass, asshole.

Lui carrer dans l'oignon = to shove it in his / her asshole.

Orpheline [from L orphanus from Gk] f 1. orphan; 2. pl slang testicles. See

testicules. les deux orphelines the two orphans = testicles.

Paluche [from pale from L pala spade] f fam. hand. Palucher, se [from paluche hand] vr colloq. to give yourself a hand job. See se
masturber. Papa [from Gk] m dad.

Parachuter un Senegalais to parachute a Senegalese = to take a dump, crap,

shit. Local slang used in Bretanny. Pdale [from L pes, pedis foot] f 1. pedal; 2. slang. queer, poof. See pd. Pd [shortened from pdraste] m homosexual (applied to men only). Very common use. Pdraste [L paederasta from Gk paiderstes lover of boys, from pas : paids boy and erstes lover] m pederast, male homosexual. See more at homosexuel. Pnis [L penis tail] m penis. See biroute, bitte, bistouquette, braquemart, chauve col roul, chinois, cigare, pnis, pine, popaul (popol), ququette, queue, service trois pices, sexe, verge, veuve, la veuve et les deux orphelines, vit, zizi, zob. Perche [L pertica pole] f perch. grande perche a slim and tall girl or woman. See more at femme.

Pripatticienne [from Gk peripatetiks from peripaten to walk up and down,

discourse while pacing (as did Aristotle)] f 1. (as adj.) Aristotelian; of, relating to, or given to walking; moving or traveling from place to place; 2. fam. slut, whore. See prostitue.

Ptasse f slang woman. See more at femme. Pter [from L pedere to fart] vi 1. to fart; 2. to explode.
Pter plus haut que [son] cul to fart higher than [one's] asshole = to have an inflated opinion of oneself.

Ptesec [from pter to fart and sec dry] mf fam. authoritarian and boring person. Pine [origin uncertain] f vulg. penis. See pnis. Pipe [VL *pipa pipe, from L pipre to peep, of imit. origin] f 1. pipe; 2. slang
blowjob. See also turlute. Faire une pipe. To give a blowjob.

Pipi [imitative] m act of pissing.

Faire pipi to do/have a wee(-wee)/pee.

Pisser (L pissiare) colloq. to pee, to piss. Not offensive, used in a lot of situations:
Son nez pisse du sang. Blood is pouring from his/her nose.

Poilu [from poil from L pila hair] adj / nm 1. hairy, shaggy; 2. vulg. a man who is
a stud, a real hunk; 3. gay slang man with hairy chest or with moustaches or beard. Polichinelle m 1. puppet; 2. slang. kid. Elle a un polichinelle dans le tiroir. She's got a duck in the oven = she's pregnant.

Popaul (popol) m colloq. dick. See pnis.

Emmener Popaul (Popol) au cirque to take Joe Blow to the circus.

Pouffiasse [from pouf a bouffant or fluffy part of a garment or accessory] f slang

(very rude) woman; bitch, whore. See more at femme. Poule [from L pulla young hen] f 1. hen; 2. fam. slut, whore. See prostitue. Poulet m 1. chicken; 2. cop.

Poupe [dimin. from L pupa doll] f 1. puppet; 2. colloq. fam. young girl or woman
as an object of sexual desire. See more at femme. Pousse-crotte m push-shit = homosexual (for men only). See homosexuel. Professionnelle [from L professio calling, vocation] f 1. professionalist; 2. fam. prostitute. See prostitue. Prostitue [L prostituta prostitute] f prostitute. See also cocotte, courtisane, demimondaine, demi-monde, femme de mauvaise vie (de mauvaise murs), femme galante, femme publique, fille, fille de joie, fille de mauvaise vie (de mauvaise murs), fille publique, gouine, gourgandine, grue, morue, pripatticienne, poule, professionnelle, putain, pute. Proxnte [from Gk] m pimp. Official term, used by the cops and the courts. See maquereau. Putain [from pute] f 1. whore, tart, hooker; 2. vulg. woman (derogatory); 3. interj. bloody hell! fucking hell!: cette putain de machine this fucking machine. Pute [from L putidus rotten, stinking] f 1. whore, bitch, cowtart, hooker; 2. vulg. woman (derogatory). Ququette f fam. penis of a very young boy. Cf. zizi. See more at pnis. Queue [L cauda tail] f 1. tail; 2. prick, cock. Cf. pnis. Quiquette f variant of ququette. Ramoner vt 1. to sweep the chimney; 2. vulg. to fuck. En avant, Simone, c'est moi qui ramone! Let's go!

Raton [augm. of rat rat, from L rattus] m 1. big rat; 2. slang. Arab. See Arabe. Roberts mpl tits. See sein. Salaud, -e mf a worthless person, trash. Salop, -e mf a worthless person, trash. Sein [L sinus curved surface, bosom] m 1. female chest; 2. pl tits. See balcon,
bloblos, buste, doudounes, gorge, nns, nichons, poitrine, roberts, ttons, vache. Serin m gay, queer. See homosexuel. Service trois pices [allusion] nphr the prick and its two balls. See pnis. Sexe [L sexus sex, gender] m 1. sex, gender; 2. sexual organs (male or female); see more at pnis and vulve; 3. sexual intercourse; see more at accouplement. Souris [L sorix mouse] f 1. mouse; 2. colloq. fam. young girl or woman as an object of sexual desire. See more at femme. Sucer [from L sugere to suck] vt to suck. se sucer la pomme (la poire) fam. to kiss. See embrasser.

Tante [from OF ante, from L amita aunt] f 1. aunt; 2. slang. queen, gay man. See
homosexuel. Tapette [from taper to strike, beat, type] f passive male homosexual. See homosexuel.

Testicule [L testiculus, dim. of testis witness, testis] m testicle. See couilles,

orpheline. Teuf [reversed from fte feast] f fam. party. Tirer [from L trahere] vt to pull, shoot. se tirer la queue to pull on your putz. tirer un coup to shoot their load, usually in an amorous battle on female battlegrounds. tirer sa crampe to "shoot" to end one's penile cramps = to ejaculate. un champ de tir shooting gallery = bedroom. A pregnant unmarried lady could express her feelings in a way like this: Oh, vous, les mecs, vous tirez votre coup, et vous vous foutez du reste You guys only want to shoot your wad and don't care about the consequences.

Tonneau [augmentative from L tunna tun] m 1. tun; 2. a fat woman; see more at
femme. Trick [from EAm trick] m a man with whom a gay man has had sex. See homosexuel. Tringle [from Dutch tingel] f 1. rod; 2. hard-on, erection. avoir la tringle to have a hard-on.

Tringler [from tringle] vt to fuck. See foutre. Trique f 1. boner; 2. slang fuck.
avoir la trique to be horny as hell.

Turlute f blowjob. See pipe. Vache [L vacca cow] f 1. cow; 2. vulg. woman of large breast. See sein. Verge [L virga twig, rod] f 1. twig; 2. penis. See pnis. Veuve [L vidua widow] f 1. widow; 2. slang a dick reduced to being wanked.
La veuve et les deux orphelines [allusion] nphr the prick and its two balls. See pnis.

Viande a pneus (drivers' expression) meat for tires = pedestrian. Vit [L vectis lever, bar] m old. lit. penis. See pnis. Vulve [L vulva from volvere to roll] f vulva. See chatte, con, cramouille, cresson,
moule, noune, sexe. Zizi [alteration of oiseau bird] m 1. fam. penis. Cf. ququette. See more at pnis. 2. ext. female genitalia. See vulve. Zob [from Ar. zobb] m vulg. penis. See pnis.

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