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Installing Virtual PC (e.g. Oracle VM ) a. Configuring virtual box of Oracle VM 1. 2. 3. b. c. Name - e.g. elastics 2.2 System - Linux Version - Other Linux

Memory 512 Mb (384 MB+) Virtual HDD 1. 2. tick boot hard disc (usually remains selected) create new hard

d. VID) e. f. g.

virtual disc creation wizerd 1. file type....VHD (if instl for 1st time, otherwise select

virtual disc storage detail...dynamically allocated virtual disc file location and size.....keep default 8 gb summary....create (2 times)

................installation of virtual pc virtual disc is to be instl.... 2. 3. go to settings of VB manager go to side menu storage a. b. master go to empty sub manu in attributes sub drive choose IDE secondary

c. click on the disc sign beside IDE seconday master(set up virtual cd/dvd drive) d. it....ok select choose a virtual cd/dvd disc file....brouse and select Elastix-2.0.3-i386-bin-15Nov2010 from thefile where u kept

............... 4. 5. in VB manager main page click start...a message will come click ok.... press ener for graphical mode....give ok for mouse pinter direction a. b. c. d. layout e. f. partitioning....device..VGvolgroup00....size...8064M....type...volgroup....ok g. h. space) j k. l. m. n. p. 6. 7. eth0 as netwk interface....yes netwk config for enable ipv4 (select by pressing ipv4 config for DHCP....ok hostname seletion...automatically via dhcp...ok time zone selection...selct dhk...ok root password.....123456 please enter your mysql password...123456 please enter your admin password...admin language...english...ok keyboard warning for initialization....ok partition type...use free space on selected drive and create default review and modify partioning layout....yes

localhost login.....root, if password is asked.....123456 now we need to create network for that a. b. c. in [root@localhost ]# .....system-config-network select action....edit device....enter select eth0- advanced micro....(1st line, not save or cancel) and


d. give

devernet configuration....remove dhcp(if selected previously) and static ip and quit

e. f. g. 8.

in [root@localhost ]# .....ifconfig in [root@localhost ]# .....service network restart in [root@localhost ]# .....ifconfig

minimize command window....go to VB a. attached to bridged adapter....promescous mode....allow all...ok


go to command prompt....poweroff...enter

10. start command window again from VB manger main page start button...login again like earlier 11. chnange network ip of the pc from my net properties ....wireless to than earlier), delete default gateway 12. now ping from comd window to to stop

(at VB manager hostonly adapter, go to my netwk places... virtual host only netwk...give ipv4 to VB to succesful then from exploer window we can now enter to and set up server config) -----------------------------------------------------5/4/12----------------------virtual box and ip configuratio


connect to a LAN (army WAN)...

2. open VB attached to...bridged to ethernet network card.

3. 4. 5. to

give IP of WAN ping each other to see if it works. start elastics and login. system-config-network+enter edit device....enter...eth0....enter...change static ip to

6. 7.

service network restart + enter ping others to check if Virtual network is

asterisk(linux+elastics) configuration 1. open a brouser and ping to own server ( on continue to this website. 2. login by giving username and password as admin. here we'll config trunk, route etc. 3. go to PBX a. go to extension (autmatically this option comes) (1) device .... generic sip devie....for ip phn con (soft int phn) (2) submit (3) user extension 4000 and display name 4000 and secret 4000sip (4) submit + apply config changes here (5) similarly add another sip ext as 4001 (6) similarly add two iax extension by choosing device as generic iax2 device and than following the same procedure as for sip extension. 4002 and 4003.

(7) now to test our PBX server let us call from one ext to another. for that we need to install Zoiper soft. (8) run zoiper... go to option... add new sip (9) domain.... ip)user name.....4000...password....4000sip.. apply and ok. (10) similarly add another sip account 4001. dial 4001 from 4000. (11) test.... b. trunk estb.... (1) go to PBX ....trunks...add sip trunk (2) trunk description.....dhk (own virtual ip) or own loc dhk or ctg pbx

(3) dial rules X. or anything else according to preferance. (4) trunk name dhk or loc name. (5) peer details host= (server ip of liberia) username=5000 (any ext no of lib, it must b registered in soft phn of dhk) secret=5000sip (password of lib ext) type=peer qualify=yes (6) register string 5000:5000sip@ (lib ext no: lib ext passwd@lib virtual server ip)

(7) submit and apply changes here. if CID no is asked continue without changes. user details left blank...if comes give ok. c. outbound route config (1) route name 221 (2) dial pattern X. (3) trunk sequence sip/dhk....submit changes and apply config changes here. (4) now open trunk and outbound routes and delete default trunks and routes and apply changes. d. codec download (1) open pdf file page 199 and see which codec need min BW. (2) now go to page 200 and use the internet add to d/l required codec.before d/l to see asterisk version type asterisk -r in elastics. than type core show version. this shows asterisk version 1.6.2(first three digits). type ctrl+c or quit to get out of asterisks. ()

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